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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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F*ck me man. Doing 5x5 squats at the heaviest I've done in a while (210) and I got no sleep last night. My youngest was up half the night. I'm exhausted and pushing through, but if I get the last set completed it will be a miracle. Doesn't help that I'm eating at a 1000+ calorie deficit this week.

That bench over there... looks comfy. Zzzzzz...

Edit: just climbed the equivalent of the Sears tower on the stair mill. Now I'm cycling. (I'll have time to die afterwards)


Junior Member
Welcome to club top-heavy. I have the same issue. Squats!!!

Currently I can bench more than I squat... (I did 100kg for 1 rep the other day). If I load up more than 80kg on the squat bar, it just feels really freaking heavy on my back. I can do at leasst 5 reps but I don't feel comfortable.

My deadlift numbers aren't spectacular either (120kg x3). Yet I can do chin ups with 25kg attached to myself for 6 reps.

I do seem very top heavy.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Currently I can bench more than I squat... (I did 100kg for 1 rep the other day). If I load up more than 80kg on the squat bar, it just feels really freaking heavy on my back. I can do at leasst 5 reps but I don't feel comfortable.

My deadlift numbers aren't spectacular either (120kg x3). Yet I can do chin ups with 25kg attached to myself for 6 reps.

I do seem very top heavy.

I was in a similar position as you after getting out of the Marines. Your ratios will eventually even out if you:

1. Follow a legit program to the letters that has squats each workout.

2. Reset when needed and work on rebound out of the bottom.


I've been deadlifting with a rounded upper back for about a year and after doing that the lockout became my sticking point. I started incorporating heavy hip thrusts about two months ago and the different has been massive.
Before I always used to fail reps above the knee but now I'm pretty confident that if I get it to my knees I can lock it out.
This has been the assistance lift that has helped me more than any other.
So if any of you struggle with deadlift lockouts they might be a good lift to include in your program despite how weird they may look haha.
I hope someone in this thread can give me some tips on losing weight. I've been overweight for quite a while now, but i want to make a change so i've joined a gym because i figured i was only going to get so far with the treadmill and some light weights i have at home. What kind of exercises are best to do to get rid/reduce fat? When i go with friends we do stuff with weights, but i have no idea what i can do when i go alone. Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks!


Why does he wear the mask!?
I hope someone in this thread can give me some tips on losing weight. I've been overweight for quite a while now, but i want to make a change so i've joined a gym because i figured i was only going to get so far with the treadmill and some light weights i have at home. What kind of exercises are best to do to get rid/reduce fat? When i go with friends we do stuff with weights, but i have no idea what i can do when i go alone. Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks!

I can't help much with a workout routine, but whats your diet like?

As they say, abs are made in the kitchen.
I can't help much with a workout routine, but whats your diet like?

As they say, abs are made in the kitchen.

Well, i try to stay away from any type of snack food(chips,candy, stuff like that) and limit myself to lunch(4 sliced of break with turkey/chicken) and whatever my mom makes for dinner. So nothing too insane i think. It doesn't help i'm picky when it comes to food though(can't stand any type of fruit).


Well, i try to stay away from any type of snack food(chips,candy, stuff like that) and limit myself to lunch(4 sliced of break with turkey/chicken) and whatever my mom makes for dinner. So nothing too insane i think. It doesn't help i'm picky when it comes to food though(can't stand any type of fruit).

You need to start tracking what you're eating via something like MyFitnessPal or MyMacros+. You may be surprised at how many calories you're eating, carbs, fat, etc. Most people aren't eating enough protein either. Recommendations seem to vary between .75-1.5 grams of protein/lb of bodyweight. I'd guess you're consuming much less than that.

As far as workouts, start with something in the OP. Start light, work on form, gradually increase weight as prescribed in whichever plan in OP tells you to.
Well that was strange... I seem to have forgotten how to deadlift. I think I've got messed up from the Pendelay Rows I was doing the other day. Luckily it was a light day, but I'm going to have to get my head back in the game before I'm lifting the serious weights as there's no way I could have done it with the shitty form I had today.


Most people aren't eating enough protein either. Recommendations seem to vary between .75-1.5 grams of protein/lb of bodyweight. I'd guess you're consuming much less than that.

No, no, no, no, no. This is some of the oldest broscience out there. Unless you're juiced up to the eyeballs or some sort of genetic monster, you're very unlikely to need more than 0.8g / lb, and many (decent) studies say less than that.
Well that was strange... I seem to have forgotten how to deadlift. I think I've got messed up from the Pendelay Rows I was doing the other day. Luckily it was a light day, but I'm going to have to get my head back in the game before I'm lifting the serious weights as there's no way I could have done it with the shitty form I had today.


No, no, no, no, no. This is some of the oldest broscience out there. Unless you're juiced up to the eyeballs or some sort of genetic monster, you're very unlikely to need more than 0.8g / lb, and many (decent) studies say less than that.

I see that this is the prevailing notion here among fitgaf. My question is how does one manage this while tracking calories? So right now I'm bulking and My Fitness Pal has me at 3400 calories to reach my goal (0.5lbs a week). With that amount of calories my protein requirement is 214g which is currently 1.03g/lb of my weight. If I were to change that to lower it to .8 or so, wouldn't that just increase the amount I have to consume in carbs and fat? I would like to limit my fat intake while I bulk so I'm eating as clean as possible, but it just seems difficult if I have to limit my protein intake that much.

Or am I thinking too much about this?
Yes, it would increase the amount of carbs and fat you'd eat, and no, this wouldn't be a problem as long as you're not sucking it down in junk food. Some here argue that wouldn't be a problem either, as long as you're watching your overall calories, but I'm not getting drawn into that particular debate!

As for healthy sources of fat... you've obviously got things like fish, nuts, eggs, olive oil, coconut (whole / oil), and full fat greek yoghurt.


As for healthy sources of fat... you've obviously got things like fish, nuts, eggs, olive oil, coconut (whole / oil), and full fat greek yoghurt.
Avocado!!! It's my favorite so I had to chime in haha

Side note: 1500 calorie defecit yesterday. Not a good idea. Doesn't feel good. Was going to do it again today, but scew that I'm eating a solid meal when I get home. I've only had 240 calories today even with leg day early this morning. Not feeling so good!
No, no, no, no, no. This is some of the oldest broscience out there. Unless you're juiced up to the eyeballs or some sort of genetic monster, you're very unlikely to need more than 0.8g / lb, and many (decent) studies say less than that.
The difference between .8g/lb and 1g/lb protein-wise for most people is going to be about a 1/4-1/3 lb of meat. It's not that big a difference.

I really couldn't say whether or not having x grams of protein per pound is necessary, but most traditional meals out there are pretty low on protein. Staples like breads, rice, pasta, potatoes, tend to make more of the meal than they should and they only have a bit of protein.

What I'm saying is if you don't actively try to get protein you're not going to get near enough and if you do try, 1g/lb is just as good a target as 0.8g/lb, and that if you don't get there, guess what, you probably ended up getting 0.8g/lb.
For many, especially the larger here it's the difference between having two more protein drinks a day and not... and as many people seem to pretty much rely on drinking their protein rather than eating real food, it's definitely well worth mentioning.

Ignoring the fact that 0.8g / lb is actually considered in a very similar manner to how you described 1.0g / lb there. There's not really much science behind it (the highest backed up by a well run study was 0.64g / lb), but it's a little easier to work out / considered to be a "just in case" number.

From a personal perspective, at low calories I've been much more able to stick to my diet (and I can eat far more varied foods) now that every meal doesn't have to contain massive amounts of protein, and ironically I've been keeping my strength much better on this cut than on any cut before that relied on more than a third of my calories coming from protein (go go carbs and fat).

Your mileage may vary of course.

(Edit... and to be clear, I've mostly got a problem with numbers like 1.5 being thrown around. People see that and assume "well shit, more is better, right?"... when it really isn't.)

The Chef

I see that this is the prevailing notion here among fitgaf. My question is how does one manage this while tracking calories? So right now I'm bulking and My Fitness Pal has me at 3400 calories to reach my goal (0.5lbs a week). With that amount of calories my protein requirement is 214g which is currently 1.03g/lb of my weight. If I were to change that to lower it to .8 or so, wouldn't that just increase the amount I have to consume in carbs and fat? I would like to limit my fat intake while I bulk so I'm eating as clean as possible, but it just seems difficult if I have to limit my protein intake that much.

Or am I thinking too much about this?

During my bulk I was doing 3500calories as well. My protein intake was UNREAL. 250g a day. It was a nightmare to get that much. In reality it was really unessesary and I have learned a lot since my bulking faze 6 months or so ago. Just drop your protein to the .8-1g per lb and adjust your macros accordingly. Having lots of fat and carbs isn't bad. Just stay in your range and you'll be fine.

(Edit... and to be clear, I've mostly got a problem with numbers like 1.5 being thrown around. People see that and assume "well shit, more is better, right?"... when it really isn't.)

I dont think any of us in this forum can REALLY say what is adequate or not when it comes to protein consumption, mostly since none of us are competition worthy and not using gear which would requite 2+g per lbs. The best we can do is just simply start with the best info we got (.8-1g per lbs) and just see how your body responds to it really. Some people in here have said even that is way too high and they dont have any more than .5g a day. Would I ever do that? Heck no. I personally think that is insanely low. Do i know for SURE that muscle wont develop just fine at that number? No. I just go with what I think works for me and right now 1g seems just right.
Im rambling...


Currently doing the gym while on the IF period, and I feel like shit. I have zero energy, and in finding it very hard to get my reps in. Maybe I should eat before?

I'm not feeling the gym before eating.


there is joy in sucking dick
There's also the kink in regards to that figure for protein being lean body mass or your total mass. If you're eating 1:1 your total bodyweight in grams you're beyond your LBM. Interestingly .8 seems to be on the nose for a lot of peoples LBM. .8 seems to be a good place to start and move up or down from there.


No, no, no, no, no. This is some of the oldest broscience out there. Unless you're juiced up to the eyeballs or some sort of genetic monster, you're very unlikely to need more than 0.8g / lb, and many (decent) studies say less than that.

I don't do 1.5 g/lb, I'm around .8, I believe, so I agree with you in a sense and think the difference over .8 is negligible. But I've seen others and read studies from others that state that over 1 g/lb is ideal. .8 seems to be working fine for me, and even if you go with that, the general public isn't getting anywhere close to that. They're lucky to get .5 g/lb, but they're probably eating twice as many carbs and 1.5-2x the daily calories they should be consuming.

And I agree with your later post on this. Eating .8 g/lb of protein is hard enough, I can't imagine doing almost twice that. I don't see the need for it at my level of fitness.

The Chef

There's also the kink in regards to that figure for protein being lean body mass or your total mass. If you're eating 1:1 your total bodyweight in grams you're beyond your LBM. Interestingly .8 seems to be on the nose for a lot of peoples LBM. .8 seems to be a good place to start and move up or down from there.

Never considered this before. Super interesting.

Currently doing the gym while on the IF period, and I feel like shit. I have zero energy, and in finding it very hard to get my reps in. Maybe I should eat before?

I'm not feeling the gym before eating.

How long have you been doing IF and what time do you lift?
Im on day 4 and so far I actually feel great at the gym at lunch. Huge energy. Today I actually hit a PR on bench (255x1). I was absolutely floored by it.


Looks like Layne Norton put up a vlog regarding dealing with trolls. Haven't watched it yet but I'm assuming this is at least partly in reference to Vegan bro or whatever his name is.


Never considered this before. Super interesting.

How long have you been doing IF and what time do you lift?
Im on day 4 and so far I actually feel great at the gym at lunch. Huge energy. Today I actually hit a PR on bench (255x1). I was absolutely floored by it.

Well, I found that I messed up by having small energy drinks with sugar the first time, but this is my first time with no sugar and just water, this is also my first time doing IF at the gym.

I left the gym for now, but I'm going to return after eating to see if that helps.

I just feel very, very sleepy. I was literally dosing off while doing my tricep extensions.


Gym went great today, 3s week finished. Bench with 3x165, 3x190, 3x215 and ended with 10x155. Upped weight on accessories and missed a few reps on incline dumbbell press near the end. No worries, I've had bad sleep past 2 days and I had to rush back to work, so didn't rest up enough. Feeling good still. Weighed in at 225.8 this morning. Up .2 again. Not concerned.

As far as protein is concerned, lots of people bulk with .6-.8g of protein per pound of lean mass, not weight. Protein sup companies love to blur the info to sell you more powder and bars. Stick to whole foods anyway. I do .8 per lean pound myself.

Currently doing the gym while on the IF period, and I feel like shit. I have zero energy, and in finding it very hard to get my reps in. Maybe I should eat before?

I'm not feeling the gym before eating.

It takes time for body to adapt. Took me weeks.
Yes, it would increase the amount of carbs and fat you'd eat, and no, this wouldn't be a problem as long as you're not sucking it down in junk food. Some here argue that wouldn't be a problem either, as long as you're watching your overall calories, but I'm not getting drawn into that particular debate!

As for healthy sources of fat... you've obviously got things like fish, nuts, eggs, olive oil, coconut (whole / oil), and full fat greek yoghurt.

Oh yeah, my fat intake definitely consists of the healthy fats, I was more concerned at the amount even if it is clean fat. Same with carbs.
Oh yeah, my fat intake definitely consists of the healthy fats, I was more concerned at the amount even if it is clean fat. Same with carbs.

Don't be. The recent obsession with both has been utterly ridiculous. You can lose fat on pretty much any ratio of macros you choose to eat, some may be scientifically better than others to a small percentage, but most important is having a diet that you can stick to, and for most, one that doesn't make you utterly miserable.


Don't be. The recent obsession with both has been utterly ridiculous. You can lose fat on pretty much any ratio of macros you choose to eat, some may be scientifically better than others to a small percentage, but most important is having a diet that you can stick to, and for most, one that doesn't make you utterly miserable.


Wife asked to start working out with me and I'm excited. We've worked out together before, but with another couple, so my wife and her friend ended up spending most of the time doing cardio together. Now she wants to lift.

The Chef

Wife asked to start working out with me and I'm excited. We've worked out together before, but with another couple, so my wife and her friend ended up spending most of the time doing cardio together. Now she wants to lift.

Heck yeah bro. My wife used to do only cardio but now she basically follows right along with me doing weights. Love it.


Heck yeah bro. My wife used to do only cardio but now she basically follows right along with me doing weights. Love it.

She's naturally fit and has an incredible body as is, so I'm excited to see where squats, stiff leg deadlifts, glute bridges etc. get her *drool*

The Chef

She's naturally fit and has an incredible body as is, so I'm excited to see where squats, stiff leg deadlifts, glute bridges etc. get her *drool*



Wife asked to start working out with me and I'm excited. We've worked out together before, but with another couple, so my wife and her friend ended up spending most of the time doing cardio together. Now she wants to lift.

Nice! My wife took on front squatting yesterday. Brought a tear to my eye.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
She's naturally fit and has an incredible body as is, so I'm excited to see where squats, stiff leg deadlifts, glute bridges etc. get her *drool*

You lucker dog.
Mine wont lift (probably a good job, because she'd beat all my numbers), but at least she's staying active these days. For a long time she did no exercise at all.

I think I actually might have inspired her a bit on that because my body has changed so much and it's different when it's someone you know getting results.


I feel my body asking for more food today, so i'm eating a bit extra. Another 1k-1200 ontop of my 1750. Includes ribs, bacon wrapped mozz sticks, and vitamix frozen strawberry ice cream. I eat at such a deficit that even this shouldn't affect me much. But whatever, i'm listening to my body.


Looks like Layne Norton put up a vlog regarding dealing with trolls. Haven't watched it yet but I'm assuming this is at least partly in reference to Vegan bro or whatever his name is.

Yes it is in reference though he doesn't call him by name. He just basically discusses how there are these people who contribute nothing to the industry and are just trolling or calling everyone successfull out. And that he hasn't seen the video and doesn't even care enough to see it.He goes to conclude that it is us viewers, who give them power by watching their videos and if no one gave a shit, they would go away. Basically saying, if someone is making funny of someone getting cancer, why are people following him and watching his videos? Dude's a scumbag.


Did my first pull up at 250lbs. The last time I tried was when I was in highschool. I hesitated attempting. I've come to realize that I am stronger than I have once thought.

How often are people and to lift their body weight in a pull up? Is what I have done even impressive?

I also did that after my entire workout. It was late at night and the gym was closing, so I just decided it was time.


Hope it's not long mtp.

Done cooking 24 days of cauliflower rice. I thought I'd be clear to mess with the skylake PC after work tomorrow but nope lol. Seriously, as you get older, free time is basically gone. Young people, don't waste your time!
Did my first pull up at 250lbs. The last time I tried was when I was in highschool. I hesitated attempting. I've come to realize that I am stronger than I have once thought.

How often are people and to lift their body weight in a pull up? Is what I have done even impressive?

Pull ups are something a lot of people aspire to, so yeah, it's an achievement. I'd wager most here can do a few (and some a lot), but this if FitGAF, it's filled with beasts. :D

Doing a pull up at your sort of weight massively impresses me though. I weigh 100lbs less than you and I sure as hell couldn't do a pull-up with 100lbs strapped to me! (I know that you'll be carrying substantially more muscle to go with the extra weight, but still)
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