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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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He actually left it in my hands and said to talk to the family and do some soul searching and give him a call in a few days if I would like to move forward. Can't get much better than that.

Great to hear that. Definitely sounds like they want some Cooter.


Tough. I would get very winded by the fifth rep, like heavy breathing and burning arms just from holding the bar. The third set fifth rep I remember struggling and barely making it. Then fourth set I couldn't. Then I rested for about 4-5 minutes and barely made fifth rep fifth set.

What program are you doing?
About an hour ago I kicked a weight so hard that I span the spinlock off it. I suspect I've broken my toe as I can't put any weight on it.

Going to be a fun 24 hour ride. =/
Ha. No, missus had moved one of the weights to get at something and not put it back. I turned a corner and swung my (bare)foot right into it as I was getting ready to go out on the bike.


StrongLifts mainly because I wanted more volume at first and the app is excellent. But I ignore the 1x5 DL bullshit and I do 3x5 on DL. Just straight linear progression, add 5lb each new day, DL's I add 10lb.

Do any of your other lifts feel like they're close to max like OHP?


Ha. No, missus had moved one of the weights to get at something and not put it back. I turned a corner and swung my (bare)foot right into it as I was getting ready to go out on the bike.
Ugh, that's terrible timing. I hope it feels good enough by the weekend to not impact your race too much.


Brolic, I mean this in the nicest way possible. You are a f*cking freak of nature.

Some people get joy out of watching cat videos. I prefer your YouTube channel.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I do 185 x 8! You want to fight about it? j/k

Amazing, good shit dude!

Brolic, I mean this in the nicest way possible. You are a f*cking freak of nature.

Some people get joy out of watching cat videos. I prefer your YouTube channel.

Legendary OHP. Fucking A! Great on both accounts.


That's pretty much all you can say. Even the 280 was super fluid, dude. Those shoulders have 300 in them for sure.

Lol, thanks guys. Needed it after a relatively shitty squat session yesterday (probably impacted by the heavy yoke walk on Saturday).


Do any of your other lifts feel like they're close to max like OHP?

Not yet, when I stopped last time my DL was just hitting three plates, Squat into two plates etc. I think my next closest lift to maxing is the regular bench but I probably have 40+ lbs to go on it. Part of the reason I starting doing more volume this time was in hopes of gaining strength quicker.


Ok first post on here please excuse the wall of text.

I stumbled across fitness OT6 at a stage in my lifting where I wasn't getting very far due to useless exercises and not having decent work out partners, after reading 50 or so pages I figured I should sign up and involved.

Unfortunately my account only got activated today over a year later but after 6 months of not lifting at all due to excuses like 'Winter is cold' and 'Real Life' I'm back on the horse and keen to reset and start from the beginning on Starting Strength and weight loss.

I'll sort out my goals and a plan tonight and hit you guys with it shortly for some feedback but seeing I can actually post on here now I just wanted to give a shoutout to all the usual suspects (cooter, brolic, sean, bish, vince, choco etc) in here for the last year and a half or so and your amazing transformations and progressions because they had a MASSIVE impact on keeping me motivated when I was ready to chuck in the towel during my weightloss especially.

So to set the scene I am 28 years, 6ft2 (188cms) and as of right now I'm 135kgs (300 pounds) but at age 26 I was 160kgs (350 pounds) which is where my weight loss journey started thanks to you guys putting me on to Keto to which my body responded to well.

At the start of the year I was in the best shape I've been in in many years, getting down to 125kgs (275 pounds) and finally starting to show some results from the weight training that were actually visible through the fat but I fell off the wagon hard when winter hit and I got bronchitis and have steadily gained weight since.

Now is the time to reset and hit it hard again, tasting the gains and letting them slip hurts far more than just being fat in the first place so I look forward to getting involved in here and using it to keep motivated.

I'm going to start by walking up the tiny mountain near here to find out exactly how unfit I am again this afternoon, the beautiful view from the top is always worth it.

Looking forward to sharing with you all : D



Looking forward to sharing with you all : D

Welcome! There's a lot of motivating people here. Don't be shy, they have boatloads of useful information to help you along your way.

Funny how this community has affected me besides the abundance of motivation. Every time Im hungry I think of Bish on one of his 652-hour fasts, when I cycle now I picture Psychotext laughing at me as I struggle to maintain a decent heart-rate, and even during overhead press Brolic always comes to mind... also laughing... those motherf^%$#rs lol


Welcome, Griff!

Not yet, when I stopped last time my DL was just hitting three plates, Squat into two plates etc. I think my next closest lift to maxing is the regular bench but I probably have 40+ lbs to go on it. Part of the reason I starting doing more volume this time was in hopes of gaining strength quicker.

I'd add an assistance lift or two to each press day. Depending on where your OHP is struggling there are a ton of lifts that could help. Would you be willing to post a video?


Welcome, Griff!

I'd add an assistance lift or two to each press day. Depending on where your OHP is struggling there are a ton of lifts that could help. Would you be willing to post a video?

What assistance lifts? Pullups chinups? Seated DB press? My next day for OHP is Friday. I'll try to record something.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Let's do this Griff! Post questions and progress updates often and let the FitGaf magic do the rest.


What assistance lifts? Pullups chinups? Seated DB press? My next day for OHP is Friday. I'll try to record something.

If you're struggling with a lift, the supplemental exercises you do (assistance lifts) can be used to help you bust that plateau. Front raises, shrugs, lateral raises, upright rows, cable work, etc. can all be used to improve a certain portion of your OHP. After seeing your video, I can make some suggestions. Also, make sure you get plenty of sleep on Thursday (8+ hours), eat well on Friday and hydrate. Makes a world of difference.


If you're struggling with a lift, the supplemental exercises you do (assistance lifts) can be used to help you bust that plateau. Front raises, shrugs, lateral raises, upright rows, cable work, etc. can all be used to improve a certain portion of your OHP. After seeing your video, I can make some suggestions. Also, make sure you get plenty of sleep on Thursday (8+ hours), eat well on Friday and hydrate. Makes a world of difference.

Ok I'll look into those. I only have a home gym which consists of a power rack, barbell and some dumbbells. Thanks for all the help!


Just had a fantastic job interview. One step backwards short term for two steps forward long term type gig but it's definitely a position where I can grow into upper management relatively quickly.

Nice going, buddy. Time to flex that corporate muscle.


So there was some kind of power blackout at my gym this morning. The downstairs was completely dark but we got lights on at the upper floor. I train from 6am to 7am and sun rises at 7:30am in Finland atm. So it was pitch black in there when I got there. Luckily I could do all my exercises today in the upper floor but some guys were training in the pitch black darkness since most of the heavy iron is there :p


Just made a mocha ice cream base, chilling in the fridge now, will be making the ice cream in a few hours.

So there was some kind of power blackout at my gym this morning. The downstairs was completely dark but we got lights on at the upper floor. I train from 6am to 7am and sun rises at 7:30am in Finland atm. So it was pitch black in there when I got there. Luckily I could do all my exercises today in the upper floor but some guys were training in the pitch black darkness since most of the heavy iron is there :p

I'd have went home immediately lol.


Hey, guys, welcome Griff. Haven't been on in a while, but glad to see this thread still going strong :)

News with me: new job, new gym membership.
Yesterday: First time lifting in a little over a month. Joined my buddy's gym so I went with him and am starting this push/pull/leg routine he's on. Leg day. Killed it.

Today: legs are so sore and stiff I can barely walk down stairs.


Feel like I'm progressing really well at the moment, seem to be able to lift more each week and yesterday I managed 5x10 wide grip pull ups which is like a whole set more than I usually can.
Been reading BCAAs will help recovery, anyone got any experience with them? Seems worth a try


Finally made the chicken shawarma. Just the chicken itself for now. Cooked entirely in water, was an interesting process. I'll be detailing it for sure. I did 3 days worth in one pot (66oz worth, 22oz per day). Tomorrow i'll make the tahini sauce and see for sure how much i need to cover a days worth of food. Excited to be making progress on the food plan lol.
Every time Im hungry I think of Bish on one of his 652-hour fasts, when I cycle now I picture Psychotext laughing at me as I struggle to maintain a decent heart-rate, and even during overhead press Brolic always comes to mind... also laughing... those motherf^%$#rs lol

How rude of me!

Unrelated, my little toe is purple today, though not as painful as yesterday. I've not really walked around on it yet, but I'm taking that as a good sign.


Been reading BCAAs will help recovery, anyone got any experience with them? Seems worth a try

Some people are a bit more religious about them than others. I personally noticed no difference when I tried taking them for a couple of weeks before my early morning workouts.

One of the BCAA's (Leucine) is critically important in the muscle protein synthesis pathway(mTORC1), but it just starts the process, and doesn't really do anything without a normal sized meal behind it to fuel it.

Nothing conclusive to me about what taking them in isolation does.


Been reading BCAAs will help recovery, anyone got any experience with them? Seems worth a try

BCAAs are more anti-catabolic. One of the only reasonable uses are to stave of possible catabolism if you train fasted.

Also all protein have BCAA as it's just amino acids. Point being, just eat more food/train less if you can't recover.

If you have extra money then by all means but you don't need them for recovery.


I've got this personal trainer whose into some real drill sergeant shit. In my second weights session a couple of days ago he kept pushing me and my arms are still fucked (can't extend the right one much at all, the left with some pain). The one before that I had to quit 20 minutes in because I almost threw up from it being so strenuous - I kept telling him I needed to take a minute but he wasn't having it. I'm not completely unfit - I'm about 180 pounds with a 31" waist and a 38" chest, and play squash and cycle at least once a week. I joined the gym to get a bit of moderate exercise three times or so a week, as I have an office job where I sit down all day. I kind of want to enjoy it more than care about getting super fit or whatever.

I'm supposed to go again tomorrow, but I figure a) I probably can't physically do another session, b) if I do I might fuck my arms big time, which is not really what I need pre-weekend.

So dudes, should I

a) go tomorrow
b) quit paying this dude my money



Hey, guys, welcome Griff. Haven't been on in a while, but glad to see this thread still going strong :)

News with me: new job, new gym membership.
Yesterday: First time lifting in a little over a month. Joined my buddy's gym so I went with him and am starting this push/pull/leg routine he's on. Leg day. Killed it.

Today: legs are so sore and stiff I can barely walk down stairs.

Feels good to be back though, right? Those leg DOMS will get better with time!
Anyone have any experience on mini cuts while bulking? So basically bulking for example 3 weeks and then cutting one week. Rinse and repeat.

Basically it should allow you to eat a bit more while bulking so that you are surely in the surplus. And then cut the fat you gained during that one cutting week.

This sounds like wishful thinking at best.


This sounds like wishful thinking at best.

Dunno. Layne Norton used to use it with his clients.

Btw, why would it be wishful thinking? Even if you put on 1-2lbs you can easily burn it in a week, especially since fat loss is always fastest at the start of a cut.


Dunno. Layne Norton used to use it with his clients.

Btw, why would it be wishful thinking? Even if you put on 1-2lbs you can easily burn it in a week, especially since fat loss is always fastest at the start of a cut.
I would guess 3 weeks bulking then at least 2 weeks cutting, assuming that the less extreme the cut, the better for preserving muscle.


I would guess 3 weeks bulking then at least 2 weeks cutting, assuming that the less extreme the cut, the better for preserving muscle.

If you are over 10% bf you should be able to lose 1-2lbs per week without issues. Even so it is just one week. Most of the negative effects of cutting have barely enough time to manifest themselves.
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