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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Don't do Spartan Races/Tough Mudder/etc.

The post alcohol festivities are legendary.

I'm actually considering signing up for a spartan race type thing, most for the post alcohol festivities. Also because I think I've gotten to a level of athleticism that I feel like I can do these things now.
i hit 315# on sumo dead (i have to see what conventional looks like). i think i could had gone at least 10# more. but for now i'm satisfied. Slowly building up strength.


Don't do Spartan Races/Tough Mudder/etc.

The post alcohol festivities are legendary.

I would be totally sloshed after working out and drinking.

I metabolize alcohol really fast now but my capacity is nonexistent. Drank one tripel this past weekend and i was already tapping out.
What is proper gym etiquette when waiting for equipment? Like I start leg day with squats and our gym has squat racks, but when I come in, they're almost always being used. So I do my warm up and stretches and what not, and talk to the person using the rack if I can use it after them. They usually just say yeah, but then I'm just standing around waiting for them to finish. I don't look at them though. Is that ok?


My sedentary calories are calculated to be 2000 per day. Is it too much of a deficit to eat 1600 and burn off 600+ with exercise?

That would be a 1000 calorie deficit per day. Will I lose a lot of muscle this way?


My sedentary calories are calculated to be 2000 per day. Is it too much of a deficit to eat 1600 and burn off 600+ with exercise?

That would be a 1000 calorie deficit per day. Will I lose a lot of muscle this way?

Yes, if you do it every day. 1600 calories is liiiiight, dude.


Hell yeah Petrie! Keep going. Miss ya buddy.

Still wish we could have him back. He had one alt account he made an extremely long time ago I believe while waiting for his main account to be approved. Posted on it once. Perm banned for that.

Pushed through my workout and I'm glad I did because I came close to not going. Getting used to high bar form. 285,286,295,295,305,305,315 all felt good.

Then I did some front squats and paused squats and called it quits.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Front squats are starting to get hard:

Front squats - 195lbs 3x5 (PR)
DB press - 61s 1x5, 2x4 (weighted gloves)
Power cleans - 135 lbs 4x3, 1x7 (lol PR)

Switching back from ground turkey to ground beef. Feeling lean, not mean at 192.


My sedentary calories are calculated to be 2000 per day. Is it too much of a deficit to eat 1600 and burn off 600+ with exercise?

That would be a 1000 calorie deficit per day. Will I lose a lot of muscle this way?

I eat ~1800kcal daily and it is enough to keep me satisfied. That minus what I burn in the gym (?kcal) or cardio (400kcal) and I'm doing fine. So my net intake on cardio days might be only 1400kcal.


Took the day off today from lifting. Felt really tired and drained. Not sure if it's how I ate from Sunday or what lol


So made the full fat coconut cream ice cream and damn, delish. I don't know why but every time I make ice cream a bunch of people end up here and they all tried it out. Everyone loved it. My issue now is that it's a huge amount of ice cream for the calories. A quart or more for 740 calories. It would be a lot of eating.

Anyway, made another batch using a lighter coconut milk that is 500 calories for the whole can vs 700 for the other. So far it tasted very good. But it's in the freezer now, so can't try till tomorrow.

First day eating after work and feel fine so far, but the real test will be the rest of the week.


My sedentary calories are calculated to be 2000 per day. Is it too much of a deficit to eat 1600 and burn off 600+ with exercise?

That would be a 1000 calorie deficit per day. Will I lose a lot of muscle this way?

I cut with a 1000 calorie deficit 6 days a week and 1 refeed day at maintenance and maintain my strength however I do the vast majority of work in very low rep ranges. I usually only cut like this for 4-5 weeks max and a 1000 cal deficit is only around a 30% deficit for me.

A 50% deficit sounds tricky, though if your recovery is in point, you train pretty heavy and don't cut for too long you might be able to pull it off with no strength loss. Though one refeed a week would help maintain strength and performance.
Out of interest, how do you guys define a refeed? Cheat days I understand, especially when done to excess, but just exactly how many calories is a refeed vs the normal intake?


Out of interest, how do you guys define a refeed? Cheat days I understand, especially when done to excess, but just exactly how many calories is a refeed vs the normal intake?

Depends. My current program says to eat around your TDEE for refeeds. Many times it's a bit higher.


Out of interest, how do you guys define a refeed? Cheat days I understand, especially when done to excess, but just exactly how many calories is a refeed vs the normal intake?
I do them at maintenance calories with about the same protein and fat (maybe slightly higher) than an average day in a deficit, the extra calories pretty much all come from carbs.


Does anyone here eat jerky/biltong? i tried some Biltong yesterday and it was absolutely amazing, they sell it in the supermarket for £2 a bag, which seems expensive considering how much you get, but it's so tasty, and supposedly a great source of protein for very little carb content.


I believe in cheat days being eat what you want. I don't count calories right now but when I did, I needed that one day to let loose...beers, steak, donuts, pizza, whatever. I'd have gone crazy if I didnt. I found no negative effects from doing so, to be honest.


Last night went ok
Squat 5x5 @ 180
OHP 5x5 @ 85
DL 3x5 @ 225

My fourth set on OHP I failed my fifth rep. Worries me that I am already hitting a wall. I'll try again next time and I'm sure I'll get it, but I may end up moving down to 3x5's soon. I liked having more volume on it thought.

Also, that feeling when you lift 2 plates. It's always a wonderful goal to meet. I'll be there with my squats in less than two weeks. Very exciting.


Anyone have any experience on mini cuts while bulking? So basically bulking for example 3 weeks and then cutting one week. Rinse and repeat.

Basically it should allow you to eat a bit more while bulking so that you are surely in the surplus. And then cut the fat you gained during that one cutting week.


My fourth set on OHP I failed my fifth rep. Worries me that I am already hitting a wall. I'll try again next time and I'm sure I'll get it, but I may end up moving down to 3x5's soon. I liked having more volume on it thought.

How were the first 3-4 sets?


Would anyone be kind enough to recommend any particular headphones to wear during fairly mobile exercise which occasionally included verticality e.g. Insanity? My current pair just tend to fly right out of my ears halfway through which is fairly distracting.


Feck. Ran 10 miles today at about an 8:45 pace after yesterday's 1000-calorie defecit and 6 hours of sleep. That was a slug!

Also, down to 152.5 this morning! Yikes!

Anyone have any experience on mini cuts while bulking? So basically bulking for example 3 weeks and then cutting one week. Rinse and repeat.

Basically it should allow you to eat a bit more while bulking so that you are surely in the surplus. And then cut the fat you gained during that one cutting week.

I would like to know this too. I will start bulking in November but prefer not to bulk for long periods of time.

I think Bish mentioned you could do even shorter intervals, but I'd be curious to know how effective that is for people to alternate bulking & cutting days.


Still wish we could have him back. He had one alt account he made an extremely long time ago I believe while waiting for his main account to be approved. Posted on it once. Perm banned for that.

Pushed through my workout and I'm glad I did because I came close to not going. Getting used to high bar form. 285,286,295,295,305,305,315 all felt good.

Then I did some front squats and paused squats and called it quits.

No idea why he thought he could get away with that lol.

He used to bring the REAL TALK to weight loss threads too. Got him in trouble.


Would anyone be kind enough to recommend any particular headphones to wear during fairly mobile exercise which occasionally included verticality e.g. Insanity? My current pair just tend to fly right out of my ears halfway through which is fairly distracting.

I use Sony over the ear headphones. Works pretty good. Also I got some off ebay called Noise Headphones.


I believe in cheat days being eat what you want. I don't count calories right now but when I did, I needed that one day to let loose...beers, steak, donuts, pizza, whatever. I'd have gone crazy if I didnt. I found no negative effects from doing so, to be honest.

For you it works great, but for a lot of others, it can be a gateway back into a bad place eating wise. Some people get triggered into binging much easier then others. It's why I'm no longer a fan of huge cheat days until you've really gotten deep into the lifestyle. Just my opinion.

Basically it should allow you to eat a bit more while bulking so that you are surely in the surplus. And then cut the fat you gained during that one cutting week.

What you want is a recomp. You eat 200-400 over maintenance on gym days, then cut on off gym days by the same range. This is extremely detailed number wise. If you are off on your calculations, you'll just end up spinning your wheels. Recomp protocol is for someone with detailed knowledge in dieting. Easier just to do bulk and cut like most do.


No idea why he thought he could get away with that lol.

He used to bring the REAL TALK to weight loss threads too. Got him in trouble.

I think he made it long ago, probably got tired waiting for his account to be approved. I know I made my account in high school originally...and then didn't accept until a long time after that? Maybe. I don't remember,.


For you it works great, but for a lot of others, it can be a gateway back into a bad place eating wise. Some people get triggered into binging much easier then others. It's why I'm no longer a fan of huge cheat days until you've really gotten deep into the lifestyle. Just my opinion.

I agree. If you've had issues with food, I can see it being difficult. For me it works and keeps me sane.
so browsing through various forums and IG and reading all bout bulking up so eating a ton of food, ice cream, etc and it has me legit shook. Like I want to just go hard on a bulk but I know I should be smarter. Eat more, but don't go crazy! Or at least that is what I tell myself.

But dollar Big Mac after Bronco games will throw my game off. That is okay with me. Love me some Big Macs.


I think the major issue with a lot of those is just all the sodium content. I think if you're smart about that, or at least do a lot of cardio to sweat it out, you should be good.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just had a fantastic job interview. One step backwards short term for two steps forward long term type gig but it's definitely a position where I can grow into upper management relatively quickly.


How were the first 3-4 sets?

Tough. I would get very winded by the fifth rep, like heavy breathing and burning arms just from holding the bar. The third set fifth rep I remember struggling and barely making it. Then fourth set I couldn't. Then I rested for about 4-5 minutes and barely made fifth rep fifth set.


Whoever wants 4 free Quest Pumpkin Pie bars, PM me your address. I'll send em out USPS Priority (have a meter machine at my business).

I bought 6 of them, threw one away, gave the other to my wife, and she had to throw it away. Some people seem to like them though :p


Whoever wants 4 free Quest Pumpkin Pie bars, PM me your address. I'll send em out USPS Priority (have a meter machine at my business).

I bought 6 of them, threw one away, gave the other to my wife, and she had to throw it away. Some people seem to like them though :p
No way! I'm dying to try them lol. Any left?


I've got you all covered bros!

It's ridiculous though, I've read a number of articles that state that doing as much as I do is bad for you too. Just can't win.

Speaking of which, 170+ BPM for 1:30:00 today. Last 30 minutes was over 180, hitting a max of 188. I feel f*cking spent! I don't know how you do this for half a day...
Ha, no way I do those heart rates for half a day (maybe 4 hours, max). That's about as much as anyone can expect for those sort of timescales. Nice job.


Ha, no way I do those heart rates for half a day (maybe 4 hours, max). That's about as much as anyone can expect for those sort of timescales. Nice job.
Thanks! That was running though, not cycling. My legs can't keep up with my heart when cycling. Still getting acclimated to that.
I actually went for a run the other day... something fell off my car on the motorway; had to run about a mile down the hard shoulder to get it back. :mad:

I really don't enjoy running. lol


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Excellent! When do you hear?
He actually left it in my hands and said to talk to the family and do some soul searching and give him a call in a few days if I would like to move forward. Can't get much better than that.


Weighed in at 226.6 this morning, down .6lbs. Deload week going great. Ohp today and hit all reps with a 10x130 thrown in nice and easy. Got a total of 24 dead hanging pull ups over 5 sets (7,5,4,4,4). Upped the weight on rope tricep pulldown and missed a few reps on the last 2 sets but that's perfectly fine.


Just recently got into this, it's a lot of fun.

Love it also. So many varieties of flavors as well. I'll be settling on a recipe this week. Looking forward to it.

I've had minimal success making ice cream. Comes out usually somewhere between soft serve and soup, and freezes as hard as ice. :(

Here are the 2 I've tried and had great success with:


This one is better then the real deal. Incredible. If i have company coming over, this will always be the one i use. It's perfect. Used the whole egg base with pasteurized eggs. My only concern is the calorie count and that it has dairy.


This one tastes incredible but was more hard when frozen. 10 min in the fridge gets it fine tho. Scoops like normal. Way lower calories as well as being dairy free. Has a strong coconut flavor but I love that, so no complaints from me personally.

Once I finish deciding on a recipe I'll post my exact one I use.

Just had a fantastic job interview. One step backwards short term for two steps forward long term type gig but it's definitely a position where I can grow into upper management relatively quickly.

Awesome to hear man. Hope it works out well.
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