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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I did it once and got really lean but I found it hard to maintain because it was before I knew anything about macros.. Essentially you go on a 24 hr fast, it could be once or twice a week depending how aggressive of a cut you want to go on.

The rule is simple if you had dinner on Monday(ex_) at 8 pm then on the 24 hour fast you will have nothing until Tuesday at 8 pm. Once Tuesday 8pm roles around you just have a typical dinner as if you did not do your 24 hour fast.

Essentially it is just an extended intermittent fasting protocol where at the end of the day you have a "normal meal", that would be roughly 1/3 of the days calories.

I reiterate that I had very good results from it and did not really feel like I was dieting but I do not think you can maintain this cut for a prolonged period of time. After I got to my goal I later went back up in weight fairly quickly but it was because I was ignorant on how to calculate macros. I might do this again now that I have a greater understanding! Totally forgot about this diet.

Edit: If doing the 24 hr fast twice a week. You cannot do them back to back you should generally wait two days between them.

....I do 24 hr fast 7 days a week already.

It's like others said. Once or twice a week (you can do it more often for faster results but 1-2 is the original protocol) you take a ~24hr break from eating. You can decide yourself the time and day so it's very flexible. It can be a different day every week if needed. Dinner to dinner, breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch are some of the options. I think the author Brad Pilon has a pretty good attitude towards food and dieting: Eat responsibly and enjoy yourself. Don't demonize foods for no reason. Just remember to sometimes take a short break from eating. I think it has relaxed my attitude towards cutting as well.

I fast on rest days and not back to back (except when I tried that 48hr fast for fun). I go to the gym on Mon, Wed and Fri so I normally fast on Tue and/or Thur and/or Sun, depending on the circumstances. If I can fast 2-3 times, I'll do that. If not, then I'll do 1x week. If for some reason I can't fast on some day, then I won't. So like I said it's flexible and you can fit it to your own schedule. Of course fasting like this will impede recovery somewhat but I feel like I've gained a little muscle here and there. And I do this to lose fat so I don't expect to make huge gains.

So I normally do supper to supper fast, from 9pm to 9pm. Important thing is to forget about the fast after you break it. Just act like it never happened and don't reward yourself. I just eat my normal supper, which comes around 500 kcal or so. On feeding days I eat normally, no IF whatsoever unless I'm not hungry in the morning. I keep my calories around my TDEE or slightly above on lifting days as well. I get my carbs and protein and fat.

So In theory I'm at maintenance or gaining 3-4 days a week and on a deficit 2-3 days a week. Should hopefully allow to make some small gains on those higher calorie days, while burning fat on fasting days. Basically recomping. After I'm done with cutting and my BF% is somewhere around 12% or so, I will drop the fasting days to 0-1 per week for a lean bulk. This should hopefully allow to make gains while burning any excess fat during that one fasting day, which will probably be sunday. Normally I gain fat very rapidly after cutting because apparently my body can't wait to get back to the fatso set point. Hopefully this will allow to make more lean gains.

My fat loss on this hasn't exactly been fast. It's actually been very gradual. Though I think most of it has had to do with eating too much extra on feeding days. Seems to be working better now. Though I like it that I don't necessarily have to stress or limit myself on different types of foods those feeding days. If my GF wants to get a pizza, it's not a problem as long as it's not every day. I just try to eat responsibly most of the time :)

The ESE book is highly recommended and probably the best researched source of info on IF there is. Just don't be scared of the website which looks like some terrible snake oil peddlers site :D

I like it because:
A) I lose fat and make small gains
B) It's relaxed and flexible
C) Fasting comes naturally to me
D) I don't have to stress about the foods I eat so much
E) Doesn't feel like dieting

Sent you a PM bish

As i mentioned, i eat once a day, same time, 7 days a week already. Life is so much better this way. But basically, you're doing a recomp, with some 24 hour fasts fitted in the week. That sounds very simple and flexable. Issue is, i just want to maximize fat loss as fast as possible, while keeping muscle loss to the lowest amount possible. Combining keto + IF has gotten me there, i mean i can see my damn abs at age 37 (first time in my entire life i've ever seen them) and i'm vascular as heck at this point.

Basically, i could easily run the protocol. Maybe once i start bulking at one point, it will become more realistic to switch to something like that. Thanks guys for the rundown.

Also, did not receive pm.


Sent it again. I'm on my cell so maybe something went wrong :)

And yeah, what you are doing now is clearly working. I just can't be bothered to cut everyday right now.


Sent it again. I'm on my cell so maybe something went wrong :)

And yeah, what you are doing now is clearly working. I just can't be bothered to cut everyday right now.

Got it, thanks.

Cutting everyday is all that makes sense to me. But i've been forcing myself to do refeeds here and there, just because i want the meal timing switched up. My body is adapting to the 24 hour fasting quickly. So every once in a while i split my food into 3 meals throughout the day. And if i need it, i'll eat at maintenance for a few days also. I listen to my body and act accordingly.


Got it, thanks.

Cutting everyday is all that makes sense to me. But i've been forcing myself to do refeeds here and there, just because i want the meal timing switched up. My body is adapting to the 24 hour fasting quickly. So every once in a while i split my food into 3 meals throughout the day. And if i need it, i'll eat at maintenance for a few days also. I listen to my body and act accordingly.

Yeah I've also done strict cuts (RFL for example) before and have had success. This summer I wanted to be a bit more flexible and ESE seems to fit the bill, though I'd like to lose fat a bit faster ;)

It's just what happens after that's the problem and pisses me off. You try to adjust to normal eating, trying to get enough calories but not too much. Problem is that your body has lowered the metabolism so you are more than likely to eat too much even if you are trying to be strict. And them there's all the hormonal issues of your body screaming to you to eat and get back to that blubbery mess you were. Shit's though..

If that Dr. Fung and his website you linked are right, this method might help to alleviate some of these issues. I guess we'll see..


Yeah I've also done strict cuts (RFL for example) before and have had success. This summer I wanted to be a bit more flexible and ESE seems to fit the bill, though I'd like to lose fat a bit faster ;)

It's just what happens after that's the problem and pisses me off. You try to adjust to normal eating, trying to get enough calories but not too much. Problem is that your body has lowered the metabolism so you are more than likely to eat too much even if you are trying to be strict. And them there's all the hormonal issues of your body screaming to you to eat and get back to that blubbery mess you were. Shit's though..

If that Dr. Fung and his website you linked are right, this method might help to alleviate some of these issues. I guess we'll see..

Yah, i need to read more of dr fung's stuff. I've been so busy but hopefully this weekend i'll make some progress. Decided to do the 48 hour fast, no food till saturday 1pm. Still going to hit the gym tomorrow tho, because i already ate today, shouldn't affect performance at all since i've been working out faster for a bit now.


I've personally come to a conclusion that most people (those with poor insulin sensitivity) should do some kind of reverse diet (ie. slowly increasing your calories week by week) after cutting instead of jumping straight in to some arbitrary number pulled out of the ass of some online calculator. Just to be safe. There's much less of a chance of getting fat again that way. After a hard cut it's impossible to know what your real TDEE is. It's probably not as high as you think and it's easy to put on fat very fast in that situation.

Speaking from experience here.
I've personally come to a conclusion that most people (those with poor insulin sensitivity) should do some kind of reverse diet (ie. slowly increasing your calories week by week) after cutting instead of jumping straight in to some arbitrary number pulled out of the ass of some online calculator. Just to be safe. There's much less of a chance of getting fat again that way. After a hard cut it's impossible to know what your real TDEE is. It's probably not as high as you think and it's easy to put on fat very fast in that situation.

Speaking from experience here.

That's what I've done in the past. I feel much more comfortable dialling in my bulking numbers that way without randomly putting on 2kg or nothing in a week.

The numbers from calculators have always been complete bollocks for me anyway.
Ok, working out after a 36 hour fast was hell on earth. I should have done something low rep / heavy weight so my heart rate didn't get up too much. Spent half of it feeling sick.

Not sure having a Lemsip (cold medicine) not long before the workout helped either.


Ok, working out after a 36 hour fast was hell on earth. I should have done something low rep / heavy weight so my heart rate didn't get up too much. Spent half of it feeling sick.

Not sure having a Lemsip (cold medicine) not long before the workout helped either.

Time to eat something after that.


I've personally come to a conclusion that most people (those with poor insulin sensitivity) should do some kind of reverse diet (ie. slowly increasing your calories week by week) after cutting instead of jumping straight in to some arbitrary number pulled out of the ass of some online calculator. Just to be safe. There's much less of a chance of getting fat again that way. After a hard cut it's impossible to know what your real TDEE is. It's probably not as high as you think and it's easy to put on fat very fast in that situation.

Speaking from experience here.

I plan on doing that when I stop losing weight on my current diet, or when I'm done and wish to start maintaining, or maybe bulking. Will increase carbs by 5% per week until I either start losing weight again or am maintaining.

Cooter said:
It's so damn good to me. I don't want to build expectations up so high that it can't live up to them but I love PB and I love PB cookies. I rarely have two cheat nights in a row but seeing as my next one won't be for 7 days I went ahead and got another pint last night while the wife and I watched a movie. It's my go to flavor now. Second time was just as good!

My cheat meal is tonight, though we may be able to fit it in our macros. Homemade pizzas with pizza dough, sauce, cheese, etc from Trader Joes. Daughter is having some friends sleepover. RIP my sleep tonight.
Vegas booked. Time to start my final shred. Gonna try and get as shredded as possible in 3 weeks. I might even meal prep for Vegas as on weekends away I'll lose a lot of weight due to excess partying and forgetting to eat.

That Monday I get back will be ridiculous refeed full of quest bars, proats and maybe some pasta.
Vegas booked. Time to start my final shred. Gonna try and get as shredded as possible in 3 weeks. I might even meal prep for Vegas as on weekends away I'll lose a lot of weight due to excess partying and forgetting to eat.

That Monday I get back will be ridiculous refeed full of quest bars, proats and maybe some pasta.

Do it up boss man!


Smores quest bar wasn't too bad. Bought a few since it's been a while. Still got cookies and cream and peanut butter and jelly waiting.

J. Bravo

sean i need your psn for some rocket league. I added bumrush and still waiting on his acceptance


How do you guys deal with cravings?
I am about to go insane today because of my carb cravings.

I don't, I have a decent amount of carbs (138) in my diet.

I have Rocket League as well, username is same as here though I've been playing solo online thus far.


FitBros (and Sadetar / Cooper), I've had a flu for a week or so, so I haven't been lifting (and consequently posting much in here as the talk of PRs, macros and peanut butter makes me jelly (see what I did there?)).

Feeling a little better, so don't fret, your Bum will be back before you know it!!


How do you guys deal with cravings?
I am about to go insane today because of my carb cravings.

As others have said, plenty of water. I've found that coffee/tea kill cravings for me as well.

FitBros (and Sadetar / Cooper), I've had a flu for a week or so, so I haven't been lifting (and consequently posting much in here as the talk of PRs, macros and peanut butter makes me jelly (see what I did there?)).

Feeling a little better, so don't fret, your Bum will be back before you know it!!

Ah well rest up man! Good that you're feeling better.


Here's my progress in my first 3 weeks of lifting while following SS:

Squat 3x5: 85->115 lbs
Bench Press 3x5: 95->110 lbs
Overhead Press (dumbbell) 3x10: 50 lbs unable to finish one set->all complete sets
Deadlift 1x5: 115->145 lbs

Height: 6'1"
Body weight: 168->173 lbs

I also do assisted pull-ups, lat pull-downs, crunches, and I started doing those oblique lean things. I'm not gonna write out all the numbers.

How am I doing?


Holy fuck. Coffee Time muffins are 700 calories each. I didn't eat breakfast as I was running late, and when a coworker brought some of these muffins in, I figured they were around 300 or something and ate 2. Man, I am going to starve tonight.


Holy fuck. Coffee Time muffins are 700 calories each. I didn't eat breakfast as I was running late, and when a coworker brought some of these muffins in, I figured they were around 300 or something and ate 2. Man, I am going to starve tonight.

Man, the chipotle I had last night was right around 700 calories and that was one of my bigger meals of the day.


Gym was great, strength really up, body adapting really well. Went up in weight on all accessories and hit almost every rep even at the higher weight, just missed the last set of dumbbell triceps by 2 reps. No biggie.

I'm at the 24 hour mark and not even remotely hungry. I expect 0 issues hitting 48 or more hours.
Holy fuck. Coffee Time muffins are 700 calories each. I didn't eat breakfast as I was running late, and when a coworker brought some of these muffins in, I figured they were around 300 or something and ate 2. Man, I am going to starve tonight.

That explains how I gain 3 pounds every time I eat 12 cupcakes


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Holy fuck. Coffee Time muffins are 700 calories each. I didn't eat breakfast as I was running late, and when a coworker brought some of these muffins in, I figured they were around 300 or something and ate 2. Man, I am going to starve tonight.

Anything that is sweet and fatty (because it is made with a lot of butter) is a killer calorie-wise. Flaky pastry, for instance, has ~400kcal per 100g, and that's before adding stuff like chocolate or sugar to it. Many people don't realize that that chocolate croissant that they eat for breakfast might already account for one third of their daily budget. Add a sweetened coffee to it, and you understand why so many average people have a hard time maintaining weight. The quick food that you can buy outside is usually really shitty in that respect.


FitBros (and Sadetar / Cooper), I've had a flu for a week or so, so I haven't been lifting (and consequently posting much in here as the talk of PRs, macros and peanut butter makes me jelly (see what I did there?)).

Feeling a little better, so don't fret, your Bum will be back before you know it!!

Hope you fully recover soon!

GrizzNKev said:
Overhead Press (dumbbell) 3x10: 50 lbs unable to finish one set->all complete sets

I've lost track of the last few pages, so maybe you mentioned this earlier, but why the modification of the OHP? When you say dumbbell press, 50 lbs, is that 2 25 lb DBs or 2 50 lb ones? Is using DB vs. BB just because the motion feels more comfortable?

Otherwise, the rate of progress seems fine.


Hope you fully recover soon!

I've lost track of the last few pages, so maybe you mentioned this earlier, but why the modification of the OHP? When you say dumbbell press, 50 lbs, is that 2 25 lb DBs or 2 50 lb ones? Is using DB vs. BB just because the motion feels more comfortable?

Otherwise, the rate of progress seems fine.

25 in each hand. Main reason I'm doing db right now is the people I go with refuse to do bb and they'd verbally shit on me if I took time at the rack to do it with a bb without them, even though that's what I'd prefer to do. As soon as I get one of my friends to join up I'll be switching over. I don't feel like it's a huge deal since my shoulder strength is so low right now anyway.


The only real thing you have to watch out for in DB overhead press is that you are keeping your hand spacing equidistant through the motion, something that grabbing a bar does for you automagically.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
FitBros (and Sadetar / Cooper), I've had a flu for a week or so, so I haven't been lifting (and consequently posting much in here as the talk of PRs, macros and peanut butter makes me jelly (see what I did there?)).

Feeling a little better, so don't fret, your Bum will be back before you know it!!

Get better bud.
Gonna ask for some more squat advice. I've been trying to learn the high bar and front squat. I've noticed that I'm able to successfully keep a straight back when my upper back isn't very tight (unlike how it would be when I have a bar on my back). When my back is tight, my lower back tends to lean out and creates a very uncomfortable feeling of tightness in my back (esp. middle and lower back). I know I'm supposed to keep a neutral spine, but this seems impossible when trying to keep my back tight.

Any advice?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So I've lost track of my consecutive lifting days streak. I know I didn't miss a day in June or July and for the year it's still only 5 days. :O


So I've lost track of my consecutive lifting days streak. I know I didn't miss a day in June or July and for the year it's still only 5 days. :O

Pretty amazing. I like my rest days lol. Plus I don't have a plan for extra days, wouldn't know what to do.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks all! Glad to see you're all getting after it.
B&Js Peanut Buttah sounds like the perfect recovery meal to me!

Pretty amazing. I like my rest days lol. Plus I don't have a plan for extra days, wouldn't know what to do.
At this point I made up my own routine so that's the easy part. I used to love rest days. I'm not quite sure what changed.
I seem to be having a bit of a food problem. So I'm doing pretty well in terms of getting all my macros, but I'm having trouble getting to the calories I need for my bulk. I'm currently at 2940 calories with a 40C 30P 30F split and I can't seem to reach it, mostly on my lifting days because the compensation calories is a lot. I bike to school almost exclusively, so on the days I lift and go to class, I end up needing almost an addition 750+ calories (at least according to RunTracker and MyFitnessPal). I'm pretty sure its overestimating the amount of calories I lose when I lift, but dammit is it difficult to eat that much food without resorting to junk to make up the additional calories. Any advice on how to get my calories and keep them clean?

Also, the effects of my Stronglifts program are coming along nicely, getting lots of compliments on my physique even though I'm nowhere near where I want to be (I needs my 6 pack abs to show dammit)


Hey guys how effective is weighted vest training? Like wearing it to use the stairmaster and just walking/jogging in general
Hm so I did some upper back mobility exercises and tried some front squats. They went amazingly! I was able to keep pretty damn upright (thank u based olympic weightlifting shoe gods). I'm a lot weaker in this exercise since it's quad dominant but I am so happy rn :))
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