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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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the piano man
I am in love with the Deadlift, I am enjoying it sooo much. I uploaded a video and would like get some feedback on form

Deadlift 6x 100 kg/220 lbs

we recently got those structures you see were the weight is resting. When I place a bar loaded with 45ers the ROM feels perfect, really feels great, I think that's why I am enjoyint it so much. We are required to use it so as to not slam the weight on the floor but the ROM is shorter. Is it ok to use them? not like I have a choice but I'd like to know.

I also lost my liquid chalk so I was using foam pads and it felt well, calluses aren't as bad.

Sorry for doing stupid faces, I am a bit embarassed that I do them with such a puny weight but oh well,

after that I switched back to the pyramid Pull-up setup, and made it to 9 so I did 81 reps all together. A bit disapppointed that I didn't make it to ten but I am nearing it, it's about to happen

Starting to see a lot more definition in my back. Dropped down from 220+ to about 206 so far, would like to cut down to 190-195.

I know you mean to show your back (which indeed looks defined!) but I think your deltoids are worth mentoning. nice round curve around your shoulders. Congrats on the weight loss!

for some reason, back pics are the only ones I like these days, this one doesn't show definition but it's the first time that I definitely see a V shape starting to form, uploaded on instagram already


I'm really happy about adding 10.5 lbs. of muscle in a year's time. I would like to get down to 12%, but I was hit or miss on my rep targets on my last 5/3/1 cycle, especially my accessory deadlifts. I didn't get my 1s week deadlift either.

So how do I cut that last bit? It's only 6-7 lbs, but I'm 42. Will it even come off? It seems like it won't if my lifts are stalled, or will it? The only big lift where I seem to not be in danger of stalling is bench press, though OHP seems like if I miss it's because it's OHP and not because I'm not eating enough. My current targeting is 2,500 calories on gym days/2,000 on off days, so I have room to get over the stall by eating, I just want to do that once I'm under 185.

I'm OK with stalling for awhile until the weight comes off. Is that what's going to happen? That would be OK, I just don't want to miss 12% and stall at the same time.


the piano man
Form looks good, dude. One (minor) piece of advice - and this MAY be the angle - but it looks like you're using a little too much"arm" at the end of each rep. Otherwise, looks great.

Thanks for taking your time!

can you elaborate on the using arm part? I think I know what you mean but I'd rather let you confirm my suspicion before I say something stupid :p


Thanks for taking your time!

can you elaborate on the using arm part? I think I know what you mean but I'd rather let you confirm my suspicion before I say something stupid :p

At the very end of the lift you're using your arms to jerk the weight up. Could result in you getting hurt. Just continue the motion, instead. Honestly though, minor gripe. Good form (and it MIGHT be the deceiving angle...but if you're doing it, you'll feel it)


the piano man
At the very end of the lift you're using your arms to jerk the weight up. Could result in you getting hurt. Just continue the motion, instead. Honestly though, minor gripe. Good form (and it MIGHT be the deceiving angle)

what I was thinking is that I was pulling the weight with my arms instead of letting my legs/harmstrings do all the work til the end, I think we were thinking the same thing. :)


what I was thinking is that I was pulling the weight with my arms instead of letting my legs/harmstrings doing all the work (til the end), I think we were thinking the same thing. :)

Do you feel yourself doing that a little? If so, it's not hard to fix and it will allow you to go heavier and avoid injury.

Thanks for posting, man. Form checks are EXCELLENT for development.


Ugh, that feeling when your wife tells you that while you were on your last business trip
she was cooking in your bret "the hitman" hart tank and spilled oil on it and it won't come out...


the piano man
Do you feel yourself doing that a little? If so, it's not hard to fix and it will allow you to go heavier and avoid injury.

Thanks for posting, man. Form checks are EXCELLENT for development.

I really don't remember the feeling, will try to be aware next time :/

I think I may exaggerate the "stretching" at the end a little, it shows a little bit in the video. Not to the point of possible back injury but still.

the thing that was bugging me about the video is that the bar does not follow an exact vertical path going up, the bar going erratically up means my body or my arms are swinging or tilting a bit... not sure If I am just imagining things or it's stuff I should really be careful about.

I am a DL newb, way better at squatting but I am loving it so I want to learn and go up on the weight. Next time there is definitely room for a 245x5, I made faces but I wasn't really overwhelmed.


I feel infinitely hungry. I could just keep eating right now and I've just hit my daily 2K limit. Seriously, I could ravage my kitchen.

It's all mind over matter until bed time :(


I feel infinitely hungry. I could just keep eating right now and I've just hit my daily 2K limit. Seriously, I could ravage my kitchen.

It's all mind over matter until bed time :(

Getting a handle on hunger was a real challenge. I haven't ate in almost 29 hours and not even remotely hungry. It's like training anything else imo.


Getting a handle on hunger was a real challenge. I haven't ate in almost 29 hours and not even remotely hungry. It's like training anything else imo.
The funny thing is, if I'm fasting from when I wake up, I'm fine. I can fast until dinner. If I start eating, it's game over. Internally I turn into a beast who wants to devour everything in sight.

Edit: Also, your fasting periods are mind-blowing.

I'm really happy about adding 10.5 lbs. of muscle in a year's time. I would like to get down to 12%, but I was hit or miss on my rep targets on my last 5/3/1 cycle, especially my accessory deadlifts. I didn't get my 1s week deadlift either.

So how do I cut that last bit? It's only 6-7 lbs, but I'm 42. Will it even come off? It seems like it won't if my lifts are stalled, or will it? The only big lift where I seem to not be in danger of stalling is bench press, though OHP seems like if I miss it's because it's OHP and not because I'm not eating enough. My current targeting is 2,500 calories on gym days/2,000 on off days, so I have room to get over the stall by eating, I just want to do that once I'm under 185.

I'm OK with stalling for awhile until the weight comes off. Is that what's going to happen? That would be OK, I just don't want to miss 12% and stall at the same time.

you did a great job but just a common misconception is that while you did add 10 lbs of lean mass, that doesn't mean it was all muscle. Could be a combination of muscle, tissue, tendons, etc.


I lurk this thread and decided I should post. About a year ago, I got myself a new gym membership at a different place closer to my house (previously I was trekking to my old college). The previous couple years I was dealing with a health issue that affected my workouts and I eventually became a bit complacent on top of it because they became very frustrating. So while I wasn't exactly starting fresh, I was not in good shape. So with the new membership I decided I'd first try and get my strength back.

Then about two months ago (mid-July) I kicked in eating better too which I had become pretty bad about. Mostly just watching my calories closer and cutting back on soda. I still drink one diet coke a day at the moment, but I would drink a few before. Otherwise just water now. Calories about 2000 calories a day though I allow myself to cheat a bit on the weekends.

Anyway since the dieting started I went from 207 pounds to 196 pounds. Between that and cutting back on soda, my stomach feels like it has deflated... haha. I used to only drink water back in college and forgot how much better it feels. Soda really makes you feel bloated.

Meanwhile I also hit a personal record on Bench Press of 315 pounds a couple of weeks ago (I'd done 310 back in college at one point). I just sort of maxed out on a whim and was surprised how well it went. My other lifts are kind of sad in comparison to what I used to be able to do. They are coming along much slower due to some lower back issues (the aforementioned health issue), but I am trying not to let it bother me. I honestly never thought I'd get the Bench back either let alone top my old best, so that was a nice bonus.

I hope to get back to 10% bodyfat like when I was younger. But I will see how it goes. It has been about a decade since I was like that, so I'm sure my body has changed significantly and I'm not sure how easily that may come now that I am older. I will try. I am embarrassed I let myself get complacent with lifting, but at least I am back at it now!

Anyway, I really like to read this thread and see other people making progress. It is very motivating. My progress really can't compare to you guys, but hopefully over time it will! None of my friends like working out, so posting in here for a place to discuss it could be fun.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
DB bench is such an interesting lift. I do mine with elbows close by my side and no spotter to help load anything. In order to keep my lats retracted as my back hits the bench, I need to roll backwards and slam my feet down. Getting the rebound off of that is tricky. And then when doing the lift the weight can get stuck on your chest, explosively push it halfway and need to flare out your elbows to finish the rep.

Deadlifts - 1x315lbs (PR)

Got that one on video.
Missed reps on DL grrrrr but I think it's a form issue. I was trying to do the Alan Thrall thing by loading my hammies like a RDL when setting up and it may have thrown me off.

I'll post a vid next time for a form check. Thanks in advance Fit GAF brehs


Getting a handle on hunger was a real challenge. I haven't ate in almost 29 hours and not even remotely hungry. It's like training anything else imo.

Bish, do you even eat? :D It feels like every day im this thread you post about having not eaten in 29hrs. You could call what you are doing intermittent eating instead of fasting :p


Lunchtime workout go! 5 days in a row this week (although this lunch will be almost purely Bench press and nothing else considering time restraints)


Ate some delicious chicken kebab with french fries for lunch. For a first time I skipped all the sauces and dressing (because I know they add to almost 1000kcal on their own so not worth it). I was pleasently surprised but it was very good even without anything. Scratched my kebab itch. Just plain french fries and kebab with a side of salad. Weighed all the stuff for fun and it came to 1200kcal plus the small salad.

Anyway this means I got around 600kcal to play with for the rest of the day. Gonna have to go with whey, cottage cheese and berries. I should also do my cardio but it's raining...


Woo hoo, got a surprise at my gym last night. There's a new weightlifting platform. It sucks that we still have hex plates, but it's some progress.

Did squats after a break from them for about two weeks to rest my back.

This is how I felt afterward.


Woo hoo, got a surprise at my gym last night. There's a new weightlifting platform. It sucks that we still have hex plates, but it's some progress.

Did squats after a break from them for about two weeks to rest my back.

This is how I felt afterward.

Wait until tomorrow, lol


Woo hoo, got a surprise at my gym last night. There's a new weightlifting platform. It sucks that we still have hex plates, but it's some progress.

Did squats after a break from them for about two weeks to rest my back.

This is how I felt afterward.

I do enjoy squats actually, but the 2 days after is a killer, i can see why people skip leg day

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I do enjoy squats actually, but the 2 days after is a killer, i can see why people skip leg day

If you start doing squats every workout, the day after becomes better than the day of for your legs. Because squats are horrendously taxing, and the only thing enjoyable about them is how good you feel being done with them for 48 hours.
Doing 12+ hours of cardio tomorrow... starting my ride at 6am and going until (possibly past) when the sun goes down. All in prep for my 24hrs+ in three weeks time.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Anyone subscribe to "Leangains" and IF?

Seems pretty simple to follow, but I'm worried about the macro breakdown. For me to cut some fat effectively, it recommends I eat 2500 calories on training days and 1700 on rest days. Does that seem right?
Anyone subscribe to "Leangains" and IF?

Seems pretty simple to follow, but I'm worried about the macro breakdown. For me to cut some fat effectively, it recommends I eat 2500 calories on training days and 1700 on rest days. Does that seem right?

I'm doing leangains myself. And it also depends on your body stats right now. My calorie breakdown is more like 2300/1500. I'm 6' tall, and 179lbs as of today so if you're taller and/or heavier then those numbers will work.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I'm doing leangains myself. And it also depends on your body stats right now. My calorie breakdown is more like 2300/1500. I'm 6' tall, and 179lbs as of today so if you're taller and/or heavier then those numbers will work.

Okay cool. How's it working out for you?
Have been doing pretty much that for the last year and a half. Working out fine.

Worth mentioning, carb cycling. I believe the "official" method has you going low carb on rest days.
Okay cool. How's it working out for you?

Working out great. With a good training routine then weight loss will be steady with good body composition results. Once you're used to IF (anywhere up to 2 weeks to adapt) and cycling calories then it almost doesn't feel like you're dieting, provided that you're following the guidelines on the site you linked.

I'll note that the macro guidelines on fat and carbs on that page are VERY generous. There's room to go down (esp on fats) but it's a good starting point.


Can anyone give me advice about DL'ing with lordosis? I have been using the same form for around 6 months, then I watched some videos and tried adjusting it slightly. Now I just don't feel comfortable DL'ing, even when I go back to my old form. Thinking I might've injured myself / worsened my lordosis when I tried adjusting my form. My numbers go down each week and I'm getting to the point where I don't want to do the lift anymore. I know anyone that reads this will probably ask for a video to check my form, but I dont have anything to record it, and I honestly wouldn't want to show myself on camera.

Fake Edit: The lordosis is from me being obese most of my life and it's pretty bad. It wasn't caused by me DL'ing.


Oh you guys.

Keto guys - do you ever eat carbs to replenish glycogen stores or is this unnecessary?

Carb cycling is referred to as the CKD protocol. That was my first introduction into keto. Personally, I didn't like it. The progress I made was from getting strict and becoming fully adapted. That's when the real fun starts. YMMV of course. I tried lots of things before I got to where I'm at now.


Oh you guys.

Carb cycling is referred to as the CKD protocol. That was my first introduction into keto. Personally, I didn't like it. The progress I made was from getting strict and becoming fully adapted. That's when the real fun starts. YMMV of course. I tried lots of things before I got to where I'm at now.

Thanks I appreciate it. I assume whatever glycogen your body does require is made through gluconeogenesis.
Does anyone use Gold Standard preworkout energy? Do you think it helps you during your workout?

Preworkout does help me during the workout. I don't know about that particular brand, but it has caffeine and beta alanine just like every other preworkout out there, so it must work too
Preworkout does help me during the workout. I don't know about that particular brand, but it has caffeine and beta alanine just like every other preworkout out there, so it must work too

Amazon had a lightning deal so I got two cases. Wondered if I should have just had kool aid before working out but Ill give this a shot.
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