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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Well, as promised a few weeks back, today was 1s week for squats and I did 315 for the first time in my life. I never lifted when I was younger.

42 years old, 198 lbs.

Critiques welcome.
https://youtu.be/pAW2R_f05MA[url][/QUOTE] Oh man, 3 plates... My dream! Nice job
Ok GAF, you get to decide what workouts I'm doing in a short while.

A: Arms
B: Chest


A: Old and comfortable ab routine
B: New scary looking ab routine


Ha, I already had my clean/press form torn apart by a few people. As expected. I don't do them often and that was the only one I did today.

Might need to study up on them instead of assuming it's a deadlift + shrug. Any tips?

Mr. X

Need a new multivitamin, the target I go to seems to no longer have the 1 a day active. Recommendations?


Ha, I already had my clean/press form torn apart by a few people. As expected. I don't do them often and that was the only one I did today.

Might need to study up on them instead of assuming it's a deadlift + shrug. Any tips?

Front squats might also be involved if you progress to heavier weight.

I know I can hit higher numbers, but my gym isn't equipped for it. No bumper plates. No proper flooring.


You are welcome.

And yep. I just met two of them last Wednesday when they thought I need to have an acute surgery. Against all odds it seems I am healing on my own though. Nobody knows what is going on. I can still go to the surgery and past the lines if it goes worse, I have a 24/7 number where I can call and other of the neurosurgeons will call me after like three weeks to see how is it going. I also saw my physiotherapist last Thursday and will see her again on August.

Go go self-healing! Hopefully it won't come to surgery but if it does, I'm sure you're in good hands. And they will fix you right as rain. :)

On another note, didn't really need to improvise the squats yesterday for my first workout. I was able to "rack" the barbell on the bench's bar almost exactly like a squat rack. So all good, starting strength full speed ahead. I squatted and did bench press with 16lbs~ lmao. And deadlift with 23lbs.

My thighs huuuuuurt today.

Also ordered some peanut butter protein powder. Hope it's good!


Ha, I already had my clean/press form torn apart by a few people. As expected. I don't do them often and that was the only one I did today.

Might need to study up on them instead of assuming it's a deadlift + shrug. Any tips?

I have a few links in my Evernote in the OP for cleaning. DL + shrug is the wrong way to think of cleaning. The biomechanics are very different. For example the clean (and snatch) is separated into multiple parts: first pull, second pull, third pull, catch, recovery. CatalystAthletics has articles for most, if not all, of the weightlifting lifts. Clean. Power clean. Here's a link for the mechanics of an ideal snatch, but it also applies to the clean minus step #13.

It seems to be agreed upon in (Chinese) weightlifting that it is easier to learn the clean after you learn the snatch because the timing on the snatch is easier to learn. The timing carryover to the clean is high, whereas doing it the other way is much harder.

Edit: It'll be beneficial to read Greg Everett's olympic weightlifting book for the clean.
And I guess while I'm at it, I'll just post Luis Mosquera (69kg WLer) power clean and jerk 172kg (379#).


This is golden thanks! Ha, when in doubt, read the OP!
Some exercises aren't shown in the OP and would most likely be in the Evernote link. The link was initially made mostly for myself, but I felt it may be helpful for FitGAFers since not everyone has the time to watch videos via YouTube as I do.


Ok guys need some routine advice. So ive been attempting 5/3/1 and dont really know what accessory exercises to do. Here is a rundown of what I have so far

Squat Day
Leg Extensions
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring curls

Bench Day
Flat Bench
Dumbbell chest press
Chest press(machine)
Incline Chest Press
Low Rows
Cable Crossovers

Overhead Press Day

Military Press
Shoulder Press(machine)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Deadlift Day
Romanian deadlift
Back rows
Glute kickbacks
Low row
Barbell shrugs

I don't really know if the supplement movement I'm doing are even working the areas they're supposed to. Feel free to criticize and recommend anything. Thanks


This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.


alternade, I'm not on 5/3/1 or anything, but I would probably recommend having face pulls in your OHP day. It's something I feel lots of people aren't doing to have healthy shoulders.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.
I recommend becoming a regular here. It sounds corny but the more you participate the easier it is. Besides that I recommend weight training and calorie counting.


This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.
Diet is the biggest part of the change. In an effort to not make yourself unhappy, I would make gradual changes. Maybe start by finding replacements for the bad food in your diet (if any).

After you've got a good grip on enjoying healthier foods, I would analyze your calories each day. Use a calculator to find out to what you need to lose weight and make adjustments.

When I wanted to lose weight (I used to eat terrible things), that's how I did it. I personally couldn't have made all of the dietary changes I needed to in a single day/week. I would have gone crazy.

Also know that healthier alternatives initially might not taste half as good as the food you are used to, but over time you get used to them and sometimes start to prefer them. My example in that case was natural peanut butter with no additives. I hated it at first coming from regular jiff. Now that I'm used to it, I hate jiff lol

Also know that you arent alone. Everyone here has goals that require changes in their diet, life style, etc. Stay connected. Support goes a long way.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ok guys need some routine advice. So ive been attempting 5/3/1 and dont really know what accessory exercises to do. Here is a rundown of what I have so far

Squat Day
Leg Extensions
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring curls

Bench Day
Flat Bench
Dumbbell chest press
Chest press(machine)
Incline Chest Press
Low Rows
Cable Crossovers

Overhead Press Day

Military Press
Shoulder Press(machine)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Deadlift Day
Romanian deadlift
Back rows
Glute kickbacks
Low row
Barbell shrugs

I don't really know if the supplement movement I'm doing are even working the areas they're supposed to. Feel free to criticize and recommend anything. Thanks

Get the books. And you mean assistance lifts not supplemental lifts.

Assistance is covered in the books, and most people pick them at random anyway since they have no idea what their weak points are.

Also, you're probably doing way too much and your OHP day is atrocious, more so than the rest of your outline. You're neglecting shoulder health, especially rear delt work.
This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.

Bad idea to run, honestly. Running is for people who want to run fast and have little regard for their knees and ankles. It would be especially hard on those joints if you're overweight. I've lost all my weight so far just from strength training and cutting maybe 300-500 calories off of a eat whatever diet. I've been doing elliptical on Wednesdays for the last month buy mostly because otherwise I don't have anything to do that day. Lost almost fifty pounds. The first thirty-five just about fell off.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Get the books. And you mean assistance lifts not supplemental lifts.

Assistance is covered in the books, and most people pick them at random anyway since they have no idea what their weak points are.

Also, you're probably doing way too much and your OHP day is atrocious, more so than the rest of your outline. You're neglecting shoulder health, especially rear delt work.
I was going to comment on the same thing. How many different ways can you push things over your head? Drop everything but standing OHP and add other things. After a thorough OHP workout you shouldn't have much left to do other overhead movements and it is unnecessary IMO. Maybe finish with some light Arnold presses but that's about all I would do.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.
I'd recommend starting by walking one mile for a few weeks, when you're comfortable doing that, start jogging intervals, whether it's telephone poles (jog one walk 2), mail boxes, or whatever. Eventually you will work up to being able to jog the whole thing. At that point you can start shooting for time goals, and as you reach time goals increase distance. Most important thing is not overdoing it. It's very easy to hurt yourself doing too much too soon, or just too much.

If you get interested in lifting weights, we can help with that too.

Bad idea to run, honestly. Running is for people who want to run fast and have little regard for their knees and ankles. It would be especially hard on those joints if you're overweight. I've lost all my weight so far just from strength training and cutting maybe 300-500 calories off of a eat whatever diet. I've been doing elliptical on Wednesdays for the last month buy mostly because otherwise I don't have anything to do that day. Lost almost fifty pounds. The first thirty-five just about fell off.

This is bullshit. He said he wants to run, he can run. There is absolutely nothing wrong with running to reduce fat or getting in shape. Don't shit on what he's asking for and offer him something completely different.

I was going to comment on the same thing. How many different ways can you push things over your head? Drop everything but standing OHP and add other things. After a thorough OHP workout you shouldn't have much left to do other overhead movements and it is unnecessary IMO. Maybe finish with some light Arnold presses but that's about all I would do.

Example. Yesterday I did DB presses, log press and 3 way raises, that's it.



I need to put a lot more emphasis on arms & abs... my arms are only 14 inches but I've recently found that skullcrushers really hit my triceps hard, so I'm going to do those every week. I need a better ab workout too, I've been using an app on my phone that contains ab workouts but it's not that great. Just going to do my own thing I think, traditional crunches, hanging leg raises, planks and ab rolls feel good on the abs.


And here it is. Raw, unfiltered

Damn dude. What's your height/weight?

It's always good to have a frame of reference while I'm cutting to understand just how many more pounds I would need to shed before I start having the slightest suggestion of midsection definition.


This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.

As Brolic mentioned, take it slow. If you have a local football field that you can job on, jog from end zone to 20 yds then walk to the other end zone. Slowly start increasing the amount you can do.

Ok guys need some routine advice. So ive been attempting 5/3/1 and dont really know what accessory exercises to do. Here is a rundown of what I have so far

Squat Day
Leg Extensions
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring curls

Bench Day
Flat Bench
Dumbbell chest press
Chest press(machine)
Incline Chest Press
Low Rows
Cable Crossovers

Overhead Press Day

Military Press
Shoulder Press(machine)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Deadlift Day
Romanian deadlift
Back rows
Glute kickbacks
Low row
Barbell shrugs

I don't really know if the supplement movement I'm doing are even working the areas they're supposed to. Feel free to criticize and recommend anything. Thanks

I'll let others talk more specifically about what the 531 texts have to say but first and foremost, you're doing too much. Cut some of those assistance lifts out (especially on back day)


I'd recommend starting by walking one mile for a few weeks, when you're comfortable doing that, start jogging intervals, whether it's telephone poles (jog one walk 2), mail boxes, or whatever. Eventually you will work up to being able to jog the whole thing. At that point you can start shooting for time goals, and as you reach time goals increase distance. Most important thing is not overdoing it. It's very easy to hurt yourself doing too much too soon, or just too much.

If you get interested in lifting weights, we can help with that too.

I actually walk around 2-3 miles on a daily basis which works really good, but still worried about running longer distances.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
And if you want to lift weights and jog with them, Brolic can help you with that.


I actually walk around 2-3 miles on a daily basis which works really good, but still worried about running longer distances.

Perfect, alternate then.

One day run intervals for 1 mile, next day walk 2-3 miles. Eventually you will work up to sprinting one mile, jogging two the next day, walking 2-3 the third, day off and back to the cycle.

At my fastest and leanest I was sprinting one mile, running two miles the next day and constantly working to get time lower.

If I could go back I'd add a third day of walking and a day off. Also before running I'd knock out 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups. (When starting as many sets as it took, eventually you can do it in one set).

This is specifically for running training, nothing else. And it should be noted this is when I was an Army Infantry sergeant, so it was career specific training.



I need to put a lot more emphasis on arms & abs... my arms are only 14 inches but I've recently found that skullcrushers really hit my triceps hard, so I'm going to do those every week. I need a better ab workout too, I've been using an app on my phone that contains ab workouts but it's not that great. Just going to do my own thing I think, traditional crunches, hanging leg raises, planks and ab rolls feel good on the abs.

Great progress, brother. Keep going!! You could definitely do with some more body weight. Just a thought...don't focus too much on abs, spend some time doing compound lifts (DL, squat, OHP, Bench)


All that multivitamin talk earlier, I take creatine and that's it. Eat whole foods and keep it simple.

I haven't tried face pulls, sounds like I'm missing out.

Was 239.2 I think Sunday morning or Saturday from the crazy water retention, down to 237.8 this morning. Once I hit 234.x, it will be all new lows.

Ok guys need some routine advice. So ive been attempting 5/3/1 and dont really know what accessory exercises to do. Here is a rundown of what I have so far

Squat Day
Leg Extensions
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring curls

Bench Day
Flat Bench
Dumbbell chest press
Chest press(machine)
Incline Chest Press
Low Rows
Cable Crossovers

Overhead Press Day

Military Press
Shoulder Press(machine)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Deadlift Day
Romanian deadlift
Back rows
Glute kickbacks
Low row
Barbell shrugs

I don't really know if the supplement movement I'm doing are even working the areas they're supposed to. Feel free to criticize and recommend anything. Thanks

Reminds me of how I used to overdue everything at the gym. Keep it simple. I do my compound and 2 accessories a day, sometimes 3 if it's easy but very few days that happens. Concentrate on the compound and improving it best you can.


This is was a hard decision, but it has finally come to this state. I am fat and I have to do something about it. What do you recommend? I'd really like to start running, but don't know where to start.

Can you give us height and weight?

If you need to lose 30lbs start Couch to 5k, if you need to lose significantly more then you might want to start with just walking.


Those are some great gains, nice one.

Great progress, brother. Keep going!! You could definitely do with some more body weight. Just a thought...don't focus too much on abs, spend some time doing compound lifts (DL, squat, OHP, Bench)

Thanks guys.. eating more is exactly what I've started doing recently, as with finding a workout partner too I'm pushing myself harder and doing more compound lifts.


Ok guys need some routine advice. So ive been attempting 5/3/1 and dont really know what accessory exercises to do. Here is a rundown of what I have so far

Squat Day
Leg Extensions
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring curls

Bench Day
Flat Bench
Dumbbell chest press
Chest press(machine)
Incline Chest Press
Low Rows
Cable Crossovers

Overhead Press Day

Military Press
Shoulder Press(machine)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Deadlift Day
Romanian deadlift
Back rows
Glute kickbacks
Low row
Barbell shrugs

I don't really know if the supplement movement I'm doing are even working the areas they're supposed to. Feel free to criticize and recommend anything. Thanks

Just follow the book. Plenty of ready templates in there. I personally like the Periodization template (haven't done it but I think it looks "the best" to me.
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