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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Down another 1.4lbs, at 227.6. Feeling terrific. I'm going to eat today after the gym, and start either a 48 or 72 hour fast, more then likely 72. So I'll eat today at 1pm, then not eat again till Saturday at 1pm. Should be very easy. The more research I do into fasting, the more confident I am that it's the healthiest thing I've gotten myself into.

It's my 26th birthday, did upper body at the gym in the morning and had sushi buffet for lunch. Can't complain :)

Happy bday broseph.

Top of the page again dammit.
ty for all the love friends <3

I think the biggest thing that has come for me is all the face gains. Face is a lot thinner and more defined. An improvement imo.

But you look like you have a nice core. I can see some serratus trying to peek out there

Right, but it could be a lot better. Just imagine if I worked on them. My abs would really be visible. Fat man abs are the way to go.

You got this man.

I'm shooting for Vegas in November. I wanna look good for the pool bar.

As do you brother.

You mentioned earlier that you were going to bulk back up to 230 after cutting to 220. Are you currently above 230 then?

I bounce around between 228 and 231. I want to be 228 lbs or so in a few weeks, more often than not. I want to drop down to 220 coast for a bit and then slow bulk to 230 lbs to summer 2k16. I know it is because I've dropped the fat (almost 50 lbs since Feb) but I hate how my shirts don't feel as tight, jeans not as tight, etc. I'm hoping if I can put on a solid 10 lbs, I feel better lol.
For the first time, ever, I can say my log is more impressive than this video. But the video shows what my rack can do. My OHP was unstoppable today.

On video overhead press (strict) 225x5, 195x9. Incline log bench 190x10. Flat log bench 280x5 and some dips.

This rack is glorious.

Log: OHP bar x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 150x5, 175x5, 195x9, 205x5, 215x5, 225x5.

Incline log bench: 100x10, 150x15, 190x10.

Flat log bench: 100x10, 190x5, 280x5.

Dips and curls.


I'm so jelly of that rack and the fact that you can OHP 225x5.


505 Games Ltd
How are they a different type of muscle fiber? Not sure I buy that. I'm going to guess that you're not working them to the point of exhaustion like you do your other muscle groups so they have less to recover from. Which is honestly probably a good idea, because I've overworked my abs before and it's pretty painful to do anything. DOMS in abs = bad day.

Abs are slow twitch like your calves and forearms (although not exactly the same) and respond well to a higher rep range than most muscles.

I do around 400-500 reps for abs on every workout. With weights, with no weights, etc

Abs on their own take about 30 minutes.


You can pretty much take any muscle group and do it every day. You are just going to have an adaptation period to the initial stress known as life sucks.

I know a guy who has been doing a daily squat program for months now. Probably not as healthy for his hips and knees but its his body. I have no idea what effect it has on his max but he already pushes a few plates.

Its not like physical laborers only work every other day.


Abs are slow twitch like your calves and forearms (although not exactly the same) and respond well to a higher rep range than most muscles.

I do around 400-500 reps for abs on every workout. With weights, with no weights, etc

Abs on their own take about 30 minutes.
T-Nation has a good article on this. Seems important like you said to do both types of workouts. But saying that abs are "slow twitch" is reductive, and all muscles are made up of slow and fast twitch fibers. By working lower reps-high weight, you can activate those fast twitch fibers and get hypertrophy, and by working higher reps-lower weight you can activate the slow twitch fibers and build endurance.

Thinking I need to start working these more. I'd been operating under the mantra that I think Falling Edge had of where compound exercises will get me the six pack once all the fat is gone, but it wouldn't hurt to work on these muscles with some accessory exercises so that once the fat is gone, there's more there to see.


Down another 1.4lbs, at 227.6. Feeling terrific. I'm going to eat today after the gym, and start either a 48 or 72 hour fast, more then likely 72. So I'll eat today at 1pm, then not eat again till Saturday at 1pm. Should be very easy. The more research I do into fasting, the more confident I am that it's the healthiest thing I've gotten myself into.

From the Renaissance Diet book...
Intermittent fasting, a recent diet fad, claims that avoiding food entirely for large time frames during the day is a desired strategy, especially for fat loss. Intermittent fasting suffers from three rather significant drawbacks:

-Amino Acid Availability
Because there is no reserve storage of amino acids in the human body, when amino acids are not available from the GI tract, they are catabolized from other tissues. The most common tissue of catabolism is unfortunately muscle tissue. Thus, not consuming protein-containing foods for longer than 8 hours on end almost guarantees that muscle will be used to fill the amino acid gap. It is also by no means clear that later consumption of amino acids can make up for the short term losses by growing back the lost muscle at unusually high rates. Thus, intermittent fasting is probably best avoided by those seeking to lose fat while attempting to conserve muscle, as it seems to risk muscle unnecessarily.

-Pre-Training Fuel
Many of the most popular intermittent fasting protocols call for fasted training (with food intake only being provided after training and not before). The biggest problem with this approach is that training volume and intensity will almost certainly suffer, and both are critical to both muscle retention and fat loss. The research on pre-exertion eating is rather straight forward; fasted training almost always results in poorer volume and intensity exertions than training in the fed state. Eating a meal (carbohydrate inclusion is a very good choice but anything seems to work better than nothing at all) 2-4 hours before training almost always increases the productivity of that training. Those serious about body composition
enhancements must be prepared to train long and hard, and fasted training is simply not conducive to this practice.

-Lifestyle Issues
Some proponents of intermittent fasting have extolled its advantages for the busy schedules of real- world people. We're not all fitness professionals, and not all of us have time to eat 8 perfectly balanced meals per day. This is true as far as it goes, but intermittent fasting advocates take it a bit too far. While eating multiple times at many job sites is inconvenient or simply not possible, not eating at all during the day is a surefire way to promote poor energy levels, both physical and mental. With no food coming in, after a long work day, all of the coffee in the world can't restore the focus and energy levels needed for best work performances. Yes, eating fewer meals at work may be more convenient than and just as effective as eating every 2 hours, but not eating at all during the day is probably neither convenient nor effective.

I know you've made it known how much energy you have without food, but that could be explained by either...

1.) you're an outlier to the above research
2.) the placebo effect is very strong. If you want something to work you'll think it's working
3.) you could potentially have a LOT more energy with food compared to what you think is high energy.

Just offering another perspective since you seem to be researching this a lot.


Your body does buffer amino acids in the small intestine, which regulates it to the rest of the body.


Above study is commonly cited regarding protein portion per meal.

This is the article they cite in the book


I'm not nearly well versed enough in food science to really parse out the info from either study confidently.

I guess bottom line is, be careful who's interpreting the research you read. Thats why I liked the RP book. 4 doctors break down and explain research but even then there could be a sway in interpretation.
From the Renaissance Diet book...

I know you've made it known how much energy you have without food, but that could be explained by either...

1.) you're an outlier to the above research
2.) the placebo effect is very strong. If you want something to work you'll think it's working
3.) you could potentially have a LOT more energy with food compared to what you think is high energy.

Just offering another perspective since you seem to be researching this a lot.

There's so much misinformation in the quoted portion that it's ridiculous. It's practically conjecture rather than research. The amino acid portion is covered here:

Your body does buffer amino acids in the small intestine, which regulates it to the rest of the body.


Above study is commonly cited regarding protein portion per meal.

It takes at least 5 hours (according to the research below, it's not even finished after 5h) for your last meal to make it through your GI system, and even after that you still have amino acids that are either recycled from your body and/or stored in the GI tract. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that even after 8, your body's probably just getting finished with your last meal.


Second point, these sources show that there is absolutely no effect on training intensity, only volume. So only endurance really suffers the longer you are fasting:


Also a lot of this research is performed on ramadan fasts, which also restricts water intake.

The lifestyle part I can agree with but not really to the extreme that's taken from the book you quoted.

In addition to the above, I haven't even cited the sources from eat stop eat that disagrees with your quoted literature.


It is really not a fad in any way shape or form.

Sure, if getting caught up in semantics makes it easier it's not a fad.

I was simply posting a counter point, with scientific research to back it up, that said it wasn't optimal for the exact results you want.

No need to completely dismiss that. Keep an open mind on this stuff.

There's so much misinformation in the quoted portion that it's ridiculous. It's practically conjecture rather than research. The amino acid portion is covered here:

It takes at least 5 hours (according to the research below, it's not even finished after 5h) for your last meal to make it through your GI system, and even after that you still have amino acids that are either recycled from your body and/or stored in the GI tract. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that even after 8, your body's probably just getting finished with your last meal.


Second point, these sources show that there is absolutely no effect on training intensity, only volume. So only endurance really suffers the longer you are fasting:


Also a lot of this research is performed on ramadan fasts, which also restricts water intake.

The lifestyle part I can agree with but not really to the extreme that's taken from the book you quoted.

In addition to the above, I haven't even cited the sources from eat stop eat that disagrees with your quoted literature.

What's nice about the article I posted is that it analysis a lot of studies to back up their claims.

This is research though. Very few things are set in stone and someone is always finding something different from another group.

The next step would be to take each of these articles and analyze their research methods and parse out which ones are junk and which are scientifically sound.

But like I said before, I don't have the background to do that.

What I can tell you from my research background in psych is just tread lightly. Don't buy all into one study and dismiss another just because it backs up how you feel.

Also, to your point about it being misinformation, everything in the RP book is cited and then written out in easy to understand language by actual doctors. I mentioned before they could also have a bias in place with their interpretations, but who knows.

Just keep an open mind is all :)
Anecdotally, it took a significant period of time before I could train at the same intensity fasted as I could non fasted. I wonder how many studies just stopped people eating and had them start working out on a very short timescale. The problem is that there are just too many variables to take account of (unless you plan on keeping someone on a ward for a year).

With that said, there are a number of workouts where I flag far faster fasted than I ever did non fasted... these being anywhere I go anerobic / vo2 max. I start with just as much power, but generally after an hour or so I start to fall apart.

You can pretty much take any muscle group and do it every day. You are just going to have an adaptation period to the initial stress known as life sucks.

I know a guy who has been doing a daily squat program for months now. Probably not as healthy for his hips and knees but its his body. I have no idea what effect it has on his max but he already pushes a few plates.

Its not like physical laborers only work every other day.

It's not really about whether you can, but more about if it's as effective. Sure, you could squat every day, but the question is, would you gain more doing it every other day and giving your muscles proper time to recover and rebuild.


Amazing day at the gym today, my strength is really up. Feel amazing. Deadlift today with 5x275, 5x320 and 5x360. All reps finished clean, plenty in the tank. Finishing my food now and fasting till Saturday at 1pm. 72 hours let's go.

Sean, I should apologize, when I read those quotes, the amount of bro science just got me worked up. I totally have an open mind, but nothing you quoted was anything other then baseless opinion. The body doesn't just start destroying itself asap if food isn't there, that's what food company's who want to sell you shit like snacks, powders, etc want you to believe.
What I can tell you from my research background in psych is just tread lightly. Don't buy all into one study and dismiss another just because it backs up how you feel.

I never do, of course. I'm just putting forth all the research I did on the topic before, as all the numbers point towards my "philosophy" on the way I handle my diet/training. Also, I was a science student (although in chemistry) at one point until I realized it made no money. I'll state that to me, each of the posted pubmed articles are decent enough to prove the point they state. I did say that they're ramadan studies so there's water intake issues but other than that everything seems pretty sound.

I could also cite Brad Pilon's "How much Protein" book for the recycling/reuse of protein/amino acids, but that one has no references for that statement and I'm still at work so I don't have time to look for the backup on that.

But yes, open mind is important. I like to see articles/references posted because I'll read them all when I have a spare moment lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
-Pre-Training Fuel
Many of the most popular intermittent fasting protocols call for fasted training (with food intake only being provided after training and not before). The biggest problem with this approach is that training volume and intensity will almost certainly suffer, and both are critical to both muscle retention and fat loss. The research on pre-exertion eating is rather straight forward; fasted training almost always results in poorer volume and intensity exertions than training in the fed state. Eating a meal (carbohydrate inclusion is a very good choice but anything seems to work better than nothing at all) 2-4 hours before training almost always increases the productivity of that training. Those serious about body composition 
enhancements must be prepared to train long and hard,
and fasted training is simply not conducive to this practice.

I take issue with this particular line of reasoning. Length of a training session has little to do with body composition enhancements. This makes it sound like unless you lift for 2+ hours you will see little changes. One hour is plenty and lifting hard while on a fast for 1 hour is a piece of cake. I concede if you're training for an endurance sport you should not do it fasted but for natural weightlifters like us it has little if any affect on intensity.


Amazing day at the gym today, my strength is really up. Feel amazing. Deadlift today with 5x275, 5x320 and 5x360. All reps finished clean, plenty in the tank. Finishing my food now and fasting till Saturday at 1pm. 72 hours let's go.

Sean, I should apologize, when I read those quotes, the amount of bro science just got me worked up. I totally have an open mind, but nothing you quoted was anything other then baseless opinion. The body doesn't just start destroying itself asap if food isn't there, that's what food company's who want to sell you shit like snacks, powders, etc want you to believe.

Yeah no need to apologize and I didn't want to come off as a dick either. What you read was the super dumbed down version of


I never do, of course. I'm just putting forth all the research I did on the topic before, as all the numbers point towards my "philosophy" on the way I handle my diet/training. Also, I was a science student (although in chemistry) at one point until I realized it made no money. I'll state that to me, each of the posted pubmed articles are decent enough to prove the point they state. I did say that they're ramadan studies so there's water intake issues but other than that everything seems pretty sound.

I could also cite Brad Pilon's "How much Protein" book for the recycling/reuse of protein/amino acids, but that one has no references for that statement and I'm still at work so I don't have time to look for the backup on that.

But yes, open mind is important. I like to see articles/references posted because I'll read them all when I have a spare moment lol.

Glad to have another research minded person on board :)

What actually pushed me off from the research world and into more clinical work, was almost anything could get published with enough spin. It was pretty annoying/concerning. Sort of jaded me on a lot of studies.

I take issue with this particular line of reasoning. Length of a training session has little to do with body composition enhancements. This makes it sound like unless you lift for 2+ hours you will see little changes. One hour is plenty and lifting hard while on a fast for 1 hour is a piece of cake. I concede if you're training for an endurance sport you should not do it fasted but for natural weightlifters like us it has little if any affect on intensity.

I think this might be more in reference to say...a body builder with their pro card which would definitely require a large amount of training volume when a competition is coming up. But I don't think they're advocating 2 hour workouts either.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I think this might be more in reference to say...a body builder with their pro card which would definitely require a large amount of training volume when a competition is coming up. But I don't think they're advocating 2 hour workouts either.
Yeah possibly but then it's speaking directory to people on gear for the most part. Long and hard workouts just sounds like old broscience stuff to me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Amazing day at the gym today, my strength is really up. Feel amazing. Deadlift today with 5x275, 5x320 and 5x360. All reps finished clean, plenty in the tank. Finishing my food now and fasting till Saturday at 1pm. 72 hours let's go.

Sean, I should apologize, when I read those quotes, the amount of bro science just got me worked up. I totally have an open mind, but nothing you quoted was anything other then baseless opinion. The body doesn't just start destroying itself asap if food isn't there, that's what food company's who want to sell you shit like snacks, powders, etc want you to believe.

If you had plenty in the tank, you should have pushed harder, not gone with the base 5 reps. Don't think I won't call you on that shit. I know the program probably better than anyone here!


If you had plenty in the tank, you should have pushed harder, not gone with the base 5 reps. Don't think I won't call you on that shit. I know the program probably better than anyone here!

I should, but I'm doing it all for calories burned, not to get stronger. Different goals with the program. I find it great I can continue to lift decently on a cut. Once I start bulking, I will increase the volume quite a bit. Not at that point yet tho.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Ugh, still not fully recovered from heavy squats and deadlifts I did Monday so today's workout felt pretty bad and I had to deload a bit. Only eating cereal beforehand probably also wasn't the smartest move.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I should, but I'm doing it all for calories burned, not to get stronger. Different goals with the program. I find it great I can continue to lift decently on a cut. Once I start bulking, I will increase the volume quite a bit. Not at that point yet tho.

This makes zero sense. If you're lifting weight and have plenty in the tank regardless if it's for strength or not (there's always a strength component) you are selling yourself short. More reps would have been more calories. There is no logic in what you just said.

What you're doing is not 5/3/1. It's a rep scheme.


This makes zero sense. If you're lifting weight and have plenty in the tank regardless if it's for strength or not (there's always a strength component) you are selling yourself short. More reps would have been more calories. There is no logic in what you just said.

Well I usual am done by the time I finish my accessories after the compound. I want to leave enough in the tank to finish them, and they're pretty heavy with a lot of volume.

Rep scheme is fine by me lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well I usual am done by the time I finish my accessories after the compound. I want to leave enough in the tank to finish them, and they're pretty heavy with a lot of volume.

Rep scheme is fine by me lol.

Accessories are secondary to the main movement. Saving yourself for accessories is bullshit and a cop out.

I'd ask you what you're doing for accessories because in some rare instances there are templates for pushing accessories but you're more than likely not in that realm. I know how you are by now though, so just do you.


Accessories are secondary to the main movement. Saving yourself for accessories is bullshit and a cop out.

I'd ask you what you're doing for accessories because in some rare instances there are templates for pushing accessories but you're more than likely not in that realm. I know how you are by now though, so just do you.

Yah, I am not in it for the same thing you and many others are. I just like following the template, hitting the reps, and making slow progress. The day will come when I take it much more seriously. That day isn't now. Just want to lose fat and keep muscle right now.

You should incorporate First Set Last and Jokers Sets ILoveBish. Good additions to 5/3/1.

I do FSL and love it. I usually go all out on that, but not on deadlift day because of crap hex plates. Joker sets are something I'll be doing later once I'm bulking.
This makes zero sense. If you're lifting weight and have plenty in the tank regardless if it's for strength or not (there's always a strength component) you are selling yourself short. More reps would have been more calories. There is no logic in what you just said.

What you're doing is not 5/3/1. It's a rep scheme.

Accessories are secondary to the main movement. Saving yourself for accessories is bullshit and a cop out.

I'd ask you what you're doing for accessories because in some rare instances there are templates for pushing accessories but you're more than likely not in that realm. I know how you are by now though, so just do you.

I honestly have nothing to add, I just wanted to quote and say that these are the 2 best training posts ever lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Is it something other than be a complete badass? Because if its not that then I might be able to do it.

I lay my numbers out like this.

Warmup, warmup, warmup/ first set, second set, last set.
Joker, joker, last joker, FSL.

If I can make over the prescribed reps on last set I move on to joker. Each joker is a 5% increase. If I hit the prescribed reps for the joker (dependent on if it's 5, 3, or 1 week) I move to the next joker, if I fail to make any of the prescribed reps on jokers I stop any remaining jokers and move to FSL. Then I do FSL to 10 reps by any means necessary.

If I make all 3 jokers I skip FSL and move on to assistance.
I lay my numbers out like this.

Warmup, warmup, warmup/ first set, second set, last set.
Joker, joker, last joker, FSL.

If I can make over the prescribed reps on last set I move on to joker. Each joker is a 5% increase. If I hit the prescribed reps for the joker (dependent on if it's 5, 3, or 1 week) I move to the next joker, if I fail to make any of the prescribed reps on jokers I stop any remaining jokers and move to FSL. Then I do FSL to 10 reps by any means necessary.

If I make all 3 jokers I skip FSL and move on to assistance.

So would you be doing sets of 3 for jokers on 3 week correct? I like it, makes it so you don't over work yourself if you manage to do that many joker sets. I've also been doing a couple sets of doubles on my last set to get some extra volume in, especially on threes week. Think that might be too much?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So would you be doing sets of 3 for jokers on 3 week correct? I like it, makes it so you don't over work yourself if you manage to do that many joker sets. I've also been doing a couple sets of doubles on my last set to get some extra volume in, especially on threes week. Think that might be too much?

Yep, jokers cap out at the weeks prescribed reps. So jokers on 5 week cap,at 5, 3 at 3 and 1 at 1.

The whole thing is auto regulation and if you push he last set like you're supposed to you're gonna get worked.

Like yesterday was 5s week. I hit my last set for 9, did 3 joker sets hit 5 on each one, then moved on to assistance.

Had I hit 5, 5 then 4 on my jokers, even though I only missed the last rep on the last joker, I still am on the hook for 10 reps at first set last.

As far as your doubles, id drop those and go to this if I were you.
Yep, jokers cap out at the weeks prescribed reps. So jokers on 5 week cap,at 5, 3 at 3 and 1 at 1.

The whole thing is auto regulation and if you push he last set like you're supposed to you're gonna get worked.

Like yesterday was 5s week. I hit my last set for 9, did 3 joker sets hit 5 on each one, then moved on to assistance.

Had I hit 5, 5 then 4 on my jokers, even though I only missed the last rep on the last joker, I still am on the hook for 10 reps at first set last.

I really like it. Thank you for sharing. I'm gonna start incorporating it next week on my 5s week and see how it feels. I can see right now that it will make my deadlift days harder, but thats not a bad thing at all. Those FSL kill me. Especially on DL day.

edit: Are you on a typical 5/3/1 set up or a hybrid version? I just switched over to a 3/5/1 pyramid and I'm enjoying it so far.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I really like it. Thank you for sharing. I'm gonna start incorporating it next week on my 5s week and see how it feels. I can see right now that it will make my deadlift days harder, but thats not a bad thing at all. Those FSL kill me. Especially on DL day.

Remember, none of that is mandatory. Anything over your last set is extra. So every joker and FSL is icing. If you're going over your prescribed reps, you're progressing.

Also, if they kill you, get all your jokers and don't worry about FSL! Lol.

Edit to your edit: I'm doing beyond 5/3/1 with a different structure more strongman focused.
Remember, none of that is mandatory. Anything over your last set is extra. So every joker and FSL is icing. If you're going over your prescribed reps, you're progressing.

Also, if they kill you, get all your jokers and don't worry about FSL! Lol.

Edit to your edit: I'm doing beyond 5/3/1 with a different structure more strongman focused.

Thank you again. I really like that layout. I re-read beyond the other day and I relearned a bunch of shit I forgot. Such a useful book to go through again. I forgot Preplin's chart was in there which I find to be useful. Do you do that FSL as a set of 10 or break it up depending on how you feel? You don't consider it an "as many reps as you can do" set do you since you cap it at 10?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thank you again. I really like that layout. I re-read beyond the other day and I relearned a bunch of shit I forgot. Such a useful book to go through again. I forgot Preplin's chart was in there which I find to be useful. Do you do that FSL as a set of 10 or break it up depending on how you feel? You don't consider it an "as many reps as you can do" set do you since you cap it at 10?

Any means necessary as I said. If I can get it in one set, I'll do it in one set. If I have to do 5 sets of 2, so be it.

The goal is 10 reps total, no more, no less.
Yep, jokers cap out at the weeks prescribed reps. So jokers on 5 week cap,at 5, 3 at 3 and 1 at 1.

The whole thing is auto regulation and if you push he last set like you're supposed to you're gonna get worked.

Like yesterday was 5s week. I hit my last set for 9, did 3 joker sets hit 5 on each one, then moved on to assistance.

Had I hit 5, 5 then 4 on my jokers, even though I only missed the last rep on the last joker, I still am on the hook for 10 reps at first set last.
Is there a guide on that program anywhere? Sounds fascinating.
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