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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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CGBP, LTEs, and weighted dips! Have fun.

I did dips out of those, along with skullcrushers, tricep pulldowns (v-bar) and kickbacks.. I included dips into each superset but didn't do weighted. The other 2 you listed I did earlier in the week, really need to improve on CGBP though.
Sounds to me like hip impingement/hip labrum issues. I've dealt with them myself. No bueno, but I didn't want to get hip surgery at a young age. I just work around the pain now to be honest.

If what I have is hip impingement/hip labrum, is there any serious risk if I push through it? I just don't want my hip to explode or something mid-squat. Also, any stretches, foam rolling, or light weight training I can do to improve it?

Thanks by the way.


There must be something wrong with me - I totally love lower body days and they make me feel like a beast, on upper body days I am just in pure agony with my baby weights (that still feel like they weight a ton) and just push them through because I know I need to (I admittedly love the after feel though).

Lol, thanks Sadetar. And happy birthday.
Yay! Thank you. ^_^

Happy bday Sadetar!
Thanks. :)

Happy birthday Sadetar! I was wondering where you had gone. Sounds like a fun day, and best of luck in the next year!
Thank you! Hahah, and yeah, I didn't realize time went that fast to be honest. :p

I had a great day and the coming year better be injury free for a change. :D

Happy Birthday, Sadetar!!!!!!!

Yay, thank you!!!!


Happy birthday my fellow leo!! I'll be joining the party on Sunday.
Ooh, I remembered that you were born around the same time of the year as I was. :D Congrats in advance! Hopefully you are planning to celebrate properly and will have epic cheat day as well. :p

Hey, thanks Sadetar!
You are welcome even though the pleasure was totally mine - I always appreciate progress pics. :)

Happy birthday sadetar!!
Thanks! ^_^

and Happy birthday Sadetar!!
Thank you! :D

Happy Birthday Sadetar! I'm not back in the gym yet...ended up being a terrible bug / flu that lasted 2 weeks. I feel better today and should be back working out over the weekend! Thanks for asking.
Thanks you! :)

And awwww, I am sorry to hear that. Good to hear that you are getting better though and hopefully have awesome work out this weekend!

Happy Birthday Sadetar! Hope you have a good one!
Thanks FE! :D And yep, my birthday was absolutely awesome - I ate a lot, played video games and watched movies. :p This weekend I will celebrate with my parents and next week I will have a party with my friends. I am kinda just mixing my graduating parties and my birthdays though but it is totally worth it.

Happy birthday, Sadetar! <3

I will PM you that list, sorry, I scanned it like a week ago and then forgot.
Yay, thanks! :)

No worries. I will reply you back on PM.

Happy Birthday, Sedatar. I've enjoyed your quote summaries lol.
Awww, thanks! I am just a bit surprised somebody actually reads them through - certainly got a wide smile on my face! :D

Happy birthday Sadetar! We gotta get an all fitgaf raid team going in destiny :)
Thanks Sean!

And that is a great idea
- sounds like a smoking hot party to me
! :p

So this week has seen leg day followed by three days of cycling at least four hours a day. Quads don't know what hit them, but on the bright side they're looking huge.
I don't know how you keep up with a schedule like that! You are a machine.

And I really, really want to see a leg pic from you some day!

Achievement unlocked: Successfully deadlifted my bodyweight today 205lbs feels good!

Also successfully OHP at 95lbs 5X5 after stalling back on Monday, its definitely the hardest lift in the 5X5 program, not sure how far I'll be making it on that lift. I wonder if the reason why its difficult is because I have to press it pretty high given my long arms.
Woo-hoo! Awesome, congrats! :)

Been pic whoring lately but friends, I can finally say I lift #10morelbs
Well, with all honesty you have a damn good reason to post those pics - you have come a long way and at least I totally love to see your cut results! You sexy beast, you.


there is joy in sucking dick
All my lifts have stagnated on my seemingly perpetual cut but my OHP just keeps going up. Was able to put up 135lbx6. Dat duak manhole cover club. Feels awesome pushing up two 45s strict.

And happy belated, Sadetar! &#127881;


Previously when I have lifted weights I have gained size pretty much everywhere except my core, and I eventually get a back injury and just stop.

I have decided to follow the stronglifts 5x5 routine.

I've recently decided to start again and have noticed that when I lift relatively light weights I can really feel my core working. Though I am capable of lifting much heavier, when I do my core ends up giving out and my lower back takes on all of the strain.

The only problem with lifting such light weights (I'm talking very light, as in 15kg for squats) with compound movements is that my arms, legs e.t.c are individually capable of lifting much heavier, but my core is holding all of it back. I've had to cut back on my calorie consumption as a consequence.

Progress seems to be slow right now because I am still getting used to actually engaging my core when I lift. I don't think I'll be able to increase the weight every workout as is recommended for the Stronglifts routine.

I hope it's all worth it in the end.


Hi FitGAF. I have a really specific pain (injury?) that I am hoping someone here has experience with or can diagnose.

When squatting (barbell, whether back or front squat) I feel a sharp pain where my right leg attaches to my torso. The pain feels like it is more on the inside, closer to my groin rather than on the outside of my leg. It feels like it is at the ball-and-joint.

After I hit parallel, whether I pause or come back up rapidly, the pain always occurs just a little bit after coming upwards. The pain is gone befote I fully am upright, so it is very specific to the point just after beginning to come up but before I'm fully standing.

The pain does not occur when walking, running, biking, laying down, doing knee raises, or really in any scenario except just in that specific portion of my squat.

It started at least 2-3 months ago. I took three weeks off from squats but today started up again and it hurts still. The pain occurs even if I do a body weight squat and doesn't seem to get too much worse even with a loaded barbell.

Any thoughts? Time to see a doc?

I should add, after my set, I feel a dull pain in the spot still. It goes away within a minute or two.

I had this problem when I first started lifting/squatting and it went eventually went away in a month or two without taking breaks from squatting. I started foam rolling soon after it began so that may have helped.


Caught up with a friend yesterday who made my wife and I this huge home cooked Indian dinner. It was amazing and I'm up 2lbs from water. Time to use that fuel for deadlifts today and probably eat 1600-1700 calories to offset the surplus a bit.


Is bench press really necessary for an effective chest routine? I ask because my wrists are extremely flexible and have never been able to lock, which makes bench much harder.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Is bench press really necessary for an effective chest routine? I ask because my wrists are extremely flexible and have never been able to lock, which makes bench much harder.

I would think training heavy dips would be a good replacement.

Wrist shouldn't be involved in your bench, though. Hundreds of pounds will unlock any wrist. I have a bad wrist and dumbbell bench press just fine.
I had this problem when I first started lifting/squatting and it went eventually went away in a month or two without taking breaks from squatting. I started foam rolling soon after it began so that may have helped.

Yeah I will look into how to use my foam roller to try and improve this issue. Unfortunately, this isn't a case of an issue with a new squatter as I've been squatting fairly regularly since 2008.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Gaining about five pounds in a week is pretty good for your lifts.

Squats 3x5x230 lbs (PR)
Standing DB Press 3x5x62.5 lbs (PR)
Power cleans 1x1x155, 3x3x145, 1x4x145 (PR)

I also improved in all of my accessories, and felt why good mornings help on squats.
If what I have is hip impingement/hip labrum, is there any serious risk if I push through it? I just don't want my hip to explode or something mid-squat. Also, any stretches, foam rolling, or light weight training I can do to improve it?

Thanks by the way.

No problem! Well, so from what I've read/been told, you will probably have some increased wear on your hip joint compared to someone who doesn't have these issues which may lead to some issues down the road.

Granted, you may not have actually done anything to cause this. Some people are born with imperfectly formed hip joints, so high impact sports (football, hockey, etc.) and heavy lifting just kind of exacerbate the wear/tear issue.

That said, even though your symptoms sound like what I've dealt with, you may want to just go see an orthopedic specialist to verify. It could be something, might be nothing. Everyone's body is different.


Only slept 4 hours, energy is crazy right now, feels like I could run a marathon. Nearing the 70 hour mark, nearly there. Down another 1.4lbs, 223.4.


After hovering at 142 for like three weeks, things are finally moving again! 140.4 this morning.

So close to the 130s omg. I don't think I've been under 140 since I was 13.

These are good. Kinda airy but 40% protein is 40% protein.



Also, i didn't even realize it till just now, but i'm now down exactly 120lbs. Started 343, now 223. If i had to guess i'd say im at 19% body fat or so. Getting so close. Going to go to 9-10%, i swear it!

Evolved mutant confirmed.

Nah, just got my eye on the prize.
I had this problem when I first started lifting/squatting and it went eventually went away in a month or two without taking breaks from squatting. I started foam rolling soon after it began so that may have helped.

Sounds like proximal hip adductor tendinopathy. I had the same issue when I started weighted squats a few months ago. I had to put weighted squats on hold and eccentric hip adductor exercises daily to every other day for 6-8 weeks until symptoms fully resolved.
Funny, three days of cycling, each day burning something in the order of 3,000 kcal... no way in hell I covered that in food intake, and yet... come back and I'm a full kg heavier than when I left.


the piano man
Love this tank Sphinx.

and to think that's an L (or XL?), you are huuuge, haha

have you noticed the zelda crest begins to wear off after a while? yours is much newer so maybe it hasn't happened yet. Still, very comfortable, feels good..

as of now, my favorite shirt is this one, I bought it blindly from amazon just because I wanted to use my credit card and turned out to be the absolutely best. Perfect fit, color, everything is right about it.

I really need a new cel or camera. Most of my recent pics are blurry messes that could have been good shots,


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's a large. This is actually my 2nd one because the crest on the first one was off center and it bugged the shit out of me.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Despite a shitty heavy day this week my volume squats are decent tonight, considering I dropped from 210>202lbs.

385/375/365/365/365x8 beltless and these were buried deep.


fuck belly fat, it's the worst when it seems like it'll never wear off :(
Join the club, I so know that feeling. After all these parties are over I have decided to have 100 clean days and see if that helps at all to the bloat and annoying belly fat. Will see what is the situation again after that.

Happy belated birthday, Sadetar :)
Awwww, thank you! ^_^

After hovering at 142 for like three weeks, things are finally moving again! 140.4 this morning.

So close to the 130s omg. I don't think I've been under 140 since I was 13.
Congratulations! You are certainly entering a territory I will never go
I pretend I don't even want to
. :p

And happy belated, Sadetar! &#127881;
Yay! Thank you! :D

Not sure if i'm late but happy bday Sadetar!
Hahah, bit late, but I still appreciate it so thank you! :)

Circus dumbbell gains. Also, loaded my new sandbag over 62" bar a few times. That's nearly my height. Lol

Circus DB 105x5. 150lb sandbag over 62 inches x 3
Those dumbbells looks absurdy huge and the idea of you just casually lifting them and that sandbag just blew my mind. I honestly don't even fully realize how damn strong you are (referring to all the videos I have seen of you).

I must save Hyrule and rescue the princess...

Love this tank Sphinx.
Oh I am a huge fan of Zelda series! I totally love that tank top as well! <3 Oh and also really sweet phone cover!

Thanks bud, also, look out, I think you'll find a willing participant in sadetar for the princess saving.

If she's got the crown I'm down.
Oh, I am liking this discussion. :p
Especially the part where Cooter says something about going down...
And sure I have the crown, I just need to finnish that little assasination I have been planning.
You are all beautiful people, as always ty for the comments. I take a look back at my pic from a few years and it is crazy how far I have come from. Feels good man.

mirin the look cooter


You are an inspiration fe. I'm not one to randomly praise people but seeing how far you have progressed motivates me a lot.



It has me at 97% symmetry. Still just barely in novice strength levels, though.

Weakest lift is bench press at -5% and strongest are back squat and chin up at +2%.

I got 71%, said i need work on biceps/forarms, lats and rear delts. Everything else was above average. But these numbers are not my true maxes, since i'm just following the routine as a guideline, im not actually training to see what my true 1rm is. Once i'm ready to bulk, i'll have real 1RM's and will compare again. My forarms are pretty damn spiffy, i get told all the time how huge/defined they are.


Is it bad to eat a lot of junk/wing stop to get protein in? I think I am not getting enough protein from my meals+protein shake.

How bad is junk food if you drink a lot of water and exercise a lot?


The one piece of coconut cream cheesecake that survived, i threw in the freezer for about a week. Tried it out today and it was every bit as delicious as when i made it fresh. I'll likely not eat dairy again till my bulking, but good to know.

Is it bad to eat a lot of junk/wing stop to get protein in? I think I am not getting enough protein from my meals+protein shake.

How bad is junk food if you drink a lot of water and exercise a lot?

There is really never a good situation for junk food. You cannot out work a shit diet, unless you're on drugs.


Is it bad to eat a lot of junk/wing stop to get protein in? I think I am not getting enough protein from my meals+protein shake.

How bad is junk food if you drink a lot of water and exercise a lot?

If you can get baked wings it is whatever. Probably more important that you ate enough for the day.

Should really not be hard to get enough protein in. I have to stop myself from eating too much protein.

Any good advice for exercises for helping my calves catch up to the rest of my body?

Frequency of training, calves develop from frequency. Source : ex fat guys with huge calves. Just find a step every day and knock out a bunch(150) raises on each leg. Important not to push from the outside of the foot, you want to be using the ball, and slow, controlled descent don't just let it drop.

Do that in addition to your Seated and Standing calve raises at the gym, which i usually throw on the end of leg day.
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