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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I had the moist mint chocolate chunk the other day and it was so GOOOOOOOOD. I would be all over an entire box if I wasnt broke right now


I've always said I'm done reaching out to people at the gym and I broke my rule and remembered why I stopped doing this.

Was working in with a guy squatting (while I front squatted). He went from 135-225-315 doing tons of reps at each point. Not a single one was parallel but he was about 3/4 there and you could tell he was strong because his back never caved and he remained tight.

He completely disregarded my advice to try going lower to hit parallel and told me its all mental and if you think what you're doing works, it will work. I left it with people get very good at bad habits which he looked pissed about but oh well.

Reason #15650651635498 why I'm glad I work out at home.
Yeah man lets close this out together. 10 more lbs??

10 more lbs! And so orange! (I promise I'm not that orange, just the lighting in the room)


I don't give a fuck about what I look like at 220, I will stop there. I can't handle it mentally lol. Will do a slow, steady bulk back up to 230.

Also, another thing I learned is that for me, following the advice of "squats and deadlifts will build your core, you do not need to do more core work" is wrong wrong wrong. Abs are a muscle just like any other. I would benefit huge from working on them. When I start to bulk back up, I definitely will hit them up 3 days a week.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The treadmill I used today at the gym was standing in sight of one of these silly vibrating band machines that supposedly burn fat away without any effort.


I was on the treadmill for 60 minutes. In that time, I saw a rather obese women come out of the locker room, use that thing for around 20 minutes, and go back to the locker room.

I hope the instructors at the gym haven't told her that this nonsense will help her at all. It's a shame that especially middle-aged and older people aren't told to do a weight-lifting training that is suitable to their level of fitness. I don't know why the gym even has one of these machines.


Some day I'm going full brolic and getting all my own stuff.

Ohhhh shit. My fatceps are slowly getting a shape to them.

Haha you and me both.

Fatceps is funny, I've noticed that my biceps are getting smaller and have better definition while I haven't noticed a big change on the scale. Stomach is getting more definition as well and clothes are fitting better.

The treadmill I used today at the gym was standing in sight of one of these silly vibrating band machines that supposedly burn fat away without any effort.


I had no clue those were still in existence. My grandfather had one from the 60's or something and I remember messing with it back in the early 90's. It was hilarious to turn it on and try to carry on a conversation.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You two look great! What a difference.

Your abs are there FE. Just need to lean out a bit more. You're super close. But if you want to do addition core work that will only help.


The treadmill I used today at the gym was standing in sight of one of these silly vibrating band machines that supposedly burn fat away without any effort.


I was on the treadmill for 60 minutes. In that time, I saw a rather obese women come out of the locker room, use that thing for around 20 minutes, and go back to the locker room.

I hope the instructors at the gym haven't told her that this nonsense will help her at all. It's a shame that especially middle-aged and older people aren't told to do a weight-lifting training that is suitable to their level of fitness. I don't know why the gym even has one of these machines.


that's pretty crazy.

the fitness industry has so much scams sadly.
If it's just carbonated water then it doesn't have any calories. If it's one of those with added flavor it's usually full of citric acid which is bad for your teeth (same as soda).

Doesn't look good to me. Too much processed food (powders, cereal, ham..) and Quest bars (fiber intake would probably be way too high at around ~70g/day. Too little real food. Plus it looks boring as fuck. Sure you get your macros on that menu, but I would think you will eventually become deficient in some micronutrients. Though if it's only for a short while I guess it's doable.

If you are truly truly too busy to cook, I'd probably buy a slow cooker and make a huge batch of food at once. I'm currently making chili for six days worth. Prep time was maybe 20 minutes. Plus I need to boil rice separately every day but it's no biggie (got a rice cooker).

Since I take a multivitamin supplement, I should be fine, right?

What's the downside to having too much fibre?


I can't speak for everywhere, but I've never seen it in Europe. Apparently Australia is net as well.

Hmm, that is interesting.

I could sort it out with MFP if there was a way they made their data more easily parseable, even for a computer(like a .CSV export). Alas they are only about collecting your data. Too convenient though.
So unfortunately, the bar/handle at the cabw lat pulldown station at my gym sucks. It's a good curved shape but it's made from this really nasty plastic material that kills your grip once the hands get a tiny bit sweaty. I would much prefer a metal handle, but unfortunately, this is not available. So, I got a bit creative and put one together using some other stuff available in the gym:


Unfortunately, this one had a couple of problems. It hangs quite a bit lower than the normal handle. It's not a problem for me because I'm short (specifically my torso is very short) but my gym buddy (who is not very tall) is too tall to use it properly.

Worse, I've gotten used to using a curved handle. I felt it was harder to keep good form with a totally straight handle. The handle tended to go out too far in front of me, so it felt like it hit my arms more than my back. Maybe I can adapt my form though.

Mostly I just wanted to share this really ugly thing that I made. It made me and my buddy crack up, at least


Gym went terrific today. Felt really strong. Ohp with 5x120, 5x140 and 5x160, with a cooldown AMRAP 10x120. Then did some pull ups dead hanging and got 3,2,2,2. Feel really good right now with diet and fasting. Feels like I have a really good handle on things. Still on 1750 calorie setup.


Since I take a multivitamin supplement, I should be fine, right?

What's the downside to having too much fibre?

Aside from what's already been said, I also believe you shouldn't consume too much fiber pre/post-workout. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think fiber fuels/restores muscle growth after they've been worked. Based on your diet-plan/meal timing, it looks like you're not necessarily eating fiber before/after your sessions anyway, so I guess you're good.

I'll echo what someone else said though, try to incorporate more whole/real food. I completely understand being strapped for time due to work, but I've made the mistake recently of relying too much on clean, pre-packaged goods in an attempt to hit my macros and after a few months, I'm not happy with my results. Just get some 99% lean chicken and a George Foreman Grill, meal prep on a day off and you're set! Do the same with brown rice, too.
The treadmill I used today at the gym was standing in sight of one of these silly vibrating band machines that supposedly burn fat away without any effort.


I was on the treadmill for 60 minutes. In that time, I saw a rather obese women come out of the locker room, use that thing for around 20 minutes, and go back to the locker room.

I hope the instructors at the gym haven't told her that this nonsense will help her at all. It's a shame that especially middle-aged and older people aren't told to do a weight-lifting training that is suitable to their level of fitness. I don't know why the gym even has one of these machines.
There's a neighbor with it outside giving it away. Lol I might snag it but it would just take up space

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
For the first time, ever, I can say my log is more impressive than this video. But the video shows what my rack can do. My OHP was unstoppable today.

On video overhead press (strict) 225x5, 195x9. Incline log bench 190x10. Flat log bench 280x5 and some dips.

This rack is glorious.

Log: OHP bar x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 150x5, 175x5, 195x9, 205x5, 215x5, 225x5.

Incline log bench: 100x10, 150x15, 190x10.

Flat log bench: 100x10, 190x5, 280x5.

Dips and curls.

Thanks for the bench press replies.

Last question for now, how much better/worse is the alt full body work out compared to the first one in the OP?


For the first time, ever, I can say my log is more impressive than this video. But the video shows what my rack can do. My OHP was unstoppable today.

On video overhead press (strict) 225x5, 195x9. Incline log bench 190x10. Flat log bench 280x5 and some dips.

This rack is glorious.

Log: OHP bar x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 150x5, 175x5, 195x9, 205x5, 215x5, 225x5.

Incline log bench: 100x10, 150x15, 190x10.

Flat log bench: 100x10, 190x5, 280x5.

Dips and curls.


Insane, and the video is still super impressive. The rack does look incredible.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Fucking beast Brolic!

Urgh this sucks, progress halted today. I was supposed to do 435x4-5 and only did one rep, just racked it and gave up no energy. Doing 405x5 instead :(

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Insane, and the video is still super impressive. The rack does look incredible.

Fucking beast Brolic!

Urgh this sucks, progress halted today. I was supposed to do 435x4-5 and only did one rep, just racked it and gave up no energy. Doing 405x5 instead :(

Thanks guys. And MTP, the fact you can consistently squat over 400 for reps with everything else you do is still mind boggling.


Since I take a multivitamin supplement, I should be fine, right?

What's the downside to having too much fibre?

Multivitamin can help but it has been shown to be less edfective than "real" vitamins and minerals. Your body doesn't absorb them as well in pill form for some reason. Plus real food can have other important nutrients we don't even realize are important yet. But it's a good way to be safe you get some at least.

Regarding fiber, huge intakes can interfere with nutrient uptake AFAIK and you shit a ton. I'd consider something between 30-40g/day a decent amount. 70g sounds way too much but I can be wrong..


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, need help.

So as I mentioned a week or two ago, I finally recovered from my surgery and was able to eat again. Before the surgery I was 163 lbs. Then a week after I was 154 lbs. Now I know that most of that weight was probably water weight and all, but still, it was a huge drop. And although my diet has (mostly) gone back to normal for more than a week, my weight is almost unchanged (it's at 155 lbs. as of this morning).

Help. D:
Alright I'm seeing a damn trainer. I can't keep obsessing over my squats day and night lol

This guy is known for training olympic lifts, so hopefully he won't let me down.
Day 1 - It went better then expected. I don't think I butchered the movements too badly, not in searing pain but I may change my tune when I wake up tomorrow. However my legs can definitely feel the squat exercise.
Guys, need help.

So as I mentioned a week or two ago, I finally recovered from my surgery and was able to eat again. Before the surgery I was 163 lbs. Then a week after I was 154 lbs. Now I know that most of that weight was probably water weight and all, but still, it was a huge drop. And although my diet has (mostly) gone back to normal for more than a week, my weight is almost unchanged (it's at 155 lbs. as of this morning).

Help. D:

What do you need to know? At the end of the day all you can do is keep modifying your intake until you start gaining weight again. Your body has gone through a fairly significant trauma so there's no use expecting everything to be as it was again.

I'm assuming you don't need us to tell you high calorie food stuffs. ;)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What do you need to know? At the end of the day all you can do is keep modifying your intake until you start gaining weight again. Your body has gone through a fairly significant trauma so there's no use expecting everything to be as it was again.

I'm assuming you don't need us to tell you high calorie food stuffs. ;)

Well, when I've gotten sick in the past I'd lose several pounds but make most of it back up in a week or so once I got healthy again, so I thought it would be the same case now. Of course, this one was much worse than past instances (I think I ate less than 1,000 calories for the whole week after the operation).


Thinking about moving my friday morning leg workout to tomorrow morning and then doing a 48hr fast until saturday morning. So from post workout shake onwards. Would also be my first breakfast to (breakfast to) breakfast fast. Other option is to just fast tomorrow like normal and then hit the weights and food on friday like normal.

Though I'm becoming partial to taking the longer fast (again) to burn more fat. Getting leaner but still ways to go. My waist was 86,5cm today (great birthday present :)). Started at 92-93cm and I'm aiming for 80 or less as the ultimate goal.


505 Games Ltd
Currently at 85.5-86kg. Need to get rid of that excess water. Does anyone know any good water manipulation methods?

Squats are coming along nicely. Did 125kg for 6 reps and 135kgs for 4 yesterday. If I could manage to do 150kg at some point I would be really happy. After my glute injury like 9-10 ago my days squatting 180kg are way gone.

Swelfie from yesterday (blurred for the artistic effect)

I think more than anything, you need more hashtags there. :p

Unrelated, ab work. I assume like any other muscle group it's probably best not to do this every day? Or is there something different about abs that will allow them to develop properly with less rest?


505 Games Ltd
I think more than anything, you need more hashtags there. :p

Unrelated, ab work. I assume like any other muscle group it's probably best not to do this every day? Or is there something different about abs that will allow them to develop properly with less rest?

I used to think like that as well but it didn't work out for me. I train abs on every session, do loads of them. They are a different type of muscle fiber and they can recover faster compared to the majority of you body. Forearms also tend to recover faster from my experience.

Keep in mind I have lordosis. Bum is sticking out and so does the stomach, no matter if I have abs or not.

Pic does need more hashtags indeed :D


I used to think like that as well but it didn't work out for me. I train abs on every session, do loads of them. They are a different type of muscle fiber and they can recover faster compared to the majority of you body. Forearms also tend to recover faster from my experience.

Keep in mind I have lordosis. Bum is sticking out and so does the stomach, no matter if I have abs or not.

Pic does need more hashtags indeed :D

How are they a different type of muscle fiber? Not sure I buy that. I'm going to guess that you're not working them to the point of exhaustion like you do your other muscle groups so they have less to recover from. Which is honestly probably a good idea, because I've overworked my abs before and it's pretty painful to do anything. DOMS in abs = bad day.
10 more lbs! And so orange! (I promise I'm not that orange, just the lighting in the room)

I don't give a fuck about what I look like at 220, I will stop there. I can't handle it mentally lol. Will do a slow, steady bulk back up to 230.

Also, another thing I learned is that for me, following the advice of "squats and deadlifts will build your core, you do not need to do more core work" is wrong wrong wrong. Abs are a muscle just like any other. I would benefit huge from working on them. When I start to bulk back up, I definitely will hit them up 3 days a week.

But you look like you have a nice core. I can see some serratus trying to peek out there
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