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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'm doing leangains myself. And it also depends on your body stats right now. My calorie breakdown is more like 2300/1500. I'm 6' tall, and 179lbs as of today so if you're taller and/or heavier then those numbers will work.

I do it as well - this is my second time on a fat loss +10/-30 protocol and close to same stats. 2200 lift days, 1400 off days. Down about 12 lbs since Aug 10, which sounds way too fast but that first week was a huge initial drop from lowered stomach and bowel contents, and a much more modest 1-1.5 lb per week drop since then.

Assuming I get to my target of 165 by Thanksgiving I'm going to go to +20/-20 through The end of the year then reevaluate.
Does anyone use Gold Standard preworkout energy? Do you think it helps you during your workout?
Gold Standard and Cellucor C4 are both great. Green Apple for Optimum and Watermelon for C4. I like Optimum better, tho.

I work 10-12 hours regularly outside at the day job so I need a kick in the ass before a workout. I have about 100mg caffeine in the morning so I'm about 275mg per day which is perfectly fine - shift hours apart so the morning half life is gone by then.

Bodybuilding.com has a buy one, get 2x 4 serving pouches free on Optimum Gold Pre. You can do that to try some flavors. All of On's flavors are great tho.
Preworkout does help me during the workout. I don't know about that particular brand, but it has caffeine and beta alanine just like every other preworkout out there, so it must work too
Beta Alanine works with saturation, like creatine. Its not acute aside from paresthesia. You will need to have 3-5g daily to fully saturate over a period of several weeks. The time of day when you take it, like creatine, is irrelevant.

Taking the 1.6 grams present in most preworkouts will not cut it aside from making you all tingly.

So the research says unless it's changed recently. I really don't follow that stuff much.


After years of fits and starts I'm finally dedicating myself to weightlifting regularly as a long term lifestyle change. I got my garage cleaned out and my equipment ready to go, and began the Starting Strength routine on 9/9. In the past I've done bro splits for a month here and there over the last 5 years, but it's been about 8-10 years since I lifted for more than 3 consecutive months. In the past my goal was always aesthetics, but being a 29 year old married guy now I'm primarily interested in general strength, fitness and quality of life. Aesthetics are still a secondary goal, and long term I expect looking proportional will be more important to me than getting any particular lift to 2.5x my body weight. But we will see what happens over time. I'm years away from anything like that.

Age: 29
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170
Program: SS
Equipment: Home gym

Current progress in SS x5
Bench: 145
Squat: 125
Deadlift: 155
Overhead Press: 90

After only a week I'm already feeling better than I've felt in years. I've generally felt fatigued, weak and crabby after work for what seems like a long time. Wack diet and no exercise its no wonder. Some weekends my legs would feel like spaghetti and I'd want to do shit but wouldn't feel up to it. Come to find with my pathetic squat that they're just fucking weak. I think I'll work into realignment fairly quickly, I know I can deadlift much more than I have been but in keeping with my long term lifestyle change goals in trying not to rush the progression more than 10-15 lbs per workout.

Anyways, I'll be around to check in with you guys every so often. I gotta search for meal recommendations, I already know eating and resting will be the biggest challenges for me.

Starting pic:


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
The human body, how does it work?

9/7-cheat day
9/14-184 and massive massive cheat night.

As you can see I was stuck at 184 for whatever reason.

9/18-183 huh??



Fat cells holding onto water, cheat caused them to release, back to diet and now at true weight. Many ways to do whoosh effect. Not advised of course.


After years of fits and starts I'm finally dedicating myself to weightlifting regularly as a long term lifestyle change.
Welcome to the club!

Definitely one of the best thread communities on GAF. Everyone in here is either for a laugh, or just to be helpful. Amazing group.


Budget gyms suck. They opened one walking distance to my home and I joined since it's super cheap for extra sessions. It cost less per month on what spend on food per day.

My home gym (which is a commercial gym, but my homebase) is much more price wise and it shows.

But man, the atmosphere is terrible. People leave Dumbbells everywhere, really bad gym etiquette, and always crowded, even on Friday nights!

I'll probably keep it for quick HIIT sessions, but this model sucks for lifters.


They're opening a new budget gym a block from my house. They're gonna have some of those hydro-massage machines. Anyone tried one of those? If it's effective it could maybe be worth having a membership... But I almost expect it to be shit.


They're opening a new budget gym a block from my house. They're gonna have some of those hydro-massage machines. Anyone tried one of those? If it's effective it could maybe be worth having a membership... But I almost expect it to be shit.

I have. Relatively effective but seems unsanitary as a lot of people use it after their workout...covered in sweat.


That's f*cking gross. I'm the cleanest guy at my gym. I put everything away in the right place and always clean my benches/machines thoroughly after use. Hell I even wipe down the hand rails, buttons, and display on the treadmill. We have disinfecting wipe dispensers and thank god for them. There's nothing like walking up to a bench and seeing a puddle of sweat from someone else's head.
Was he perma'd, by the way?

wow was he?

That's f*cking gross. I'm the cleanest guy at my gym. I put everything away in the right place and always clean my benches/machines thoroughly after use. Hell I even wipe down the hand rails, buttons, and display on the treadmill. We have disinfecting wipe dispensers and thank god for them. There's nothing like walking up to a bench and seeing a puddle of sweat from someone else's head.

lol yeah shits pretty gross


That is absolutely correct. Your body will adapt and supply everything it needs from your fat stores.

I have another question. Say you're in keto for 2-3 months and you're fully adusted. If you end up having a cheat day will it take another 2-3 months to get back or does your body adjust quicker?


I have another question. Say you're in keto for 2-3 months and you're fully adusted. If you end up having a cheat day will it take another 2-3 months to get back or does your body adjust quicker?

No, you will have to work at it to not be adapted. Likely 2-5 days of bad eating. There are varying levels of adaption also, and initial water weight gain will be severe.


No, you will have to work at it to not be adapted. Likely 2-5 days of bad eating. There are varying levels of adaption also, and initial water weight gain will be severe.

Is that from restoring glycogen? I read somewhere it's like 4 grams of water for every 1 gram of glycogen.


I've realized that blending ice with your protein shake is a bad idea if you're trying to cram as much protein as possible. Just drank 40 grams of protein like it was nothing -- versus attempting to do so while fluffed up with ice which I'd have to nurse for an hour or so.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Playing sports/sprinting and walking over six miles yesterday really took it out of my workout today:

Squats: 1x2x250lbs, 2x5x225lbs
DB Press: 2x5x55s, 1x6x55s
Power cleans: Bupkiss

I hate squats!
What do you guys do when it feels like you've hit a wall and have plateaued?

In the past year and a half, I've lost 50 lbs (from around 280/5 in 2013 to about 225). I spent a substantial portion of this year not working out due to a car accident. I'm back in the swing of things, but I'm not feeling like I've been making much of a difference in the last few months. My goal is to get down to like... 180/90.
Damn. Upped my calories for giggles this week: Sun-Tues was 3500 calories. Wed-Fri was 4k.

Step on the scale? 0.2lbs gained in 1 week hahahaha! I think I'm going to hit another spurt soon. My weight has been steadily increasing almost every week for every exercise, I have been feeling very strong but need a rest week. 10 weeks since my last rest and I can feel my tendonitis coming back in the elbow. I keep both forearms stretched nice but still, need a week to just do some light bag work and work on my feet a bit. Take some stress off the joints.

Speaking of, how often do you guys take a week off and what do you like doing? I usually go 9 or 10 weeks then take a week off and on that week I focus on bag work and form with the basics. Been studying martial arts for over 20 years and I still drop down to the basics all the time. Makes for a nice wind down without too much stress on my muscles keeping things light and easy.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Cross posting from OT

Over the past 13 months I have lost 90lbs, going from obese II (nearly III) to just over normal BMI, at this point I still want to lose a little more weight but what's more important now is gaining muscle and strength, and filling out some of this loose skin in the process!

I'm wondering if anyone has a good beginner workout that can be done at home with minimal equipment? I have dumbbells and resistance bands but that's about it. Bear in mind I'm still weak as fuck after abusing my body my entire life, so don't throw me in at the deep end because I will drown!


Going to Florida soon and know I'll be without a barbell for a few days. Did a 2 hour "all 4 compounds plus a bunch of assistance lifts" workout and I just want to go to bed now lol.

Going to celebrate cheeseburger day a little late right now.


First day of the fast, 223.8. Second day at 224.0 lol. Third day, 219.0. Was quite a shock to be honest. I'll be going up again for sure, but lowest fasted state yet. It's been 70.5 hours now, almost time to eat.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cross posting from OT

Over the past 13 months I have lost 90lbs, going from obese II (nearly III) to just over normal BMI, at this point I still want to lose a little more weight but what's more important now is gaining muscle and strength, and filling out some of this loose skin in the process!

I'm wondering if anyone has a good beginner workout that can be done at home with minimal equipment? I have dumbbells and resistance bands but that's about it. Bear in mind I'm still weak as fuck after abusing my body my entire life, so don't throw me in at the deep end because I will drown!
Buy a pull up bar for your door. Practice. Work on negatives. That is getting your chin above the bar with a chair or by jumping and lowering yourself down as slowly as possible. Use your dumbells for curls, shoulder raises, triceps kickbacks, and floor chest press. Also do push ups and chair dips. Eventually you will need proper equipment to progress where you'd like to be but for now start there.

Read the OP to get an idea of where you're heading. A barbell will be your best friend.


Ha. 182 today. I should hit 181 tomorrow right before my cheat day. Just how you draw it up!
So mission complete.

12.5 hours of cardio, 136 miles. I believe that's a metric double century, and an imperial century too. Not bad for a mountain bike! The route I ended up not being long enough to keep me out for the 12 hours I was looking for (I was much faster than I expected to be) so I had to add on a little trail and a bit of general wandering. Had two punctures, which given I'm running tubeless is a bit shit... I really must replace these awful tyres.

I feel completely wrecked now, but when I was doing it, I felt amazing, basically right up until the end because I pushed a bit too hard. Seems the key to endurance is keeping your heart rate under control


p.s... I can't feel my bits. They're almost completely numb and have been since I got back. I really hope I've not done anything permanent. =/
p.p.s... I lost 1.5kg (3lbs+) on the ride.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Finally after what seemed like months of traveling and interruption I'm able to actually train strongman events again. Kept it light and high volume today, looking forward to competing at St. Louis Strongest Man again next spring.

Log press 190x11, farmer carry 175 for 220ft and sandbag load over 54" bar 150lbs x 10.


So mission complete.

12.5 hours of cardio, 136 miles. I believe that's a metric double century, and an imperial century too. Not bad for a mountain bike! The route I ended up not being long enough to keep me out for the 12 hours I was looking for (I was much faster than I expected to be) so I had to add on a little trail and a bit of general wandering. Had two punctures, which given I'm running tubeless is a bit shit... I really must replace these awful tyres.

I feel completely wrecked now, but when I was doing it, I felt amazing, basically right up until the end because I pushed a bit too hard. Seems the key to endurance is keeping your heart rate under control


p.s... I can't feel my bits. They're almost completely numb and have been since I got back. I really hope I've not done anything permanent. =/
p.p.s... I lost 1.5kg (3lbs+) on the ride.

That's f*cking amazing. Incredible job man. That is so completely out of my league. 7,000+ calories!
It's amazing the difference it makes not letting yourself blow up trying to get up hills etc. It's hard as hell to calm yourself down and just take it slowly, but it lets you go for so much longer.


Finally after what seemed like months of traveling and interruption I'm able to actually train strongman events again. Kept it light and high volume today, looking forward to competing at St. Louis Strongest Man again next spring.

Log press 190x11, farmer carry 175 for 220ft and sandbag load over 54" bar 150lbs x 10.

Wow, yeah that's super light dude (intense sarcasm). Good shit!! What's the comp you're doing soon? Deadlift only?


So mission complete.

12.5 hours of cardio, 136 miles. I believe that's a metric double century, and an imperial century too. Not bad for a mountain bike! The route I ended up not being long enough to keep me out for the 12 hours I was looking for (I was much faster than I expected to be) so I had to add on a little trail and a bit of general wandering. Had two punctures, which given I'm running tubeless is a bit shit... I really must replace these awful tyres.

I feel completely wrecked now, but when I was doing it, I felt amazing, basically right up until the end because I pushed a bit too hard. Seems the key to endurance is keeping your heart rate under control


p.s... I can't feel my bits. They're almost completely numb and have been since I got back. I really hope I've not done anything permanent. =/
p.p.s... I lost 1.5kg (3lbs+) on the ride.

I don't know WHY you do it and especially HOW you do it, but amazing stuff dude. Congrats.
Cheers guys. Good to see that cardio bros can get some love too!

Now it's time for you to get back to lifting weights that I can never hope to lift. :p

Vaguely related, I'm feeling bruised everywhere. My chest, my stomach, my legs. I can only assume it's just part of exerting yourself for that amount of time in a real world setting. Having never done it before I can't really tell.
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