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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Mr. X

I too sometimes fart while squatting or deadlifting. I like to think of it as confirmation my core is being worked.


I've never farted during squad/deadlift. The dairy free/low carb life helps a ton when it comes to that.

Finished another 72 hour fast successfully, my mom made me a special beef shawarma plate and would have thrown me off the balcony if i didnt eat it, so i had that, now having coffee + low carb ice cream. Sooooo good.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice work! How much heavier is that yoke than the one you did in the rain in the comp?

It's not, if I remember right the yoke in comp was 550. But it was a better yoke. Hard to explain, but the one I have is shitty and it "ocelates" badly making it hard to walk with. The one in the competition was sturdy and stable and 550 felt lighter than 400 on this one.

Yeah, 550.


Nelo Ice

I hurt my back bad yesterday. Possibly stupid question, but is it ok to bench today? Like is there anyway I could possibly hurt my back more if I do?

I tweaked my back dead lifting on tuesday. Felt some discomfort the past 2 days and it's largely gone now. Think I'm gonna try my hand at benching today and squatting tomorrow. Luckily next week is deload week so hoping I can finish this current 5/3/1 cycle and technically rest next week. So I'd personally recommend resting until you feel better. I was gonna try and workout the past 2 days but realized it would have been a bad idea since I was having trouble even walking or getting up without some back pain.


I'm working out every other day now. I hope I can handle the frequency.

I've always wanted to this, but finally pulled the trigger.


I'm working out every other day now. I hope I can handle the frequency.

I've always wanted to this, but finally pulled the trigger.

You doing full body? Ive been thinking of swapping to doing that with rotating accessories.

PHAT is good but except for leg frequency I feel like there are time gaps where certain muscles could be hit again. Also just feel like I am adapted to the routine, so i need to change something up.

A few of the guys at my gym are doing agonist/antagonist alternating sets(eg Inclined Bench / Pullups), except they superset instead of resting lol. No idea how people have that much energy.


You doing full body? Ive been thinking of swapping to doing that with rotating accessories.

PHAT is good but except for leg frequency I feel like there are time gaps where certain muscles could be hit again. Also just feel like I am adapted to the routine, so i need to change something up.

A few of the guys at my gym are doing agonist/antagonist alternating sets(eg Inclined Bench / Pullups), except they superset instead of resting lol. No idea how people have that much energy.

Right now I'm doing 4 days a week...2 pull (DL and squat, power clean and squat) and 2 push (BP and OHP) with an A and B schedule for assistance lifts. Probably do something like this for the foreseeable future.

Edit: all of my assistance lifts are superset or dropsets


Right now I'm doing 4 days a week...2 pull (DL and squat, power clean and squat) and 2 push (BP and OHP) with an A and B schedule for assistance lifts. Probably do something like this for the foreseeable future.

Edit: all of my assistance lifts are superset or dropsets

Can you post your assistance lifts? I dont really have a good feeling for when to do supersets. I have been doing drops on arms and shoulders.


Nice! Keep up the work, but don't burn yourself out.

What program/routine are you doing?

You doing full body? Ive been thinking of swapping to doing that with rotating accessories.

PHAT is good but except for leg frequency I feel like there are time gaps where certain muscles could be hit again. Also just feel like I am adapted to the routine, so i need to change something up.

A few of the guys at my gym are doing agonist/antagonist alternating sets(eg Inclined Bench / Pullups), except they superset instead of resting lol. No idea how people have that much energy.

Full body. I alternate deadlifts, though. That would be nuts, although Bulgarians do Deads everyday!

I've been reading up on older school bodybuilders and they got best results training every 48 hours full body.

That old school look is my ideal physique. I know many were on PEDs. I'm aware. If I get tired. I'll take an extra rest day.

But I'm pretty used to high volume full body workouts by now. Just wanna switch it up.

I'm basically following a Strong Lifts style program with modifications for accessories, which it lacks. So I added dips, incline BP, incline curls, face pulls, and behind the neck presses, to address my weak points.


Sup guys,

Been hitting the gym for the past 4 years now.
Always done split routines, over 4 or 5 days.
But my schedule at law school freaking sucks.
I was hoping to get into full body 3 times a week.
What could you guys recommend?


Sup guys,

Been hitting the gym for the past 4 years now.
Always done split routines, over 4 or 5 days.
But my schedule at law school freaking sucks.
I was hoping to get into full body 3 times a week.
What could you guys recommend?

What are your goals?

The OP has great programs for basic strength and moderate muscle growth, but if you want some more balanced hypertrophy, you probably need to add some accessories like curls, skull crushers, and shoulder work.

I recommend Strong Lifts 5x5 with some arm work and weak point training afterward. Shouldn't take long.


What are your goals?

The OP has great programs for basic strength and moderate muscle growth, but if you want some more balanced hypertrophy, you probably need to add some accessories like curls, skull crushers, and shoulder work.

I recommend Strong Lifts 5x5 with some arm work and weak point training afterward. Shouldn't take long.

I'd like to gain 5kg of muscle before winter break (end of december)


Well this sucks... I'm at 65kg now 11% I'm 1.7m tall.
How much do you think I could get? By December?

Take your time. I got the best results bulking for a year. I got fat, but I've been cutting for a bit and getting tons of compliments. I don't use PEDs so getting chubby came with the package. Nor do I have great genetics.

Many people here have been working out for a long time. It takes time.


Even that is a lot of muscles in 2 months. Fat, sure...muscle...not easy.

Three months I think. He first talked about end of December which would make it 3 months. Anyway 3kg would be a lot but possible in theory. Like I said, probably less in reality.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well after this wedding for a best friend that I was best man let's just say weighted pull ups are going to be a bitch today!


Went great. I was looking forward to it. Had the room rolling!

Good man. I've heard amazing ones (my best man killed it) and some absolutely appalling ones (my brother in law made a Hitler joke at a wedding that...didn't go over well), but nothing is worse than a boring one...


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Still glad I didn't have speeches at my wedding. Have always found them the most boring part of a wedding.

/not traditionalist
I kept mine about 3-4 minutes. I know people hate sitting through an hour worth of speeches.

It was the first time my family was all dressed up in years. Really hit home how much my kids are growing up. I'll post a pic when I get home.

Good man. I've heard amazing ones (my best man killed it) and some absolutely appalling ones (my brother in law made a Hitler joke at a wedding that...didn't go over well), but nothing is worse than a boring one...
I know the groom and the bride very well so I spoke about both pretty evenly. I treated it almost as a tame mini roast. Ha


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Talk about a reality check! Pic from last night.



Talk about a reality check! Pic from last night.
Beautiful family you've got there :)

Took my wife and kids to an annual 5K at a local Arboretum this morning and had a blast. Ran the 5K with my wife (her first race) then watched my two oldest kids run in their respective races (firsts for them as well).

Everyone loved the experience. It was so freaking cool to see the family enjoy something that I love to do.

Side note: this was the first time I've ever taken advantage of the free, post-race beer lol. What a strange tradition...
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