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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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So, I injured the lumbar area of my back on wednesday during my workout. Getting out of bed each morning has been the biggest struggle so far. Apparently you can't really squat heavy after something like that (I just tried lol). It's pretty terrible stuff. Core work is pretty much out too it seems.

Anyways, biggest problem will most likely be monday. It's back/shoulders and I'm not sure what to replace that with...I don't think deadlifting is gonna be the best idea. Any suggestions?
Yeah... give yourself a break. Don't fuck around with back injuries.

If you absolutely have to work out, stick to complete isolation stuff.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Already mix grip. Will probably implement farmers walk on my upcoming cycle.

Farmer walks are one of the best things to train grip. It's also good overall for training.

I personally don't see the harm in using straps if you just use them on your biggest lift. I have tiny feminine hands and my grip will only go so far. I train it specifically using a number of methods (quite important for climbing) but at the end of the day, the rest of my body is far stronger than my grip will ever be.

I wouldn't use straps for maximal attempts. I WOULD use straps for volume work once grip is an issue.

If you're trying to pull maximally and you are circumventing a weak point to add more weight, you're doing it wrong.
I wouldn't use straps for maximal attempts. I WOULD use straps for volume work once grip is an issue.

I don't do anything sub 5 reps, so I can't really speak to that.

Having trained my grip for years though (funnily enough it's the only thing I've ever stuck to), I don't see it getting significantly better any time soon.


Amazon said I was getting my pumpkin quest bars today. Fedex says they're in Tennessee. :(


Fedex is a bunch of gainz goblins. This is why Santa Claus goes with team brown.

I think mine got pushed back to tomorrow. Which is fine, just fine......

What do you guys suggest for building grip? Stalled on deadlift due to grip. I feel I have the strength to get 2-3 reps but the bar seems to start slipping out my hands on the first rep. Already use chalk but anything past 480 starts rolling down.

I have only used straps on dumbbell shrugs but I can feel that my grip holds me back on lat pulldowns which are my last pull exercise that day(I do back + shoulders together). Hands are just murdered at that point. My solution is just to rotate lat pulldowns with cable row which is earlier in the routine.

Personally I probably need to figure out some other hamstring exercise aside from Romanian Deadlifts because Im hitting a grip wall on that.

The real answer to improvement is probably rock climbing.


What's with all of these lower back injuries lately? Take care, guys. Also if you think you fucked something up, see someone and stay off of it until it's good.
Yeah... give yourself a break. Don't fuck around with back injuries.

If you absolutely have to work out, stick to complete isolation stuff.

I'm definitely not going to do the compounds (which sucks because deadlift is super efficient in terms of how much it works your body)...but I do want to sub something in. My 2 compounds are deads and press and I'm pretty sure they're both out due to how they engage the lower back. If anything I MIGHT do volume squats at 225 cause it turns out I can do up to 275 without engaging the lumbar area at all for support during the motion. Still though, if anyone has suggestions for substitute exercises that'd be cool.

What's with all of these lower back injuries lately? Take care, guys. Also if you think you fucked something up, see someone and stay off of it until it's good.

It's rather terrible, I ended up rushing out a couple sets on wednesday because some coworkers wanted to go for japanese food and I had to punch out a training session beforehand. At the time, worth it (I really wanted that japanese food). Right now, not so much since the lumbar muscles at the back are throbbing with my heartbeat lol.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Trying to find the right whey protein powder is hard. I've tried three so far: Jay Robb, BSN and Jarrow. Jay Robb tasted the best, but it's hella expensive. BSN was okay, but it's calories:carbs:protein ratio is not great (200:15g:22g). For Jarrow (105:6g:17g), which I just got, I'm not a fan of the French Vanilla flavor. I know the OP says all whey proteins are equal, but I don't believe that's accurate.

What do people here use? Getting 1 gram per every pound of body weight is impossible without having a protein powder it feels like. Pork grinds are the best source I have currently as I'm trying to rely less on processed foods and ones with fewer questionable ingredients.
I don't do 1g per lb, I do 0.8g (reasons have been covered numerous times in this thread)... and even cutting it's not been that hard to do without touching protein powder.

Helps that I can cook though.

Edit - I'd love to know why on earth the protein powder you're having has such shit ratios though. I used to use this stuff back when I was doing broscience protein intakes and it's nothing like the numbers you have there. http://www.myprotein.com/sports-nutrition/impact-whey-protein/10530943.html

104kcal / 1.3g / 21g

Plenty of gaffers swear by this: http://www.onacademy.co.uk/gold-standard-100-whey

113kcal / 1.8g / 23.9g
Trying to find the right whey protein powder is hard. I've tried three so far: Jay Robb, BSN and Jarrow. Jay Robb tasted the best, but it's hella expensive. BSN was okay, but it's calories:carbs:protein ratio is not great (200:15g:22g). For Jarrow (105:6g:17g), which I just got, I'm not a fan of the French Vanilla flavor. I know the OP says all whey proteins are equal, but I don't believe that's accurate.

What do people here use? Getting 1 gram per every pound of body weight is impossible without having a protein powder it feels like. Pork grinds are the best source I have currently as I'm trying to rely less on processed foods and ones with fewer questionable ingredients.

If you live in Canada or have easy access to Canadian products, we got Kaizen. Look at the stats on this beast:

Also you could probably meet all your protein needs (or more) just by having a whole rotisserie chicken from Costco/Sobeys/wherever.


Trying to find the right whey protein powder is hard. I've tried three so far: Jay Robb, BSN and Jarrow. Jay Robb tasted the best, but it's hella expensive. BSN was okay, but it's calories:carbs:protein ratio is not great (200:15g:22g). For Jarrow (105:6g:17g), which I just got, I'm not a fan of the French Vanilla flavor. I know the OP says all whey proteins are equal, but I don't believe that's accurate.

What do people here use? Getting 1 gram per every pound of body weight is impossible without having a protein powder it feels like. Pork grinds are the best source I have currently as I'm trying to rely less on processed foods and ones with fewer questionable ingredients.

Boneless Chicken is like $1.90 - $4 per lb depending on how morally invested you are in your food. Also you can do with less protein than 1g/lb but that's another thing.

Protein comes in small doses from other foods too so its not like you are eating a whole animal every day.

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard is the staple protein powder.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Moving rooms in my house took longer than expected today, and since Gold's is closed soon, I now have nowhere to work out tonight.

Suggestions? I don't think there's a Lifetime Fitness close by. I envy you home gymmers.


Have any of you tried Ripptoe's 2.0 OHP method? I used to do his original method where you bounce at the bottom and take a quick breath at the top.

Now he talks about this forward hip movement to generate a bounce and get it past your face.


Also this right HERE is some damn fine inspiration.
i'm happy. i finally hit 315# on squats. i've been fearing it but just mentally telling myself i can do it i did it. wasn't the best but i know i'm capable of it. (y)


54 hours in and still feel terrific. After work I had to go do a bunch of shopping, and just got home. In bed now about to crash. This fast has went extremely well so far.

Trader joes has pumpkin EVERYTHING. went in for misc stuff and I think every product imaginable had a pumpkin version. Crazy.

i'm happy. i finally hit 315# on squats. i've been fearing it but just mentally telling myself i can do it i did it. wasn't the best but i know i'm capable of it. (y)

Mental game has to be strong. When I'm walking into the gym and then warming up, I always tell myself that I'm going to hit every rep I go for, and that it's going to be easy. If you don't believe you can do it, chances are you won't. Go in with the intention of thrashing the weights.


Good work Dead Prince!!! Hoping to hit 3 plate before 2k16. 280 felt solid this week.

On squats I can tell whether I'm mentally ready for the rep as soon as I unrack. Bar feels so much lighter when you are in the zone.
Also this right HERE is some damn fine inspiration.
That's fucking awesome.

Unrelated, going to be going full anti ILoveBish at the end of the week. Fasting over for three days and carb loading begins ready for my cycling event. By my reckoning I'll be taking in ~600g of carbs per day which will require me to pretty much constantly graze so that I can actually process that much intake. Have never really managed to get it right before, but if I get it wrong this time I'm going to take something that's virtually impossible and make it actually impossible.

In extra water weight alone (~2-3g per gram of glycogen) I'm likely to put on about 2kg / 5lbs. Cut's over baby!


I hurt my back bad yesterday. Possibly stupid question, but is it ok to bench today? Like is there anyway I could possibly hurt my back more if I do?
Currently I am on a joggers/sweats kick. I need more slim fitting sweats. Feels like it is the exact opposite of what sweats should be but something about a pair that hug to your legs that feel so right.

I hurt my back bad yesterday. Possibly stupid question, but is it ok to bench today? Like is there anyway I could possibly hurt my back more if I do?

Well, depending on how you bench, you could be arching your back. How bad is it? I mean you said that you hurt your back bad but it can't be that bad if you still feel like you can bench.


Currently I am on a joggers/sweats kick. I need more slim fitting sweats. Feels like it is the exact opposite of what sweats should be but something about a pair that hug to your legs that feel so right.

Well, depending on how you bench, you could be arching your back. How bad is it? I mean you said that you hurt your back bad but it can't be that bad if you still feel like you can bench.
I don't bench with the exaggerated arch, never really felt comfortable to me. It doesn't hurt as bad as yesterday, but it still hurts a lot, especially when I walk. It's just in my head I'm telling myself I was gonna bench today so if it's possible to do without making my back worse I want to give it a shot. Not gonna dl for a while though.


Bought two bags of Quest protein chips today. Just for fun as they are a bit too expensive for repeated consumption. I think they tasted pretty good when taking into account their nutritional profile. My GF didn't like them though :p The texture wasn't really close to chips though, reminded me more of some kinds of biscuits.

1 bag (32g) has:
21g of protein
5g carbs
2g fat

So not too far from an average protein shake.. Cheddar & sour cream was better than sour cream & onion and had more flavour.
54 hours in and still feel terrific. After work I had to go do a bunch of shopping, and just got home. In bed now about to crash. This fast has went extremely well so far.

Trader joes has pumpkin EVERYTHING. went in for misc stuff and I think every product imaginable had a pumpkin version. Crazy.

Mental game has to be strong. When I'm walking into the gym and then warming up, I always tell myself that I'm going to hit every rep I go for, and that it's going to be easy. If you don't believe you can do it, chances are you won't. Go in with the intention of thrashing the weights.
Ha-ha. Yeah. Going to go in with my mind strong. The workout will be my bitch (y)


Confession time. My wife convinced me to buy a pair of yoga pants/running tights.

They're waaaaaaaaaay more comfortable than you'd think. My ass and calves look fucking epic in them too.


Down another pound and I'm 191 this morning. That's after 3 cups of rice, a lb of leg and thigh meat, eggs, bacon, waffles and two quest bars (one with peanut butter)


I mostly deadlift and squat in either under armour tights or my singlet because I got tired of pulling my shorts up before each set.


Finally got some sleep, damn. 68 hour mark now. Almost there.

Unrelated, going to be going full anti ILoveBish at the end of the week. Fasting over for three days and carb loading begins ready for my cycling event. By my reckoning I'll be taking in ~600g of carbs per day which will require me to pretty much constantly graze so that I can actually process that much intake. Have never really managed to get it right before, but if I get it wrong this time I'm going to take something that's virtually impossible and make it actually impossible.

In extra water weight alone (~2-3g per gram of glycogen) I'm likely to put on about 2kg / 5lbs. Cut's over baby!

Good luck. Also, 600g of carbs lol, when I have 17g a day. Truly the anti ILB.


I hurt my back bad yesterday. Possibly stupid question, but is it ok to bench today? Like is there anyway I could possibly hurt my back more if I do?

Simplest answer is don't do heavy lifting of any kind until you're sure of what is wrong with your back. Yesterday you seemed like you messed it up...why chance it today?

Mr. X

Getting to a 2 plate bench press is a bit harder than I expected. Aiming to be there and more before 2016.

I'm in range for a 3 plate deadlift. I can get it a little of the ground!

Squat: I want to do 2 plates but I'm not going parallel when I do. Frustrating.

OHP: Did 100lbs 5x3. Was aiming for 5x5 but last 2 sets I failed at 4.


Getting to a 2 plate bench press is a bit harder than I expected. Aiming to be there and more before 2016.

I'm in range for a 3 plate deadlift. I can get it a little of the ground!

Squat: I want to do 2 plates but I'm not going parallel when I do. Frustrating.

OHP: Did 100lbs 5x3. Was aiming for 5x5 but last 2 sets I failed at 4.

Some suggestions...

bench press: try paused DB press as heavy as you can go to do 8 reps. Pause 5 seconds at the bottom, explode to the top.

DL: mix in power cleans and good mornings into your workout (will help your squat as well)

OHP: are you stalling there or progressing well?


So, I injured the lumbar area of my back on wednesday during my workout. Getting out of bed each morning has been the biggest struggle so far. Apparently you can't really squat heavy after something like that (I just tried lol). It's pretty terrible stuff. Core work is pretty much out too it seems.

Anyways, biggest problem will most likely be monday. It's back/shoulders and I'm not sure what to replace that with...I don't think deadlifting is gonna be the best idea. Any suggestions?

Do some kind of recovery workout where you do lots of very very light high rep stuff to keep blood moving through the area, reduce scar tissue buildup and improve your mobility. Even just using your body weight. Helps me a lot.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Mixed bag workout this morning. I think it's because I'm not gaining weight. Scale didn't move, waist is slimmer, regressing on DB bench.

Squats: 260lbs 3x5 (PR)
DB bench: 90s 5, 4, 3
Good mornings: 110lbs 5x8

Realized that my best deadlift days are when I do my "back off" front squats. Couldn't even finish warmups.

Mr. X

Some suggestions...

bench press: try paused DB press as heavy as you can go to do 8 reps. Pause 5 seconds at the bottom, explode to the top.

DL: mix in power cleans and good mornings into your workout (will help your squat as well)

OHP: are you stalling there or progressing well?

OHP: I was at 90 for 3 weeks but finally managed to get 100 into starting position (I do it standing).

Note, I've been doing Ohp before the bench press and after bp, incline db press 5x5 at 50-55lbs. Not sure if important.


Mixed bag workout this morning. I think it's because I'm not gaining weight. Scale didn't move, waist is slimmer, regressing on DB bench.

Squats: 260lbs 3x5 (PR)
DB bench: 90s 5, 4, 3
Good mornings: 110lbs 5x8

Realized that my best deadlift days are when I do my "back off" front squats. Couldn't even finish warmups.

Eat more food!!!

I know the feeling tho. It sucks. Im starting to notice a pattern where my first two days of the week lifting are pretty damn solid(heavy days) and slowly over the next 3 hypertrophy days energy levels go to shit.

Squatting yesterday was terribad on my hyper day. Could not even get big sets at lower weights much less effectively do the paused sets. I partially blame that branch of the club squat rack was awful... I either had to unrack with the bar below my pecs or middle of my neck. I have apparently become really used to looking at myself in the wall-mirror when backsquatting because form felt off without it.

This morning was good though. Probably due to the foods. Feeling like I could be on 80s DB Press for 3x5 pretty soon.


Confession time. My wife convinced me to buy a pair of yoga pants/running tights.

They're waaaaaaaaaay more comfortable than you'd think. My ass and calves look fucking epic in them too.

Same here. Been using them during cardio and they are super comfy when compared to my old baggy sweatpants.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Eat more food!!!

That's the plan. I weigh 194 and have been reluctant to go over 200 again, but I don't think it really matters. Weights need to meet my strength goals.

Azulsky said:
This morning was good though. Probably due to the foods. Feeling like I could be on 80s DB Press for 3x5 pretty soon.

Standing DB press or bench? I never know what to write so people know I mean OHP with Dumbbells.


Local GNC had the Pumpkin Pie Quest Bars in stock.

Y'all are fucking nuts. Tastes like a Glade Plugin had sex with a Yankee Candle. Literally had to spit it out.
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