Guys i'm kinda worried, anyone here has experimented "foamy" urine sometimes? It's become more and more frequent for me and i don't know if it could be related to supplementation (i use Carnivor Mass, only thing lactose free i've found here, and i need it for the calories).
I was thinking it could be proteinuria, what a shame if it was though.
How much protein are you eating
You are welcome.Hi![]()
Ah! That's a good idea. I'll give the squats a try normally tomorrow and if it seems like it's going to end up being a bad idea, I'll do goblet squats.Thanks for the thought!
You're seeing neurosurgeons for your back now?
You bake!? I am impressed. It looks so delicious. Thanks for the recipe!made some protein cheesecake, i really love this stuff
Oh, Quest bars are sooooo good! I actually need to order more for me. I have lived without them like a week and a half and I hate this.I just lost it over this post Haha
On another note, I have never tried a Quest Bar and decided last night to order a box of mint and a variety pack. $50 later... I hope I like them!
Edit: ugh, I love when people at work give me crap for eating a salad like I'm starving myself. It's 500 calories and has 5oz of turkey. I mean, come on.
That looks so wrong in so many different levels - and yet I would actually want to try it.
You are such a cutie!Torso shot, still 198-200 so I have a lot more cutting to do until I'm shredded, but it's slowly coming together. My strength is maintaining pretty well (still making gains in some chest lifts actually).
Can't wait to see where I'm at at the end of the month. Overall I should be done by mid July.
Oh, you are very welcome!What up FitGaf I'm new to all this but I've been following the OT for a little while now and finally have time to make a proper introduction. Been hitting the gym for years now but I'd still call myself a beginner. Just recently decided to get my core in better shape so that's my main focus as of now. I'm somewhere around 5'7 160. I guess I'll drop some pics too...just realized I never take leg pics and seeing Spirit makes me want to work on my lower body more.
As you can see getting there but not quite there...
Lol.How dare you be more fuckable than them!
Just noticed the other page.My go-to dessert:
Sugar free dark chocolate pudding
5-8 drops mint extract
1-2tbs whip cream
75-ish calories
It's tastes great and is just big enough to feel satisfying.
*Posted this on mobile so let me know if the image size is obnoxious.
Oh, you are very welcome!Insane upper body!
Also my condolences - you got yourself a fangirl (who will be asking for more pics as the time goes by)!
I really, really doubt you'd have problems with that amount of protein. I generally do anywhere up to 140g a day and I weigh the same as you.Well, haven't properly calculated but i try to eat as much as possible during the day. I don't think i actually get to the 1.7g per Kilogram (that would be 119g, as i'm 70kg) but roughly 80 / 90 g a day.
Guys i'm kinda worried, anyone here has experimented "foamy" urine sometimes? It's become more and more frequent for me and i don't know if it could be related to supplementation (i use Carnivor Mass, only thing lactose free i've found here, and i need it for the calories).
I was thinking it could be proteinuria, what a shame if it was though.
Really?? Is that also related to water intake? I've never had that happen and consume 160g minimum daily, but I drink 1.5 gallons of water a day.I saw the doctor for it a while back. Too much protein in your urine. Are you having more than 1.2 grams per pound of body weight a day?
First time hitting any real weights in a week. The plan was to do some deadlifts and back. But I was still in relaxation mode.
I ended up starting with some power cleans/OHP. I did them strict, no knee bounce at all.
After warming up, I worked up to trying singles. Hit a new PR at 155.
Of course, Brolic would call this an appetizer.
Really?? Is that also related to water intake? I've never had that happen and consume 160g minimum daily, but I drink 1.5 gallons of water a day.
220? Whoa...Not sure. At the time I was having about 220-240 grams a day and my mom - who's in the medical field - found out and freaked out about potential long term kidney damage so I went to the doctor and she told me to stay below 1.2 grams per, maximum.
220? Whoa...
Yeah, I may have chronicled my addiction with myofusion cinnamon roll protein on here. I was having at least 4 scoops a day, plus all of my meals, because it tasted like the nectar of the gods wrapped in silk. I literally just stopped buying it because if it was in the house I was making a shake with it.
First time hitting any real weights in a week. The plan was to do some deadlifts and back. But I was still in relaxation mode.
I ended up starting with some power cleans/OHP. I did them strict, no knee bounce at all.
After warming up, I worked up to trying singles. Hit a new PR at 155.
Of course, Brolic would call this an appetizer.
When I'm in the habit of eating well it's no problem. After a holiday where I allow myself to let loose a bit I find it harder to get back on track. Junk food feels like a drug sometimes.
Just improved my OHP (a little), which resulted in most of my accessories being shit. lol
Oh well, can't have it all.
Unrelated, I was thinking about that beach body thread and the following occurred to me...
Learning a language: Awesome.
Starting a hobby: Good stuff.
Getting educated / certified: To be commended.
Playing a musical instrument: Impressive, takes dedication.
Running a marathon: You must have trained hard for that!
Getting muscular: You look like a cunt.
as a man of hair and as one that is becoming comfortable in his own skin. I wonder if I should shave my armpits? I am a hairy beast but it seems like it far more acceptable to share the pits and leave everything else natural looking
I noticed palm oil in the list of ingredients on the quest bars. Is there anything particularly bad about this oil compared to others?
Edit: Holy saturated fat. Triple that of olive oil.
What up FitGaf I'm new to all this but I've been following the OT for a little while now and finally have time to make a proper introduction. Been hitting the gym for years now but I'd still call myself a beginner. Just recently decided to get my core in better shape so that's my main focus as of now. I'm somewhere around 5'7 160. I guess I'll drop some pics too...just realized I never take leg pics and seeing Spirit makes me want to work on my lower body more.
As you can see getting there but not quite there...
Real talk, you dont get healthier then saturated fat. Best there is. Enjoy it. I had to quit quest bars due to getting kicked out of ketosis with them.
Hahaha that is awesomeIve never done keto, but the way you describe ketosis on here always sounds like that 2-3 seconds right before you bust a nut...glorious, but fleeting.
Ive never done keto, but the way you describe ketosis on here always sounds like that 2-3 seconds right before you bust a nut...glorious, but fleeting.
You look amazing broseph, you're like way past most peoples end goals by several levels, it seems insane to want to go leaner, but you know what you want. Great job.
Wait a minute Spirit... Someone actually attempted to make fun of your traps? Did this person also try to give you shit about your small legs after that? It's ridiculous! Looking great man.
And FitGaf continues to add great looking specimens. Awesome work UrAvgGuy.
You know, this is most definitely true. My carb intake wasn't quite as low as yours (often 30-50 net), but one thing I did realize is how much better I feel eating less of them.In today's modern food industry, it's rough to be keto... You learn a lot about what you really enjoy.
Hey can anyone recommend protein for sensitive stomaches? I've used eas fora awhile and am currently on some generic stuff i split with a friend that my body isn't really agreeing with
You know, this is most definitely true. My carb intake wasn't quite as low as yours (often 30-50 net), but one thing I did realize is how much better I feel eating less of them.
Having 70-90g per day now feels great (as opposed to 250+) and I wouldn't want any more. If and when I do eat a lot of them in one sitting, especially crappy carbs (ordering pizza), I now realize how bloated and sluggish I feel afterwards.
Through the effort to eat less carbs I have also discovered low-carb/carb-free food that I love.
oh man, sorry to hear that. Is this the IT band issue? You've been off for two weeks with no improvement?I've done nothing on my legs in two weeks now, not cycling, not weights. Wasting away, pissing me off.
I'm still in a lot of pain after the physio appointment. I'm not convinced what he did was actually good for me in any way.
did he recommend icing it, stretching, rolling, taking anti-inflammatories... Any of that?Irony was, it was feeling fine (until I cycled), but whatever he did bruised the shit out of where it attaches and I can't even lay on that side to sleep now. I have another appointment tomorrow but there's no way I'm letting him touch that bit again, it hurt enough last time, and it wasn't bruised then.
Hey can anyone recommend protein for sensitive stomaches? I've used eas fora awhile and am currently on some generic stuff i split with a friend that my body isn't really agreeing with
Where's that pic from?
Well, I feel shamed.
Those shoulders are legendary. Looking great man.
Yeah Spirit, you are looking beastly. Nice work.
Zeus himself would blush. Looking insane dude.
Haha, you guys are too kind, but I'm glad to see these posts. I have a lot of work left to do, but it is freaking motivating to read your posts. Can't wait to get in the gym today now.You are such a cutie!Totally love your shoulders and chest.And damn sexy, but you knew this already.)
Haha, I was just thinking about this the other day. My traps are alright, especially the backside of them, those are huge. I'm happy with what I've got.Wait a minute Spirit... Someone actually attempted to make fun of your traps? Did this person also try to give you shit about your small legs after that? It's ridiculous! Looking great man.
Haha please, you look insane man. So jelly of that definition and you have great quads, nice sweep. They get my stamp of approval.Spirit, eat your heart out... Lol
(Seriously, your legs are at least twice the size of mine)
Thanks bud. It has kinda I guess. I think it's more that I've just come to terms with it and it doesn't bother me anymore. *shrugs*Looking terrific broski. Has the skin at the bottom of your tummy gotten better? It looks it.
And here it is. Raw, unfiltered disappointment.
Man, that's the best compliment ever. I had very small legs for a long time before putting in a year of SL5x5 to help fix that. Thank you!I'd actually say you're quite well proportioned...
And here it is. Raw, unfiltered disappointment.