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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Man i've been playing SOTC, Virtua Fighter 4 Evo and more in PCSX2 all night thanks to my new Skylake setup. My god its incredible. I actually might play some video games again for once. Will help me fast easier too lol.

This is a great read. Thank you!

Well you guys convinced me. Im currently on day 1 of my 16 hour fast....its 10:30am. The hunger pains are real.

It gets easier and easier. Body adapts. People don't give the human body enough credit.


Did a solid 30-45 minute yoga session yesterday for the first time in probably a year. definitely feeling the muscles this morning so I'm thinking my form was a little off during it. hopefully a small jog around the neighborhood will loosen me up a little bit.

The Chef

Really great form Brolic.

I can't recommend IF enough. Makes cutting a lot easier, IMO.

I am actually SO excited to give it a shot. Especially since I am just hitting a 10 week mark of doing a low carb cut and really not getting any real results from that.


Speaking of fasting...after I had brunch yesterday, I decided to try a 24 hour fast given all the fasting talk in this thread lol. Currently into the 22nd hour and honestly, it hasn't been that hard. The only time I really felt hungry was around 6:30-7:00pm last night, but drank a couple glasses of water and it went away.

Might try to incorporate the Eat Stop Eat method of fasting into my lifestyle...start with one day a week and see how it goes from there.
Weight still going down.

93 kilos currently (205lbs). Getting close to my immediate goal of 90 kilos.

I am LOVING IF! It makes managing my caloric intake so much easier for some reason. And anxiety has dropped a lot.

So far I've lost 24 kilos (53lbs)!


Why does he wear the mask!?
Speaking of fasting...after I had brunch yesterday, I decided to try a 24 hour fast given all the fasting talk in this thread lol. Currently into the 22nd hour and honestly, it hasn't been that hard. The only time I really felt hungry was around 6:30-7:00pm last night, but drank a couple glasses of water and it went away.

Might try to incorporate the Eat Stop Eat method of fasting into my lifestyle...start with one day a week and see how it goes from there.

Yeah, it isn't that hard tbh. Drinking water is essential, keeping busy helps too.

I'd have done a 24 hour fast today (In preparation for my cheat day tomorrow, but didn't end my eating window until 9PM last night)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yup...305 front squats. You're a fucking beast dude.

Nah, just catching up. Remember I've had a 405 front squat before.

All this fasting talk is really making me feel proud. Smartest group on gaf.

Fasting isn't "smart" it's a dietary choice that's made for specific reasons and goals (or should be)

This would be like me saying if everyone was talking about eating Reese's pieces for breakfast and lifting hard as hell they would be the smartest group on gaf.

Or when crosscut claims their athlete are the fittest on the planet. It's all bullshit.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I started fasting about middle-late 2013. Never looked back.

You basically fast anyway without realising, all I've done is move my eating window, and incorporate 24 hour fasts.


Yes. Last time I'll being doing that. Those big life milestones always hit you.

lol still have a ways to go with my daughter but I know it's going to be hard. I'm already super attached.

p.s. to all, tomorrow I get back in the gym (i ended up with strep which fucking destroyed me). Can't wait. I feel like it's Christmas Eve today!

The Chef

This would be like me saying if everyone was talking about eating Reese's pieces for breakfast and lifting hard as hell they would be the smartest group on gaf.

Or when crosscut claims their athlete are the fittest on the planet. It's all bullshit.

....mmm, not sure i see the connection.

Just broke my 1st 16 hour fast. I felt pretty great except I started to get a pretty strong headache towards then end? Maybe I wasn't drinking enough water.


Fasting isn't "smart" it's a dietary choice that's made for specific reasons and goals (or should be)

This would be like me saying if everyone was talking about eating Reese's pieces for breakfast and lifting hard as hell they would be the smartest group on gaf.

Or when crosscut claims their athlete are the fittest on the planet. It's all bullshit.

Da fuq.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
....mmm, not sure i see the connection.

Just broke my 1st 16 hour fast. I felt pretty great except I started to get a pretty strong headache towards then end? Maybe I wasn't drinking enough water.

It's pretty simple to understand. By him saying what I quoted, he's essentially saying that's the best way. It's not. Nothing is the "best way."

Don't "Da Fuq" me, it's the god damned truth.

Now if you were saying fitgaf in general is the smartest group on gaf (context would say otherwise), you're also wrong. Although an argument could be made that we are the best group on gaf.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
lol still have a ways to go with my daughter but I know it's going to be hard. I'm already super attached.

p.s. to all, tomorrow I get back in the gym (i ended up with strep which fucking destroyed me). Can't wait. I feel like it's Christmas Eve today!
It's rough dude.

Glad you're back. Strep is nothing to fuck with.

The Chef

It's pretty simple to understand. By him saying what I quoted, he's essentially saying that's the best way. It's not. Nothing is the "best way."

Don't "Da Fuq" me, it's the god damned truth.

Now if you were saying fitgaf in general is the smartest group on gaf (context would say otherwise), you're also wrong. Although an argument could be made that we are the best group on gaf.

Woah dude. ILoveBish was in no way advocating that Fasting is the ONLY and BEST way. My goodness man.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
lol still have a ways to go with my daughter but I know it's going to be hard. I'm already super attached.

p.s. to all, tomorrow I get back in the gym (i ended up with strep which fucking destroyed me). Can't wait. I feel like it's Christmas Eve today!

Missed this with the other BS. Glad you're better bro. Strep is a sonofabitch.

Woah dude. ILoveBish was in no way advocating that Fasting is the ONLY and BEST way. My goodness man.

You must be in his pocket or something. Thanks for the update.
I can't recommend IF enough. Makes cutting a lot easier, IMO.

It is a damn super power!
I honestly can't believe how good it works. I have gained more muscle and cut more fat in the last 8 weeks then at any other period in my life. All while having a completely flexible diet. I feel so good on it that i'm actually starting to wonder if its how are bodies are supposed to operate in some fashion. It legitimately is blowing my mind.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Seriously. Couldn't be farther from the truth. I tell everyone to do what works for them. Always.

"Do what works for you, but fasting is the smartest way." Is basically what you're saying then. Or are we forgetting you literally just said that?

And if anyone is gonna take advice in fasting, it should be from cooter. That dude is strong AND lean. He has it down to a science.

The Chef

"Do what works for you, but fasting is the smartest way." Is basically what you're saying then. Or are we forgetting you literally just said that?

And if anyone is gonna take advice in fasting, it should be from cooter. That dude is strong AND lean. He has it down to a science.

OK Brolic, now you're just being a dick. Both Cooter and Bish have tons of knowledge on the subject and at no point have they claimed its the only and best way. Bish was simply just playing on the fact the past few pages have tons of new people giving IF a shot. Seriously its NOT a big deal man just let it go. We're all friends here.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
OK Brolic, now you're just being a dick. Both Cooter and Bish have tons of knowledge on the subject and at no point have they claimed its the only and best way. Bish was simply just playing on the fact the past few pages have tons of new people giving IF a shot. Seriously its NOT a big deal man just let it go. We're all friends here.

I'm being direct. Take it as being a dick if you want. There are tons of lurkers here and people legitimately use this thread for information. Last thing we want is someone thinking one way is the best way. And Bish has some knowledge and some knowledge is dangerous. I've also never said cooter said it's the best way. He literally hasn't. Bish basically just did.

Anyway, ending it here before this thread derails anymore. I've made my point.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This brings a tear to my eye seeing us argue over eating patterns. Thanks for the nice words Brolic and you're right, there is no one right way. In Bish's defense I think it was a poorly worded senatence and what he meant is FitGaf has the smartest people in GAF. Wasn't meant for only IFers.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This brings a tear to my eye seeing us argue over eating patterns. Thanks for the nice words Brolic and you're right, there is no one right way. In Bish's defense I think it was a poorly worded senatence and what he meant is FitGaf has thw smartest people in GAF. Wasn't meant to for only IFers.

I think engineering or lawyer gaf is smarter. I mean, look at our spelling and grammar!

Anyway, getting on a plane to Dallas soon. Gonna train at a big box gym for a day. Already dreading it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I think engineering or lawyer gaf is smarter. I mean, look at our spelling and grammar!

Anyway, getting on a plane to Dallas soon. Gonna train at a big box gym for a day. Already dreading it.
Haha! You make a solid point. Look no further than my mistake ridden post for proof.
Hey GAF, so last week I was going about business in the gym as usual, when in the middle of the week I either used too much weight on a squat or deadlift, or fucked up my form for one of those exercises. I think it was probably the deadlift because that's the one I'm relatively new at. Anyway, since then whenever I try to squat, I can only get down halfway before the area encompassing the top of my butt and right above that starts to hurt too much for me to finish the movement. Against my better judgement I still did squats and deadlifts on friday, with the range of motion I was able to do without feeling pain. Flash forward to today, and I tried doing the exercises again, but it still hurt too much for me to complete the motion, so I just didn't do squats or DL today.

I've been researching deadlift form again in hopes to correct the problem, but how long should I wait before attempting the exercises again? The pain is present when I'm not in the gym as well, albeit as a very slight ache in my lower back.

Since I'm on a cut right now, I was considering just dropping the weights this week and doing HIIT on the elliptical. Normally I do weights MWF along with 25 to 30 minutes of standard cardio, and then HIIT on either Tu or Thurs, sometimes both.

The only thing I'm worried about though is that I won't be able to go to the gym next week because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out back in my home town, and won't be back to my apartment until around September 1st.

Anwaya GAF, what do you suggest I do? Are there exercises I can do that will give me a similar workout without having to put the pain in my lower back?

Thanks for any suggestions, and sorry if that was a little hard to understand haha.

edit: I can do the exercises fine with low weight, but when I go to the weight I can currently do (Around 150 for squats) is when it hurts too much to finish


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just got out of Straight Out of Compton and it was really great. Growing up in Northern California during their rise made it extra special for me. It was like a soundtrack straight from my childhood!


By the time I hit the gym today, I'd been awake for 22+ hours. Still hit every rep with plenty of energy. Squats today with 3x250, 3x285 and 3x320. After that did 10x230. Been up for over 25 hours now and feeling great, tons of energy. Ate some coconut cake with blueberry jam ontop after the gym just to time some food to match my normal once a day meal schedule.


So doing multiple days of fasting isn't enough now your giving up sleep too huh? :p


Sleep is something I've struggled with all my life, I've been very good about it recently and been training to get stable sleep, but I still struggle at times. This is just one of those times.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So doing multiple days of fasting isn't enough now your giving up sleep too huh? :p
What have I been saying? Bish doesn't need simple things like food and sleep like us unevolved humans do. I'm not sure when Bish joined Dr. Xavier's School for the Gifted. I think it was mid Spring of this year.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey Fit-Gaf, looking for some advice. I'm 36 and I'm looking to strengthen my chest. Have a little bit of moobs happening and I don't like it. I'm 5'10" and ~150lbs. I was 170 but managed to lose 20 playing sports, drinking less and eating better.

Don't really have time to go a gym where I live so I've just been doing what i can with a set of dumb bells and bodyweight exercises.



I've really gotten the calorie balance down from big cheat meals to bounce back immediately. That Indian dinner I mentioned a few nights ago pushed me up 3lbs in water and I was back to 198 3 days later. It takes a couple days of extra calorie restriction but it's very doable. As soon as I stopped thinking of my body on a 24 clock it helped.

I also started watching videos for work on the treadmill. I walked 3 miles and burned 400 calories (estimated) and actually had an easier time focusing on the videos.


What have I been saying? Bish doesn't need simple things like food and sleep like us unevolved humans do. I'm not sure when Bish joined Dr. Xavier's School for the Gifted. I think it was mid Spring of this year.

The only mutant power I have is growing body hair at an uncontrollable rate.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've really gotten the calorie balance down from big cheat meals to bounce back immediately. That Indian dinner I mentioned a few nights ago pushed me up 3lbs in water and I was back to 198 3 days later. It takes a couple days of extra calorie restriction but it's very doable. As soon as I stopped thinking of my body on a 24 clock it helped.

I also started watching videos for work on the treadmill. I walked 3 miles and burned 400 calories (estimated) and actually had an easier time focusing on the videos.
Sounds like my typical results. Wait until you realize that there is basically no amount of calories you can eat in a single night that doesn't have you getting the same results that you just got.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Is it normal for the scales not to go down in 2 weeks whilst on a cut?

Bit disheartening.
Sounds like you've found your maintenance number. Were you previously losing weight at this number and it stopped? May need to lower your daily intake by a couple hundred calories and see what happens.
I also started watching videos for work on the treadmill. I walked 3 miles and burned 400 calories (estimated) and actually had an easier time focusing on the videos.

I wouldn't pay any attention to the calorie burn on those machines. There's pretty much no way you burned 400kcal walking three miles unless for some strange reason your heart rate was up in the 150s... which would be pretty damn unusual.
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