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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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the point was that cutting is shedding body fat, whereas "weight" is a collection of lean body mass, water, undigested food, waste, etc. if you are cutting you should be solely measuring what you are cutting (i.e. body fat) and not taking a composite metric of EVERYTHING of which what you are cutting is simply one portion of.

Uh actually the point I was responding to was when you claimed, "It's still SUPER easy to gain muscle even while cutting." I even quoted it so I'm not sure where your confusion is coming from.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
1 Snickers bar and 3 Fresco chicken supreme burritos from Taco Bell.

Dat bulk



Form check request please, on DL and OHP.

OHP at 47 pounds.

Apologies that the frame isn't tall enough to see my full extension. Hopefully you can see enough to tell me if my form is improved from the last OHP video I posted. For reference, my prior video was

Most of the comments were that I needed to tighten my core and not let my upper body "flop" so much. Any further tips?

Also, my DL at 155 pounds. I think my lower back is okay, but my upper back/shoulders may be a bit round.

Thanks again everyone!


Anybody see thjis device on Indiegogo?


As someone obsessed with data, I think I have no choice but to buy in. Measure and compare real-time data on all my workouts?

From the page:

Force, power, velocity. Decades of research in sport science have established that these three metrics lay at the core of strength training. PUSH is the first fitness device that allows you to track and analyze these metrics, ensuring that your training is optimized.

How does it work? PUSH tracks how your body is performing at a certain weight and provides insights to help you optimize the load. Not moving the bar fast enough? Lower the weight. Not showing signs of fatigue two sets in? Change the weight. PUSH allows you to push your body to its true potential, using meaningful metrics, and get stronger over time while minimizing the chance of injury that can set you back.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Uh actually the point I was responding to was when you claimed, "It's still SUPER easy to gain muscle even while cutting." I even quoted it so I'm not sure where your confusion is coming from.

YOUR confusion. MY only point is that weight is a shit metric to use when cutting. Plain and simple. Whether muscle gain (easy or difficult), water retention, or just a really big shit you have yet to take. If you are cutting body fat, then measure your body fat. It's $9 from Amazon and probably takes about as long to do as it takes a digital scale to display your weight.
I fucking hate shitty spotters.

Was going for a new 3x5 PR on bench press today. First two sets complete, felt great, and then on the last I asked this guy to spot me purely as a confidence boost. I kindly mentioned to him that I didn't want help lifting, and that if I did I'd let him know. He nodded, but as soon as I hit my third rep he starts fucking lifting the bar for me. I remind him while still benching, "Hey man, please don't help, I got it." And what does he do? He helps with the last two reps. I'm pissed off, but I thank him, and go back to the bench and immediately begin a fourth set because I was so annoyed. Hit 4 reps nicely, but failed on the last, and because I didn't have a spotter I had to drop the bar onto my midsection and rest it there until some dude helped it off me.

At least I know I could move on now with my bench if that fourth set is any indication.

I'm super particular about the people I ask to spot when benching. It's fairly busy at the time I go so I generally have a large enough pool to ask from. Normally I only ask people that I've seen bench more than me (also a large selection) and bench often.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area

Eh, the article is flawed from the start. He talks vaguely about the processed foods being demonized, and then tries to counter that vague assertion with "look what people who eat processed foods can look like". Nothing he posted actually even attempts to discredit information presented in books like The Paleo Diet.

It's kind of like saying "Smoking causes cancer." and then countering it with "George Burns lived until 100 years old and never had cancer."

One COMMON misconception of The Paleo Diet is that it is actively "low carb". And this simply isn't true. The book even states multiple times throughout "If your activity load is extreme, you WILL NEED to eat calories to match those needs" and even goes on to talk about importance of glucose in our bodies relating to energy and especially brain activity. I eat mostly paleo, and can tell you I might as well start my own sweet potato and squash field with as much as I eat. I am easily between 100-200g of carbs a day on workout days, possibly over 200g on nutso days.

The big difference for me is that carbs are to a majority degree low-GI carbs and come almost exclusively from veggies (like I said, sweet potatoes and squash, and lots of fruit). The end result for me (and why I do it) is because the ONLY macronutrients I end up counting are protein and total calories.. beyond protein I don't care about the makeup of the calories because I know there are very few cheap carbs in there (and as a result a good amount of good fats). I basically stuff myself til I'm near full, and move on. Doing so has kept me around 10-11% BF for like 2 years now while still seeing gains. And lest you say "well some people just have good metabolisms" mind you I started this whole journey 4 years ago at like 65lb overweight.


Gold Member
Progress picture if anyone's curious:

Just looking at the before pic makes me sick. Lifting progress during this year has been pretty nonexistend since I haven't really been able to focus on gaining. Hopefully things will be different going forward..


Really awesome progress, looking like a man, man.

I know what you mean about before pics. I have a fairly positive self image so I only realise how pudgy I have been just a few months ago when I look back at old pictures. It's a good feeling though, seeing progress visually. By far my most important motivator. You should be really chuffed about yours.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

After doing lots of research myself this guy is merely echoing a lot of the same ideas I've read about, that your body doesn't care much about how you hit your macros, just that you do. Of course, it's much easier to hit your macros with "healthier" foods which is why they go hand-in-hand, but ain't nothing wrong with something like pizza every now and again to hit your carbs for the day.

You get fat from eating excess calories, not because you're eating fast food once a day (unless that's what puts you over your daily intake).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
After doing lots of research myself this guy is merely echoing a lot of the same ideas I've read about, that your body doesn't care much about how you hit your macros, just that you do. Of course, it's much easier to hit your macros with "healthier" foods which is why they go hand-in-hand, but ain't nothing wrong with something like pizza every now and again to hit your carbs for the day.

You get fat from eating excess calories, not because you're eating fast food once a day (unless that's what puts you over your daily intake).

I agree with this mostly... The only thing I would add to it though is there is some science being done on Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios that are possibly showing issues with an overly high Omega-6 count.. beyond that, while eating lots of cheap carbs (beyond insulin spiking) there is high evidence on it messing with satiation. thus calorie counting ends up becoming more important (as to not go dramatically over). On paleo, the ONLY reason I count calories is because you DO feel satiated so quickly, and thus "eat when you are hungry" often results in you not eating enough when you have a high activity level. For about 3-4 months I did some math and was only consuming around 2300-2500 calories per day (just eating whenever I was hungry, feeling great, still seeing some gains) and did a simple calculator and saw I was actually needing like 2800-3200 calories a day. So I basically go through like two large sweet potatoes or one whole squash a day, on top of whatever fruits and veggies and nuts I happen to eat that day.
Decided that I'm done with cutting for the time being. It's already been almost a year since I started losing weight and now I need to focus on getting stronger again.

Plan is to eat at maintenance for a week or two, then slowly adjust the calories so that I'll find the right number to eat. Something that allows me to make gains in the gym but with minimal fat gain. Going to implement some fasted walking every day that I can to hopefully burn off some fat. Calories will probably be just above TDEE on lifting days and a little lower on rest days. So basically a LG recomp.

Progress picture if anyone's curious:

Just looking at the before pic makes me sick. Lifting progress during this year has been pretty nonexistend since I haven't really been able to focus on gaining. Hopefully things will be different going forward..


some great progress right here


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I agree with this mostly... The only thing I would add to it though is there is some science being done on Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios that are possibly showing issues with an overly high Omega-6 count.. beyond that, while eating lots of cheap carbs (beyond insulin spiking) there is high evidence on it messing with satiation. thus calorie counting ends up becoming more important (as to not go dramatically over). On paleo, the ONLY reason I count calories is because you DO feel satiated so quickly, and thus "eat when you are hungry" often results in you not eating enough when you have a high activity level. For about 3-4 months I did some math and was only consuming around 2300-2500 calories per day (just eating whenever I was hungry, feeling great, still seeing some gains) and did a simple calculator and saw I was actually needing like 2800-3200 calories a day. So I basically go through like two large sweet potatoes or one whole squash a day, on top of whatever fruits and veggies and nuts I happen to eat that day.

Yeah, I count all my calories and it's basically changed my life. Food is like a game now, a puzzle if you will, and I enjoy "fitting" candy or fast food or even liquor into my diet and seeing the numbers at the end of the day consistent with my goals. I do it rarely, however, as stuff like oatmeal and peanut butter and milk and chicken help me hit my goals the easiest.
For me, eating certain foods impact how I feel. Lots of wheat leaves me bloated as opposed to eating a bowl of pho with tons of rice noodles. That being said, I just eat now. Hit my macros and hit my caloric intake. We all good from there.


the piano man
today I am on a weird kind of roll.

I was about to fuck around on chest day because I still have tha pain in the back but after warm-up, it mostly went away... so I said "no, I am not fucking around and I've been pussing out of the next bench press increment so I go there, do warm up sets and go in there and try it TODAY, RIGHT NOW"

it went well, not the best ROM in sets 1 and 3 but I "broke" into it, bench press PRs with no spotter is intimidating but today there was a trianer around so I asked him to spot me on set 2. I needed his help in the last rep but always honest to god complete ROM touching slightly my chest so it's a decent first approach.

and for the first time EVER... I mean EVER, in the complete year that I've been using the scale in the gym as reference for my weight, I got a 70.2 kgs number, it took for fucking ever!!!! no matter what I'd do, it was always 68.X, sometimes barely above 69.0 but a 7 as the first figure in the number?? not in my wildest dreams, even having a big meal before stepping on it.... woah,it blew me away,
God, my right knee is driving me fucking insane. I strained it biking to work two weeks ago, and squatting has been a nightmare ever since. I've stopped trying, but now walking upstairs is painful. I'll be benching and doing dips today--that's it. :(


Any place in New York with a good selection of books about strength/fitness, including Starting Strength? Do they sell SS in regular bookstores, or in GNC or other gym equipment-stores?
Form check request please, on DL and OHP.

OHP at 47 pounds.

Apologies that the frame isn't tall enough to see my full extension. Hopefully you can see enough to tell me if my form is improved from the last OHP video I posted. For reference, my prior video was

Most of the comments were that I needed to tighten my core and not let my upper body "flop" so much. Any further tips?

Also, my DL at 155 pounds. I think my lower back is okay, but my upper back/shoulders may be a bit round.

Thanks again everyone!

Definite improvement on your OHP. Your original video had you swinging way too far backwards to avoid the bar, but you've got it much more controlled now in the newest video. It's hard to tell due to the angle of the vid and you not being fully in frame, but I almost still think your elbows are not forward enough and are too much towards the side of your body instead of in front of you... but, it's hard for me to tell, and I don't think you're only slightly off if at all, not majorly. Maybe someone else can tell better than I can.

Deadlift looks pretty good. I agree with you that your upper back isn't as tight as it should be. It's again hard to tell from this vid, but I think you can fix this problem by remembering to keep your chest out, shoulders back, and everything very rigid and tight. I personally like to hold my breath from just before I pick up the weight until I set it back down, then take another breath, because I find that being full of air keeps me tighter. This may not work for you, but I'm just recommending that you keep some focus on your breathing (for all of your lifts). Some people will tell you to breath in and out naturally, some will say hold in your air, others have crazier suggestions, but ultimately if your form is kept proper then just breathe whichever way works best for you.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Anybody see thjis device on Indiegogo?


As someone obsessed with data, I think I have no choice but to buy in. Measure and compare real-time data on all my workouts?

From the page:

Kind of looks like a tendo unit, but not really, lol.

I think LBEB are a bunch of asshats, but we've had that conversation before.

Bitches remove anyone who critiques them even if it's a solid honest and legit critique.

Brandon is a giant twat.

After doing lots of research myself this guy is merely echoing a lot of the same ideas I've read about, that your body doesn't care much about how you hit your macros, just that you do. Of course, it's much easier to hit your macros with "healthier" foods which is why they go hand-in-hand, but ain't nothing wrong with something like pizza every now and again to hit your carbs for the day.

You get fat from eating excess calories, not because you're eating fast food once a day (unless that's what puts you over your daily intake).

He's been writing articles after the fact that are near copies of articles from EFTS/Tnation for quite some time now. Always come out a month or two after sometimes sooner.

Nelo Ice

So still on Greyskull but think I may have reached my plateau on bench at 150 lbs for 5x3 as my max. Both times I've attempted 155 I'm only able to hit 4 reps each set and after the first failure I deloaded by 10% and moved my way back up but was unable to even go past 5 reps on my AMRAP sets. 2nd attempt of 155 lbs and I could still only do 4 reps. Besides that I nearly got 235 lb squat on Monday for 5x3 but failed after 2 reps on the last set. After the 2nd rep I knew there was no way I could power through and get 3 more reps correctly. For OHP I just hit 95 lbs today for 5x3 and hit 245 lbs for 5x1 on my deadlift.


So still on Greyskull but think I may have reached my plateau on bench at 150 lbs for 5x3 as my max. Both times I've attempted 155 I'm only able to hit 4 reps each set and after the first failure I deloaded by 10% and moved my way back up but was unable to even go past 5 reps on my AMRAP sets. 2nd attempt of 155 lbs and I could still only do 4 reps. Besides that I nearly got 235 lb squat on Monday for 5x3 but failed after 2 reps on the last set. After the 2nd rep I knew there was no way I could power through and get 3 more reps correctly. For OHP I just hit 95 lbs today for 5x3 and hit 245 lbs for 5x1 on my deadlift.

What has your diet and weight gain been like? Grey skull is a demanding program, and you need to eat a lot to keep up with the pace. You should not be stalling at those weights generally, not after resets.

Nelo Ice

What has your diet and weight gain been like? Grey skull is a demanding program, and you need to eat a lot to keep up with the pace. You should not be stalling at those weights generally, not after resets.
I'm eating enough sometimes more than I need and this is also after 3 months of SS. Last I weighed myself I'm at 141 lbs and I'm 5'5. Also have only gained about 2-3 lbs a month since June and have not put on much fat. Last I posted about this, I believe I was doing ok besides stalling at 215 lb squats but finally figured out the prob and of course have moved up since. I feel like its almost time to move onto an intermediate program. I can maybe pull off 100 lb OHP but besides that I'm guessing I will hit my squat limit soon as well as my deadlift limit. Bench I feel as though I'll be stalled until I move onto my next program.

edit: This is also after about a month of Greyskull.


Seems like my gym doesn't have a roman chair to do back extensions or glute/ham raises. Sigh. Any good substitute for that exercise in SS? We have a 45 degree roman chair thingy?


Really awesome progress, looking like a man, man.

I know what you mean about before pics. I have a fairly positive self image so I only realise how pudgy I have been just a few months ago when I look back at old pictures. It's a good feeling though, seeing progress visually. By far my most important motivator. You should be really chuffed about yours.

some great progress right here

Thanks dudes. The reason I'm disgusted with the old pic is that I wasn't always like that. I basically ballooned to that state in quite a short time after being a lot leaner for years. Still fixing that mistake :/

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Might be on the path to 400lb bench by the end of the year, finally. After watching the JL Holdsworth tip on how to properly apply leg drive my bench feels stronger than ever. Also, I'm nearing a 315 for reps CGBP.

Did 345 for 10 singles regular bench with 30-45 second rests in between, no more.

Then CGBP went 285x7, 290x7, 295x5 then again for 5.

Definitely feeling stronger than ever in bench.


Aliens ate my babysitter
New PB for squats, 125 kg. Probably could've gotten 130kg if I didn't feel like crap.

Slept horribly and felt like I had no energy.

Now BBB *dies*


New PB for squats, 125 kg. Probably could've gotten 130kg if I didn't feel like crap.

Slept horribly and felt like I had no energy.

Now BBB *dies*

I had exactly the same morning!

Slept horribly, felt like I wasn't gonna do it.
Got 95kg x 6 (previous was 90x6). Felt like I pushed my squats the hardest I ever have.

Then BBB volume at 50%..... I couldn't get up the stairs to work. Had to use the lift of shame.
100kg squat soon!!


Aliens ate my babysitter
I had exactly the same morning!

Slept horribly, felt like I wasn't gonna do it.
Got 95kg x 6 (previous was 90x6). Felt like I pushed my squats the hardest I ever have.

Then BBB volume at 50%..... I couldn't get up the stairs to work. Had to use the lift of shame.
100kg squat soon!!

Good man!

Weirdly, BBB at 70kg feels pretty light.


Aliens ate my babysitter
It feels light, but the fatigue always kills me on squats. I don't get fatigued on anything else, just damn squats.

But even the fatigue felt entirely manageable, whereas last week for 3s BBB all but destroyed me.
It feels light, but the fatigue always kills me on squats. I don't get fatigued on anything else, just damn squats.

Yeah, squats have been killing me too recently. It pisses me off when I feel like passing out after every hard set.. makes me just feel weak. Anyway, since today was a squat day I tried to eat more carbs than I'm used to and it seemed to help me. Didn't feel nearly as drained as before. I guess squat days will be high carb days for me from now on...
Dat feel when your love handles have shrunken significantly. OOOOOOhhh yeaah!

Feels amazing too.

Next week I'm going for 50 KG/110 lbs OHP. Totally excited! :)

Decided that I'm done with cutting for the time being. It's already been almost a year since I started losing weight and now I need to focus on getting stronger again.

Plan is to eat at maintenance for a week or two, then slowly adjust the calories so that I'll find the right number to eat. Something that allows me to make gains in the gym but with minimal fat gain. Going to implement some fasted walking every day that I can to hopefully burn off some fat. Calories will probably be just above TDEE on lifting days and a little lower on rest days. So basically a LG recomp.

Progress picture if anyone's curious:

Just looking at the before pic makes me sick. Lifting progress during this year has been pretty nonexistend since I haven't really been able to focus on gaining. Hopefully things will be different going forward..


Absolutely excellent progress dude!

By the way, I feel the exact same way about my before and afters. Just realising how much bigger flabs or rather "a life saving belt" I used have makes makes me certain I will never go back to being like that.


It's hard to tell due to the angle of the vid and you not being fully in frame, but I almost still think your elbows are not forward enough and are too much towards the side of your body instead of in front of you.

I'm still not entirely sure how to best get the arms into the proper position. I have a hard time pushing the elbows forward. Not sure if it's just flexibility issues, or if there's a setup technique I could use. It's a little easier to get them more forward when I start with a higher bar, but the next peg on this particular squat rack put the bar in the middle of my neck, so too high.

Deadlift looks pretty good. I agree with you that your upper back isn't as tight as it should be. It's again hard to tell from this vid, but I think you can fix this problem by remembering to keep your chest out, shoulders back, and everything very rigid and tight. I personally like to hold my breath from just before I pick up the weight until I set it back down, then take another breath, because I find that being full of air keeps me tighter.

I'll try holding my breath until the bar reaches the ground next time. I tend to hold my breath on the way up, but exhale as I go downward, which might be causing me to relax too much. Thanks!

I'm feeling better now about my program than I was a couple weeks ago. I hit the wall and started to miss reps on all the lifts, reaching a point where I felt defeated before I even completed the warm-up sets. I knocked down the weight on all the lifts and am now going to proceed with smaller increments while working on form the whole time. Hopefully this will give me another good month+ of beginner gains and get me past my prior roadblocks.
here's some selfies



goal is Tom Hardy from Warrior. I need to put on a lot more muscle

Height: 5'7
Weight: 172 pounds
Body Fat: Unsure but probably thinking 20 from the looks of it

Any tips appreciated

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man you look great brah. I'd be happy to hit a holding pattern with that.
Man you look great brah. I'd be happy to hit a holding pattern with that.

thanks, I've come to the realization that I'd rather start shooting for big arms,chest, traps, and legs instead of shooting for a six pack. Hopefully strengthening my core with squats and dead lifts will bring one out eventually since I've never had one. Even when I was super skinny at 115 my senior year in high school I didn't have one then, so I'm going to concentrate on building muscle instead of dropping body fat right now
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