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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Wow, yeah that's super light dude (intense sarcasm). Good shit!! What's the comp you're doing soon? Deadlift only?

It is, that's why the distance and reps are so high! And the deadlift comp next month was cancelled. The one in December won't be. Then I'll get ready for STL strongest man in May.


Im blown away by psychos accomplishments, they're incredibly legit. But i would never want to do that ever. Really good work tho, seriously.


I keep forgetting you're a cyclist, psycho.


I love cycling, but I don't races, Just leisurely weekend rides.

I used to bike commute, but the sweating got to me.

If you love eating, bike commuting is the best. I could like a pig and not gain an ounce of fat.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
You hit a 396lb DL at 132? Holy cow! Big congrats to you!!

I think that makes 3 of us now.

High-fives all round! All-time personal best deadlift was 195kg (430lbs) when I was heavier, so stronger now lb-for-lb.
After being in a bit of a rut after dropping weight things finally have started moving back up again, which feels great.


It is, that's why the distance and reps are so high! And the deadlift comp next month was cancelled. The one in December won't be. Then I'll get ready for STL strongest man in May.

Lol yes, light for you...not for 99.999999999% of the world.

Oh nice! You're going to kill next year's comp since those events won't sneak up on you.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
High-fives all round! All-time personal best deadlift was 195kg (430lbs) when I was heavier, so stronger now lb-for-lb.
After being in a bit of a rut after dropping weight things finally have started moving back up again, which feels great.

That's impressive dude. As I've said in the past, I chase numbers proportional to bw rather than strictly raw numbers so those are what I value most. If you have hit 430 in the past at a higher bw I believe you can get back there eventually. Keep pushing. I was in a similar position when I hit my PR of 550 weighing 220 and was able to hit 550 again weighing 180. It is possible. Good luck.

Sometimes I forget the crazy numbers you've put up...3x DL is just insane.
Thanks big guy. Definitely one of if not the accomplishment I'm most proud of.

They got tired of syringes in the bathroom at olympia.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
What's a good fit way to spend my "off" days while running Starting Strength? My forearms seem to be a limiting factor so I was thinking a combo greasing the groove and static hold program might help as opposed to hurt.


They got tired of syringes in the bathroom at olympia.

Pro BB is so messed up.

I loved the 70s era, but today's mass monsters aren't really appealing. Although the work ethic and dedication is admired, gear or not.

But the drug bills and stuff these dudes have to do fund it is sketchy at best.


Hey FitGAF,

Okay, some real talk here: I’m at a weird point where I don’t know what to do next. I’ve read the OP multiple times and I’ve even solicited help from a user on here via PM (thanks again, Psychotex!) and I’m still a bit lost, so I thought I would just come forth and ask FitGAF’s advice on what I should do. I’ll try and bullet point this as much as possible:

BACKGROUND: Prior to 2013, I was normal, and then I was fat, and then I was skinny and was never active. In October 2013, I started doing P90X and it sorta changed my life. I became very happy with how I looked. In the past two years, I’ve essentially tried many different Beachbody workouts with different goals in 3-6 month increments of working toward that goal. I love these workouts and I love working out at home, but I have hit a plateau. Also, my schedule has changed and I work 2 jobs and must adjust to only being able to workout roughly three days per week. (I feel like this might be important).

As per the OP:

  • Age: 28
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 164 (down from 184 simply from working too much, eating too little, and not exercising for the past month.....just one month!!!!)
  • Goal: I'd like to increase my size and strength a bit. Ideally be 185 with ~8% body fat. I'd prefer to have a very fit lean look rather than a large look. I'd post pictures of what I want but I think it's frowned upon. I want bigger muscles for sure, but I want the definition and strength gains as well.
  • Current Training Schedule: Random Beachbody videos with no set goal. This is a stark contrast from the past two years when I had set schedules and stuck to them very well. Just very discouraged recently :(
  • Current Training Equipment Available: At my apartment I have a pull-up bar, dumbbells 5-45 lbs., and a bench.
  • Comments: I do not have a gym membership and I VASTLY prefer to work out at home. That said, if there is no way I can achieve my goals without a bar bell, I'm willing to seek a gym out. But remember, I'm working 2 jobs because I'm super poor, so avoiding a monthly membership fee would be ideal.

Also, here's a list of my concerns:
  • I want the program to be FULL body. Legs and arms need to be hit as much as anything
  • My weakness areas are my back, shoulders.
  • Tell me like it is. Don't sugar coat anything.
  • Oh, and here's what I look like now.
  • I figure for now, we can concentrate on routine rather than food/nutrition. Taking it in pieces!

I think that should cover it. In summary, the point of this post is to get pointed in the right direction for my goals. Should I simply start with Starting Strength? Is that a reasonable starting point for where I'm at? Lay it on me!

I've never been so serious about migrating from Beachbody videos to something different. Thanks so much for putting up with a n00b like myself :) . I'll be back later today! Gotta go to work......


Hey FitGAF,

Okay, some real talk here: I’m at a weird point where I don’t know what to do next. I’ve read the OP multiple times and I’ve even solicited help from a user on here via PM (thanks again, Psychotex!) and I’m still a bit lost, so I thought I would just come forth and ask FitGAF’s advice on what I should do. I’ll try and bullet point this as much as possible:

BACKGROUND: Prior to 2013, I was normal, and then I was fat, and then I was skinny and was never active. In October 2013, I started doing P90X and it sorta changed my life. I became very happy with how I looked. In the past two years, I’ve essentially tried many different Beachbody workouts with different goals in 3-6 month increments of working toward that goal. I love these workouts and I love working out at home, but I have hit a plateau. Also, my schedule has changed and I work 2 jobs and must adjust to only being able to workout roughly three days per week. (I feel like this might be important).

As per the OP:

  • Age: 28
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 164 (down from 184 simply from working too much, eating too little, and not exercising for the past month.....just one month!!!!)
  • Goal: I'd like to increase my size and strength a bit. Ideally be 185 with ~8% body fat. I'd prefer to have a very fit lean look rather than a large look. I'd post pictures of what I want but I think it's frowned upon. I want bigger muscles for sure, but I want the definition and strength gains as well.
  • Current Training Schedule: Random Beachbody videos with no set goal. This is a stark contrast from the past two years when I had set schedules and stuck to them very well. Just very discouraged recently :(
  • Current Training Equipment Available: At my apartment I have a pull-up bar, dumbbells 5-45 lbs., and a bench.
  • Comments: I do not have a gym membership and I VASTLY prefer to work out at home. That said, if there is no way I can achieve my goals without a bar bell, I'm willing to seek a gym out. But remember, I'm working 2 jobs because I'm super poor, so avoiding a monthly membership fee would be ideal.

Also, here's a list of my concerns:
  • I want the program to be FULL body. Legs and arms need to be hit as much as anything
  • My weakness areas are my back, shoulders.
  • Tell me like it is. Don't sugar coat anything.
  • Oh, and here's what I look like now.
  • I figure for now, we can concentrate on routine rather than food/nutrition. Taking it in pieces!

I think that should cover it. In summary, the point of this post is to get pointed in the right direction for my goals. Should I simply start with Starting Strength? Is that a reasonable starting point for where I'm at? Lay it on me!

I've never been so serious about migrating from Beachbody videos to something different. Thanks so much for putting up with a n00b like myself :) . I'll be back later today! Gotta go to work......

Seems you haven't settled on a clear choice.

If you want to put on a lot of muscle, SS or any other compound lift program based on linear progression will help. Linear progression is just a fancy name adding weight to each lift per workout.

Doing so taxes the muscle more thoroughly and forces adaptations that include muscle growth.

You can get reasonably fit on Beach Body programs with a dialed in diet. Body composition is more diet related.

But you seem to want to put on serious muscle, so needing to add weight to the bar is essential.

That either means a gym membership or a home gym setup--the latter can expensive up front but cheaper in the long term, but you need the space.

A few lifters here have garage gyms, but again you need the equipment and the space. And being a rank novice, I won't recommend it. You may not like it and then you've wasted a lot of money.

If you're a home workout enthusiast, maybe consider getting a cheap bench on CL and do a dumbbell program.

You can still get a nice physique with that and a good diet. It just depends on your tradeoffs. You'll need to be more patient with DB only.
That was what I found lacking in the Beachbody stuff. There's just very little in there that's compound. It's 95% isolation work. They also seem to mostly care about having you work at a slight calorific deficit (or in the case of body beast, a very minor surplus for a short while), which obviously isn't very conducive to building a lot of muscle.


Involuntary cutting and gym skipping.

I can't even afford to pay my gym membership, and I don't even have money for groceries for the rest of this month.

I'm seriously scared for myself in terms of weight loss.

When I was lifting and working out, I was the happiest person ever, but I've fallen into a bit of depression and my days have been increasingly lethargic.

All I've had today is left over nuts and rice cakes.

Edit: found a can of Campbells chunky. Super salty, but it's all I've got.

I guess I'm feasting tonight. 😓😓
Yikes, what a long time it feels like its been.

I haven't been to the gym since then. I'm not sure if I've lost or gained weight. As of late, I've been eating rather unhealthy, but not unhealthy amounts of things. I have a bit of food in my place now due to my brother helping me out, but I'm still somewhat short. I hope I don't experience this in October.

Gonna revive my membership since it didn't activate due to my account not having enough money. I hope I can get back started and get pumped back up.
Can you use the Alternate Full Body Adapted from the book Practical Programming to decrease BF%? I know it mostly diet based but I need a new program. RIght now Im at 13%BF and my goal is 8%-10%.

Can you add accessory exercises to this program?


Alright, tried out 3 new recipes for fun. Heres how i'd score them.


My only regret for these was that i didn't make some parts of it thin enough. They were freaking delish and i loved how they were like strait up crackers. Great with cheese and deli meat. Will be making again.


I didn't actually make the pita bread, i made a big huge bread and then cut it up after it baked, then baked them again for pita chips like the recipe said you could do. These were very plain, and a lot of the pieces didn't crisp up enough. I think this is perfect to make into a sweet treat with sweetener and cinnamon. I'd not make these again for pita chips, but i like the concept of how they came out for a sweet treat.


Last but not least, the one i was looking VERY forward to. Dairy free ice cream. I made it exactly as the recipe calls including the cherries just to make sure i'd know what it should taste like (i just used 0 calorie sweetener). It came out amazing. Its like coconut berry ice cream. Used the ice cream attachment for my kitchenaid mixer. Really, really delicious. I'll be modifying this recipe soon. If i decide to start eating my food at nights after i get home from work, i may end up having ice cream every day thanks to this recipe base. The flavor possibilities are endless too. And dairy free.

I am going to try a dairy version in a week or so. Just to get more perspective.

I'm running through some ideas for my new meal plan to eat everyday for the next months to come, and i've got it down to either chicken with mashed cauliflower and gravy, or chicken shawrma with tahini sauce. I am leaning torwards the shawrma atm. I'd also be switching to chicken thighs instead of breast for this.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What's everyone's thoughts on recomp vs. straight cutting/bulking?

Wanna lose some excess body-fat, and can't decide whether to do something like a 2600/1800 training/rest day split, or a straight 2100 calorie cut/day (assuming 2600 is my TDEE).


What's everyone's thoughts on recomp vs. straight cutting/bulking?

Wanna lose some excess body-fat, and can't decide whether to do something like a 2600/1800 training/rest day split, or a straight 2100 calorie cut/day (assuming 2600 is my TDEE).

Recomping can sometimes work but it's very easy to just end up spinning your wheels for months. Cutting/bulking is usually the faster way.

Last but not least, the one i was looking VERY forward to. Dairy free ice cream. I made it exactly as the recipe calls including the cherries just to make sure i'd know what it should taste like (i just used 0 calorie sweetener). It came out amazing. Its like coconut berry ice cream. Used the ice cream attachment for my kitchenaid mixer. Really, really delicious. I'll be modifying this recipe soon. If i decide to start eating my food at nights after i get home from work, i may end up having ice cream every day thanks to this recipe base. The flavor possibilities are endless too. And dairy free.

Surprised it's taken you so long to get around to that. It's been... what, a year since it was discussed in the nutrition thread? I've been enjoying it for ages. :p


Recomp can be fine if you're finally tuned and dialed in numbers wise. If you're guessing, then you can not end up with the results you want. Its more for people with very good nutritional basis and understanding.

Surprised it's taken you so long to get around to that. It's been... what, a year since it was discussed in the nutrition thread? I've been enjoying it for ages. :p

Damn you! Any variations you like? I can't use cherrys again just due to the carb count. But the coconut flavor is so good.


This is probably a stupid thing to worry about on a bulk but is it normal to suddenly go up 3 pounds when I've only been gaining half a pound to one pound a week? Last week I gained 3 pounds despite not really changing my diet and so I figured it was water weight from a day I ate a little more than usual or something. Therefore, I expected to weigh less today but instead I gained a pound, so now I'm confused.
Gained 5lbs yesterday... and IDGAF.

Can't remember eating so much crap in one day. My body was really hurting for it though, and today I actually feel much more recovered than I arguably should be.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
How many calories do you guys wager are in one of those monstrous, fatty NY deli pastrami sandwiches?

What is it, like a 1/2lb of meat? I'd say maybe 700 calories?
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