I've got a tough one for you guys. So my wife has been going to the gym with me for the past two months. I had her doing a SS-type routine with an A and B day, basically the same as me, but with different accessories.
She's been an athlete her whole life, and spent a lot of time in the weightroom in high school and college days, so is natural when it comes to a lot of the lifts.
However, the major roadblock is something that we ended up hitting last week. She had spinal fusion surgery about 3.5 years ago, had her T-12 vertebrae shattered, and is now fused with the two above and two below. The hardware that served as the cast is still in, as taking it out is a very invasive procedure that she does not want to go through, at least not now.
So a lot of the barbell lifts stress out this area of her back, but it was all okay until it wasn't. On Squat/OHP/Deadlift day, she tweaked it to the point where all the color drained out of her face. She's not one to show pain, when she broke her back, she even walked into the ER (with help), thinking it was a broken rib or something like that. So, it was pretty serious. She walked it out, and then slowly stretched until whatever nerve/muscle finally released and was much much better, though with some lingering pain.
She was really loving the progress she was making though. So, we slapped together some lifts that would at least emulate a lot of the benefits of the SS type routine. Right now it looks like:
A Day:
Sitting DB Overhead Press 3x5
DB Shrugs 3x5
Bulgarian Lunges 3x10
(Assisted for now) Dips 3x5
Ab Work
B Day:
Bench press 3x5
Seated cable row 3x5
Kick backs 3x5 each leg
Lat pull down 3x5
So, any ideas on how to refine this, or other lifts to add that avoid a lot of spinal compression or stress on the upper lumbar/lower thorasic? Also, it's great if the leg stuff avoids heavy knee pressure, as her knees aren't in the best of shape after a life of soccer.
We tried adding in leg presses, but those were a lot harder on her knees than even squats were. She's not *too* worried about heavy leg workouts, as that's where she's retained a lot of her strength due to horseback riding and running with me.
Also she is feeling great, in terms of avoiding back pain, with this current routine.