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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brian Burke punched my mom
OHP is still stronk. Damn near got 245 for 3 last night.

Eating all the food must be anabolic as fuck. Who needs dianabol?!?

Anabrolic as fuck.

My best was 110kg//242.

Cross post to inject some swoleness into FitGAF thread.



I have reached the two year point since I took my before picture. I was 175 on the left and wanted to lose weight. I was told to focus on the big lifts but neglected advice until a few months later (so my actual two year of lifting seriously is in January).

Now I'm 205 and couldn't be happier I went he opposite direction. Here's to many more years, fitgaf bros!!!!

I can't describe how much I appreciate the support this community brings, from advice to form checks, it's incredible.

Thinking of doing some jump rope for fun/conditioning. Two questions: 1) Should I get a rope with weighted handles? It's like 0.5 lbs per handle so I'm not sure if it's really going to serve much of a purpose and they cost about $5-10 more. 2) Should I get a weighted vest to use while jumping rope? If so, any recommendations on a good, adjustable-weight vest?

you should be able to get a weighted rope for $5. do you have a 'five below' store in your city? they're a popular chain and they def have them


Just hit the gym this afternoon because I didn't get to go yesterday.

Benches...some squats, OHP, practicing power cleans light because I don't have the form down, and then...neck pops while doing decline situps. WTF?!?! Left immediately so I wouldn't aggravate it; at least I was mostly done at that point. Icy/Hottin' it up now. Will probably be stiff tomorrow, but should be good for Monday, I hope.

Edit: Looking good Sean! I'd say you didn't need to lose any weight in the first place, so I think it was a good move going the other direction.


I have reached the two year point since I took my before picture. I was 175 on the left and wanted to lose weight. I was told to focus on the big lifts but neglected advice until a few months later (so my actual two year of lifting seriously is in January).

Now I'm 205 and couldn't be happier I went he opposite direction. Here's to many more years, fitgaf bros!!!!

I can't describe how much I appreciate the support this community brings, from advice to form checks, it's incredible.


Trap gainz


Neo Member
How does that look as a 5/3/1 routine:


Squat 5/3/1
Power Cleans 5 x 3 (continuing the linear progression from SS)
GM/BE 3 x 10
Weighted dips 3 x 10


Press 5/3/1
Chins 3 x 10
Farmer's walk: max effort


Deadlift 5/3/1
RDL 3 x 10
GM/BE 3 x 10
Biceps 3 x 10


Bench 5/3/1
LTE 3 x 10
Kroc Rows: max effort
Hanging Leg Raises: 1 series max effort


Edit: Looking good Sean! I'd say you didn't need to lose any weight in the first place, so I think it was a good move going the other direction.

Thanks mang. I was the very definition of skinny fat and weak as hell. Being obese/morbidly obese most of my life left me with a doughy unflattering body.

How does that look as a 5/3/1 routine:

Pretty solid. Maybe another type of press/shoulder exercise on ohp day.


Neo Member
Pretty solid. Maybe another type of press/shoulder exercise on ohp day.

Thanks Sean. Looking very good btw, team 5'8'' represent.

What would be the best bang for my buck exercise I could add after the press? DB press, lateral raises, rear delt fly?
Thanks Sean. Looking very good btw, team 5'8'' represent.

What would be the best bang for my buck exercise I could add after the press? DB press, lateral raises, rear delt fly?

Focus on the rear delts as you're hitting the rest of your delt through press andbench.


the piano man
Sean your pics are amazing, Do you remember how did you feel about yourself? were you happy with how you looked?

whenever one of you guys post before/afters with a particular context, I try to do a B/A of my own with the same or similar circumstances, not to compare myself with any you, just out of curiosity and to see the outcome.

so I went and searched my archive for a pic at my leanest, lowest weight but already doing something regarding exercise, which was somewhere in summer last year. I had already began doing a shitton of crunches, pushups and basically not eating hahaha, but I gotta say, I was proud of the V shape in the lower abdominal area, that is almost gone now since I've put on around 20 pounds.

now I am chunky and puffy but I have absolutely no regrets, looking lean is nice for a couple of weeks but gets boring really fast. Once I get into my first serious cut phase,I'll get that back plus look strong.

besides eating makes people happy, as you can tell by my smile. Not eating makes you grumpy and feel miserable!! :)


it's exactly 13 months, left was taken beginning of Sept 2013.
Do you have a spotter or are you going solo? With a spotter....sure. Without....no

Oops, forgot to mention. Solo. I used collars the first couple times I tried it because it didn't occur to me it would be safer without (was watching one of the YT videos in the OP).


Really appreciate the kind words guys. This is just the tip of the ice berg. I'm turning 27 in a few weeks. I like to think Ill look totally different at 30, 35, 40 etc.

Sphinx, looking back I was so weak and skinny fat. I couldn't even bench 135. Going to the gym seemed forced and I looked for any excuse to bail out. It's weird how I can't even picture myself at that size anymore, it's like when you remember old times you picture yourself in the situation looking like you do now...if that makes sense.

I was unhappy because I was always chasing unrealistic goals. Lose 20 pounds but look cut up. It just wasn't going to happen with my diet/gym program. So much wasted time :(

You look much more filled out now in a good way. You're hard work is paying off. It's funny looking at our befores, we both look like nba jam big head mode dudes.

J. Bravo

So, coming back from this sickness, I am not entirely sure I want to go back to pure strength training. I want to add in a few things like Power Cleans. Before, I was only doing strength training. Any tips or suggestions for programs?

I'm thinking I just do 5/3/1, and add an extra movement each day that will help with explosiveness/endurance, such as Cleans, box squats, and whatever else I think of. Maybe some kettlebell movements :p

edit: brolic, now you know what to be for halloween :p


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Son just told me I look like the Hulk.

Apparently I've arrived. ;)
Wrap it up! Pinnacle of training achieved! You can now become a weak fat ass and it will matter not one bit. That is so freaking cool. Haha. My family calls me Superman or Kal-El. Not quite as cool as Hulk but pretty badass nonetheless. :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Wrap it up! Pinnacle of training achieved! You can now become a weak fat ass and it will matter not one bit. That is so freaking cool. Haha. My family calls me Superman or Kal-El. Not quite as cool as Hulk but pretty badass nonetheless. :)

Time to form a Justice League/Avengers crime fighting squad.

Sean your pics are amazing, Do you remember how did you feel about yourself? were you happy with how you looked?

whenever one of you guys post before/afters with a particular context, I try to do a B/A of my own with the same or similar circumstances, not to compare myself with any you, just out of curiosity and to see the outcome.

so I went and searched my archive for a pic at my leanest, lowest weight but already doing something regarding exercise, which was somewhere in summer last year. I had already began doing a shitton of crunches, pushups and basically not eating hahaha, but I gotta say, I was proud of the V shape in the lower abdominal area, that is almost gone now since I've put on around 20 pounds.

now I am chunky and puffy but I have absolutely no regrets, looking lean is nice for a couple of weeks but gets boring really fast. Once I get into my first serious cut phase,I'll get that back plus look strong.

besides eating makes people happy, as you can tell by my smile. Not eating makes you grumpy and feel miserable!! :)


it's exactly 13 months, left was taken beginning of Sept 2013.

I have reached the two year point since I took my before picture. I was 175 on the left and wanted to lose weight. I was told to focus on the big lifts but neglected advice until a few months later (so my actual two year of lifting seriously is in January).

Now I'm 205 and couldn't be happier I went he opposite direction. Here's to many more years, fitgaf bros!!!!

I can't describe how much I appreciate the support this community brings, from advice to form checks, it's incredible.


Lookin' good fellas!


I posted a picture in this shirt before, from more than a year ago when I weighed more. I think I look bigger now than I did then despite weighing less.

I need a haircut badly, therefore pictures of me without a haircut do not exist on the internet, the little human being I'm holding is my 2 year old nephew. The expressions are pretty accurate.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I posted a picture in this shirt before, from more than a year ago when I weighed more. I think I look bigger now than I did then despite weighing less.

I need a haircut badly, therefore pictures of me without a haircut do not exist on the internet, the little human being I'm holding is my 2 year old nephew. The expressions are pretty accurate.

I see a beard.

I SEE A BEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MTP is my hero.

Brolic looking like a damn machine too. Seriously. Let me borrow your beard growing for like a month. All I need.

Sean and sphinx, always fun seeing progress and can't wait to see abuC when he is all done.

And I posted this pic of myself before but here it is with a comparison to Tanahashi.

My fat ass is still about 1-2 years away but I'm slowly getting there!


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
A little over 6000 calories today

30 chicken wings

That's exactly what I'm taking to work tonight. It's like we are a 2 man war on food.

Jesus Brolic! I'd reach for whatever weapon I could find if I ever found myself in a fight with you!

Lol I don't know about all that.

MTP is my hero.

Brolic looking like a damn machine too. Seriously. Let me borrow your beard growing for like a month. All I need.

Sean and sphinx, always fun seeing progress and can't wait to see abuC when he is all done.

And I posted this pic of myself before but here it is with a comparison to Tanahashi.

My fat ass is still about 1-2 years away but I'm slowly getting there!

Patience young grasshopper.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Fuck...couldn't hold myself back guys...

Almost done this half tub of cookie dough n fudge icecream...840cals

Somewhere around 7000 calories today :/

I let the icecream sit out and soften up so I can eat it easier.


Good lord you've grown huge Sean. What are the training routine and macros fuelling that muscle mass again?

I honestly don't eat THAT much. I can gain on 2500 calories.

I started training with a 5x5, moved to 3x5, then Ed Coans program and now 531

I posted a picture in this shirt before, from more than a year ago when I weighed more. I think I look bigger now than I did then despite weighing less.

I need a haircut badly, therefore pictures of me without a haircut do not exist on the internet, the little human being I'm holding is my 2 year old nephew. The expressions are pretty accurate.

It's now obvious why you made those 225 reps look easy

Work on it.



Scary ass motherfucker. Probably works well for you at your job

MTP is my hero.

Brolic looking like a damn machine too. Seriously. Let me borrow your beard growing for like a month. All I need.

Sean and sphinx, always fun seeing progress and can't wait to see abuC when he is all done.

And I posted this pic of myself before but here it is with a comparison to Tanahashi.

My fat ass is still about 1-2 years away but I'm slowly getting there!

You're getting there bud!!


First UD2.0 Power workout done. Went pretty well actually even though I did a ton of compound exercises. Started of with DL's, in which I repped more than twice them number of reps I've been able to normally do lately on that weight. Flat bench was pretty standard, though I was surprised that I could do more on DB incline than I thought. Also decided to squat although I could've done leg press as well.

All in all I think my carb/creatine loading went pretty well as I performed pretty well today. Started to get a bit tired towards the end but nothing serious. Also the carb drink I was sipping probably helped a bit. Nothing to brag about the other lifts but I'm pretty happy with how the DL's went. Six easy reps when I've been struggling with three reps in the past.

Btw, everyone's looking great. Brolic looks scary as fuuck..


Junior Member
Hey guys, I have a question for you who use apps for progress and keeping track!
I was thinking of starting my first serious cut tomorrow and I was checking out the MyFitnessPal app to keep track of what I eat and whatnot. Up until now I've been using a different app to keep track of my workouts and stuff, should I start including that in the MFP app as well? Thanks all!


the piano man
Cool pics everyone :)

so, I could use some help with one particular topic...

my weakness has always been my arms, I know how we all think our arms are always small because the guy using the machine some steps away has 20 inch arms. That's not the case here, my arms are a reason for concern within my own, already small 5'5 150 lbs context. Measurement says they are 12 inches (around the bicep but forearms look completely untrained...)

So I am seriously thinking about incorporating a dedicated, all-arm session in my program. I think getting bigger arms would help me on my upper body compounds a lot, so it seems to make sense from both the aesthetic and the strength perspectives.

however, I wouldn't want to fuck around curling mindlessly so I went to the exrx.net site to try to figure out what exercises fit well together, in order to avoid redundance and wasting time but I am not exactly sure how to make a sensible order out of them, how to pair them. can someone suggest bicep and tricep exercises that work the two part and three part areas of the respective muscles?

I think Abu and FE said they were doing all-arm sessions.. but I am not sure, I think I read that many months ago.... so did it work out? and how/when do you place them in your program in order to minimize conflict with your main compounds??

any comments are appreciated.
Hey guys, I have a question for you who use apps for progress and keeping track!
I was thinking of starting my first serious cut tomorrow and I was checking out the MyFitnessPal app to keep track of what I eat and whatnot. Up until now I've been using a different app to keep track of my workouts and stuff, should I start including that in the MFP app as well? Thanks all!

MFP is excellent for tracking what you eat imho, much better than the other apps/sites out there.
I use both the app for barcode scanning of stuff I eat, and the website to input recipes and stuff.


Junior Member
MFP is excellent for tracking what you eat imho, much better than the other apps/sites out there.
I use both the app for barcode scanning of stuff I eat, and the website to input recipes and stuff.

Damn, didn't even notice the barcode feature. That's absolutely amazing!
Do you think I should use this to track my workouts as well? Or does that not matter as much?
Damn, didn't even notice the barcode feature. That's absolutely amazing!
Do you think I should use this to track my workouts as well? Or does that not matter as much?

Some people do precisely that, because it gives you a more accurate guide to how many calories you should eat on rest vs workout days (rather than estimating how much more you should eat as you work out), which can motivate you to go to the gym more often as it means you're able to eat a more on those days.

Next I want you to select "Sedentary" under activity levels in the first calculator. Then, as you do actually go to the gym or go for a jog, you input that activity into Myfitnesspal (Tab: Exercise, click on Add Exercise under the Cardiovascular section, and search for "Strength training",) and it'll automatically give you extra calories you can consume on those days you're actually working out.

The calculator is in the OP.


Junior Member
Some people do precisely that, because it gives you a more accurate guide to how many calories you should eat on rest vs workout days (rather than estimating how much more you should eat as you work out), which can motivate you to go to the gym more often as it means you're able to eat a more on those days.

The calculator is in the OP.
Great, I guess I'll start doing that as well then. Thanks man!
Any other general tips for a first time cutter?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cool pics everyone :)

so, I could use some help with one particular topic...

my weakness has always been my arms, I know how we all think our arms are always small because the guy using the machine some steps away has 20 inch arms. That's not the case here, my arms are a reason for concern within my own, already small 5'5 150 lbs context. Measurement says they are 12 inches (around the bicep but forearms look completely untrained...)

So I am seriously thinking about incorporating a dedicated, all-arm session in my program. I think getting bigger arms would help me on my upper body compounds a lot, so it seems to make sense from both the aesthetic and the strength perspectives.

however, I wouldn't want to fuck around curling mindlessly so I went to the exrx.net site to try to figure out what exercises fit well together, in order to avoid redundance and wasting time but I am not exactly sure how to make a sensible order out of them, how to pair them. can someone suggest bicep and tricep exercises that work the two part and three part areas of the respective muscles?

I think Abu and FE said they were doing all-arm sessions.. but I am not sure, I think I read that many months ago.... so did it work out? and how/when do you place them in your program in order to minimize conflict with your main compounds??

any comments are appreciated.

I went over about 50 ways to say this without coming across like a dick, so PLEASE don't think I'm trying to be an asshole.

Your arms are gonna get bigger as you get stronger. You should be hitting triceps with accessory work when you do bench anyway, so that should be covered. Forarms get big with pulling movements as your rows/deads/pullups go up your forearms will grow, it takes time, but they will grow.

Biceps are the only thing I would really "focus" on. I added bicep work in when I switched to ISSM and I'm glad I did.

So focus on getting stronger and the size will come bud. It just takes time.

That's just my two cents, but obviously it's not gospel.

Scary ass motherfucker. Probably works well for you at your job

LOL, I didn't even notice the face I was making when I posted this.

I'd like to think I'm scary, but to be honest, "looking scary" means jack shit in a federal prison. The only thing going for me around those guys is that I don't look bitchmade, and that's a major advantage.
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