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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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ugh, agreed. it makes me want to get a tub of ice cream and eat my feelings it was so bad
Speaking of ice cream. Anyone try out Halo Top ice cream? Relatively low in carbs and high in protein. Shit is actually not bad. Lemon cake is my jam. Kinda pricey but hard to fit ice cream in my macros.


It's not bad but the prices are absurd.
For real. I wish that fitness friendly treats weren't such a niche. We need to get the mainstream behind macro friendly foods. Gluten free is blowing up and Celiac's is rare as is. Need to figure out how to get a food trend going.


Fasting today. Seeing if I can go 36 hours (wouldn't eat until tomorrow morning).

Bish, you are definitely in my mind as motivation today.
Speaking of ice cream. Anyone try out Halo Top ice cream? Relatively low in carbs and high in protein. Shit is actually not bad. Lemon cake is my jam. Kinda pricey but hard to fit ice cream in my macros.

Its really good but fucking expensive. I only buy it occasionally as a treat.


For real. I wish that fitness friendly treats weren't such a niche. We need to get the mainstream behind macro friendly foods. Gluten free is blowing up and Celiac's is rare as is. Need to figure out how to get a food trend going.

Honestly, best is to make it all yourself. Cheaper and you know what's in it.

Fasting today. Seeing if I can go 36 hours (wouldn't eat until tomorrow morning).

Bish, you are definitely in my mind as motivation today.

Any particular reason? I obviously am a big fan, but my motivations are strictly fat loss and building hgh naturally. Good luck! Keep hydrated.


Mainly a reset after a cheat weekend, but also simply because it's a challenge for me.

I dunno why but people who like fighting games end up doing really well once they learn about fitness. The competitive nature really comes through with the real life grind. I love the challenge also. Cheat weekends tho, just go back to normal for those. Cooter is the obvious shining beacon when it comes to cheat weekends and what to do.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I dunno why but people who like fighting games end up doing really well once they learn about fitness. The competitive nature really comes through with the real life grind. I love the challenge also. Cheat weekends tho, just go back to normal for those. Cooter is the obvious shining beacon when it comes to cheat weekends and what to do.
Ha. Thanks Bish. Just had a cheat day yesterday. Put on 5 pounds. I didn't go as crazy as last week. A little less pizza and doughnuts but that being said it was still quite massive. After a cheat day I get right back on schedule with a slight reduction in calories. Think 1600-1800 instead of 1800-2000. I fast about 20 hours like normal, lift, and then have a normal window. You guys and your 24 hour plus fasts are crazy.


I dunno why but people who like fighting games end up doing really well once they learn about fitness. The competitive nature really comes through with the real life grind. I love the challenge also. Cheat weekends tho, just go back to normal for those. Cooter is the obvious shining beacon when it comes to cheat weekends and what to do.
Lol I never made that connection! After stuffing myself silly for a day or two I tend to forget that it's OK to feel hungry and start picking up the grazing habit. Even a short fast usually helps me get back to eating normal.

Curious though, why several people including yourself say not to try to make up for cheat days. Is that because it could lead to a binge-fast-repeat habit?
Most of the information I've read seems to indicate that the body responds particularly well to fasting after cheating (as it's far more willing to drop fat)... but like everything else out there, there will be 10 things that say that, and another 10 that say something completely different.


I dunno why but people who like fighting games end up doing really well once they learn about fitness. The competitive nature really comes through with the real life grind. I love the challenge also. Cheat weekends tho, just go back to normal for those. Cooter is the obvious shining beacon when it comes to cheat weekends and what to do.
Same with competitive FPS players, I've noticed. Fitness and challenge was definitely a part of my adolescent life, but a lot of my pals who were never into that sort of thing cause they were playing PC games all those years, are now getting into it in their late 20s/early 30s.


the piano man
you guys stuffing yourselves silly in your eating window... how do you deal with headaches after eating? lol

came from the gym, and I just ate 4 L-sized scrambled eggs with 2 big grey german sausages that taste like heaven, two slices of bread and my drink was a Protein shake made of 1 Banana, 100 grm Oatmeal, Milk and Chocolate Protein Powder.

I feel like I smoked pot, closing my eyes and trying to retain consciousness,


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
you guys stuffing yourselves silly in your eating window... how do you deal with headaches after eating? lol

came from the gym, and I just ate 4 L-sized scrambled eggs with 2 big grey german sausages that taste like heaven, two slices of bread and my drink was a Protein shake made of 1 Banana, 100 grm Oatmeal, Milk and Chocolate Protein Powder.

I feel like I smoked pot, closing my eyes and trying to retain consciousness,

I've never had a headache in my life so I don't have anything for you there. Being overly stuffed sucks but it helps me be strict for the coming week because of how uncomfortable it is and the lingering memory of unpleasantness.

J. Bravo

God fucking dammit. Failed 265 and 260 on bench. Dude that spotted me gave me some advice on how to bench but Idk. Mostly breathing stuff. How are you supposed to breath when benching?

Fucking shitty lift sesh because of those failures. I'm gonna punish My chest do bad. It is gonna hurt tomorrow. Fucking lame af pecs. Ain't gonna get 315 by years end at this rate.


God fucking dammit. Failed 265 and 260 on bench. Dude that spotted me gave me some advice on how to bench but Idk. Mostly breathing stuff. How are you supposed to breath when benching?

Fucking shitty lift sesh because of those failures. I'm gonna punish My chest do bad. It is gonna hurt tomorrow. Fucking lame af pecs. Ain't gonna get 315 by years end at this rate.

First, try to not explode. Second, I think it's worth trying next week to see if it was just a bad day. It happens to me.
you guys stuffing yourselves silly in your eating window... how do you deal with headaches after eating? lol

The only time I ever got headaches from eating when when I was doing protein shakes. I have no idea what's in them, but they always used to make my head feel terrible.


the piano man
The only time I ever got headaches from eating when when I was doing protein shakes. I have no idea what's in them, but they always used to make my head feel terrible.

this protein powder is weird cause if I don't blend it with a banana, I get stomach ache, not sure why or how but the banana makes everything right. and stupid me, I bought 5 kg of that -_-

by the way, the orange-flavored creatine arrived! and from the UK :p I thought we had a base in Germany. will try it tomorrow but smells good.


Absolutely wonderful day at the gym. By the time i got to the gym I'd been awake for 24 hours strait. Got the cage, so squat day it is. Hit 3x250, 3x290, 3x325. Then did AMRAP 10x230. That AMRAP set felt so good. Really worked on pace and getting a feel for when I'm ready to do another rep. All I have is bench day left and another successful 3s week will be done.

Ha. Thanks Bish. Just had a cheat day yesterday. Put on 5 pounds. I didn't go as crazy as last week. A little less pizza and doughnuts but that being said it was still quite massive. After a cheat day I get right back on schedule with a slight reduction in calories. Think 1600-1800 instead of 1800-2000. I fast about 20 hours like normal, lift, and then have a normal window. You guys and your 24 hour plus fasts are crazy.

Nice, I figured that was your plan. Consistency is so important.

Lol I never made that connection! After stuffing myself silly for a day or two I tend to forget that it's OK to feel hungry and start picking up the grazing habit. Even a short fast usually helps me get back to eating normal.

Curious though, why several people including yourself say not to try to make up for cheat days. Is that because it could lead to a binge-fast-repeat habit?

Because it's a long, hard road. Really no need to make up for the extra calories, go to the gym and tear it up instead. Just get back on track to what has been working for you.

Same with competitive FPS players, I've noticed. Fitness and challenge was definitely a part of my adolescent life, but a lot of my pals who were never into that sort of thing cause they were playing PC games all those years, are now getting into it in their late 20s/early 30s.

Yah, a lot of gamers kind of realize, fitness and diet is grinding in games but real life results. It's addicting.

God fucking dammit. Failed 265 and 260 on bench. Dude that spotted me gave me some advice on how to bench but Idk. Mostly breathing stuff. How are you supposed to breath when benching?

Fucking shitty lift sesh because of those failures. I'm gonna punish My chest do bad. It is gonna hurt tomorrow. Fucking lame af pecs. Ain't gonna get 315 by years end at this rate.

Bad days happen. Eat up and try again.


God fucking dammit. Failed 265 and 260 on bench. Dude that spotted me gave me some advice on how to bench but Idk. Mostly breathing stuff. How are you supposed to breath when benching?

Fucking shitty lift sesh because of those failures. I'm gonna punish My chest do bad. It is gonna hurt tomorrow. Fucking lame af pecs. Ain't gonna get 315 by years end at this rate.

Eat more is probably the answer. Check some Dave Tate bench vids on YouTube maybe for form. I follow some of his advice but I'm sure I could improve a lot.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Eat more is probably the answer. Check some Dave Tate bench vids on YouTube maybe for form. I follow some of his advice but I'm sure I could improve a lot.
Almost certainly the answer. If you are chasing strength gains then it's as simple as eating properly. You will of course hit a wall eventually but that wall comes at different times for everyone. If you are stuck at 400 or 450 than eating more is probably oversimplified advice and you are just getting close to your body's max workload. If you are in the 100s, 200s or even the 300s pumping calories should result in higher numbers. Look at blackflag. He self admittedly ate like a horse and bam! 405!


Bf isn't natty tho. Nothing wrong with what he does, but it's not wise to compare yourself to someone in that way.

That's true and I don't claim natty but let's be real. I'm not on tons of drugs in on trt. Are my levels higher than normal? Yeah they are on the high normal side but usually still within range.

The principal is the same. I've been on trt for years. I was stuck at 365 for a year. I started eating more and steadily increased. Maybe my increase would be a little faster I'm not sure but it'll still happen.

J. Bravo

First, try to not explode. Second, I think it's worth trying next week to see if it was just a bad day. It happens to me.

Absolutely wonderful day at the gym. By the time i got to the gym I'd been awake for 24 hours strait. Got the cage, so squat day it is. Hit 3x250, 3x290, 3x325. Then did AMRAP 10x230. That AMRAP set felt so good. Really worked on pace and getting a feel for when I'm ready to do another rep. All I have is bench day left and another successful 3s week will be done.

Nice, I figured that was your plan. Consistency is so important.

Because it's a long, hard road. Really no need to make up for the extra calories, go to the gym and tear it up instead. Just get back on track to what has been working for you.

Yah, a lot of gamers kind of realize, fitness and diet is grinding in games but real life results. It's addicting.

Bad days happen. Eat up and try again.

Eat more is probably the answer. Check some Dave Tate bench vids on YouTube maybe for form. I follow some of his advice but I'm sure I could improve a lot.

Almost certainly the answer. If you are chasing strength gains then it's as simple as eating properly. You will of course hit a wall eventually but that wall comes at different times for everyone. If you are stuck at 400 or 450 than eating more is probably oversimplified advice and you are just getting close to your body's max workload. If you are in the 100s, 200s or even the 300s pumping calories should result in higher numbers. Look at blackflag. He self admittedly ate like a horse and bam! 405!
Two Mondays ago I got 255 once, but with how easily 240 went up today, I felt good about 265 and even 260. Alas, it was not meant to be.

It most definitely is because of me not eating enough. I eat maybe 2500 - 3000 calories a day, and 4 out 5 my five work days (all days I lift) I average something absurd like 16.8k steps per day. 8 miles? All without eating much. So I've decided upon intermittent fasting. I am usually done lifting by 530 or 6 these days. This means I would gorge from the end of my lift until 10pm or I go to sleep. Then fasting until 4-6.

My questions are as follows:

1. Do I have to be strict about the fasting hours? Do they have to be the same every day?

2. Black coffee is okay if needed, correct? What sweeteners do you IF guys do?

3. About how long does it take to enter a "fasted state"? Or whatever it'd be called.

I'll probably have more later. I know all this has been discussed multiple times, but I hadn't paid too much attention as it wasnt relevant to me until I realized how perfect my work schedule is for it and how much money and time I'd save with meal prep.


505 Games Ltd
Done with cutting after 8 months. Currently enjoying my vacations and eating around 3-3,5K calories. When I get back to the UK I'm gonna up my calories from the standard 2,7-2,9K I had to around 3200 and try to get stronger and put on 2-3kgs. When I came to Greece 1 week ago I was 82.5kgs quite ripped (veins in lower abs, legs, chest, shoulders, arms, calves, etc)

Satisfied with this years results although I can feel it now it's time to start eating a bit more. Winter is coming


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Some squat training. Dropped back 3 cycles ( I do 5/3/1 variation where you go up 5 then back 3 cycles).

On video 340x5, 325x7 and front squat 185x10. Love my SSB.

SSB squat 65x5, 155x5, 190x5, 230x3, 250x5, 285x5, 325x7, 340x5, 250x5,5.

SSB good morning: 65x5, 115x10,10

Front squat: 135x5, 185x5,10.



On hour 24 of this fast. The hunger is SOMEHOW under control and I feel some kind of buzz which is pretty interesting, but I'm admittedly feeling a bit weak now.

We'll see how I feel in the morning. I was planning on a run before work and breakfast.


I have always been told to breath in between reps on compound lifts.

Makes a huge difference on squats.

My chest #s suck so I cant really comment on the effects there.
So today I am going to attempt the Power Clean. I watched a couple videos on YouTube, but I still feel very intimidated by this move. More specifically, it is the "jump and catch" part of the move that scares me. I don't know exactly what to do to thrust the bar up and catch it. Can someone help me with this please?

And what weight should I start with for it if I'm a complete beginner?

Nelo Ice

Not sure what's going on but my OHP is so sporadic. One week I'm able to hit a weight and the next I can't even do one rep. Like this week on my 2nd week of a 5/3/1 cycle I attempted 110 lbs for the last set and the goal was 3 reps. I've done 110 lbs before but knew as soon as I grabbed the bar that I wasn't gonna lift it :(. Tried and couldn't press it up at all.

J. Bravo

So today I am going to attempt the Power Clean. I watched a couple videos on YouTube, but I still feel very intimidated by this move. More specifically, it is the "jump and catch" part of the move that scares me. I don't know exactly what to do to thrust the bar up and catch it. Can someone help me with this please?

And what weight should I start with for it if I'm a complete beginner?
The bar. Better yet, a broomstick or pvc pipe.


So today I am going to attempt the Power Clean. I watched a couple videos on YouTube, but I still feel very intimidated by this move. More specifically, it is the "jump and catch" part of the move that scares me. I don't know exactly what to do to thrust the bar up and catch it. Can someone help me with this please?

And what weight should I start with for it if I'm a complete beginner?

I was always too scared to do it by myself without a trainer. I ended up doing Pendlay Rows instead. One day I'll find a trainer....one day.
I have always been told to breath in between reps on compound lifts.
Yes, but bench press is a special case. You don't necessarily have to breathe if you're doing a low number of reps, and breathing makes it difficult to maintain tightness on the bench when you're benching near your max, so the solution is don't take a breath.
Not sure what's going on but my OHP is so sporadic. One week I'm able to hit a weight and the next I can't even do one rep. Like this week on my 2nd week of a 5/3/1 cycle I attempted 110 lbs for the last set and the goal was 3 reps. I've done 110 lbs before but knew as soon as I grabbed the bar that I wasn't gonna lift it :(. Tried and couldn't press it up at all.

OHP is just weird that way. I get 6 reps on 5s week and then 3s week, only 10 lbs. more and I can only get 1 rep.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Not sure what's going on but my OHP is so sporadic. One week I'm able to hit a weight and the next I can't even do one rep. Like this week on my 2nd week of a 5/3/1 cycle I attempted 110 lbs for the last set and the goal was 3 reps. I've done 110 lbs before but knew as soon as I grabbed the bar that I wasn't gonna lift it (. Tried and couldn't press it up at all.

And that's why you didn't.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
So today I am going to attempt the Power Clean. I watched a couple videos on YouTube, but I still feel very intimidated by this move. More specifically, it is the "jump and catch" part of the move that scares me. I don't know exactly what to do to thrust the bar up and catch it. Can someone help me with this please?

And what weight should I start with for it if I'm a complete beginner?

I've had 155 lbs slam against my collarbone and I was fine.

To thrust the bar up accelerate off the ground as fast as you can, and when the bar hits mid-thigh, jump and shrug in one motion. Catch it because what the Hell else are you going to do?
My gym has these chips on clearance for 98 cents so I been buying as many as I can


Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Great workout tonight. I've never felt more explosive. I think I'll start doing sprints in my off days and sleeping more since this seems to be what results.

Squats - 3x5x250lbs (PR)
DB Bench - 3x5x87.5s (PR)
Good mornings - 4x10x105lbs (PR)

Now that my squat is increasing, I notice that my good morning poundage will increase wayyy slower. Should I just start doing them every workout after squats to keep up?


Well Fit-GAF, it's been a long time since I've been in here. Last October I started what was supposed to be a 1-2 week break from the gym that turned into Halloween, Thansgiving, xmas, etc. I went to the doctor in May thinking I had anything from mono to Lyme disease to cancer, but it turned out, in addition to an acid burn in my throat, I had just treated my body like crap and it had had enough.

On June 29th I weighed in at the doctor at 205, and today I went in for a follow up and dropped to 185. I've been back at the gym for a few weeks now, but instead of squatting 10x225 like I was when I stopped, I'm squatting 95 lbs. But at least I am feeling near normal for the first time in months. I've got a long road back, and hopefully when I say, "I'll never do that again," I'm telling the truth. Halloween is just around the corner...


I'veen down with the flu since saturday so fell of the wagon a bit diet wise. Don't know what it is about getting sick that makes sticking to a diet so hard.. Also you keep telling yourself you shouldn't be on a caloric deficit while sick ;) Don't think I gained any noticeable fat but I got some serious bloat going on. Too much pizza/kebab/cinnamon buns/ice cream though I was taking the IIFYM approach and tried not to get crazy on calories.

Anyway back to the grind today I guess. I'm feeling well enough though I'm not 100% by any measure. Hoping to get to the gym on friday again.

Done with cutting after 8 months. Currently enjoying my vacations and eating around 3-3,5K calories. When I get back to the UK I'm gonna up my calories from the standard 2,7-2,9K I had to around 3200 and try to get stronger and put on 2-3kgs. When I came to Greece 1 week ago I was 82.5kgs quite ripped (veins in lower abs, legs, chest, shoulders, arms, calves, etc)

Satisfied with this years results although I can feel it now it's time to start eating a bit more. Winter is coming


Nice dood

Nelo Ice

And that's why you didn't.

I know I can do it since I've done it before. But OHP is just one of those things lifts that I just know from the outset if the set is gonna go well or not. Like one day I'll have the bar in my hands and it feels great. Another day the bar feels like a million pounds. It's weird like first time I attempted 110 lbs, I was in shock I was able to actually do 1 rep much less 3. Then my next attempt it felt like lifting concrete and I wasn't able to lift it no matter how much I wanted to.
Done with cutting after 8 months. Currently enjoying my vacations and eating around 3-3,5K calories. When I get back to the UK I'm gonna up my calories from the standard 2,7-2,9K I had to around 3200 and try to get stronger and put on 2-3kgs. When I came to Greece 1 week ago I was 82.5kgs quite ripped (veins in lower abs, legs, chest, shoulders, arms, calves, etc)

Satisfied with this years results although I can feel it now it's time to start eating a bit more. Winter is coming


Satisfied is selling yourself short.
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