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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Hope it's not long mtp.

Done cooking 24 days of cauliflower rice. I thought I'd be clear to mess with the skylake PC after work tomorrow but nope lol. Seriously, as you get older, free time is basically gone. Young people, don't waste your time!

Lol yup. I play video games maybe 2-3 hours a week lately and sometimes that feels like a lot.
First rest day after 10 days of doing either two a day training (weights / turbo trainer) or long (3hr+) off road rides. Amongst all of that, the greasing the groove stuff too.

I really feel like I need it. Only thing I'm doing today is walking up and down stairs every 45 mins to keep my body from utterly giving up.


First rest day after 10 days of doing either two a day training (weights / turbo trainer) or long (3hr+) off road rides. Amongst all of that, the greasing the groove stuff too.

I really feel like I need it. Only thing I'm doing today is walking up and down stairs every 45 mins to keep my body from utterly giving up.
Jesus... Why don't you just make all of us look bad?


Knee finally feels ready to go today. Gonna start light and ease my way back up.

Also might get to use my belt if I feel I can go heavy.

Hopefully when I try to get out of bed tomorrow my legs will look up at me and say, NO!


Yes it is in reference though he doesn't call him by name. He just basically discusses how there are these people who contribute nothing to the industry and are just trolling or calling everyone successfull out. And that he hasn't seen the video and doesn't even care enough to see it.He goes to conclude that it is us viewers, who give them power by watching their videos and if no one gave a shit, they would go away. Basically saying, if someone is making funny of someone getting cancer, why are people following him and watching his videos? Dude's a scumbag.

Yeah I watched the video last night in between sets. Can't say I disagree with Norton at all.


I buy games and read about them as if I have time to play them. I enjoy make-believe as much as my kids...

lol yeah. It's so much easier to go on GAF during the day than it is for me to be like "Hey hun, I worked another 12 hour day and didn't see you or the baby, do you mind if I put this head set on and play The Witcher 3 for 2 hours instead of talking to you? Oh, what's that...what's the Witcher 3? Well it's a game where you ride around on a horse, casting magic spells, trying to help common-folk while progressing the main story that involves your lost ex. No sex for a month? Wait."


lol yeah. It's so much easier to go on GAF during the day than it is for me to be like "Hey hun, I worked another 12 hour day and didn't see you or the baby, do you mind if I put this head set on and play The Witcher 3 for 2 hours instead of talking to you? Oh, what's that...what's the Witcher 3? Well it's a game where you ride around on a horse, casting magic spells, trying to help common-folk while progressing the main story that involves your lost ex. No sex for a month? Wait."

That's basically me these days. I listen to the Bombcast, Idle Thumbs sometimes, and read about games occasionally. I play games maybe 1-2 nights a week for 1-2 hours. Feels bad man. But honestly, I don't miss it too much. Having a family is better. Not gonna lie though, when my wife goes out with her friends and my daughter is watching a Redbox or something and I have several hours to play games, that time flies by. Then my wife comes home and asks me what I did.. "Umm, I played video games. Oh, I did take out the trash and a couple other small things." I always do that stuff first because I know I'll get sucked into whatever game I'm playing.
no kids, no commitments, I stay winning.

On a different note, I have had a god awful week at the gym. Sunday and Monday were fine but late Monday, I started to come down with something. Body was hot and then had chills. Couldn't go to the gym Tuesday. Was just beat down. Sore throat, headaches, etc. Doc did tests, said it wasn't strep. Took ibuprofen and went about my way. So took off Tuesday and Wednesday. Went to the gym yesterday. Felt fine in the morning, but as the day progressed, more chills and sweats. Tried to do chest and was just out of it. Struggled all the way through and quit halfway. Taking today and tomorrow off. Just want to recover and try again tomorrow.

It sucks because I will be gone next Thru-Mon as I will be in Cali that weekend and when I am on vacation, I just stay away from the gym and diet and just focus on having a good time. Had to deal with a crappy diet (not eating enough, eating whatever I can stomach, etc) but surprisingly, I think I look leaner than ever? Still feels like my body is shrinking.

The struggle is real.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
no kids, no commitments, I stay winning.

Did my first pull up at 250lbs. The last time I tried was when I was in highschool. I hesitated attempting. I've come to realize that I am stronger than I have once thought.

How often are people and to lift their body weight in a pull up? Is what I have done even impressive?

I also did that after my entire workout. It was late at night and the gym was closing, so I just decided it was time.

I feel ya. It is impressive good work! The last time I weighed myself I was at 270 so pull ups are a nightmare. I try to stick to sets of 5 and do 3-5 sets once a week. They are a good back builder but I don't want to throw something else out another day to do it twice a week. I think the most I could do all out is like 7-9 then I'm dead.

no kids, no commitments, I stay winning.

On a different note, I have had a god awful week at the gym. Sunday and Monday were fine but late Monday, I started to come down with something. Body was hot and then had chills. Couldn't go to the gym Tuesday. Was just beat down. Sore throat, headaches, etc. Doc did tests, said it wasn't strep. Took ibuprofen and went about my way. So took off Tuesday and Wednesday. Went to the gym yesterday. Felt fine in the morning, but as the day progressed, more chills and sweats. Tried to do chest and was just out of it. Struggled all the way through and quit halfway. Taking today and tomorrow off. Just want to recover and try again tomorrow.

It sucks because I will be gone next Thru-Mon as I will be in Cali that weekend and when I am on vacation, I just stay away from the gym and diet and just focus on having a good time. Had to deal with a crappy diet (not eating enough, eating whatever I can stomach, etc) but surprisingly, I think I look leaner than ever? Still feels like my body is shrinking.

The struggle is real.

Same. I love being single, living by myself, and being able to do what I want, when I want. You'll be back strong dude, just think of these weeks as an extended rest/vacation and come back strong.


That's basically me these days. I listen to the Bombcast, Idle Thumbs sometimes, and read about games occasionally. I play games maybe 1-2 nights a week for 1-2 hours. Feels bad man. But honestly, I don't miss it too much. Having a family is better. Not gonna lie though, when my wife goes out with her friends and my daughter is watching a Redbox or something and I have several hours to play games, that time flies by. Then my wife comes home and asks me what I did.. "Umm, I played video games. Oh, I did take out the trash and a couple other small things." I always do that stuff first because I know I'll get sucked into whatever game I'm playing.

Haha I take a similar but SLIGHTLY different approach. If I know I have, say, 3 hours, I'll spend the first hour going over the top with cleaning (like "just took an adderall" cleaning). Then, I'll spend two hours playing games and when my wife comes home she'll be impressed that I got that much done.


Feel better FE. From recent experience, I can suggest resting and not pushing it. Summer colds / strep-type-sicknesses suck


no kids, no commitments, I stay winning.

On a different note, I have had a god awful week at the gym. Sunday and Monday were fine but late Monday, I started to come down with something. Body was hot and then had chills. Couldn't go to the gym Tuesday. Was just beat down. Sore throat, headaches, etc. Doc did tests, said it wasn't strep. Took ibuprofen and went about my way. So took off Tuesday and Wednesday. Went to the gym yesterday. Felt fine in the morning, but as the day progressed, more chills and sweats. Tried to do chest and was just out of it. Struggled all the way through and quit halfway. Taking today and tomorrow off. Just want to recover and try again tomorrow.

It sucks because I will be gone next Thru-Mon as I will be in Cali that weekend and when I am on vacation, I just stay away from the gym and diet and just focus on having a good time. Had to deal with a crappy diet (not eating enough, eating whatever I can stomach, etc) but surprisingly, I think I look leaner than ever? Still feels like my body is shrinking.

The struggle is real.

Came down with strep throat myself as well as fever symptoms about a week ago. Lost 20 pounds because I literally wasn't eating anything. I look like I haven't lifted a weight in my life. I am so fucking deflated/defeated.


no kids, no commitments, I stay winning.

On a different note, I have had a god awful week at the gym. Sunday and Monday were fine but late Monday, I started to come down with something. Body was hot and then had chills. Couldn't go to the gym Tuesday. Was just beat down. Sore throat, headaches, etc. Doc did tests, said it wasn't strep. Took ibuprofen and went about my way. So took off Tuesday and Wednesday. Went to the gym yesterday. Felt fine in the morning, but as the day progressed, more chills and sweats. Tried to do chest and was just out of it. Struggled all the way through and quit halfway. Taking today and tomorrow off. Just want to recover and try again tomorrow.

It sucks because I will be gone next Thru-Mon as I will be in Cali that weekend and when I am on vacation, I just stay away from the gym and diet and just focus on having a good time. Had to deal with a crappy diet (not eating enough, eating whatever I can stomach, etc) but surprisingly, I think I look leaner than ever? Still feels like my body is shrinking.

The struggle is real.

Also staying winning :D

I'm sick as well, though. :( just want the weekend right now so I can sleep.

On the other hand... Marge, I'm 139 and I'm feeling fine!!! :D omg I've never seen it before. I've NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE!


ok so anyone with any comments at all would be great.

I've been going the gym since February, in that time i lost a stone which was essentially my beer gut and love handles, and have then put half a stone back on in what i would like to think is muscle, i definitely have gotten more muscley and stronger over the last 6 months, and generally feel great.

My issue is that i still have about 16-17% body fat, and i really want to be getting to 12-14% to show some abs.

My diet is generally clean and i have stopped drinking alcohol (except for the odd blow out), but my body fat doesnt appear to be dropping (although i havent used the withings scale for a good while)

Do i need to up my cardio, i don't want to lose any more weight, (im 5'8" and 10 stone 6Lb's)

I eat a lot, during the day, including 2 protein shakes most days, fruit, chicken salad wraps, protein yoghurts, and a main evening meal which is meat with veg/salad

Am i just being impatient, or am i doing something wrong? i have seen a big improvement, im just not sure how long i should be taking to lose more fat without losing lots of weight.

First question as always on this sort of thing, are you tracking your calories exactly?

Because hitting 12% without tracking your intake properly is going to be luck more than judgement.


First question as always on this sort of thing, are you tracking your calories exactly?

Because hitting 12% without tracking your intake properly is going to be luck more than judgement.

Not exactly no, i would estimate i'm averaging around the 2000-2500 mark though

Whats the best way to track my calories? and considering i'm wanting to not lose weight, but still lose fat, what should i be aiming for?
We pretty much all want to lose fat rather than muscle, that's the game. For tracking, I'd use My Fitness Pal... it's a bitch to start with, but once you have the stuff you eat regularly in there, it takes seconds. Almost no-one estimates properly.

As for the rest, just keep lifting heavy, it's what gives you the best chance of retaining your muscle when you're at a calorific deficit. You don't need cardio to give you a calorific deficit... you just need to eat less. ;)

Also, it may just be that you don't have the muscle to look good at low body fat. I got down to 10% and looked like crap (still do, but less so) so I realised that despite not being a massively sexy thing, I had to actually bulk up some more.


Haha I take a similar but SLIGHTLY different approach. If I know I have, say, 3 hours, I'll spend the first hour going over the top with cleaning (like "just took an adderall" cleaning). Then, I'll spend two hours playing games and when my wife comes home she'll be impressed that I got that much done.

That's basically what I do too. I fly through that cleaning and get stuff done like a madman so I can maximize my game playing time.


No kids and a wife who works night shift.

No one gets in the way of my Destiny raids.

Just landed in NC for the weekend. Ready to relax and hang out with my old college buddies.

Should be a nice rest from lifting.


ok so anyone with any comments at all would be great.

I've been going the gym since February, in that time i lost a stone which was essentially my beer gut and love handles, and have then put half a stone back on in what i would like to think is muscle, i definitely have gotten more muscley and stronger over the last 6 months, and generally feel great.

My issue is that i still have about 16-17% body fat, and i really want to be getting to 12-14% to show some abs.

My diet is generally clean and i have stopped drinking alcohol (except for the odd blow out), but my body fat doesnt appear to be dropping (although i havent used the withings scale for a good while)

Do i need to up my cardio, i don't want to lose any more weight, (im 5'8" and 10 stone 6Lb's)

I eat a lot, during the day, including 2 protein shakes most days, fruit, chicken salad wraps, protein yoghurts, and a main evening meal which is meat with veg/salad

Am i just being impatient, or am i doing something wrong? i have seen a big improvement, im just not sure how long i should be taking to lose more fat without losing lots of weight.


Dropping % bodyfat from 16% to 12% while NOT losing any weight is a marathon. Is there a reason you need to do it faster?
Decided to try farmers walk + stairs for my "don't sit around on your arse you lazy bastard" on the hour training. Holy shit... even a little weight made it extremely tiring.


I am hurting sleep wise. 6 or less hours Tue and Wed night, less then 3 last night. Too much energy and nothing I do can stop it unless I take medication which I really do not want to do.


Dropping % bodyfat from 16% to 12% while NOT losing any weight is a marathon. Is there a reason you need to do it faster?
No, I just need a bit of guidance I suppose. I will track my calories with my fitness pal and see what I'm actually doing calorie wise. Thanks for the help


EZ loaders for my chains came in. Can't wait to use them Monday. Also preordered his beauty yesterday, only 1000 being made, numbered with a certificate and everything. Mancave getting an upgrade. https://www.bradfordexchange.com/st...cclock&pp=0&utm_term=bradford&vid=20091217001

Sick clock

No, I just need a bit of guidance I suppose. I will track my calories with my fitness pal and see what I'm actually doing calorie wise. Thanks for the help

What type of cardio are you doing now?


Hardly any because I'm trying not to lose any weight, so only 15 mins cardio (hill climb on a bike) then 30-45 minutes weights


Hardly any because I'm trying not to lose any weight, so only 15 mins cardio (hill climb on a bike) then 30-45 minutes weights

You should add sprints / HIIT and ab work into your routine and make sure the increase in calories to maintain weight come from clean, whole foods. You'll see your abs sooner rather than later.


Oh yes squats were feeling great today. One more day of doing lighter weights and I will feel good about pushing against my old 5 rep max.

On a less joyous note my weight has basically stayed the same since I started trying to 'bulk' beginning the last week of June. All of my lifts have gone up but seems like my energy levels in the gym are pretty trash. Might be time to up the calories again.
Jesus Christ. Totally petered out Wednesday and today at the gym, with numbers way lower than they should have been.

I had a (earned, it's worth saying) vacation for a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure that's what did it. Virtually no exercise, objectively too much beer. Sucks to know that I shot myself in the foot, but I can recover from this. At least my deadlift/shoulders didn't really suffer.
ok so anyone with any comments at all would be great.

I've been going the gym since February, in that time i lost a stone which was essentially my beer gut and love handles, and have then put half a stone back on in what i would like to think is muscle, i definitely have gotten more muscley and stronger over the last 6 months, and generally feel great.

My issue is that i still have about 16-17% body fat, and i really want to be getting to 12-14% to show some abs.

My diet is generally clean and i have stopped drinking alcohol (except for the odd blow out), but my body fat doesnt appear to be dropping (although i havent used the withings scale for a good while)

Do i need to up my cardio, i don't want to lose any more weight, (im 5'8" and 10 stone 6Lb's)

I eat a lot, during the day, including 2 protein shakes most days, fruit, chicken salad wraps, protein yoghurts, and a main evening meal which is meat with veg/salad

Am i just being impatient, or am i doing something wrong? i have seen a big improvement, im just not sure how long i should be taking to lose more fat without losing lots of weight.

If you're 5'8" and 146 then a good way to cut more fat is to gain muscle. 146 is pretty light. Not only will more lean mass automatically lower your BF% a point or so, it will increase your base metabolism to support that extra muscle so your current diet's total calories will result in a bigger caloric deficit and thus you will use up fat stores that way.

Keep in mind that you've only been at it for 6 months. What sort of weight training are you doing, by the way?


there is joy in sucking dick
Jesus Christ. Totally petered out Wednesday and today at the gym, with numbers way lower than they should have been.

I had a (earned, it's worth saying) vacation for a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure that's what did it. Virtually no exercise, objectively too much beer. Sucks to know that I shot myself in the foot, but I can recover from this. At least my deadlift/shoulders didn't really suffer.

Same issue here. Root cause for me is I haven't been sleeping well. It's odd, I can go ham one night with alcohol, black out and lift heavy the next day, assuming I get a full 8 or more of sleep. But when I have shit on my mind that keeps me up and robs me of sleep I blow it the next day.
Same issue here. Root cause for me is I haven't been sleeping well. It's odd, I can go ham one night with alcohol, black out and lift heavy the next day, assuming I get a full 8 or more of sleep. But when I have shit on my mind that keeps me up and robs me of sleep I blow it the next day.

Ha, yes. The "I don't have a hangover headache because I hydrated but my body still feels like ass fuck it I'll go heavy" session.

Sleep is absolutely paramount. Bad sleep well hinder everything.

Clutch advice. I think my sleep hours are about to bump up now that my wife is starting work again. Being a teacher, she'll be in bed at like 8:30 during the year. Should be helpful.

Trying to go for a 1RM session before fall, figure a month is plenty time to get back on the train.


If you're 5'8" and 146 then a good way to cut more fat is to gain muscle. 146 is pretty light. Not only will more lean mass automatically lower your BF% a point or so, it will increase your base metabolism to support that extra muscle so your current diet's total calories will result in a bigger caloric deficit and thus you will use up fat stores that way.

Keep in mind that you've only been at it for 6 months. What sort of weight training are you doing, by the way?

Thanks guys. My routine is usually 15 mins bike and then Monday chest & triceps, Tuesday shoulders & back, Wednesday biceps & abs, Thursday legs.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Freaking amazing how much damage I can do in a night and be back to 180 so quickly. Weighed 179 Sunday and had a ton for my birthday. Like...a ton! Had a clean day Monday and then again a spur of the moment ice cream and movie night Tuesday. Not only ice cream. Consumed 4 pieces of cinnamon toast, 1 bowl of cereal, and cookies too. After a clean Wednesday and Thursday I was back to 180.2 today. Still blows my mind.


Freaking amazing how much damage I can do in a night and be back to 180 so quickly. Weighed 179 Sunday and had a ton for my birthday. Like...a ton! Had a clean day Monday and then again a spur of the moment ice cream and movie night Tuesday. Not only ice cream. Consumed 4 pieces of cinnamon toast, 1 bowl of cereal, and cookies too. After a clean Wednesday and Thursday I was back to 180.2 today. Still blows my mind.

The reality is, the leaner and more muscular you are, the more you can get away with. The hardest part is getting there.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Great workout tonight. Energy level is really high.

Squats: 3x5x235lbs (PR)
Good mornings: 4x10x95lbs (these aren't fun)
DB Bench: 3x5x85s (PR)
Chins + 35lbs: 5, 4, 3

I also love what the mirror tells me about my legs and traps. Most importantly I learned how to stay tight on DB bench and get a good rebound.


Freaking amazing how much damage I can do in a night and be back to 180 so quickly. Weighed 179 Sunday and had a ton for my birthday. Like...a ton! Had a clean day Monday and then again a spur of the moment ice cream and movie night Tuesday. Not only ice cream. Consumed 4 pieces of cinnamon toast, 1 bowl of cereal, and cookies too. After a clean Wednesday and Thursday I was back to 180.2 today. Still blows my mind.

IF really is the best way to get shit locked down
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