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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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the piano man
Weight 230#, Height 6'5"

I guess it's less impressive given my size but I try.

I have arthritis in my right knee so I'm trying to progress slowly. Might start trying to add linearly again at 5lbs a week. Once my core feels like the weak link(long torso) I back off weight progression and work on adding reps.

don't sell yourself short, you are giving your all and that 's what matters. :)

Sorry to hear you have a bad knee too, I've noticed that warming up properly before squatting goes a long way. I spend 20 minutes just stretching and warming up my legs on leg days. the worst for me during summer was doing to much cardio (jogging), that didn't help my knees.

I am down here at 5'5 156# at the moment, currently preparing for a proper bulk until my Birthday on December 22nd,

You tall guys have it hard with the squat, is a long way down and form tends to not go as smoothly or intuitively with longer lower body parts, from what I see in my gym.


Sure. Just keep in mind that a 6' guy at 156 lean lbs is the kind of body that does not lift weights.

Lifting weights is good, it will build up your muscle mass which will raise your base metabolic rate and make it easier to lose fat lbs. But you will not see 156 on the scale. In fact you will weigh more than you do now.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Will keep in mind. Man i had no idea what i was getting myself into.


Don't get discouraged by a number. Feeling stronger while looking leaner is a great feeling.

This. It's all about the look and how you feel, I can tell you wen i started this i didn't think i'd look anywhere like i look, especially at my weight. As time progress my who idea of what i wanted changed and now i'm in a bit of a happy medium (can always use improvement though).

You'll see for yourself as you continue this journey, and we'll all be here to help you out.

J. Bravo

Using straps for the first time ever so my grip doesn't fuck me over and I can focus on my back. Not for deadlifts though. Speaking of deadlifts, 3-5 sets of triples at 90% of my 1rm. It'd be about 380.


Any good protein pancake recipe?
I personally don't like the Protein Chef ones. This is what I do. You can of course substitute fake sugars/stevia/agave for the regular sugar I use.

This is enough to make about 16 4" pancakes:

1 Cup of Snoqualmie Falls Pancake Mix
1 Scoop Whey
1/4 Cup of Sugar (I use unrefined)
1/4 Cup of Brown Sugar
1/2 to 1 Tsp of Cinnamon (more or less as you prefer, or substitute nutmeg if that's more your style)
1/4 Tsp of Salt
3 Tsp of Vanilla Powder (As in Vanilla Extract Powder, it's pricey but worth it. Don't use the big cheap shakers for this)

1 Cup of Milk
1/2 Cup of Trim Cottage Cheese
1/2 Cup Fage Total
3 Tbl Butter, melted
2 Large Egg Yolks
2 Large Egg Whites


Put all of the dry stuff in a bowl.

Put the milk, cottage cheese, and egg yolks in a separate bowl.

Melt the butter, and pour into the wet while quickly whisking. If you don't whisk while pouring, it won't integrate and end up clumping as it cools off.

Pour the wet into the dry, whisk until combined.

Beat the egg whites in a separate bowl until they get a bit stiff, then pour on to batter. Gently fold this in with a spatula, do not stir it. This acts as the glue to keep everything together.

Pour 1/3 cup of batter per pancake on the griddle, med-low heat. Flip when they get bubbly and dry around the edges. Since these aren't cakey pancakes, they might be a bit difficult at first due to how floppy they are. I generally get the tip of the flipper under it, wiggle a bit, and then like a twitch reaction to get the rest of the pancake on there. If you wait until they are easy to flip, they are already burnt.

Serve with real maple syrup, Trader Joe's caramel apple butter, or Fig Preserves/Butter. Or whatever else, but those are my favs.


Neo Member
I find this pretty good especially if on a bulk.

5 whole eggs
100g of oat flour
50g of blue berry flavour whey protein
1 large banana
Splash of milk

Have that every morning lovely stuff.


Since all my lifting info/form advice has been by way of YouTube videos etc I have a question regarding Barbell Rows and the different versions.

I've been doing this one since the start

So should I be switching to the stronglifts one, or keep going with the one I'm doing. Happy to switch if it'll be better for me.

I usually do the Yates Row which has you at about 30-45 degrees from parallel, underhand grip, and you pull the bar to your belly button.

You can work your back, especially lats from a variety of angles. A comprehensive back routine has both horizontal(rows) and vertical(pullups) type motions.


Underhanded vs Overhand itself doesnt change the way it hits your back. The latter is up to your back angle.

I usually do the Yates Row which has you at about 30-45 degrees from parallel, underhand grip, and you pull the bar to your belly button.

You can work your back from a variety of angles.
I do this one as well


The only deal with supinated is that it gets the biceps too. I have heard that it gives a bit more lat activation but idk about that. I would have to strap for the same weight I can do supinated vs pronated and that's just my forearms having poor grip strength.

Pendlays are good. They are a huge ego check because keeping your back in form is hard, thus the weight you use must drop.

I do T-Bar rows too but with an actual bar as the T-Bar machine makes me feel like a tube of toothpaste in a deathgrip.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Waiting 72 whole hours to lift again is the worst. So I will do sprints tonight. And I will probably hate that too. And then I'll really hate squats tomorrow. I'm not a negative person, promise.


Got a hazy headache right now. About a week and a half into keto. Not sure if it's related. I'm not feeling having a salad with my pulled pork for dinner so instead I made a cup of coffee with a tablespoon of heavy cream and coconut oil. Only halfway through and headache is gone and energy is rushing in. Looking forward to my lifts tonight now.


So I've been a cardio nut (runner/soccer player) my whole life and never really did anything to improve my upper body, and I'm looking for some beginner level advice since I'm clueless. I've recently started to do a pushup, curls (with an elastic band), then sit-up routine. I would do it all consecutively in a decreasing manner - start with 35 pushups, immediately 35 curls, 35 sit-ups, then immediately restart by doing 30 of each until i reached 5. However, I'm wondering if that's effective at all or if I should focus on doing sets of max instead - i.e. 35 each for three times? Is this a total waste of time where I need to be using weights to build muscle?


So I've been a cardio nut (runner/soccer player) my whole life and never really did anything to improve my upper body, and I'm looking for some beginner level advice since I'm clueless. I've recently started to do a pushup, curls (with an elastic band), then sit-up routine. I would do it all consecutively in a decreasing manner - start with 35 pushups, immediately 35 curls, 35 sit-ups, then immediately restart by doing 30 of each until i reached 5. However, I'm wondering if that's effective at all or if I should focus on doing sets of max instead - i.e. 35 each for three times? Is this a total waste of time where I need to be using weights to build muscle?
It'll do something, for sure. But for actually putting on mass, one of the routines in the OP would be more efficient, and you'd see results a lot sooner.

J. Bravo

Deadlifted 5x3 @ 380.

It was way harder than it needed to be. Then did some piss poor back and bis lol. The DLs took most of my hearts by set number 4. I think a few people were watching, but probably only because I want being gentle. When we signed my friend up afterwards tho, the guy told me I had to start wearing shoes and they were gonna start enforcing the policy, even with certain "prestigious" members I mentioned that wear flip flops or don't even wear socks.

And then the membership guy tried to convince me the negative movement of a deadlift is beneficial and safe, even at high weight. No fucking way, right?? He did concede that it's hard to slowly lower the weight instead of outright dropping it, guided or not.

Anyways I'm fucking dead and gonna go sleep forever. Much better sesh today than Monday.


Deadlifted 5x3 @ 380.

It was way harder than it needed to be. Then did some piss poor back and bis lol. The DLs took most of my hearts by set number 4. I think a few people were watching, but probably only because I want being gentle. When we signed my friend up afterwards tho, the guy told me I had to start wearing shoes and they were gonna start enforcing the policy, even with certain "prestigious" members I mentioned that wear flip flops or don't even wear socks.

And then the membership guy tried to convince me the negative movement of a deadlift is beneficial and safe, even at high weight. No fucking way, right?? He did concede that it's hard to slowly lower the weight instead of outright dropping it, guided or not.

Anyways I'm fucking dead and gonna go sleep forever. Much better sesh today than Monday.
Click the timestamp if on mobile:


*edit* fixt timestamp


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Todays' session was going good until my left knee/quad started giving me some pain during squats. Decided to play it safe and stop on my 4th set, didn't wanna risk anything.


Here is my routine for those who asked. I do 5/3/1, and my accessories are split in 2 weeks. So i'll just paste my 5s and 3s week so you see all the accessories i do. I redo them for 1s and deload week, then if i feel like it was too easy, up the weight. All accessories are 10/8/6/4 reps unless stated like pull ups/dips.

5s week:


3s week:


Even tho i put AMRAP for the cooldown set, i always try to go for 10. You'll also notice i don't do any leg accessories, i do that purposely, my quads are mega huge already and affecting my pants selection as it is, heavy deads/squats are plenty when it comes to legs for myself personally.


1s week is working sets of 5, 3, and 1 reps for each compound, isn't it? and it's part of the program as outlined, if i'm interpreting your question correctly....entirely possible i'm not lol.

No I get that. I did the week as you described...I thought Bish was doing an entire week of just one rep lol

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
That's a lot of volume, Bish. At what point did you find it necessary to switch to a program like that? One compound a day also seems weird to me, though it obviously works for you.


That's a lot of volume, Bish. At what point did you find it necessary to switch to a program like that? One compound a day also seems weird to me, though it obviously works for you.

That's the core of 531, though. You go 4 times a week and do 1 compound a day.

I agree with you...I don't do 531 now because of that. I do 2 compounds each workout.


That's a lot of volume, Bish. At what point did you find it necessary to switch to a program like that? One compound a day also seems weird to me, though it obviously works for you.

Really? To me, its nowhere near enough volume, but since i'm cutting, it makes sense to keep it like it is. I started with 5x5 SL, then did SS, then once i maxed out there, transitioned into 5/3/1. For me, since i'm cutting 99.9% of the time, 5/3/1 is perfect. 5lbs a month on a lift is really slow progress, but doable even when cutting for long periods of time. Once i start bulking at one point, i will switch to a different program with a lot more volume. Right now its 1 compound + 2 accessories (3 for bench day). Its not much. Im in and out of the gym in 45 min all finished usually (i go during lunch at work).

That's the core of 531, though. You go 4 times a week and do 1 compound a day.

I agree with you...I don't do 531 now because of that. I do 2 compounds each workout.

I love doing 1 compound a day, you only have to dread one thing lol.


Been losing weight for about 5-6 weeks now, using C25K and tracking calories using MyFitnessPal. Currently at about 229 at 5'7 from 253 when I started. My current obstacle is the 20 minute run at the end of C25K week 5. But my question is in regards to caloric intake.

While I'm very proud of myself for learning how to run and going on long walks everyday, a good chunk of my weight loss I'd guess is attributable to my change in diet. Before I started I was having 5-8 glasses of Mountain Dew and typically at least 2 packs of instant ramen, not to mention a lot of salty snacks. Since I've decided to get better shape I only drink water and occasionally milk, and most days I stay under 1500 calories and 2300 mg of sodium.

I'm still confused about how calories burned relates to calories eaten, though. My recommended caloric intake on MFP is 1560. An average day of exercise I'll burn between 400 to 600. I know the general idea of losing weight is burning more calories than I'm taking in, but does that mean I should be burning 1500 calories a day? Do I burn calories just by going about a normal day?

Like, I've eaten 2100 calories today, but I went on a run and a long walk and burned about 800. Are the 800 calories undone by the amount I've eaten? I'm still kinda confused how all this works.
Today's lifts
Squat 5X5 @ 235
OHP 3X3 @ 115
Deadlift 1X5 @ 250

also did barbell curls 2X8 @ 80
wrist flexion/extension 2X8 @ 50

I would say it was a decent workout. Think I'll have to invest in a lifting belt and possibly some lifting gloves for deadlifts soon.

J. Bravo

That's a lot of volume, Bish. At what point did you find it necessary to switch to a program like that? One compound a day also seems weird to me, though it obviously works for you.

it's basically what I do. hit the compound heavy, then do accessory work. i don't eat or sleep enough for the way i train though, and it really sucks. i'm cheating myself out of so many gains.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Just blew a tire doing suicides, ouch. If I can't do my squats tomorrow, I'm going to regret jumping into them. On the plus side, I felt super fast and explosive. Do your power cleans, folks.

I've heard of programs like couch to 10k. I think I need a couch to suicide program.
*sound of record coming to a screeching halt*



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
FatGrips are pretty damn awesome. Did BB flat bench and incline DB along with BB curls and DB preacher curls. Oh the burn! Ordered some tonight. The red ones that are the thickest out of the bunch. Yeah buddy!


Exercise is definitely not one size fits all, which is one thing I really love about it. Our ways work for us and that's all that matters!

Yeah. I do four compounds per session. Old school bodybuilder style.

My body just loves it. When I do splits, I don't feel like I'm trying hard.


Been losing weight for about 5-6 weeks now, using C25K and tracking calories using MyFitnessPal. Currently at about 229 at 5'7 from 253 when I started. My current obstacle is the 20 minute run at the end of C25K week 5. But my question is in regards to caloric intake.

While I'm very proud of myself for learning how to run and going on long walks everyday, a good chunk of my weight loss I'd guess is attributable to my change in diet. Before I started I was having 5-8 glasses of Mountain Dew and typically at least 2 packs of instant ramen, not to mention a lot of salty snacks. Since I've decided to get better shape I only drink water and occasionally milk, and most days I stay under 1500 calories and 2300 mg of sodium.

I'm still confused about how calories burned relates to calories eaten, though. My recommended caloric intake on MFP is 1560. An average day of exercise I'll burn between 400 to 600. I know the general idea of losing weight is burning more calories than I'm taking in, but does that mean I should be burning 1500 calories a day? Do I burn calories just by going about a normal day?

Like, I've eaten 2100 calories today, but I went on a run and a long walk and burned about 800. Are the 800 calories undone by the amount I've eaten? I'm still kinda confused how all this works.

It sounds like you should do some more reading on the matter in general but I'll try to explain.

You burn a set amount of calories every day by simply existing and maintaining your body. This is called your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and is what you would burn daily by being in a coma or something. For most men it is somewhere around 1700-2000kcal a day.

But because you move around and do other stuff every day you will burn more than this. Even if you work in an office and are completely sedentary you will burn more than your BMR. The exact amount depends on how much you move and exercise but it can be anything to a few hundred extra calories on top of your BMR to several thousands per day. Most of the time it comes around to something in between 2100-2700kcal. This is called your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)

So if you eat 2100kcal a day but exercise for 800kcal worth, then your net intake for the day is around 1300kcal (=what you ate - what you burned through exercise). How much fat you burn each day depends on the relation of your intake and how much you burn. In your case your daily deficit will be way over 1000kcal per day which means you should lose over a kilo/2lbs per week or more if you keep it up.

If you aim for intake of 1500kcal per day as per MFP but want to eat 2100kcal, you should do 600kcal worth of exercise daily.
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