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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."

This has been me for the past 3 months.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."
Oh have I been here before. What usually helps me is picking a lift or 2 at a ceratin bodyweight and setting some goals to hit. Otherwise, welcome to your ideal body! Enjoy your cheat meals and maintain it.
which one of you is this?


i'm glad i came in here and saw this lol..


Another great day at the gym. Haven't ate in 29 hours but wasn't on purpose I swear it, just forgot my food yesterday and had to correct meal timing. Ohp today with 5×130, 5×150 and 5×170. Finished with 8x130. I might have gotten all 10 but was seriously rough by that point. Rested up and got all my accessories and eating now after 30 hours.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Anyone ever tear a callus before?

I'm shocked that in the five or so years I've been working out today was the first time I ever tore one of my calluses. Ripped almost entirely off while I was messing around on some traveling Olympic rings at the playground.

I bought some of that liquid bandage stuff and applied it to the area after washing my hands and it hurt like a motherfucker. The tiniest drop dripped onto the sore and that's all it took for the agonizing pain. Then I clipped the actually callus off since it was hanging by a thread pretty much.

As long as I cover it up I should be back to lifting tomorrow, yes?


Anyone ever tear a callus before?

I'm shocked that in the five or so years I've been working out today was the first time I ever tore one of my calluses. Ripped almost entirely off while I was messing around on some traveling Olympic rings at the playground.

I bought some of that liquid bandage stuff and applied it to the area after washing my hands and it hurt like a motherfucker. The tiniest drop dripped onto the sore and that's all it took for the agonizing pain. Then I clipped the actually callus off since it was hanging by a thread pretty much.

As long as I cover it up I should be back to lifting tomorrow, yes?

This has happened many times to me with weighted pull-ups and muscle up practice. It can hurt like hell when that red flesh underneath is exposed. I usually put a bandaid and cream on it then wrap it. Still hurts though.


the piano man
Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."

This has been me for the past 3 months.

I am getting out of it, thanks to the changes of winds and the Fall/Winter air that came some days ago.

Summer is actually pretty bad for lifting in my personal experience, both 2014 and 2015 have been pretty meh.

November and December, eating, in full force in my job where I teach, PRs, videogames under the bedsheets, that can't come soon enough


Fe, so proud man, looking so good. Keep cutting.

Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."

Well you're already sub 10%, what else is there for you other then maintaining or bulking? Should pick a direction or be content to maintain.
What natural lifter only gains from light work? I've never heard that one.

Low volume - i thought that went without needing an explanation. Some folks don't respond well to what others consider overtraining and vice versa. Some need failure to grow - others don't. Some can grow on minimal calories, some require gobs of them. Some need more time off from the gym, some need less.

I guess my point that one-size-fits-all is falling a bit flat. People have different needs and they should be encouraged to find what those are - not get shoehorned into single routines. We live with our bodies our whole lives - there's no reason to not understand the nuance behind what makes it work and what its requirements are for our individual goals.

Maybe its just me because I have to figure that stuff out - not going over my health issues again as they are a moot point in the grand scheme. In one way I'd give my left leg to be rid of them since they make everything far harder than it needs to be but on the other hand - I'm thankful to have the experience i do with them to learn the nuance I'm talking about.

Nelo Ice

So no idea what's wrong but my lifting is out of funk this week. On 5/3/1 BBB and haven't taken any deload weeks. That may be it but anyway on a new cycle this week. I've failed to hit the min 5 rep mark on the last set for my deadlifts and ohp thus far. Despite being able to do the weight handily last month. Starting to think my body is telling me take a break this week. I was starting to think something was up 2 weeks ago when I could barely lift any weight leading up to the last set.
Edit: Yep feels like I have nothing left to even do the volume sets. My grip is nothing atm :(.


Hey guys, very noob question here. I'm doing 3 sets of 10 in a few different exercises following a beginner program at my gym. Should I do 10 of each equipment 3 times or stick to one equipment with small breaks between each set? So basically:

Equipment 1 ten times, 60s break
Equipment 1 ten times, 60s break
Equipment 1 ten times, 60s break
then move on to equipment 2.


Equipment 1 ten times
Equipment 2 ten times
then do that twice again.

Equipment 1 ten times, 60s break
Equipment 1 ten times, 60s break
Equipment 1 ten times, 60s break
then move on to equipment 2.


Equipment 1 ten times
Equipment 2 ten times

I generally do the former. I'd say especially at a gym as once you've got the bit of equipment you generally don't want to risk losing it.
Guys, be gentle. I never wanted to show anyone these pictures and were meant to just be for me and track my own progress so there's no dates/weight.

I started somewhere over 300lbs and in the last 2 before and after I went from 208 to 190.

I'm still quite embarrased by these pictures so quote my post to see the pics.


Guys, be gentle. I never wanted to show anyone these pictures and were meant to just be for me and track my own progress so there's no dates/weight.

I started somewhere over 300lbs and in the last 2 before and after I went from 208 to 190.

I'm still quite embarrased by these pictures so quote my post to see the pics.

Be gentle? Wtf... You look awesome. That's one hell of a fantastic transformation. Looking ripped!


Falling Edge looking like samurai JACKED with that hair and definition.

You nailed it lol. FE looking good bruh.

Guys, be gentle. I never wanted to show anyone these pictures and were meant to just be for me and track my own progress so there's no dates/weight.

I started somewhere over 300lbs and in the last 2 before and after I went from 208 to 190.

I'm still quite embarrased by these pictures so quote my post to see the pics.

that's without a doubt some amazing ass progress. Nothing to be embarrassed about. From front to back you're looking pretty damn good my dude.


Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."

Ugh, so this lol...feeling the same. Just gotta push through...


Guys, be gentle. I never wanted to show anyone these pictures and were meant to just be for me and track my own progress so there's no dates/weight.

I started somewhere over 300lbs and in the last 2 before and after I went from 208 to 190.

I'm still quite embarrased by these pictures so quote my post to see the pics.

Uh wtf, you look amazing man, what is there to be embarrassed at.
Filing my calluses is the strangest thing. Certainly never imagined that I'd be sitting here with a nail file randomly sawing away at my hand whilst watching films.


Those before pics make me cringe

Yah but its helped shaped what you are now. I proudly show people my before pics so they know i'm not bsing when i say i know what its like to be overweight and in bad shape. I think it's awesome. You worked hard for it, be proud.
It's just history. When it comes down it, all that matters is what you did about it.

Hell, without something to look back on it's hard to see the journey and realise how far you've come.
Yah but its helped shaped what you are now. I proudly show people my before pics so they know i'm not bsing when i say i know what its like to be overweight and in bad shape. I think it's awesome. You worked hard for it, be proud.

I am but I only ever show people my clothed before pics. I guess I'm still not over my self consciousness. Thanks for the kind words brothers


Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."

Mikey, I'm going through it too. Great advice by coot, though. I'm focusing on my OHP and Power Clean form / numbers and it's keeping my head in the game.


Goals for sure help. My current goal is to get that 405lb 4 plates bench. Then sometime after that my goal will be to get to single digit BF...that one will take 6 months.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Hmm, when I hit my DB press goal I think I'll go on a long slow cut and switch back to barbell for a while.

Workout tonight was pretty good:
Front squats - 3x5x185lbs (PR)
Paused DB Press - 2x5x60s, 1x4x60s (urg)
Power Cleans - 4x3x155lbs, 1x4x155lbs (all PRs)

Took me a month and ten pounds weight gain to go up 5lbs on power cleans, lol genetics.


there is joy in sucking dick
Guys, be gentle. I never wanted to show anyone these pictures and were meant to just be for me and track my own progress so there's no dates/weight.

I started somewhere over 300lbs and in the last 2 before and after I went from 208 to 190.

I'm still quite embarrased by these pictures so quote my post to see the pics.

How was your nutrition setup? That truly is a remarkable transformation.
ty very much for the kind words, it has been a long journey, one that I am glad to share with you all. A few more months then a nice slow bulk.

That being said, I miss being on the strength train. I been focusing on size and endurance and in turn, my strength has dropped. My body is weird in that I need to continue to work on the same exercise or I will lose it. Like right now, just doing a set of 3 @ 255 lbs for flat bench is a chore. It really is a struggle for me. But I have been doing more db flat bench and I am at the point that I can do 3 x 8-10 @ 110 lbs. Same process with incline flat vs incline db. It is really annoying.

Guys, be gentle. I never wanted to show anyone these pictures and were meant to just be for me and track my own progress so there's no dates/weight.

I started somewhere over 300lbs and in the last 2 before and after I went from 208 to 190.

I'm still quite embarrased by these pictures so quote my post to see the pics.

You look great man. Huge difference.


Been a few weeks since I posted. Moved back to NYC from Idaho.
- Finally started weightlifting after many months of waiting. $150/yr but the hours are fairly 'bad' with 5:30p to 10:00p on Mon/Wed and 7:30p to 9:30p on Friday for this coach.
- Warm-up routine changed to a 10 minute on the stationary bike and my list of exercises to warm-up the joints and such.
- The coach did a few assessments, which I happened to pass with ease and eliminated any possibilities that mobility will be a problem for me:
  1. Had to overhead squat with a dowel using my clean grip and feet set at hip width and pointed forward.
  2. Laid on my back and raised one leg at a time as far as I can with my knees locked (reached about 90 degrees for both).
  3. Had my hand in a hook grip and tried to reach my other hand behind my back. Repeated with switched hands. (found my right shoulder isn't as mobile as my left; was due to a rotator cuff strain several months back).
- What I did:
  1. Shoulder dislocations near my limit (about 18 inches between the middle of my hand and the middle of the bar to get an idea). 3x20. The dream goal is to be able to do shoulder dislocations with my clean grip (about 12 inches between the middle of my hand and the middle of the bar).
  2. Stood straight up with the dowel using my snatch grip and hinged at my hips to understand that I'm supposed to be feeling my hamstrings being stretched at this part of the snatch. Practiced those until the coach was happy with them.
  3. Moved from hinging at the hips to jump straight up with my arms relaxed using a dowel. Did those until the coach was happy with them.
  4. Snatch balances.
  5. Hip hinge -> jump -> power snatch with a dowel.
  6. Repeated the above using the barbell instead (first time using chalk since the coach saw I was having trouble holding the bar for long duration at a time).
  7. Hang power snatches until he was happy with them.
  8. Three hang power snatches into three overhead squats. He changed my squat stance to be wider. Three sets.
  9. Taught how to miss a lift near the beginning of the above three sets.
  10. Front squatted 30kg. He wanted 3x10 and my elbows up and pointed out with a full grip on the bar. It was more fatiguing to do that after my front rack like the Chinese way of having it a bit down and out with the full or loose grip. Was only able to get 3x8 sadly lol. Kinda sucks considering I did 1x10 with 54kg AMRAP set before I stopped FSing two months ago.
  11. 30kg BTN presses. Was only able to get 3 reps each set and tougher than I thought.
- I asked my coach about nutrition and he said to not do that low-carb crap lol. 150-200g carbs, 150g protein, 70-80g fat and to eat like a normal person (obviously all of those macros add up to around 2K calories and I can't bulk at that).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
FE-You stud

cuevas, PhD- Amazing stuff brotha. PhD in body transformations

That's all. Goodnight FitGaf
Why did I only just find out about stomach vacuums? Watching some vids and people can get some amazing progress with them. Tempted to add a few in to my greasing the groove stuff that I do throughout the day.
Why did I only just find out about stomach vacuums? Watching some vids and people can get some amazing progress with them. Tempted to add a few in to my greasing the groove stuff that I do throughout the day.

I always forget 'stomach vacuums' exist. They are awkward, great, quick, and simple, but easily forgotten about in the bodybuilding/fitness world.

They are forgotten about kinda of like stretching. I really need to focus on my stretching again!


Why did I only just find out about stomach vacuums? Watching some vids and people can get some amazing progress with them. Tempted to add a few in to my greasing the groove stuff that I do throughout the day.

What's the point in them? I only know people used to do them in bodybuilding posing routines (when they still could).
Thinner waistline, strengthens transverse abdominis and acts as a sort of natural weight lifting belt. Also arguably helps gives a sort of 3D look to your six pack muscles.

Unrelated. Say I was doing bench press, chin ups and squats in a workout... what might be a good accessory to go with that?


Thinner waistline, strengthens transverse abdominis and acts as a sort of natural weight lifting belt. Also arguably helps gives a sort of 3D look to your six pack muscles.

Unrelated. Say I was doing bench press, chin ups and squats in a workout... what might be a good accessory to go with that?

Any reason why you're doing those three in the same workout as is?

Answer: DB flys
Yeah, right now I'm focussing on my cycling training so I'm just doing a full body workout three times a week. What's in each day varies, but I can't focus specifically on upper / lower body because it leaves me unable to do the cycling training on certain days.

It's basically a variation on this program: http://www.powerliftingtowin.com/greyskull-lp/

Edit - Flat bench or incline?
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