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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Hmm yeah, Nike Free's definitely suck for squats...

Making minimal gains, making too many excuses not to hit up the gym :(.

It also sucks cause I want to eat really clean but work provides free food like, every day. Free lunch from restaurants. How can I say no, GAF? HOW
Hmm yeah, Nike Free's definitely suck for squats...

Making minimal gains, making too many excuses not to hit up the gym :(.

It also sucks cause I want to eat really clean but work provides free food like, every day. Free lunch from restaurants. How can I say no, GAF? HOW

I went out and got a pair of chucks. Much better.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Hmm yeah, Nike Free's definitely suck for squats...

Making minimal gains, making too many excuses not to hit up the gym :(.

It also sucks cause I want to eat really clean but work provides free food like, every day. Free lunch from restaurants. How can I say no, GAF? HOW

Don't say no at all. Bulk, or fast the rest of the day to compensate.

If you want to go to the gym, you need to prioritize it. You can have a great life that revolves around your sacred gym time, because you will feel, look and become better day by day.

Fix the shoe situation as soon as you can.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You've got some amazing strength dude!

Just wondering, what's the benefit of chains vs. just adding more weight on the bar?

Thanks, but I've done much more. Working on getting back. Chains like bands increase the load as you move through the movement. This can allow you to do a few things. Overload a movement, work on speed, focus on loading a weak point, etc. so for example at the bottom the lift is 385lbs, but at the top it's closer to 475lbs. If you're doing speed work you wanna be explosive on the bottom to finish at the top.

If you're using them for overloading, you can load the bar with circamax, and use bands and chains to be above your max at the end of the movement.


Bought some of the Jiff Peanut Powder, will try tomorrow after i break my fast (should be around 38 hours-ish, just for fun, no reason for it). Smells great and everyone else who tried it loved it. Also very low carb, 3tbsp is only 2 carbs net and has 8g protein. Also bought 5lbs of Pork Spare Ribs i'm going to slow cook in the oven, and the main reason for that is, i want to start eating more food with bone on it. So chicken wings, drumsticks, ribs, racks, etc. But my standard meal will the the chicken stir fry, these bone in meals will be for when i'm coming back from a long fasted state.


Sometimes I would get diarrhea from drinking protein shake. Question is, is that is the protein shake pretty much wasted if I have diarrhea right after?


Didn't tell this before but during my 48hr fast last week, at around 38hr mark or so I got some pretty nasty "side effects". Basically I was about to go to bed, washed my teeth etc. When I got to bed I noticed that my heart was pounding like mad. I could very easily feel it when I placed my hand on my ribcage. The beat was extremely fast and strong, like I had just done HIIT. Also felt like it was a bit uneven at times, pounding twice at times and maybe missing a beat at least once. Anyway this obviously scared the crap out of me which didn't help the situation in the least.

I knew it had to somehow relate to not eating so I cut my fast short right then and ate something. Fast carbs, whey and some fats. After a while things seemed to calm down a bit though my heart was still beating way too fast. Anyway I was lying on my bed and dozed off after a while.

Haven't had any problems since so it was a one time thing. Was talking to my doctor about it and she mentioned it could've been caused by my asthma medication, which is known to cause heart palpitations, probably enhanced by the fast. The first time I did a 48hr fast, I ended it in the evening so I had eaten food before taking the medication. This time I took it completely "empty". Curiously I haven't had any such problems on a 24hr fast. If I ever try a 48hr fast again (probably not), I would make sure to end it in the evening and eat something 1-2hrs before taking the medication. I guess this is also a warning to anyone that if you are taking asthma medication, watch out for this. Also watch out for it anyway, it might've not been the medication. Impossible to say.
We also took EKG and bloodwork just in case to see if there's something wrong in my heart itself (which is not very likely). I've had EKG taken once before and it was normal.

What I got out from this. Consult with a doctor before fasting, especially if it's longer than 24 hours. Especially see if you have any medication which might cause issues during the fast. List of possible complications gets bigger after 24hrs and something happening is not probably worth the little benefits you might get from extending your fast over 24hrs. If I had had a pre-existing heart problem it's possible I could've actually died because of what happened.

As for my cut, I decided to continue with something different for now. ESE seemed to work but I essentially needed to fast 3x week to see any noticeable results (because I was maybe eating a bit too much on feed days). It works but it's slow-ish. Anyway I decide to jump the gun and bought the Warrior Shredding Program from Kinobody. Also got the Aggressive Fat Loss 2.0 from a friend. Both are pretty similar but AFL has you eat less calories and there's only one refeed per week. It also uses IF with the 16/8 hour windows. Both have you lift 3x week in a RPT fashion (heavy, not too much volume) and have you do low-moderate SS cardio 4x week. Gonna do AFL first for now and then continue with WSP when I'm a few kilos leaner. Neither of the programs are anything super special though. IF with moderate caloric deficit, combined with heavy compound lifting and some LISS. Should work very well though.

Yeah.... there's really no advantage of fasting for 48 hours that's worth that shit buddy. Personally I'd just stick to the shorter periods, or maybe max out at 36.

This is how I feel. Though the current program I switched to uses the normal 16/8 window so it's all good. 16 to 24hrs seems to be the sweet spot for me. If the medication caused this, there's no point in going over 24hrs. 36hrs can be risky as well since this happened around that time. I mean I can easily do it, but if the asthma medication causes this kind of symptoms after fasting that long, no way I'm gonna do it.
Yeah.... there's really no advantage of fasting for 48 hours that's worth that shit buddy. Personally I'd just stick to the shorter periods, or maybe max out at 36.


Btw, if anyone is interested in coaching themselves or someone else, Andy Morgan of Rippedbody.jp just put a book out on this very matter:


Basically it's a book about how to successfully coach someone to lean down. Be it yourself or someone else. How to cut, how to make decisions, when to make changes, when not to make them etc..

“Andy has taken out all of the guesswork from running your own personal body transformation. He systematically breaks down exactly what to do in innumerable situations, with decision trees that will get you to your goals. This book fills the gap between knowledge and application, with the explanatory videos helping to crystallize it.

It's 47 dollars atm, but apparently that's an introductory -50% price. Free updates forever. Thinking about buying this. It's not always easy to make decisions based on yourself. You might know stuff in theory but the application is always not to so easy.


I've not had any issues with heart rate like that. I take 0 medication however. Anyone on medication should definitely check with their doctor before doing over 24 hours. Especially anyone with diabetes. I'll be sure to outline all of this in the fasting OT.


I've not had any issues with heart rate like that. I take 0 medication however. Anyone on medication should definitely check with their doctor before doing over 24 hours. Especially anyone with diabetes. I'll be sure to outline all of this in the fasting OT.

That's obviously the recommendation but I don't think many people will do it because they are lazy or they think it's not really necessary. Well it might be.
Btw, if anyone is interested in coaching themselves or someone else, Andy Morgan of Rippedbody.jp just put a book out on this very matter

All the stuff in the sample seemed reasonably obvious, but then I've been doing this for a while so I've done a lot of reading on the subject. There are a number of good books out there too... not all of them quite that expensive. ;)


All the stuff in the sample seemed reasonably obvious, but then I've been doing this for a while so I've done a lot of reading on the subject. There are a number of good books out there too... not all of them quite that expensive. ;)

That is right of course. I think the difference with this book and other books is this (if I've understood correctly the goal of the book):

*Most diet books: "Do these things!"
*This book: "Do these things but if this happens then do this or that. Or if this happens don't do this or don't do that".

Anyway I bought the book out of curiosity. I think the ~40€ is the maximum I'm willing to put down on an ebook and if this turns out to contain some extremely valuable information (which I hope it will), then I don't mind. I've also read extensively on the subject so let's see if there's is new information for me. I'll report back :)


Thanks, but I've done much more. Working on getting back. Chains like bands increase the load as you move through the movement. This can allow you to do a few things. Overload a movement, work on speed, focus on loading a weak point, etc. so for example at the bottom the lift is 385lbs, but at the top it's closer to 475lbs. If you're doing speed work you wanna be explosive on the bottom to finish at the top.

If you're using them for overloading, you can load the bar with circamax, and use bands and chains to be above your max at the end of the movement.

Very informative. I've heard they're amazing for busting bench plateaus, especially if your issues are at the top of the ROM. Strongly considering getting a pair after your glowing recommendation


Not calling you out despire because I'm guessing it's common but hopefully this can help the new guys.

Guys, 72 hour fasts are NOT for everyone. It works for bish because he's a freak of nature but that's not representative of the whole. Be careful. I've noticed a shift on this forum where people are thinking that's the best diet in the world and an easy way to lose weight.
I've also read extensively on the subject so let's see if there's is new information for me. I'll report back :)

Yeah, would be interested in hearing back on it.

Guys, 72 hour fasts are NOT for everyone. It works for bish because he's a freak of nature but that's not representative of the whole. Be careful. I've noticed a shift on this forum where people are thinking that's the best diet in the world and an easy way to lose weight.

Yup. There's a tendency for something to get the new hotness status and things go a bit crazy. Low fat, low carb, carb cycling, intermittent fasting, carb backloading. The simple fact is, I can pick the 8 top ripped / massive guys here and show you at least 5 different diets. There is no one answer, and there's certainly nothing that's THAT MUCH better than anything else.

I personally fast because I used to snack like a fucking idiot... but I'm not going to come out like a zealot for it. It works for me right now, but I've got ripped without it, so it's sure as hell not some silver bullet.

Edit - Ugh, talking to a friend of mine who is pretty seriously overweight. Every time I see him he says he has to lose weight as he wants to be around for his kids when they're older... and now he tells me that he doesn't have time to use My Fitness Pal because his kids are taking up all of his time (which is bollocks, I've seen him, he basically lives on his phone doing facebook and other such crap). Really hard to help some people.


Not calling you out despire because I'm guessing it's common but hopefully this can help the new guys.

Guys, 72 hour fasts are NOT for everyone. It works for bish because he's a freak of nature but that's not representative of the whole. Be careful. I've noticed a shift on this forum where people are thinking that's the best diet in the world and an easy way to lose weight.

This very much. I personally wouldn't go for a 72hr fast. I don't see the benefits outweighing the possible negatives. The 48hrs was an experiment. First time went fine, second time not so much. Going much beyond 24hrs is not risk free. Even 24hrs might be too much for some.

Personally I've never said that IF is for everyone. It's not a silver bullet. Everything works if done right. Going beyond the recommended time is obviously at your own risk and there are possible complications. Just wanted to share what happened so that more people can know. Would be wrong to talk about IF and the possible benefits without mentioning "Oh btw, I once did a 48hr fast and my heart almost came out of my chest. Almost had to call an ambulance."

Yup. There's a tendency for something to get the new hotness status and things go a bit crazy. Low fat, low carb, carb cycling, intermittent fasting, carb backloading. The simple fact is, I can pick the 8 top ripped / massive guys here and show you at least 5 different diets. There is no one answer, and there's certainly nothing that's THAT MUCH better than anything else.

I personally fast because I used to snack like a fucking idiot... but I'm not going to come out like a zealot for it. It works for me right now, but I've got ripped without it, so it's sure as hell not some silver bullet.



This very much. I personally wouldn't go for a 72hr fast. I don't see the benefits outweighing the possible negatives. The 48hrs was an experiment. First time went fine, second time not so much. Going much beyond 24hrs is not risk free. Even 24hrs might be too much for some.

Personally I've never said that IF is for everyone. It's not a silver bullet. Everything works if done right. Going beyond the recommended time is obviously at your own risk and there are possible complications. Just wanted to share what happened so that more people can know. Would be wrong to talk about IF and the possible benefits without mentioning "Oh btw, I once did a 48hr fast and my heart almost came out of my chest. Almost had to call an ambulance."


Like I said, not picking on you at all...I'm glad you're fine. Just hopefully your post can help people that think "oh not eating for 2 days yet working and lifting sounds great" realize it's not without danger.


Like I said, not picking on you at all...I'm glad you're fine. Just hopefully your post can help people that think "oh not eating for 2 days yet working and lifting sounds great" realize it's not without danger.

Yep. I'd like to emphasize that I didn't even do any exercise during the fast. I just sat on my ass. So it wasn't like I ran 10 miles and then this happened. I didn't do anything. I was resting the whole time. I was plenty hydrated. I had taken electrolytes. I had even taken amino acids. I had taken the normal precautions. And still something like this happened.

It's possible that it was because of the medication I'm on but you can never know. It is actually known that one side effect/complication of prolonged fasting/not eating enough is heart palpitations AFAIK.


Hmm yeah, Nike Free's definitely suck for squats...

Making minimal gains, making too many excuses not to hit up the gym :(.

It also sucks cause I want to eat really clean but work provides free food like, every day. Free lunch from restaurants. How can I say no, GAF? HOW

Most people at my gym who don't squat in lifting shoes do it in chucks. Some of the ladies do it in socks.

I have slipper shoes with just 1mm of sole. Chucks and pl shoes don't come in 4E width so I had to a find something else. Think the brand is Feelmax

Clean is relative, it depends on what they are serving.

The Chef

Not calling you out despire because I'm guessing it's common but hopefully this can help the new guys.

Guys, 72 hour fasts are NOT for everyone. It works for bish because he's a freak of nature but that's not representative of the whole. Be careful. I've noticed a shift on this forum where people are thinking that's the best diet in the world and an easy way to lose weight.

So far I have been really happy with the standard 16hour fast. it's something that after doing for a week I feel great and would recommend it to anyone. However this trend as of late of people on here seemingly shooting for higher and higher fasting times is just...really weird to me. I've been trying to find some benefit to it with limited research but it really seems so pointless.am I missing something? It's like people are starting to do it as a trend and an achievement of going ridiculous amounts of time without eating. To me that's just plain unhealthy but I don't know all the facts involved here. Kinda puts the whole "fasting" idea in a really bad light to me. 😕

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
So far I have been really happy with the standard 16hour fast. it's something that after doing for a week I feel great and would recommend it to anyone. However this trend as of late of people on here seemingly shooting for higher and higher fasting times is just...really weird to me. I've been trying to find some benefit to it with limited research but it really seems so pointless.am I missing something? It's like people are starting to do it as a trend and an achievement of going ridiculous amounts of time without eating. To me that's just plain unhealthy but I don't know all the facts involved here. Kinda puts the whole "fasting" idea in a really bad light to me. 😕

I don't get it either. You would have to be a really bad hunter-gatherer not to eat at least once every 24 hours. We can survive longer, but what is the point of testing that? Bish has his reasons for doing longer fasts, but I think they come from the frame of being very overweight not health.
As someone who always has lower back pain when deadlifting, this video seems to be made for me:


I followed the advice in this video and I saw a huge improvement today with my deadlifts. I hit a PR but I also felt far more comfortable in my back and like I was engaging my legs more. In general everything just felt 'easier'. Pretty happy with my Deadlift at the moment.

Making progress on all my lifts, just need to keep working on that bench.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So far I have been really happy with the standard 16hour fast. it's something that after doing for a week I feel great and would recommend it to anyone. However this trend as of late of people on here seemingly shooting for higher and higher fasting times is just...really weird to me. I've been trying to find some benefit to it with limited research but it really seems so pointless.am I missing something? It's like people are starting to do it as a trend and an achievement of going ridiculous amounts of time without eating. To me that's just plain unhealthy but I don't know all the facts involved here. Kinda puts the whole "fasting" idea in a really bad light to me. 😕

Not calling you out despire because I'm guessing it's common but hopefully this can help the new guys.

Guys, 72 hour fasts are NOT for everyone. It works for bish because he's a freak of nature but that's not representative of the whole. Be careful. I've noticed a shift on this forum where people are thinking that's the best diet in the world and an easy way to lose weight.

I'm glad other people are finally saying it. I've been saying it for weeks.

Chain game on point, Brolic.

Thanks brah!

Very informative. I've heard they're amazing for busting bench plateaus, especially if your issues are at the top of the ROM. Strongly considering getting a pair after your glowing recommendation

West side barbell pretty much started the whole accommodating resistance thing. There's a whole lot written about it and used properly it makes sense.


Given all the IF/fasting talk just now, I found a very interesting, very informative free book from Precision Nutrition that has their Chief Science Officer experiment with several IF/fasting protocols over 6 months and log everything he did/ate and how he felt during the various protocols. It was a really good read and is very balanced. I suggest anyone wanting to try IF to read it (and Bish, I think it would make a great addition to your fasting OP): http://www.precisionnutrition.com/intermittent-fasting/introduction

For those that just want the summary:

What Are The Big “Takeaways”?

I think there are four main takeaways that readers of this book should come away with.

Trial fasting is a great way to practice managing hunger. This is an essential skill for anyone who wants to get in shape and stay healthy and fit.

More regular fasting isn't objectively better for losing body fat. While my IF experiments worked quite well, the intermittent fasting approach (bigger meals, less frequently) didn't produce better fat loss than a more conventional diet approach (smaller meals, more frequently) might have.

More regular fasting did make it easier to maintain a lower body fat percentage. Intermittent fasting isn't easy. However, I did find that using this approach made it easier for me to maintain a low body weight and a very low body fat percentage vs. more conventional diets.

Intermittent fasting can work but it's not for everyone, nor does it need to be. In the end, IF is just one approach, among many effective ones, for improving health, performance, and body composition.

So Intermittent Fasting Is Good, But Not Necessary?
Exactly. Intermittent fasting can be helpful for in-shape people who want to really get lean without following conventional bodybuilding diets, or for anyone who needs to learn the difference between body hunger and mental hunger. (And for the latter, I only recommend the Trial Fast.) It’s a helpful tool and one I’ll continue to use periodically. But it’s not the end-all, be-all of nutrition or fitness. People have been getting in awesome shape — and staying in awesome shape — for decades without the use of intermittent fasting.

How Are IF and "Grazing" Similar?
Successful nutrition plans, whether they use smaller, more frequent meals or larger, less frequent meals all share a few commonalities. These include:

Controlling calories. When calories are controlled, progress is made. Whether you control them by eating frequent small meals or infrequent larger meals is up to you.

Focusing on food quality. Fresh, unprocessed, nutrient-dense food is a must, regardless of which eating style you adopt.

Regular exercise. Exercise is a critical part of the equation.

Once those three have been taken care of, it’s a matter of personal preference and lifestyle considerations.


Given all the IF/fasting talk just now, I found a very interesting, very informative free book from Precision Nutrition that has their Chief Science Officer experiment with several IF/fasting protocols over 6 months and log everything he did/ate and how he felt during the various protocols. It was a really good read and is very balanced. I suggest anyone wanting to try IF to read it (and Bish, I think it would make a great addition to your fasting OP): http://www.precisionnutrition.com/intermittent-fasting/introduction

For those that just want the summary:

Yeah it s a good pdf. I think I've posted it here once before but it was a while ago.


i think i'm coming around to the notion that concentrated ab workouts are a relative waste of time. ever since focusing more on squats, i've been making so much more progress in that department.

keep hurting my back when doing deadlifts though. i lift light and i make sure there's no tension in my back when doing the lift, but i still feel sore in the lower back after. :/

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
i think i'm coming around to the notion that concentrated ab workouts are a relative waste of time. ever since focusing more on squats, i've been making so much more progress in that department.

keep hurting my back when doing deadlifts though. i lift light and i make sure there's no tension in my back when doing the lift, but i still feel sore in the lower back after. :/

You're probably finishing with your lower back and not your hips/glutes


the piano man
Pffft. I was the first to say it!

I still think it is stupid.

this is true I still remember your post

I will say, I think it's good we are getting a fasting thread. Fasting is (not entirely, of course, but for the most part and in my personal opinion) a talk for another thread.

if it had to find a home, it's a topic that belongs first in the nutrition thread, more than this one.
this is true I still remember your post

I will say, I think it's good we are getting a fasting thread. Fasting is (not entirely, of course, but for the most part and in my personal opinion) a talk for another thread.

if it had to find a home, it's a topic that belongs first in the nutrition thread, more than this one.

I think the fasting talk is fine as diet obviously plays a huge role in fitness. I just still don't see the advantages of 72 hours. Why? What does it provide in the long run? Much like anything you do in the gym, there is a reason for a movement or a specific program. But again, a 72 hour fast? I don't get it.

i think i'm coming around to the notion that concentrated ab workouts are a relative waste of time. ever since focusing more on squats, i've been making so much more progress in that department.

keep hurting my back when doing deadlifts though. i lift light and i make sure there's no tension in my back when doing the lift, but i still feel sore in the lower back after. :/

What are you doing for your concentrated ab workouts?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Yeah, I'd never fast over 30 hours personally, unless it was accidental.

Just seems pointless.


I must have been in a good mood because I decided that every set was going to be a drop set today.

I should be arrested, for murdering deez biceps.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Pffft. I was the first to say it!

I still think it is stupid.

this is true I still remember your post

I will say, I think it's good we are getting a fasting thread. Fasting is (not entirely, of course, but for the most part and in my personal opinion) a talk for another thread.

if it had to find a home, it's a topic that belongs first in the nutrition thread, more than this one.

I think the fasting talk is fine as diet obviously plays a huge role in fitness. I just still don't see the advantages of 72 hours. Why? What does it provide in the long run? Much like anything you do in the gym, there is a reason for a movement or a specific program. But again, a 72 hour fast? I don't get it.

What are you doing for your concentrated ab workouts?

Agreed, IF is one thing, the "I haven't eaten all week, TONS OF ENERGY!!!!" shit is both annoying and as I said before indicative of a potential problem. 1 there's no reason for it, 2. The person doing it is not only fasting like that, but also restricting diet (calories) and Keto. Basically 3 "diets" in one. The the posts are structured in a way that it seems they are trying to convince themselves that it's great more than us.

Also, a restricted diet alone will have you losing weight. Doing 3 different ones at the same time? That's just asinine bullshit. And IMO trading one eating disorder for another.


the piano man
I think the fasting talk is fine as diet obviously plays a huge role in fitness. I just still don't see the advantages of 72 hours. Why? What does it provide in the long run? Much like anything you do in the gym, there is a reason for a movement or a specific program. But again, a 72 hour fast? I don't get it.

well that's precisely the point I am trying to make with the fasting talk. the fasting talk, often does not mean that people are on a controlled cut to get ripped in combination with a fitness or strength routine. On the other side, I am not sure why people would try to bulk up by fasting and Unless I am mistaken, I don't think fasting for long hours or even days will help with strength numbers at the gym either. So it's not a fitness related cut or a bulk or the diet of a strength trainee, it's just fasting, a kind of diet.

People here seem to take pride on the amount of hours they've been going without eating for the sake of it. that's fine by me, but I sometimes wonder how that particular approach relates to fitness.

the way I see it, It's mostly a diet thing, which works for some and don't for other.

not sure I am explaining myself, so I'll leave it there.


there is joy in sucking dick
i think i'm coming around to the notion that concentrated ab workouts are a relative waste of time. ever since focusing more on squats, i've been making so much more progress in that department.

keep hurting my back when doing deadlifts though. i lift light and i make sure there's no tension in my back when doing the lift, but i still feel sore in the lower back after. :/

Definitely work on your deadlift technique. Vary foot placement (try bringing them closer together), possibly bring your hips down a little, tighten your back and lats, take a deep breath and push your belly out to brace your back, make sure the bar is always touching your body (don't let it track forward).

And fasting is just another way to manage calories. You'll get the soothsayers talking about FAT STORES and FAT FURNACES but ultimately its the caloric deficit resulting from the smaller span of time you can eat that results in weight loss. There's no real magic to it, as there's no magic to low carb, or low fat. Find what you can live with and be consistent. The end.


Definitely work on your deadlift technique. Vary foot placement (try bringing them closer together), possibly bring your hips down a little, tighten your back and lats, take a deep breath and push your belly out to brace your back, make sure the bar is always touching your body (don't let it track forward).

This is something I haven't been doing, I'll watch out for it next time


Hay guyz whats goin.....

That's obviously the recommendation but I don't think many people will do it because they are lazy or they think it's not really necessary. Well it might be.

Before you do any changes, especially when you take medication, consult the one who prescribed the medication to you. That should be like, base level thinking.

Not calling you out despire because I'm guessing it's common but hopefully this can help the new guys.

Guys, 72 hour fasts are NOT for everyone. It works for bish because he's a freak of nature but that's not representative of the whole. Be careful. I've noticed a shift on this forum where people are thinking that's the best diet in the world and an easy way to lose weight.

Absolutely not for everyone. I have been training my body to not be so dependent on food, while keeping my strength, and losing fat. I had a unhealthy relationship with food most of my life, so i needed more to combat a lifetime of non healthy food eating habits. Fasting is what has helped me to gain control to a new level. I see a ton of benefits for people if they stick to the normal IF, but the 24+ hour ones are not for everyone by a long shot.

Yup. There's a tendency for something to get the new hotness status and things go a bit crazy. Low fat, low carb, carb cycling, intermittent fasting, carb backloading. The simple fact is, I can pick the 8 top ripped / massive guys here and show you at least 5 different diets. There is no one answer, and there's certainly nothing that's THAT MUCH better than anything else.

I personally fast because I used to snack like a fucking idiot... but I'm not going to come out like a zealot for it. It works for me right now, but I've got ripped without it, so it's sure as hell not some silver bullet.

Yes, snacking hurt me bigtime as well. And of course, the best diet possible is the one that works for you. Having tried everything under the sun, i feel very good in what i'm doing with fasting + keto. It is not for everyone, nor have i ever said it is. But i would definitely recommend IF protocols to just about anyone.

Like I said, not picking on you at all...I'm glad you're fine. Just hopefully your post can help people that think "oh not eating for 2 days yet working and lifting sounds great" realize it's not without danger.

I guess i may be a freak in that regard? I've gone 2+ days fasting and worked out just fine with plenty of strength. Being fully keto adapted, my body uses the fat stored on my body for energy, which combined with fasting, gives you some excellent results. But as i mentioned, i take no medication at all, and i didn't jump into long fasts, i worked my way there.

So far I have been really happy with the standard 16hour fast. it's something that after doing for a week I feel great and would recommend it to anyone. However this trend as of late of people on here seemingly shooting for higher and higher fasting times is just...really weird to me. I've been trying to find some benefit to it with limited research but it really seems so pointless.am I missing something? It's like people are starting to do it as a trend and an achievement of going ridiculous amounts of time without eating. To me that's just plain unhealthy but I don't know all the facts involved here. Kinda puts the whole "fasting" idea in a really bad light to me. 😕

When the OT goes up, i'll outline the major reasons why to do long fasts, there are quite a bit.

I don't get it either. You would have to be a really bad hunter-gatherer not to eat at least once every 24 hours. We can survive longer, but what is the point of testing that? Bish has his reasons for doing longer fasts, but I think they come from the frame of being very overweight not health.

I'm more into the health aspect, the fat loss and hunger control are just bonus ontop.

Given all the IF/fasting talk just now, I found a very interesting, very informative free book from Precision Nutrition that has their Chief Science Officer experiment with several IF/fasting protocols over 6 months and log everything he did/ate and how he felt during the various protocols. It was a really good read and is very balanced. I suggest anyone wanting to try IF to read it (and Bish, I think it would make a great addition to your fasting OP): http://www.precisionnutrition.com/intermittent-fasting/introduction

For those that just want the summary:

Nice, i'll give it a read for sure.

Agreed, IF is one thing, the "I haven't eaten all week, TONS OF ENERGY!!!!" shit is both annoying and as I said before indicative of a potential problem. 1 there's no reason for it, 2. The person doing it is not only fasting like that, but also restricting diet (calories) and Keto. Basically 3 "diets" in one. The the posts are structured in a way that it seems they are trying to convince themselves that it's great more than us.

Also, a restricted diet alone will have you losing weight. Doing 3 different ones at the same time? That's just asinine bullshit. And IMO trading one eating disorder for another.

I've never not eaten for a week. I like to outline my thoughts on how things are going, just like despire did about his heart issue during fasting. More info is always good. Not every diet is meant for everyone. And eating disorder lol.

well that's precisely the point I am trying to make with the fasting talk. the fasting talk, often does not mean that people are on a controlled cut to get ripped in combination with a fitness or strength routine. On the other side, I am not sure why people would try to bulk up by fasting and Unless I am mistaken, I don't think fasting for long hours or even days will help with strength numbers at the gym either. So it's not a fitness related cut or a bulk or the diet of a strength trainee, it's just fasting, a kind of diet.

People here seem to take pride on the amount of hours they've been going without eating for the sake of it. that's fine by me, but I sometimes wonder how that particular approach relates to fitness.

the way I see it, It's mostly a diet thing, which works for some and don't for other.

not sure I am explaining myself, so I'll leave it there.

I personally would not fast if i was bulking. You can do it, but its a lot more difficult to get that many calories in at once.

Anyway, i just hit 38+ hours on my fast lol, going to go dry rub this 5lb pork ribs and put them in the oven and make some bacon wrapped mozz sticks.
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