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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I hope to be able to go to the real gym tonight. This is my plan if I make it.

Warm up chin ups 8 reps, dips 25 reps, maybe some pushups as well.

Bench Press. Each set is 8 reps.
Start out with 135lbs on one set.
three more sets at 160 .

barbell curls
60 or 70 lbs if I can handle it. Goal is 4 sets, 8 reps each.

Cable Tricep Pull down.
60 or 70 lbs if I can handle it, 4 sets, 8 reps each.

db should press
30 lbs on each db, 4 sets, 8 reps.

Lat pull down
100 lbs, 4 sets, 8 reps.

Then a 2 mile run.

This is basically everything I do but with more weight, less reps when ever I go to my real gym which is twice a week. I don't do squats with weights but I do squat at home on other days. Don't like the deadlift due to back issues and lack of space.



BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Looked pretty good, but it's hard to tell if the bar was in contact with your shins the entire time and your shoulders are WAY out infront of the bar from the look of it.

Yeah, bar was definitely in contact with shins. Is the shoulder thing bad. What would I have to change so that they're more in line with the bar?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah, bar was definitely in contact with shins. Is the shoulder thing bad. What would I have to change so that they're more in line with the bar?

If the bar is in contact the whole time it's not a big deal. The issue is the weight is so light you're not really gonna see any issues. If that felt fine stick with it, I didn't see any glaring issues and your back looked good.
Turns out mono and an abscess on my tonsil are not conducive to lifting :( probably have to take another week off after I get out of the hospital, which means 4 weeks or so total...

Not entirely sure where I'm going to start the long road back to my gains.

You can limit the damage by getting sufficient protein during the recovery, treat it like a PSMF without lifting (I'm using Lyle's rapid fat loss handbook). Obviously you're gonna lose some muscle being on bedrest for a month but if you get your essential fatty acids (e.g. fish oils), vitamins & minerals and at least the usual 1g/lb you'll be in better shape when you come back. Consider it a very brutal cut :p Hope you get well soon.

My own RFL PSMF is going along, today is upper day which is easier (squats & deads are brutal on this diet). 165 this morning and that was pre-dump. Cannot wait to get the trek to 10% over with, get on that cruise, and finally start bulking in 2014.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Healthy Diets for the Poor thread is a lot of fun.

J. Bravo

i had mono really bad in college and was in the hospital for 2 or 3 days. it was so bad i could barely breath and couldn't swallow anything when i went in. shit was awful, hope you get better soon man. i definitely welted away pounds, my throat hurt soooo much swallowing just air yet alone food

That sucks. I had mono at the ripe old age of 29 and got lucky because I had just left my job and was taking 2 months off prior to grad school. I was on the couch for at least a month resting. No hospital time, though.

You can limit the damage by getting sufficient protein during the recovery, treat it like a PSMF without lifting (I'm using Lyle's rapid fat loss handbook). Obviously you're gonna lose some muscle being on bedrest for a month but if you get your essential fatty acids (e.g. fish oils), vitamins & minerals and at least the usual 1g/lb you'll be in better shape when you come back. Consider it a very brutal cut :p Hope you get well soon.

My own RFL PSMF is going along, today is upper day which is easier (squats & deads are brutal on this diet). 165 this morning and that was pre-dump. Cannot wait to get the trek to 10% over with, get on that cruise, and finally start bulking in 2014.
They told me 8 more weeks with no hard physical activity ie contact sports. Don't want my potentially enlarged spleen to rupture haha. I'll probably see where I am in a week or 2 in regards to energy and the gym and go from there.

What really sucks about this cut is that I've already lost 6 pounds - down to 169 yesterday. Hopefully I'll get that back quickly now that I can actually swallow solid food again. In the meantime, I'll be clicking lots of golden cookies and playing lots of terraria.


I feel like shit (extremely exhausted) and i'm about to go to the gym, hope to lift some more on the bench, it's been a month already since i restarted and i still can't lift shit. Going for 177 pounds lift, if no one hear anything i've probably died under the bar and this is my last message.
I'd like to get back to 200 lbs before december, i feel so bad having lost 20 kg of lifting power in just 1 month, but it's probably impossible.
Never hurts to throw those on imho. It depends on how spent you are and recovering with SS, but if you can do high volume vanity curls, do em. same with dips. I do curls after every workout because I'm vain.

Awesome, recovery is never a problem for me anymore. Can you give me some programming advice on that stuff, though? I never settle on anything, so it never feels like I'm really getting anywhere.

I could also use some advice regarding the row substitution in SS--it's the only workout I do that feels wrong. I rarely get anything from doing it.


Ok powering through a combined bench and squat day. Just need to finish up these snatch grip DLs.

Bench went really well. 6 reps on my 1s week at 190 (a new rep pr)

Squats looked great


Did 3x5 at 175. Slowing working my way back up.

Ok enough rest. Gonna bang out this last snatch grip set and do a few isolation movements and call it a day. I'm beat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Awesome, recovery is never a problem for me anymore. Can you give me some programming advice on that stuff, though? I never settle on anything, so it never feels like I'm really getting anywhere.

I could also use some advice regarding the row substitution in SS--it's the only workout I do that feels wrong. I rarely get anything from doing it.

I might be corrected on this (and I hope I am because I'd like to hear that there's a better program for curlbrahs) but I just do 5 sets of 20 reps, lower weight. Sets my shit on fire to an almost-painful point. I still have the strength to go higher, but I literally cannot or else MY BICEPS WILL IGNITE.

I used to go for heavier weights and the numbers still go up there, but I'm battling my want for getting higher numbers against the swole-lookin babby weights.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Did 3x5 at 175. Slowing working my way back up.

Ok enough rest. Gonna bang out this last snatch grip set and do a few isolation movements and call it a day. I'm beat.
great form. you were still above the catch bars there? I love them for not needing a spotter, but I usually can't go all the way down when squatting in a rack like that before hitting the bars.

also kudos on your flexibility.. both your back and your ankles (especially barefoot/no heels)


great form. you were still above the catch bars there? I love them for not needing a spotter, but I usually can't go all the way down when squatting in a rack like that before hitting the bars.
I hate those sort of squat racks because the catch bars can't be adjusted. Sean looks like he's at the right build where he can hit parallel without smacking the catch bars, but I wasn't able to get away with that. The squat rack at my last gym kept me just above parallel, which is why I always tried my hardest to get into the lone power cage situated next to it.


Neo Member
After 6 ½ months of Starting Strength, my lifts are as follows:

25 years old
5'8'', went from 148 to 162 lbs

- Squat: 3 x 5 @ 240
- Deadlift: 1 x 5 @ 265
- Press: 3 x 5 @ 125
- Bench Press: 3 x 5 @ 185
(for the Clean, I just recently started, very fun, I may post a form check video soon)

Every workout is a drag now (I get up five pounds and it takes me 2 or 3 attempts to succeed for 3 series of 5), and I've pretty much stalled in all of those lifts except the deadlift. My lower back is also frequently shot after my lifting days.

Do you guys think I should switch to 5/3/1?


I've basically only used barbells on my main lifts. Latel y I've been using DB's on assistance bench if I'm doing it. But yeah, I haven't really done DB bench.

I've been thinking about using DB's on depletion days since it's such a hassle to load/unload the barbell. And we don't have machines for that. Anyone have experience on UD 2.0 and using DB's?

I use BB on my depletion days and DBs on tension/power days, sometimes I'll throw in BB on incline though.


Did GNC finally kill those $10 off $20 coupons? The link I had saved for the October coupon isn't working.

Edit: Nevermind, I see a new link on the previous page. I wonder if GNC is going to stop redeeming them though since they removed off of their website.


I'm stil alive, and i couldn't bench as i tried to, but least now i feel awesome because i trained much better than i'd expect to considering i felt like a rug today.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
After 6 ½ months of Starting Strength, my lifts are as follows:

25 years old
5'8'', went from 148 to 162 lbs

- Squat: 3 x 5 @ 240
- Deadlift: 1 x 5 @ 265
- Press: 3 x 5 @ 125
- Bench Press: 3 x 5 @ 185
(for the Clean, I just recently started, very fun, I may post a form check video soon)

Every workout is a drag now (I get up five pounds and it takes me 2 or 3 attempts to succeed for 3 series of 5), and I've pretty much stalled in all of those lifts except the deadlift. My lower back is also frequently shot after my lifting days.

Do you guys think I should switch to 5/3/1?

It's time!


great form. you were still above the catch bars there? I love them for not needing a spotter, but I usually can't go all the way down when squatting in a rack like that before hitting the bars.

also kudos on your flexibility.. both your back and your ankles (especially barefoot/no heels)

Thanks. I'm still working on it. I have some slight butt wink but no herniated disk pain.

I won't be satisfied until I get back to 315 :(


Did GNC finally kill those $10 off $20 coupons? The link I had saved for the October coupon isn't working.

Edit: Nevermind, I see a new link on the previous page. I wonder if GNC is going to stop redeeming them though since they removed off of their website.

My local stores stopped accepting them last month :(


Been a month since I reset my main lifts and am still progressing in small increments each week. It's nice to see week to week progress.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
531 has been wonderful for me. Feels like the first time I started lifting as far as it being interesting and more fun. On A days I end up going home feeling like I'm wearing a coat of blown out muscles. B days, I sweat my way through all my clothes. Something exciting every time!


Incredibly Naive
What's up guys! SS has me up to 120 3x5 shoulder press
and 150 3x5 incline press! Thanks again for all the help!

My cleans have progressed big time, but I noticed I'm lifting my heels when I clean from hang... is this ok?


My local stores stopped accepting them last month :(

One of my stores called me out a couple months back so I've stopped abusing them super hard and I've been cycling through all of my local stores as much as possible so the same people don't see me every week. It's goin ok so far.


Incredibly Naive
I just used 1 yesterday. My store thinks they're from emails.

I went there to get protein, but damn they're so expensive... is the price hike really worth it? You can get Body Fortress, Mypolex, or Pure protein at target/walmart for 15-20 dollars, which is less than the price you pay with the coupon even at GNC for their brands. OP says protein is protein.

Nelo Ice

I went there to get protein, but damn they're so expensive... is the price hike really worth it? You can get Body Fortress, Mypolex, or Pure protein at target/walmart for 15-20 dollars, which is less than the price you pay with the coupon even at GNC for their brands. OP says protein is protein.
Like most of fitgaf, I've only used the coupon on quest bars.


Incredibly Naive
Like most of fitgaf, I've only used the coupon on quest bars.

Aww alrighty. I usually avoid that store as they try to shove all sorts of snake oil into your hands when you step through the door, not to mention the prices. I finally went in there for the first time in forever with this coupon equipped with a better understanding of supplements, and I felt worse than ever about the store.


My carb up can't get here soon enough, found myself looking at Kashi waffles last night as though it were porn.

Been thinking about bagels, waffles, mini-wheats and spaghetti all day.


Is it normal to not have strength gains when cutting? I have been stuck the same bench and OHP forever. Any tips on getting push exercises up?
8 Lbs away from the 200lb mark(bulking). To think three years ago I was 149lbs (6ft). Just found out about this thread...don't really visit community section much, ha.

I'm trying to get maybe 210lb or 205lb without putting on much more body fat then I have now by May or June of next year and then cutting all the way down to 185~ or so. This is the first time I've spent this long bulking. Started in February of this year at 165. Been really trying to put some size on. Will post some progress pictures maybe sometime down the road.

anyway, subscribed to the thread and will always be willing to help people out with questions or will be posting more regularly in the thread.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really hope my lifts go up when I bulk. It is depressing not pushing decent weight on my favorite exercises.

Feed the beast and your lifts will go far, every time you go to the gym you'll be


If you don't mind me asking, how many years did it take you guys to bench 225 and OHP 135 pounds?

I still can't bench 225 (well according to a strength calculator I can now, but who knows. Just staying the path of 5/3/1).

OHP at around the 1 year mark.

Everyone is different though.


Well, I've been out of the gym almost three months now, the sports physician said I had costochondritis, basically a separation of the cartilage from the sternum (thankfully, it was only two of the eight tendons). This was caused by dips, I went down to low and felt a tear in my sternum. Mostly just posting to others to be careful with their dips. If you feel your chest pulling a lot, think about laying off the dips for a while. Its starting to feel some better, maybe be back at it in a month or two. This has been extremely unpleasant as it doesn't hurt a lot but it has really set my gains back!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you don't mind me asking, how many years did it take you guys to bench 225 and OHP 135 pounds?
Not sure about OHP but I got 285 up on bench when I was 16 years old. I started at 13 so I'm guessing it took me 1 or 2 years to get 225 up.


the piano man
so, I was forced to miss the gym for a week: travel, piano recitals, stress and a bit of sickness. S

On my way back to my city, I think I caught something, cause I felt a bit sick, very weak and sneezing a lot. today I felt like the sickness was over so I went to the gym, I was supposed to continue where I left with shoulder, I had my numbers from last time which was something like 10 days ago.....

I've never felt so weak in the whole year I've been lifting, everything failed, it's like I took several steps back and had to lift numbers I was doing 2 months ago..., I hope this is still the illness playing a big part on it because otherwise, I'll never miss a week again, ever.

Gains are there but my strength nosedived and my muscles felt like dormant, fuck weeks off.

I am going to eat and sleep like crazy, you won this time barbell, but this isn't over.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you don't mind me asking, how many years did it take you guys to bench 225 and OHP 135 pounds?

<6 months for me, but keep in mind bench moves up relative to your weight. I was 300ish, now 260ish, and am a little above bodyweight bench.


Neo Member
It's time!

Thanks Sunflower. Any dissenting opinion? Noema?

My pressing numbers seem solid for a guy my size (though I have short arms), but my squat and deadlift could've been higher if I hadn't reset twice each because of form issues.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks Sunflower. Any dissenting opinion? Noema?

My pressing numbers seem solid for a guy my size (though I have short arms), but my squat and deadlift could've been higher if I hadn't reset twice each because of form issues.

Noema set me straight brah. If you keep stalling and it's been around that timeframe for you, it's time to move on. I have faith he'll recommend the same!


Incredibly Naive
I'm shocked people struggle to meet the calorie count lol. Taco Bell meals alone would push well over 1000. Qdoba and chipotle will both push to 1000. Burgers have a ton, peanut butter, protein and milk, etc.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As an ex-fat every time someone complains about being tired of eating I
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