Can you post your assistance lifts? I dont really have a good feeling for when to do supersets. I have been doing drops on arms and shoulders.
Right now, this is my basic program (lifting 4/7 days a week). I change it every 6-8 weeks after I do a deload / rest week, but the structure will remain similar for a while (takes me 45-60 minutes at most since my assistance lifts have 60 second rests)...p.s. all done in my garage. If I'm going to a gym I may work in cables, lat pull downs, etc. :
Pull (A):
DL (1-2 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Squats (1-2 warmup sets, 4 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Bent over rows SS Barbell curls with Fat Grips (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
Good Mornings SS Pull Ups (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
Resistance tube work (biceps, face pulls, etc.) as cool down
Push (A):
OHP (1-2 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Flat Bench Press (1-2 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Incline DB Pause Press SS Upright Rows (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
Flat Bench DB Fly SS Lateral Raises (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
Shrugs Drop Set (4 working sets, 3 drops per set)
Resistance tube work (chest flys, overhead extensions, etc.) as cool down
Pull (B):
Power Clean (1-2 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Squats (1-2 warmup sets, 4 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Barbell Curl Drop Set (4 working sets, 3 drops per set)
DB Back Fly SS Pull Ups (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
Resistance tube work (biceps, face pulls, etc.) as cool down
Push (B):
OHP (1-2 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Flat Bench Press (1-2 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 1-8 rep range)
Decline DB Pause Press SS DB Front Raises (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
CGBP SS Triceps Overhead Extensions (3 working sets, 8-15 rep range)
Arnold Press (3 sets to F)
Resistance tube work (chest flys, overhead extensions, upright rows, etc.) as cool down
Most important thing is that I get those compounds in. If I only have 30 minutes I might bail on an assistance lift but it's not a workout unless I nail those compounds.