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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Ugh, I've been suffering with stomach cramps since last night. The only thing I can think that might have caused it was the farmers walks up and down my stairs that I was doing yesterday. Surprisingly uncomfortable.


Oh man, woke up and feel/look gross today. I haven't felt like this in a while. Step on scale, 225.2. Up 6.2lbs from fasted state. Back to the grind but have a wedding Sunday which will likely throw me off again. Damn you real life stuff.

Also, I like how sacul is just a real casual dude with a super model body.


Last night
Squat 5x5 @ 160
OHP 5x5 @ 75
DL 3x5 @205

The struggle with the OHP. I'm not sure I can go much over 75. I guess I'll keep moving forward and drop to 3x5 once I've failed a few times. Hopefully I can just keep powering through.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
What is it called when you move your fingers and can see individual muscles in your arms move?

What is the area called where your front and rear delts intersect with a triangle of your traps?


Martin Berkhan of LeanGains fame decided to abandon walking around at 6% bodyfat and go on a yearlong bulk. Results:


He ballparks his bodyfat at about 15% now and weights about 242lbs.

I've been following his social media despite the lack of output, but for the past two months he's been contributing to the community again. Going full beast mode can do that to a guy.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Martin Berkhan of LeanGains fame decided to abandon walking around at 6% bodyfat and go on a yearlong bulk. Results:


He ballparks his bodyfat at about 15% now and weights about 242lbs.

I've been following his social media despite the lack of output, but for the past two months he's been contributing to the community again. Going full beast mode can do that to a guy.

Holy shit.


Martin Berkhan of LeanGains fame decided to abandon walking around at 6% bodyfat and go on a yearlong bulk. Results:


He ballparks his bodyfat at about 15% now and weights about 242lbs.

I've been following his social media despite the lack of output, but for the past two months he's been contributing to the community again. Going full beast mode can do that to a guy.

How tall is he? That would put him at just under 230 at 10% if he's actually 15% now which most likely isn't possible naturally unless he's like 6"4 or more.


How tall is he? That would put him at just under 230 at 10% if he's actually 15% now which most likely isn't possible naturally unless he's like 6"4 or more.

Dunno but he's swedish and used to model so I'd guess he's pretty tall.

Anyway holy shit at him bulking up.

Nattyornot and BB.com says he is 6'1.


So I'm on a quest to get my barbell bench up to 350, with slow, controlled form. I'm aiming for a 1-2 sec negative, and a 1 sec pause at the chest. I've started a few months ago, but today i attempted 315 for the first time. I probably could ahve actually gotten two, but it was post workout and i was seriously gassed.


Don't know how to embed on this forum, sorry

EDIT: OH! I'm a member now!


So I'm on a quest to get my barbell bench up to 350, with slow, controlled form. I'm aiming for a 1-2 sec negative, and a 1 sec pause at the chest. I've started a few months ago, but today i attempted 315 for the first time. I probably could ahve actually gotten two, but it was post workout and i was seriously gassed.


Don't know how to embed on this forum, sorry

EDIT: OH! I'm a member now!

Nice job.
So I'm switching over to sumo deadlifts for a 6 week program to really see how they feel. My back is straighter on sumo vs conventional and it is a shorter pull for me. However today at 480 x 3 (my top set) the pull out of the bottom was super slow. I got all three reps but I feel that my hips could use some work opening up more and getting more strength out of the bottom of the DL. Does anyone have any ideas or tips that could help?

So I'm on a quest to get my barbell bench up to 350, with slow, controlled form. I'm aiming for a 1-2 sec negative, and a 1 sec pause at the chest. I've started a few months ago, but today i attempted 315 for the first time. I probably could ahve actually gotten two, but it was post workout and i was seriously gassed.


Don't know how to embed on this forum, sorry

EDIT: OH! I'm a member now!

Just curious are you arching your back at all/thought about setting up like that and have you thought about wrapping your wrists at all?


Martin Berkhan of LeanGains fame decided to abandon walking around at 6% bodyfat and go on a yearlong bulk. Results:


He ballparks his bodyfat at about 15% now and weights about 242lbs.

I've been following his social media despite the lack of output, but for the past two months he's been contributing to the community again. Going full beast mode can do that to a guy.

He looks much much better. His older look was way to lean for my tastes. I wouldn't rule out PEDs either. But I don't judge there.


When Berkhan got sub 6% bodyfat you could see it in his face. From his website bio:


He puts his stats in this bio at 194-196 lbs @ 5.5% bf. That was in 2007. I'm not willing to do the math but 196lbs @ 5.5% bf versus 242lbs @ 15% bf may be more fat than anything else gained in that 46 pounds. And he looks better for it.

For those that don't know, before any of this he was somewhere between skinny and anorexic in his modeling days:



Made my sweet potatoes the way Alan Thrall meal preps and they turned out amazing.

I chopped up a bunch of potatoes (4 servings worth), added a 1/4 cup of olive oil and seasoning/garlic.

Broiled on high for 15 minutes to give them a texture and then baked at 350 for 30 minutes.
Made my sweet potatoes the way Alan Thrall meal preps and they turned out amazing.

I chopped up a bunch of potatoes (4 servings worth), added a 1/4 cup of olive oil and seasoning/garlic.

Broiled on high for 15 minutes to give them a texture and then baked at 350 for 30 minutes.

sounds orgasmic
Made my sweet potatoes the way Alan Thrall meal preps and they turned out amazing.

I chopped up a bunch of potatoes (4 servings worth), added a 1/4 cup of olive oil and seasoning/garlic.

Broiled on high for 15 minutes to give them a texture and then baked at 350 for 30 minutes.

i need to go buy some sweet potatoes


green quote to get attention :p
Thought I'd ask a bit more here since the fitness folks might enjoy it.

I saw your response in the Apple Watch thread, but just curious if you had any more detailed thoughts on its use for cardio stuff. I've been really tempted to pick one up to track runs and whatnot, but it seems like the only major thing it does over the iPhone is heart rate?
My gym has these chips on clearance for 98 cents so I been buying as many as I can

How are they?


Looking at the colorized picture of Abraham Lincoln on reddit and the first thing I noticed is how vascular his hands were. Is that weird?
I saw your response in the Apple Watch thread, but just curious if you had any more detailed thoughts on its use for cardio stuff. I've been really tempted to pick one up to track runs and whatnot, but it seems like the only major thing it does over the iPhone is heart rate?

You didn't ask me... but I have some experience in this area. You're far better off with a strap. They're pretty damn cheap these day (and especially compared to an Apple watch!).


Great day yet again at the gym. Bench day with 3x170, 3x195 and 3x220. Finished off with a 10x160. Felt really good, no leg drive at all needed. Done with this 3s week. Looking very forward to next week and 1s week.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Volume OHP was the ticket today. My close grip bench is getting strong as hell. Even after all the OHP work I banged out 315x3 flat and 225x10 incline.

On video overhead press 185x10, 145x15. Incline close grip bench press 225x10. Flat close grip bench 315x3

J. Bravo

Skipping the gym because you had relations with your new gf twice, took a perfect 30 minute recovery nap and then feasted upon leftover hibachi (ribeye steak and grilled shrimp rough fried rice). Acceptable?

This is totally a not stealthy at all brag post. I'm also just switching today's workout with tomorrow's cardio lol. Feels like I Burned more calories today than I ever would on the stair master lmao.

Edit: sorry for the douchepost. allowed three a year imo.


How are they?

My experience.

First bite: Hey not bad.

Continuing to chew: Um...

Before swallowing: NOPE NOPE NOPE.

Threw the bag away. As I chewed they didn't moisten or break down they just became smaller grainier bits. I wanted them to be good so bad.


So I'm on a quest to get my barbell bench up to 350, with slow, controlled form. I'm aiming for a 1-2 sec negative, and a 1 sec pause at the chest. I've started a few months ago, but today i attempted 315 for the first time. I probably could ahve actually gotten two, but it was post workout and i was seriously gassed.


Don't know how to embed on this forum, sorry

EDIT: OH! I'm a member now!

Nice work...and welcome!


Wow, i got really sick of my food i eat everyday really quickly. 5 months of it strait and it finally happened. I already went and got the Tahini to make chicken shawrma for my next every day meals. I have 8 or 9 days of food left in the freezer, going to be some long lunches. Going to do the calculations and see how much chicken i'm going to need a day, plus how much tahini sauce i can get away with carb wise a day. I might take this opportunity to change my eating schedule to night time so that i can have ice cream everyday instead of cake, but not sure if thats a wise decision yet. Need to mull it over.

Decided to post a couple update pics since i'm at 119lbs lost in the 2 pics, was 224lbs in those pics. Just got nair'd so feel happy again taking pics. Body hair is the destroyer of happy thinking.


You can see how awful my chest genetics are, my god they're horrible. The vein on my left shoulder is now visible at idle which is pretty cool, the right one has been exposed for a while. Generally pretty vascular all around. You can see the loose skin on belly, top 4 abs are visible but the loose skin really brings me down overall looks wise, makes me look so much worse. I wish i took more before pics, the loose skin was actually worse i before i started doing the extended fasts. Its actually not as bad as it was. Still, I try not to let it bother me.


Wow, i got really sick of my food i eat everyday really quickly. 5 months of it strait and it finally happened. I already went and got the Tahini to make chicken shawrma for my next every day meals. I have 8 or 9 days of food left in the freezer, going to be some long lunches. Going to do the calculations and see how much chicken i'm going to need a day, plus how much tahini sauce i can get away with carb wise a day. I might take this opportunity to change my eating schedule to night time so that i can have ice cream everyday instead of cake, but not sure if thats a wise decision yet. Need to mull it over.

Decided to post a couple update pics since i'm at 119lbs lost in the 2 pics, was 224lbs in those pics. Just got nair'd so feel happy again taking pics. Body hair is the destroyer of happy thinking.


You can see how awful my chest genetics are, my god they're horrible. The vein on my left shoulder is now visible at idle which is pretty cool, the right one has been exposed for a while. Generally pretty vascular all around. You can see the loose skin on belly, top 4 abs are visible but the loose skin really brings me down overall looks wise, makes me look so much worse. I wish i took more before pics, the loose skin was actually worse i before i started doing the extended fasts. Its actually not as bad as it was. Still, I try not to let it bother me.

Loose skin is weird. Some people have it go away after a few years of leanness, others its a permanent thing.

But congrats on the weight loss!

100 plus pound lost is a great accomplishment. You got good arm and shoulder development.

What routine are your routine are you running?


Loose skin is weird. Some people have it go away after a few years of leanness, others its a permanent thing.

But congrats on the weight loss!

100 plus pound lost is a great accomplishment. You got good arm and shoulder development.

What routine are your routine are you running?

Thanks, i do 5/3/1, with my own accessory set done cooter rep style (10/8/6/4).


Might do a full fast day (24hr today). I'm basically 100% recovered from the flu (stuffy nose) but I'm still a bit bloated. Also I feel like I've got some squishy fat going on. Not sure but it feels like it.

Btw, regarding that fasting "complication" I had some weeks back. Nothing wrong with my heart which is obviously good news. Best guess is that it was my asthma medicine that caused it.

Also, Bish looking good. Great job! Would like to see your "before" pics tho :)
Come a hell of a long way Bish. Awesome.

Oh, and in honour of you, I can say that I felt pretty strong yesterday when doing my workouts. Hit my targets on bench and deadlift, then managed to survive my turbo trainer routine.

Have stomach cramps again today though. I'm thinking I need to stop doing those farmers walks up and down stairs. :(


Ok, silly question time regarding sweet potatoes. They are not a culinary staple here so I'm not sure..

Would it be better to prepare and eat them with their skin or without? I eat all my potatoes with the skin on but the sweet potato skins are much thicker and I'm not sure what their texture is when boiled/cooked/grilled. I've always eaten them without the skin.

I know it's not dangerous to eat them or anything but what I'd like to know is if you people like eating sweet potatoes with or without the skin? Mainly interested in this because naturally most of the fiber and nutrients are in the skin.
I don't use the skin. Related, I've always wondered why sweet potatoes are so popular with the fitness crowd. There are very few advantages over normal potatoes (and a few disadvantages).


I don't use the skin. Related, I've always wondered why sweet potatoes are so popular with the fitness crowd. There are very few advantages over normal potatoes (and a few disadvantages).

Dunno, I mostly eat normal potatoes. Like 99,9% of time. Just wanted some variety and bought a few sweet potatoes.

AFAIK they have more nutrients than normal potatoes but they also have just slightly more calories. Maybe they are just trendy.


Dunno, I mostly eat normal potatoes. Like 99,9% of time. Just wanted some variety and bought a few sweet potatoes.

AFAIK they have more nutrients than normal potatoes but they also have just slightly more calories. Maybe they are just trendy.
I thought sweet potatoes had a lower glycemic index. I might be making that up though...
It's a miniscule difference in reality... and as long as you're not eating them on their own, largely irrelevant anyway.

Biggest advantage is the ridiculous amount of vitamin A they give, though I wouldn't have thought most people would have a deficiency there.
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