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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Why does he wear the mask!?
Sounds like you've found your maintenance number. Were you previously losing weight at this number and it stopped? May need to lower your daily intake by a couple hundred calories and see what happens.
After using the TDEE calculators this is like 700 lower than my TDEE
2 weeks at the exact same number and not moving up or down?

Basically, it seems to have moved down a tiny bit

I'll give it another week or so then drop my caloriesdown
Gonna start adding in fasted LISS 5 days a week, I had previously been only doing it on my off days. Also gonna be trying for that 48 hour fast, I got close last week. Inspired by Bish, I feel confident I'll nail it.
After using the TDEE calculators this is like 700 lower than my TDEE

Sadly for many of us the reality of that number is nothing like what the calculators have it at. Plus, if you've been cutting a while then the number will keep reducing, in part because of the weight you're losing, but also because your body reduces your metabolic rate in response to the weight loss.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Sadly for many of us the reality of that number is nothing like what the calculators have it at. Plus, if you've been cutting a while then the number will keep reducing, in part because of the weight you're losing, but also because your body reduces your metabolic rate in response to the weight loss.

Dammit :(

I'll give it another week or so and if its still stalled I'll drop my calories further./

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Just ate so much Mexican food I think I'm actually turning into ground beef and fried tortilla shells.

Was so damned good though. Tomorrow eggs and waffles from the hotel!

Dammit :(

I'll give it another week or so and if its still stalled I'll drop my calories further./

This is the learning experience. You either might be at maintenance or at a slight deficite. Either increase activity and maintain intake, or slightly decrease calories, give it time and see. There is no answer anyone can give you, this is something you need to test and manipulate yourself. Over time you will get good at it and know what does what.

What I would NOT do is both decrease calories AND increase activity. If fat loss is the goal, pick one direction and only go that way (while you're learning) otherwise the only thing you will learn is how to waste your time and possibly drive your dick into the dirt.

Also, make sure you're only weighing yourself once a day at the same time every day and also look at the mirror. Sometimes the scale is a piece of shit and appearance is a better metric.


Tomorrow I will be meeting my physiotherapist the last time. After that I better be healthy and injury free. I will talk with her about the future, when I could start deadlifting again, how fast I can add weights to squats and can I start to do yoga or start my pilates again. I can't wait to be more stretchy again instead of this stone statue feeling.

I'm on the back half of my 30s now. Turned 36 today. Here's hoping these genetics hold up!

The menu tonight will only be for the true eaters. Ribs, Salmon, shrimp, tons of sides, cheesecake, strawberry/rubarb pie, Peanut Buttah B&Js, and probably more I'm forgetting.
I am a bit late for the party, but anyways, huge congratulations for your birthday! Also you look fantastic like always.

Your menu sounds absolutely delicious. :p You didn't happen to take a pic of all that before you destroyed all the food?

I don't budget it, I get it as I want/need it. My wife and I are good with money and both have very good careers though. Just for reference I still have a significant amount of money left from my Iraq tours and we just bought my wife a replacement car cash, out of pocket, no financing for 15,000. Shit, I also paid for her last two years of college, paid off her student loans, put 20k down on our first house and some other baller ass shit.

We also maintain a 0 balance on our credit cards and I season my omlets with crushed diamonds.

I don't know how to say this correctly, but with all your total badassery you are also actually extremely good guy. Like said, this kind of things are totally golden and really, good for you!

p.s. to all, tomorrow I get back in the gym (i ended up with strep which fucking destroyed me). Can't wait. I feel like it's Christmas Eve today!
Awesome! Good you are feeling better again!

I am equally exited about the possibility of maybe starting to go to yoga or pilates again.


Thanks guys...strep did its worst, but I'll be back hard tomorrow. I think the body needed a few weeks off after years of consistent lifting.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Tomorrow I will be meeting my physiotherapist the last time. After that I better be healthy and injury free. I will talk with her about the future, when I could start deadlifting again, how fast I can add weights to squats and can I start to do yoga or start my pilates again. I can't wait to be more stretchy again instead of this stone statue feeling.

I am a bit late for the party, but anyways, huge congratulations for your birthday! Also you look fantastic like always.

Your menu sounds absolutely delicious. :p You didn't happen to take a pic of all that before you destroyed all the food?
Fingers crossed everything goes well tomorrow! And no, I have photographic evidence of the feast. I should have snapped a pic because the sheer amount of ribs and salmon alone was nuts!


Tomorrow I will be meeting my physiotherapist the last time. After that I better be healthy and injury free. I will talk with her about the future, when I could start deadlifting again, how fast I can add weights to squats and can I start to do yoga or start my pilates again. I can't wait to be more stretchy again instead of this stone statue feeling.

Excellent news Sadetar!!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I always get nervous when big dudes wanna work in on squats. Not because I want exclusive rights to the rack or I think they're judging me. But I take at least 3 minutes break in between when some of these guys can do 315 5x5 with 60 seconds in between sets.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hope everything goes well sadetar.

I always get nervous when big dudes wanna work in on squats. Not because I want exclusive rights to the rack or I think they're judging me. But I take at least 3 minutes break in between when some of these guys can do 315 5x5 with 60 seconds in between sets.

If they work in, it's still your rack, you're just letting them take a turn when you're done.
I always get nervous when big dudes wanna work in on squats. Not because I want exclusive rights to the rack or I think they're judging me. But I take at least 3 minutes break in between when some of these guys can do 315 5x5 with 60 seconds in between sets.

Is it weird to sometimes feel like I'm being judged or at least to have some sort of feelings of inadequacy when that happens? I've had some people work in with me from time to time and they are always lifting way more than I am.


Congratulations! You are certainly entering a territory I will never go
I pretend I don't even want to
. :p

Thanks! And you can if you want :3

I'm glad you're going to your last physio appointment, too! You will have a clean bill of health, then? :)


Thinking about starting to weigh myself daily or at least almost daily. Once a week or so seems too random since it's so sparse and little things can nudge the weight up or down, messing with your perceived results. I got an app on my phone where I can log the numbers and it will display it visually. Then I can estimate some kind of weekly weight loss (or gain if I'm bulking).


This thread is like an encyclopedia.

I'll post information (weight-height) later, but I'm just wanting to know what "IF" is at the moment.

Can someone explain it to me?
This thread is like an encyclopedia.

I'll post information (weight-height) later, but I'm just wanting to know what "IF" is at the moment.

Can someone explain it to me?

"Intermittent Fasting." It's basically a glorified period of "not eating". Lets you eat your food within an 8 hour period, or less, and allows you to stay full and satisfied for a longer period of time while on a calorie restricted diet compared to eating multiple times throughout the day.

There's numerous health benefits to it too, all of which you'll find just by googling the term.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just ate so much Mexican food I think I'm actually turning into ground beef and fried tortilla shells.

Was so damned good though. Tomorrow eggs and waffles from the hotel!

This is the learning experience. You either might be at maintenance or at a slight deficite. Either increase activity and maintain intake, or slightly decrease calories, give it time and see. There is no answer anyone can give you, this is something you need to test and manipulate yourself. Over time you will get good at it and know what does what.

What I would NOT do is both decrease calories AND increase activity. If fat loss is the goal, pick one direction and only go that way (while you're learning) otherwise the only thing you will learn is how to waste your time and possibly drive your dick into the dirt.

Also, make sure you're only weighing yourself once a day at the same time every day and also look at the mirror. Sometimes the scale is a piece of shit and appearance is a better metric.

Yeah, my mum says she can see a difference etc, but tbh she used to say I looked fine at my heaviest etc

Looking in the mirror is useless for me, since I always see myself as a big lump. Best just to see how clothes fit

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Shitty workout last night. I've been exhausted all the time, and ought to see a doctor soon.

Started off "ok" on squats: 235x4 (PR), 220x5x2, and failed a 6th paused rep to finish out

Then dumbbell bench strength wasn't there, and I could only slightly deadlift 295 off the ground.


You eating enough Joey?

I always get nervous when big dudes wanna work in on squats. Not because I want exclusive rights to the rack or I think they're judging me. But I take at least 3 minutes break in between when some of these guys can do 315 5x5 with 60 seconds in between sets.

As a life rule, whenever I get this mentality, I remind myself that I am currently the one being judgmental of the other person.


Junior Member
Thinking about starting to weigh myself daily or at least almost daily. Once a week or so seems too random since it's so sparse and little things can nudge the weight up or down, messing with your perceived results. I got an app on my phone where I can log the numbers and it will display it visually. Then I can estimate some kind of weekly weight loss (or gain if I'm bulking).

Day to day, it's probably going to swing based on many factors but if you graph your daily weigh-ins, you'll be able to see actual change pretty easily.

The Chef

Thinking about starting to weigh myself daily or at least almost daily. Once a week or so seems too random since it's so sparse and little things can nudge the weight up or down, messing with your perceived results. I got an app on my phone where I can log the numbers and it will display it visually. Then I can estimate some kind of weekly weight loss (or gain if I'm bulking).

Personally I just stopped weighting myself altogether. A far better approach I've found personally is taking measurements of my waistline or chest, arms etc. The scale is just too bleeping random.


I weigh daily but am concerned with the 30 and 90 day moving averages and their crossover points.

Eventually I will have enough data for a 1yr moving avg.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
You eating enough Joey?

I was eating and sleeping enough, but I might need to adjust my eating habits on days I walk to work. My squats usually suffer on those days as I walk about 4.5 miles before getting to the gym. I was down three pounds from the weekend, so some had to be water loss. Going to increase water intake as it's quite humid.

However, these factors never affected my bench. I could just be hitting a wall, but the last time I had this kind of fatigue there was an infection that may have been holding me back. Going to the gym as consistently as I am, I'll figure it out. Still pumped to attempt standing db press with 65s Wednesday.


Personally I just stopped weighting myself altogether. A far better approach I've found personally is taking measurements of my waistline or chest, arms etc. The scale is just too bleeping random.

I do both. Though if you are bulking, I think it's good to have some idea on how much you are gaining weekly.


Slept 13 hours and ready for action. Weighed in at 225.4, all new non fasted low. Feeling beyond terrific right now.

I also am going to slowly write up an OT for fasting. I think it's time to put what I've learned out there for others to benefit from.


I think people should carry spray on deodorant at all times.Dude just came here to take our Personal Trainer certification and he is stinking up the entire office while hes studying before we issue him the exam. He must have just worked out because he smells like straight up arm pits and I can smell him 3 cubicles away.

The Chef

I do both. Though if you are bulking, I think it's good to have some idea on how much you are gaining weekly.

You know what, thats my bad. When I was bulking I weighed in every 3 days or so.

Dropped my calories to 1800 too.

I did the same. 2000 was still too high for me.

I also am going to slowly write up an OT for fasting. I think it's time to put what I've learned out there for others to benefit from.

Awesome, thanks dude.
I will say regarding IF, the second day has been much more difficult.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Took me over a week to really have body adapt fully. Keep hydrated.
Beat me to it. Water is your friend Chef. Caffeine also helps me get over the mid morning hump. Like Bish said, eventually you adapt and the hunger only comes briefly or not even at all.
Starting on a non-split routine today. Going to be really strange doing it this way, but it's the only way I can fit it in with my increased cycling training. Also strange will be following the program properly and dumping my weights to start with. Ahh well, a couple of light weeks wont hurt me too much.


I may be one of the very few that doesn't have a problem with weighing themselves every day and not see that much fluctuation (if there is, it's documented and I can find out why. Being on LCHF means eating out at a carb-heavy place will instantly mean more water weight the next day). Just wondering how consistent your other conditions are. I always weigh myself after my BM and peeing; luckily my BM is very consistent in that I need to poop about 30 minutes after waking up.

I like the decimal place on the calories. lol.

I hate to break it to you, but the odds on the numbers on anything you eat being correct to any more than say 5% accuracy are pretty much slim to none. :p


I like the decimal place on the calories. lol.

I hate to break it to you, but the odds on the numbers on anything you eat being correct to any more than 10% accuracy are pretty much slim to none. :p
Yeah I know haha. It's just what the number I get from my spreadsheet. It's all an estimate of an estimate (of macros in foods). There may be errors in weighing of food as well, but I try to limit that as much as possible.

Edit: I stopped using MFP and just made my own meal plan with all the associated macros, calories, and amount of the food. It's easier and faster to adjust for things.
Funnily enough I actually have a little switch in my spreadsheet for if I'm bulking vs cutting. It changes the way I round so that everything gets estimated up instead of down / vice versa.

More often than not these days though I just go with whatever MFP is telling me... which has its own problems unless you want to triple check everything. Ho hum.


505 Games Ltd
T-Nation has a good article on this. Seems important like you said to do both types of workouts. But saying that abs are "slow twitch" is reductive, and all muscles are made up of slow and fast twitch fibers. By working lower reps-high weight, you can activate those fast twitch fibers and get hypertrophy, and by working higher reps-lower weight you can activate the slow twitch fibers and build endurance.

Thinking I need to start working these more. I'd been operating under the mantra that I think Falling Edge had of where compound exercises will get me the six pack once all the fat is gone, but it wouldn't hurt to work on these muscles with some accessory exercises so that once the fat is gone, there's more there to see.

I meant the majority is slow twitch. But yeah, good points :)

The statement that big compound exercised build abs is more or less a myth. To have good abs you must train abs and train them with the same passion you train chest, legs, etc.

Good thing is they can really take a beating. They do recover fast. Careful though as an ab injury is propably the most painful thing ever (happens usually when overtraining them but they do have a high threshold). Haven't had one myself but I've spoken to 2-3 people that had to do surgery because of an ab injury.


I'm all about weighing myself every day. It lets you see how your body fluctuates and it's easier to see the trend.

Not sure why MFP is starting me at 225 when my start was 228. I think because I had a couple weigh ins around 225 before I officially started.


Ah, didn't know it had weight tracking as well. I tried using it for calorie stuff a long time ago, but hated it so just created an Excel spreadsheet instead.

I put my own stuff in because I occasionally find barcode scanning inaccurate. Since I don't eat that differently it's really easy to track


I weigh myself daily. It's how I keep on track and log everything, look for patterns, see what certain foods do to the scale, etc. I like data.

The statement that big compound exercised build abs is more or less a myth.

I take issue with this. All I do is squat and deadlift and my abs are so huge I can see them at 19%-ish bf. Granted that genetically they might just be that way, but I haven't done an ab activity in the gym in over a year.
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