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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Deadlifted like shit today. Dehydrated and fatigued hamstrings from squats. My fat ass can still row and do pull-ups though.

365x3 and 335x5. Then 10 pull-ups. Rest of log is in video description.
Now I'm wondering if I'm doing my rows incorrectly. I have very little movement and my back stays pretty still. I concentrate on hitting every rep with as little movement upwards as possible. Naturally this limits my weight I lift but I tend to focus my rows in the 10-12 rep range anyway. What say you Mr. Brolic...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Now I'm wondering if I'm doing my rows incorrectly. I have very little movement and my back stays pretty still. I concentrate on hitting every rep with as little movement upwards as possible. Naturally this limits my weight I lift but I tend to focus my rows in the 10-12 rep range anyway. What say you Mr. Brolic...

Different goals, different purpose. Ed Coan is a huge proponent of the way I do them, using body English. I also do them strict, when I want to.



It has been weeks since I last posted on here. It seems that time really flies. I agreed to sacrifice all my free time when I bought Destiny, but I didn't realize they really meant it.
If you happen to play it, hit me up! Playstation 4 - Taistelumurmeli. I have already added some of you that use PS4. (I promise to try to be on my best behaviour.)

I today turned 30 (and had an epic cheat day). I managed to do things that needed to be done (like get my master's degree), but work out wise I kinda feel I have lost a year. My back has healed nearly fully (there is just some slight odd feelings on my left leg), but I am in about same situation as a year ago which is somewhat frustrating. Well, at least I now know a ton more and maybe have a bit more strenght, so I just keep at it and go past this. I am hitting the gym three times a week now with upper and lower body split. I certainly feel the difference compared to full body work outs twice a week. MrMuscle checked everything through so I will just continue that for couple months to let my back get stronger before I change to something that would be more efficient.

Oh and my new gym is totally awesome! It has extremely lovely and friendly people in there and the regulars already say hi to me and we have short discussions here and there about lifting. It feels actually nice to go there and people are always encouraging each others and helping others to improve. Love it.

I will have a new work out pants as a birthday gift. At the moment I have only normal work out capris and compression calve sleeves and compression short socks. What do you think would it be good idea to get compression pants?

I also remembered that I really love water! Swimming and especially just doing random stuff in the water like hand stands, walking on hands, somersaults and so forth is just so much fun! I am also so very happy that I can round my back again. Feels good. I would have actually wanted to have a photo on this post since birthdays and all that, but there is nothing to show and all I have are random shots from water activities from my friend's cottage. Maybe I will post some proper comparison shots after like 6 months when there have been 2 full years of working out.

I read everything through in here though. I just need to say couple short notices:

FallingEdge, You look damn gorgeous and ridiculously sexy currently!

SeanR1221, Your upper body just looks huge now when your waist is getting smaller. Totally loving your cut results! (Also totally loving your wife, she is a dime.)

Sacul, looking really ripped!

Brolic Gaoler, you continue to never let us down offering the true words of wisdom and videos of being a total beast. Also you have a badass gym.

BumRush, you silly. Hopefully you are back at the gym by now. <3

mdsfx, I am really liking that pic of yours.

The Chef, very good looking torso. :p I can tell the difference from your previous pic.

HisshouBuraiKen, impressive outfits. You can certainly pull them off.

ILoveBish, hahah, oh you are an odd bird. Hopefully you will manage to catch one like yourself in those married arrangements eventually.

theytookourjobz, you continue to look good... that crossfit stuff - looks damn dangerous. :p

TMONSTER, I need to agree that you are not a big person - you are huge (even if not that particularly tall). I am actually even more impressed.

Leeness, when you have time scan me that list, pretty please. :D Also good luck with your last couple pounds! You got this!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Different goals, different purpose. Ed Coan is a huge proponent of the way I do them, using body English. I also do them strict, when I want to.
Kinda what I figured. Thanks for the quick response brotha. Super impressive btw. Body english or not.


Fuck these scales...

This 100%, but not in the same way you meant it. Don't watch the scales to closely. Weight can fluctuate depending on a few variables including water. I only check the scale once a week or so at most.

I would rather just look in the mirror or take a few caliper measurements to judge progress. Give it time before you get frustrated. If you are always hungry after a week or more of restricting calories, I would think chances are very good that you are losing fat.

Again, fuck the scales.

Edit: personal example. I'm up like 2 pounds since 2 weeks ago on a cutting diet and burning 700+ calories a day minimum with cardio, but I look more cut and my numbers are up on all my main lifts. Scale isn't showing me the number I want? Fuck it. Who cares?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Did my first sets of good mornings. Didn't hate them like I read I'm supposed to. I hope I'm doing them right.

I'm definitely having issues with my dumbbell bench form. 2x3 and then 1x5 with 85s. It's very easy to miss the arch or fail to rebound. I should get it next time though.

Front squats up to 2x5 and 1x7 last two paused at 150. Going for 160 next week.

Nelo Ice

Came across this pretty interesting site:


Basically you enter your lifting stats and it tells you how symmetric you are and how your lifts compare to each other.

Pretty cool site. I got 66.3. Back squat was the only lift I wasn't considered at least intermediate at.

This is after realizing I wasn't squatting deep enough for the past few months. Now I'm deloading until I hit the sweet spot so I can start working my way back up properly. Aside from that I'm quite happy with my lifts. But it still stings :(.
Came across this pretty interesting site:


Basically you enter your lifting stats and it tells you how symmetric you are and how your lifts compare to each other. With illustrations.

This was also pretty interesting:


Says my maximum genetic potential could be around 92kg at 12% body fat. We'll see won't we :)

Strongest lift-OHP
Weakest lift-DL according to that site

Welp at least I'm not a novice anymore

The Chef

Hey, thanks Sadetar!

Came across this pretty interesting site:


Basically you enter your lifting stats and it tells you how symmetric you are and how your lifts compare to each other. With illustrations.

This was also pretty interesting:


Says my maximum genetic potential could be around 92kg at 12% body fat. We'll see won't we :)

This is way cool. My maximum potential is 192 lbs at 5.5% body fat. LETS DO IT


Why does he wear the mask!?
This 100%, but not in the same way you meant it. Don't watch the scales to closely. Weight can fluctuate depending on a few variables including water. I only check the scale once a week or so at most.

I would rather just look in the mirror or take a few caliper measurements to judge progress. Give it time before you get frustrated. If you are always hungry after a week or more of restricting calories, I would think chances are very good that you are losing fat.

Again, fuck the scales.

Edit: personal example. I'm up like 2 pounds since 2 weeks ago on a cutting diet and burning 700+ calories a day minimum with cardio, but I look more cut and my numbers are up on all my main lifts. Scale isn't showing me the number I want? Fuck it. Who cares?

yeah, how my clothes fit etc is my actual measurement of progress, just annoying when the scales don't seem to catch up

Only really check the scales every week/2 weeks

However, I'm not always hungry :( I drink a lot of water and fit my food into an 8 hour window, might that be why?

The Chef

yeah, how my clothes fit etc is my actual measurement of progress, just annoying when the scales don't seem to catch up

Only really check the scales every week/2 weeks

However, I'm not always hungry :( I drink a lot of water and fit my food into an 8 hour window, might that be why?

Thats one reason why doing a scale can be so frustrating. Sometimes you'll have retained more water weight than the previous day and will weigh more.
As I learned recently, less than 2 weeks is NOTHING. (Don't let that discourage you). After 3-4 weeks you'll start to notice changes. 8 weeks you'll be stoked and more motivated than ever. 12 weeks you'll be show ready son.

Oh and to echo the above. Ditch the scale and go with measurements.


If you guys like those calculator type sites this is a good one


Got my Inzer 13mm Lever. First impressions are that the belt itself seems super hefty, the lever looks like a cheap casted part based on the pitting and the flashing at the edges. Looking forward to trying it out next week, still giving my knee some time to recover.

Also managed to do a few sets of bodyweight dips finally. A bit too swingy towards the end of the set but its progress from months on the gravity assist of shame.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement



Sky Chief

Hi Fitness GAF

I'm 35, 6'2", 190lbs

About 10-15 years ago I had two elbow surgeries for a sports injury. I completed the rehabilitation program but it was more occupational therapy and over time I developed some body imbalances. Last summer these lead to more elbow and shoulder issues and so I undertook more physical therapy and then started working out with a trainer to correct the imbalances. Since last fall I got a lot stronger and more healthy and had a net weight loss of 35lbs. It's made my life much better and now I want to take the next step.

Currently I work out about 2-3 times a week at my work gym lifting weights and I bike ride or hike at least another 2-3 times a week. My work gym is small and nobody ever uses it but it has a squat rack, a few benches, a couple barbells, and a full set of dumbbells.

I want to get stronger and put on more muscle. I am considering either the recommended program or the Strong Lifts 5x5. What are the Pros and Cons of each? I also lifted weights in high school so i know it is safer to have a spotter but this is unlikely to be possible but I think I have a good understanding of the risks involved and general safety techniques especially for bench press. Is this a big problem?

A few questions. For the recommended beginner program I should start with an empty bar for squats and presses and a lightly loaded bar for dead lift and row and then progress from there just like the 5x5, right? I can only do a couple of pull ups at a time, what should I do if I'm unable to do the 3 sets of 8-15 as prescribed? What is a recommended ab program?


Reposting for a new page, any advice is greatly appreciated.


Came across this pretty interesting site:


Basically you enter your lifting stats and it tells you how symmetric you are and how your lifts compare to each other. With illustrations.

This was also pretty interesting:


Says my maximum genetic potential could be around 92kg at 12% body fat. We'll see won't we :)

Pretty cool. 70.7 intermediate score, strongest lift back squat (by a hair over deadlift), weakest lift OHP (smh I hate OHP lol).

Maximum muscular potential is 156 lbs at 5.5% body fat. A more reasonable goal is 164 lbs at 10% body fat or 168 lbs at 12% body fat. Which is still fucking crazy to me because I weight 143 right now lol.
Came across this pretty interesting site:


Basically you enter your lifting stats and it tells you how symmetric you are and how your lifts compare to each other. With illustrations.

This was also pretty interesting:


Says my maximum genetic potential could be around 92kg at 12% body fat. We'll see won't we :)


Squats be fucked. OHP I had to deload to fix my form but that's coming along nicely


Happy Birthday Sadetar! I'm not back in the gym yet...ended up being a terrible bug / flu that lasted 2 weeks. I feel better today and should be back working out over the weekend! Thanks for asking.


It hit first fat loss plateau, only two weeks.

I'll continue on my current plan then reassess. Before that it was 3 months straight of 2 pounds per week weight loss.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Different goals, different purpose. Ed Coan is a huge proponent of the way I do them, using body English. I also do them strict, when I want to.


Yea I see it this way. I try to use as little momentum as possible because it feels right for my body. I tried Coan style rows and they kill my lower back. It's harder and slower to progress with strict form but I feel my back get stronger.


Just hit 45 hours fasted. Super easy. After work going to Newport Beach and will get some walking in. Also hit a new low of 224.8, but I'm sure that is going to go up quick when I eat tomorrow.


Just hit 45 hours fasted. Super easy. After work going to Newport Beach and will get some walking in. Also hit a new low of 224.8, but I'm sure that is going to go up quick when I eat tomorrow.

I'm somewhere around 36 hours now. 48hr comes up tomorrow morning. I was just a bit hungry when I woke up today but otherwise it's been super easy. Also my abs are much more pronounced than yesterday. It's always nice to see progress on a daily basis some times :)


I'm somewhere around 36 hours now. 48hr comes up tomorrow morning. I was just a bit hungry when I woke up today but otherwise it's been super easy. Also my abs are much more pronounced than yesterday. It's always nice to see progress on a daily basis some times :)

I'll be going till tomorrow afternoon. Hunger comes in weird waves, it will hit for 5 min, I drink water, it goes away for a long time. It's so simple.
Did 40 hours. Only slept 5 hours last night so that was a bit rough, but for the most part I felt good. Digging into some Greek yogurt and I'll be hitting the gym in an hour or so.


So, had my wound opened today. It's a nasty lookin' bugger, need to change the packing twice a day for up to eight weeks which will be irritating and probably expensive. I'm hoping the wound care clinic at school can give me supplies; I've got one appointment per week. Good thing is the doctor said I can start easing back into lifting soon; I can almost be less cautious here because I don't have to worry about splitting here.

Have a 6 hour drive tomorrow thought which I already know is going to be absolutely miserable. Gonna sit on a pillow and hope to god there's no traffic.
Came across this pretty interesting site:


Basically you enter your lifting stats and it tells you how symmetric you are and how your lifts compare to each other. With illustrations.

This was also pretty interesting:


Says my maximum genetic potential could be around 92kg at 12% body fat. We'll see won't we :)
My bench is below but everything else is above.
I knew my bench was bad.

The weight calculations for the different body types being so high blows my mind though (6 for 2 inch), thought they would be lower.
Hi FitGAF. I have a really specific pain (injury?) that I am hoping someone here has experience with or can diagnose.

When squatting (barbell, whether back or front squat) I feel a sharp pain where my right leg attaches to my torso. The pain feels like it is more on the inside, closer to my groin rather than on the outside of my leg. It feels like it is at the ball-and-joint.

After I hit parallel, whether I pause or come back up rapidly, the pain always occurs just a little bit after coming upwards. The pain is gone befote I fully am upright, so it is very specific to the point just after beginning to come up but before I'm fully standing.

The pain does not occur when walking, running, biking, laying down, doing knee raises, or really in any scenario except just in that specific portion of my squat.

It started at least 2-3 months ago. I took three weeks off from squats but today started up again and it hurts still. The pain occurs even if I do a body weight squat and doesn't seem to get too much worse even with a loaded barbell.

Any thoughts? Time to see a doc?

I should add, after my set, I feel a dull pain in the spot still. It goes away within a minute or two.


Happy birthday Sadetar! We gotta get an all fitgaf raid team going in destiny :)


I realized I just follow the author of the RP book on Facebook which means I can like and comment on his statuses but not directly write on his wall. I did however write on the wall of the RP Facebook page and never got a response to the 8 hour amino acid question :/. Kind of disappointed honestly. Will probably follow up soon
So this week has seen leg day followed by three days of cycling at least four hours a day. Quads don't know what hit them, but on the bright side they're looking huge.
Achievement unlocked: Successfully deadlifted my bodyweight today 205lbs feels good!

Also successfully OHP at 95lbs 5X5 after stalling back on Monday, its definitely the hardest lift in the 5X5 program, not sure how far I'll be making it on that lift. I wonder if the reason why its difficult is because I have to press it pretty high given my long arms.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
So I think I've run into a small hitch on my low bar squats. I've managed to keep my buttwink under control for a while but recently it seems to have come back with avengence. I normally squat a little outside shoulder width with toes pointed out at 30 degrees roughly. I foam roll my quads and calves then follow with some hip flexor stretches before every workout. I haven't had any back pain from it yet but I don't want to risk an injury over it.

Video from todays workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbpTcZ8tJa4

I know I could just try to not go as deep every single time but I feel like I lose power if I don't get that little bounce out of the bottom of the hole doing ATG. I've been reading up on people trying wider stances and that possibly being a solution to the buttwink.

Suggestions to my squat are very welcome as I'm still a beginner at this stuff.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Been pic whoring lately but friends, I can finally say I lift #10morelbs
Fucking beastly! Really impressive few years you've put together FE. Do all the extra core work you want but your abs be popping now! I reckon you will be very pleased once you hit 220.
Hi FitGAF. I have a really specific pain (injury?) that I am hoping someone here has experience with or can diagnose.

When squatting (barbell, whether back or front squat) I feel a sharp pain where my right leg attaches to my torso. The pain feels like it is more on the inside, closer to my groin rather than on the outside of my leg. It feels like it is at the ball-and-joint.

After I hit parallel, whether I pause or come back up rapidly, the pain always occurs just a little bit after coming upwards. The pain is gone befote I fully am upright, so it is very specific to the point just after beginning to come up but before I'm fully standing.

The pain does not occur when walking, running, biking, laying down, doing knee raises, or really in any scenario except just in that specific portion of my squat.

It started at least 2-3 months ago. I took three weeks off from squats but today started up again and it hurts still. The pain occurs even if I do a body weight squat and doesn't seem to get too much worse even with a loaded barbell.

Any thoughts? Time to see a doc?

I should add, after my set, I feel a dull pain in the spot still. It goes away within a minute or two.

Sounds to me like hip impingement/hip labrum issues. I've dealt with them myself. No bueno, but I didn't want to get hip surgery at a young age. I just work around the pain now to be honest.


Just hit 54 hours fasting, getting close! Tomorrow at 1pm will be 72 hours and i'll break fast then. Right now putting together my Skylake pc which is really helping kill time.

FE, man you're looking so good. But keep cutting. The more you cut, the bigger you're going to look. Everything pops and makes you look bigger and bigger. Great job.

Oh man almost got top of the page again, dodged that bullet.
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