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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Well, I just had a female friend squeeze and inspect my chesticles a bit, and conclude that my left upper pec is bigger than my right upper pec (lower/middle pecs are symmetrical).

That bigorexia :(


the piano man
umm...so my macro split has been more or less like this (workout days):

(I am 5'5 and weight 150 lbs)

Cals: 2922 c.
Protein: 27% at 197 gr.
Carbs: . 41% at 299.5 gr
Fat: 32% at 103.9 gr.

I am doing it wrong because it's too much carb... right??

the thing is, how can I possibly fill a 40% of the macros with protein if it will have me taking a ridiculous amount of 292.2 grams of protein per day? way more than the suggested 1.4 X BW in the OP.

what am I missing here?


umm...so my macro split has been more or less like this (workout days):

(I am 5'5 and weight 150 lbs)

Cals: 2922 c.
Protein: 27% at 197 gr.
Carbs: . 41% at 299.5 gr
Fat: 32% at 103.9 gr.

I am doing it wrong because it's too much carb... right??

the thing is, how can I possibly fill a 40% of the macros with protein if it will have me taking a ridiculous amount of 292.2 grams of protein per day? way more than the suggested 1.4 X BW in the OP.

what am I missing here?
Your macros seem fine, carbs are great, they actually improve performance at the gym. I would even consider lowering the protein intake a bit to increase the carbs tbh.


Brian Burke punched my mom
So fucking tired from work and just completed 6 sets of 220-242x10 bb row...4 more to go. Pullups and shoulder therapy after Zzzzzzz

Swoleturkey just in time for Thanksgiving I mean Thanksbulking...
I had this same issue about a month ago when I started squatting and it was very frustrating. For me the biggest help was fixing my crappy posture from years of slouching playing video games and in school. So yeah, fix your posture: shoulders back, chest out, arms tucked in toward your sides; if you hold a pencil in your hand with your arms by your sides it should face relatively straight forward, and not inward toward the center of your body. It will take quite a bit of conscious effort at first but after a week of two you should become very used to proper posture. I was able to squat properly fairly quickly after doing this. I also do a stretch where I put my arms up at right angles and try to pull them together (kind of hard to explain) and face pulls as well; fixing my internally rotated shoulders/ bad posture was more of a factor than the exercises though. You will have to be very aware of your posture for the next few weeks whether sitting or standing because it is easy to relapse into bad habits.

I'll keep it in mind, thanks...

Are you using a thumbless grip? If not, do so.
I'm trying to...I can't grip it to where I can simply let the bottom of my palms hold the bar from above....I can't get my elbows high enough and shoulders inward to get it there.

I doubt the bar is even 'low enough' since it's creeping up when I do reps...but my limited upper body mobility doesn't let me go any lower without a lot of pain.


I am doing it wrong because it's too much carb... right??
Carbs aren't the enemy people want to make them out to be. The reason modern humans are getting fatter and fatter isn't because of carbs or insulin. It's because people eat too much and because we're not forced to exercise in order to survive.

If the current conventional wisdom has made you become terrified about insulin sensitivity, remember you can a) eat meals with carbs + proteins + fats, b) eat fiberous carbs, c) eat low-gi carbs, d) avoid heavily-processed carbs. All will reduce if not eliminate spikes and crashes (bonus method: eat larger meals, they will take longer to digest). If you're very sensitive, or if you plan on eating in caloric excess for a long period of time, even short recurrent periods of lower-carb dieting will help reset insulin sensitivity. Really the biggest thing you can do, you're already doing: strength training.

At 150 you should do fine with 150g protein or even less. People over-recommend protein consumption for a variety of reasons, without acknowledging that protein synthesis in natural trainees isn't large enough to require boatloads of protein (0.8g per pound of bodyweight should be fine for most non-gifted natural trainees, especially if you're no longer experiencing noob gains). Also remember that protein has a high thermic effect and makes you feel fuller, meaning protein overconsumption is a poor choice if you're trying to overeat (you'll need to eat more and you'll want to eat less).

I've said it before but IMO for most trainees protein and fat consumption should remain pretty fixed whether you're cutting or bulking (requirements for health and performance are pretty much the same), with caloric excess / restriction coming primarily from manipulating carb intake (here you have some leeway).


Wow we had a full blown medical emergency at the gym this morning. A guy in his 50s I'd guess that I see all the time either had a cardiac event or something and passed out and hit the back of his head. He had a seizure and stopped breathing. There was (miraculously) an ER nurse that happened to be there (who I had never seen before) who helped out. They had to get the AED out. The ambulance came and worked on him for probably 10 minutes before they got him stabilized and took him to the hospital. They had to zap him right there on the floor of the gym and he left already intubated.

He had stopped breathing before the EMTa got there.

Scary stuff. Made me feel bad that I didn't even really ever say hello to the man. I hope he is okay.

Medics had to get into his car with his keys (which they found by process of elimination) to find some identifying information. Take your ID with you to the gym!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Whelp, I've mad a huge mistake, but at least it was a learning experience.

Do NOT completely remove backsquats to focus on front squats. You WILL regret it. Use FS as a supplemental/accessory movement only. Some people may already know this, but I learned it the hard way.

Glad I got that out of the way, lol.

dear fit-gaf, did i injure myself in my last squat session?

I broke the PR but the next day I started developing some sort of pain or discomfort that starts at the middle of my right rid and extends around my core in a round form to my back, only on my right side, it feels weird because if I stay still and do nothing, I don't feel pain or discomfort but when I stretch in certain ways and when I touch the parts, it does feel wrong.

Did I injure a rib bone?? I can't seem to find the origin of it

I thought it was maybe a bad position while sleeping or while practicing piano but I think it was the last squat 5X3, it really was heavy and it felt like I was really approaching a physical limit

are the symptoms typical for a squat injury perhaps??? I have no idea, I'd never feel anything like that.

any info will be appreciated.

Could be a rib issue. I get it on my left side, but it doesn't "wrap around." I've come to the conclusion it's the beginning of a hernia, a constantly cramping singular ab muscle or my rib is getting irritated when I use a belt.

I honestly think it's just the floating rib getting bothered by pressure and the belt from squatting/deadlifting.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Tried for 100 pullups only got 4x15 then 1x20 and 1x16, way too tired tonight especially after rows. But back was just deeeeeeeeeeeestroyed after, super pump. Strict straight arm lateral raises for rehab, one arm at a time for 15 with 25lbs, feels great on my shoulder. Second time this week doing that and shoulders feel a bit better. Now to stop turning on my shoulders while sleeping :'(

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Tried for 100 pullups only got 4x15 then 1x20 and 1x16, way too tired tonight especially after rows. But back was just deeeeeeeeeeeestroyed after, super pump. Strict straight arm lateral raises for rehab, one arm at a time for 15 with 25lbs, feels great on my shoulder. Second time this week doing that and shoulders feel a bit better. Now to stop turning on my shoulders while sleeping :'(

Sleeping on my shoulders nails me terribly. I noticed it's even worse when it's cold. Now I sleep in hoodies and pants, lol. Fuck getting old. Sometimes it almost feels like my shit's gonna snap just getting out of bed if I sleep wrong.

Right there with ya bud.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Sleeping on my shoulders nails me terribly. I noticed it's even worse when it's cold. Now I sleep in hoodies and pants, lol. Fuck getting old. Sometimes it almost feels like my shit's gonna snap just getting out of bed if I sleep wrong.

Right there with ya bud.

It's been like 2 years now. At the point now where the clavicle meets the shoulder joint.hurts when.doing bb ohp, less so with DBs. Bench press hurts, cgbp less.so but it's still uncomfortable pain. No shoulder pain from.front squats, no.pain with.handstand presses. Hell just a 70kg ohp hurts like a bitch lol.


Sleeping on my shoulders nails me terribly. I noticed it's even worse when it's cold. Now I sleep in hoodies and pants, lol. Fuck getting old. Sometimes it almost feels like my shit's gonna snap just getting out of bed if I sleep wrong.

Right there with ya bud.

Damn it yeah I sleep on usually my right shoulder so I know this feel. It's really screwed it up but I cannot sleep any other way.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It's been like 2 years now. At the point now where the clavicle meets the shoulder joint.hurts when.doing bb ohp, less so with DBs. Bench press hurts, cgbp less.so but it's still uncomfortable pain. No shoulder pain from.front squats, no.pain with.handstand presses. Hell just a 70kg ohp hurts like a bitch lol.

Damn it yeah I sleep on usually my right shoulder so I know this feel. It's really screwed it up but I cannot sleep any other way.

I've had to do a lot of external rotations/facepulls throughout all of my bench/ohp training sessions to keep my shoulder issues minimal. It's really helped, but it's still there.

I've contemplated getting the rotato-reliever from EFTS, but shit's expensive.


Extremely shitty day at the gym, very low on energy and I think I may have a cold. I wanted to try max reps on bench but my warmup sets let me know that wasn't going to happen, had trouble just doing my normal work sets tonight in pretty much every category.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
You know you're in it when you're paying a fee to workout at a new gym for one day only just because you're nowhere near your regular gym and you can't bear to miss a session.


You know you're in it when you're paying a fee to workout at a new gym for one day only just because you're nowhere near your regular gym and you can't bear to miss a session.

I've been there before. The new place always feels off.

Side note: going for 380x5 on the deadlift today. Wish me luck, guys.


I'll root for you, Mr. City, but I won't wish you luck. You will lift that weight for a set of five, and luck won't have anything to do with it.
Have some of the worst doms I've ever had from Monday's squats. Full on walking funny doms. Luckily it shouldn't affect today's workout.
I guess I should stop worrying about losing strength after a deload week. One rep improvements in squat and bench and two rep improvements in OHP and deadlift. Not too bad...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Have some of the worst doms I've ever had from Monday's squats. Full on walking funny doms. Luckily it shouldn't affect today's workout.

You and me both. But mine was because I was a fucktard and did FS for two months without doing back squats at all. Holy shit, I'm crippled and weak as shit now.

I guess I should stop worrying about losing strength after a deload week. One rep improvements in squat and bench and two rep improvements in OHP and deadlift. Not too bad...

Chances are you don't need the deloads you are taking and are infact, holding yourself back.


I've said it before, but you guys gotta do Shogun suggested snatch grip Deads.

They're harder than conventional Deads, hit the upper back and provide great grip work.

Had to bust the chalk out today for the first time since July.


the piano man
My legs are weird. I walk funny after Squat/legcurl/legextensions when I go down the stairs in my gym, I actually have to hold the bar to help myself.

but after that, doms are zero, they just don't appear afterwards, ever, the kind of punishment I'd have to give them to actually feel some doms would have to be kind of extreme or extended, it tends to appear more when I do jogging but even then, it's unlikely

You know you're in it when you're paying a fee to workout at a new gym for one day only just because you're nowhere near your regular gym and you can't bear to miss a session.

I did that in my trip to spain some months back and I loved it, yes, getting used to new equipment sucks but you have fun and get to meet new people.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I've said it before, but you guys gotta do Shogun suggested snatch grip Deads.

They're harder than conventional Deads, hit the upper back and provide great grip work.

Had to bust the chalk out today for the first time since July.

Not to mention they essentially have you doing deficit deads which will help you with off the floor strength.

For assistance dead work both romanians and high rep deads I do snatch grip.

Also, I'd highly recommend snatch grip hang highpulls.

Edit: BTW for snatch grip I'd recommend using straps. Your grip is gonna give out way faster than regular grip.
Not to mention they essentially have you doing deficit deads which will help you with off the floor strength.

For assistance dead work both romanians and high rep deads I do snatch grip.

Also, I'd highly recommend snatch grip hang highpulls.

Edit: BTW for snatch grip I'd recommend using straps. Your grip is gonna give out way faster than regular grip.

So you'd recommend snatch grip deads w/normal plates OVER standard grip defecit deads with 35s/a block, then?


Decided that I'm done with cutting for the time being. It's already been almost a year since I started losing weight and now I need to focus on getting stronger again.

Plan is to eat at maintenance for a week or two, then slowly adjust the calories so that I'll find the right number to eat. Something that allows me to make gains in the gym but with minimal fat gain. Going to implement some fasted walking every day that I can to hopefully burn off some fat. Calories will probably be just above TDEE on lifting days and a little lower on rest days. So basically a LG recomp.

Progress picture if anyone's curious:

Just looking at the before pic makes me sick. Lifting progress during this year has been pretty nonexistend since I haven't really been able to focus on gaining. Hopefully things will be different going forward..

Chances are you don't need the deloads you are taking and are infact, holding yourself back.

Maybe not but my knees and elbows were not feeling too great a few weeks ago so thought I could give them a break and deload. I'm in my late thirties and at this age you have to put your joint health above your gains every now and then.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
been cutting for the past 2 months and I've barely lost 10 pounds

fuck this shit! I'm coming back to hang with my bulking bros. Started growing me beard to hide the incoming double chin

don't weigh yourself when cutting. horrible metric. get a $9 body fat caliper from Amazon and measure body fat. It's still SUPER easy to gain muscle even while cutting (all cutting is doing is burning BF for energy along with caloric intake). so if you are still gaining muscle (or retaining water) your weight will not be representative of what you are trying to do (lost body fat)

Sleeping on my shoulders nails me terribly. I noticed it's even worse when it's cold. Now I sleep in hoodies and pants, lol. Fuck getting old. Sometimes it almost feels like my shit's gonna snap just getting out of bed if I sleep wrong.

Right there with ya bud.

side sleeper here as well.. a couple things I've learned this year:

sleep with a pillow between your knees. it helps (but you should also focus on) not splitting your legs when you sleep on your side. murder for your lower back.

get a GOOD pillow for your head. not like a $1000 pillow, but even just a firm $9 one from target or something that actually keeps your head neutral. how far your ear is from the side of your shoulder while standing? It should be that same distance when you sleep on your side.

obviously never sleep on your stomach (horrible for both back and shoulders)

side sleeping is kind of a PITA, but I can't really sleep on my back.. after finding all of this stuff, my sleeping has been a million times more restful, and things like sore shoulders and lower back are 100% gone (38 years old here)
Just looking at the before pic makes me sick. Progress during this year has been pretty nonexistend since I haven't really been able to focus on gaining. Hopefully things will be different going forward..

Don't be so hard on yourself, I'd say you made quite a bit of progress in dropping fat.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I fucking hate shitty spotters.

Was going for a new 3x5 PR on bench press today. First two sets complete, felt great, and then on the last I asked this guy to spot me purely as a confidence boost. I kindly mentioned to him that I didn't want help lifting, and that if I did I'd let him know. He nodded, but as soon as I hit my third rep he starts fucking lifting the bar for me. I remind him while still benching, "Hey man, please don't help, I got it." And what does he do? He helps with the last two reps. I'm pissed off, but I thank him, and go back to the bench and immediately begin a fourth set because I was so annoyed. Hit 4 reps nicely, but failed on the last, and because I didn't have a spotter I had to drop the bar onto my midsection and rest it there until some dude helped it off me.

At least I know I could move on now with my bench if that fourth set is any indication.

Van Owen

I'm kind of a shitty spotter. I don't touch the bar until they fail, but I also give no words of encouragement while they're actually lifting to get them pumped lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm kind of a shitty spotter. I don't touch the bar until they fail, but I also give no words of encouragement while they're actually lifting to get them pumped lol.

Then you're a good spotter.

I don't need someone yelling. "IT'S ALL YOU." Or "UP UP UP" or other bullshit.

Dude, I know I got dis, you're just here to watch me be awesome. Now step back and watch the show.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I'm kind of a shitty spotter. I don't touch the bar until they fail, but I also give no words of encouragement while they're actually lifting to get them pumped lol.

That doesn't make you a shitty spotter. I don't need words of encouragement. Just don't help me lift the bar. Honestly one of the most annoying things in the gym to me. Even with a tiny push it completely discourages me from continuing the set (of course, if I'm obviously struggling and say something like, "Okay, help" then it's fine, but ugh...)
My legs are weird. I walk funny after Squat/legcurl/legextensions when I go down the stairs in my gym, I actually have to hold the bar to help myself.

but after that, doms are zero, they just don't appear afterwards, ever, the kind of punishment I'd have to give them to actually feel some doms would have to be kind of extreme or extended, it tends to appear more when I do jogging but even then, it's unlikely

Could honestly be some of the running, do you jog with sprints / elevation? I trail run with lots of elevation change and a really long run can totally blast my quads. I'll often have to go up or down steps walking backwards (seems to not stress the same muscles) for a day or two after a long run.


It's still SUPER easy to gain muscle even while cutting
Only if you're a beginner / not at all close to your "genetic potential." When your noob gains are gone you'll sing a different tune :)

As I said before the energetic & protein requirements are relatively low--that's why it's possible for beginners to gain muscle while cutting--but after a while the hormonal aspect becomes more important for consistent / meaningful gains.
Then you're a good spotter.

I don't need someone yelling. "IT'S ALL YOU." Or "UP UP UP" or other bullshit.

Dude, I know I got dis, you're just here to watch me be awesome. Now step back and watch the show.

If it is my friends, I say something. If it is a random, I say nothing.


And man, for my physical, I should lie and try to get a legal test booster. All the gainz. Here I come.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If it is my friends, I say something. If it is a random, I say nothing.


And man, for my physical, I should lie and try to get a legal test booster. All the gainz. Here I come.

Once you get on T you can't come off. Careful with that shit.

It's to address weakness off the floor, I started doing my BBB sets with 35s to help.

I would not do deficit deads BBB.

If you're working to get strength off the floor why in the hell would you try to do that focusing on hypertrophy?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Only if you're a beginner / not at all close to your "genetic potential." When your noob gains are gone you'll sing a different tune :)

As I said before the energetic & protein requirements are relatively low--that's why it's possible for beginners to gain muscle while cutting--but after a while the hormonal aspect becomes more important for consistent / meaningful gains.

the point was that cutting is shedding body fat, whereas "weight" is a collection of lean body mass, water, undigested food, waste, etc. if you are cutting you should be solely measuring what you are cutting (i.e. body fat) and not taking a composite metric of EVERYTHING of which what you are cutting is simply one portion of.
That doesn't make you a shitty spotter. I don't need words of encouragement. Just don't help me lift the bar. Honestly one of the most annoying things in the gym to me. Even with a tiny push it completely discourages me from continuing the set (of course, if I'm obviously struggling and say something like, "Okay, help" then it's fine, but ugh...)

I've always wondered what proper etiquette is when a random person asks for a spot, but I basically always go with the following questions:

1) Need help with the lift off?
2) How many reps are you aiming for?

Then, I just let them get in position first, then I move in, and I keep my hands/body ready, but keep them about a half foot away from the bar closer to my body. If I see them get stuck, I just use a few fingers to give them some help, and then if that's not enough I will grip the bar fully and lift it up.

Never had any complaints doing this to help out random people at the gym.


It's a mental thing but I can't lift with a spotter. they distract me or something. I also don't like help lifting off the rack. Just screws me all up.

tried to bench 345 with spotter.....nope. 5 min later without a spotter....not so hard.

People look at me like i'm going to die when I'm doing 315 for reps and no spotter. The benches have hooks lower than the rack point. I've had to put them on there before but unless I tear a pec mid lift I can't see how I wouldn't be able to put it on one of those lower pegs.
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