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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'm wondering if anyone could assist me with a simple full body workout regime? I normally would use the OP, but I live in the boonies of Africa, thus I have no gyms nearby (closest would be 4 hours one way), and no typical weights. I'll be in this situation for a year and a half and I don't want to be losing all sorts of muscles before returning home. So would anyone recommend a simple workout routine not needing any gym gears? I plan to add running, but I'll need some strength training along with it. Nothing too crazy, I only want the minimum to remain healthy (I can't bulk due to my food situation).

I really ilike this Bodyweight routine when I cant get to the gym. https://fitloop.co/routines/bwf-recommended-beginner-routine

Also remember than you can fill water bottles etc to make weights. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Homemade-Weight-Set
Fitgaf, a question for you:

Creatine = Water Bloat??

Anecdotal, but when I started out, creatine was pushed on me hard. Took it thinking it was a supplement.

I felt gassy and bloated too often and felt like a water balloon.

Once I got off of the stuff 5 months later, I lost a pants size after 10 days.


Missed my run today, because I forgot my bag w/ my running clothes at home.

I think that's a sign. Going to push squats and deadlift hard tonight. Will be going for 270x5x3 and 280x5x1 respectively.
Missed my run today, because I forgot my bag w/ my running clothes at home.

I think that's a sign. Going to push squats and deadlift hard tonight. Will be going for 270x5x3 and 280x5x1 respectively.

A few days ago, I forgot my gym shorts. So fuck it, I did my workout in jeans.



I rarely do this but I think I'm skipping the gym in favor of the battlefront beta.

First time I skipped in favor of a game in recent memory.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Anyone ever dealt with golfers elbow? Its basically the same as tennis elbow, just the inside of the elbow instead of the outside.

Mine isn't terrible but it's annoying and makes me nervous. I decided to go light this week as a break, but after benching at 60% today I'm considering taking time off completely. Even chin-ups irritated it a bit, and squats on Tuesday weren't great either.

My elbow isn't stiff at all, it's just a little painful when the forearm is flexed, particularly during presses.

If you're having pain during squats you may be having the same issue I did a year ago with squat form. Your arms should be supporting 0% of the weight or you will have big problems.


If you're having pain during squats you may be having the same issue I did a year ago with squat form. Your arms should be supporting 0% of the weight or you will have big problems.

I'm really not; my arms aren't supprting the weight, just keeping the bar pinned in place. The squeeze of the arm involved in pulling it into my back/shoulders is producing the irritation. The irritation felt here is minor compared to what I experience in pressing movements and is really only mentioned as an afterthought. But I do thank you for the input.
Anyone ever dealt with golfers elbow? Its basically the same as tennis elbow, just the inside of the elbow instead of the outside.

Mine isn't terrible but it's annoying and makes me nervous. I decided to go light this week as a break, but after benching at 60% today I'm considering taking time off completely. Even chin-ups irritated it a bit, and squats on Tuesday weren't great either.

My elbow isn't stiff at all, it's just a little painful when the forearm is flexed, particularly during presses.

Buy your self a pack of Lacrosse balls. A three pack of these with each ball of different hardness, costs around 7 GBP. You can get them on Amazon or from larger sports shops.

You'll need to use them for self myofascial release (SMR) massage on the inside of your injured forearm. As shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_6M05lWnCk

I was doing SMR using the lacrosse ball about 4 times throughout the day for 2-3 minutes each time. Initially I tried to work through it and train as normal but I found it made things worse. Two steps forward, three steps back. So I concentrated on other training while I healed the forearm. Stretching the forearm muscles while suffering from golfer's elbow and using ice also seemed to have a negative effect for me, even though widely accepted knowledge says otherwise so YMMV.

I don't lift, I swim sprints 3x a week. Which stresses the body in a similar way to lifting, max effort using resistance in short bursts throughout a swim session. Incorrect form leads to injuries, just like lifting.

These days if my forearm feels twinges like the onset of golfer's elbow after a heavy training session, a couple of days of lacrosse ball SMR seems to get things back to normal quickly. These twinges are becoming less and less common though, probably a couple of times a year now.


Seriously inspirational.

No joke, your vids pushed me to work harder at some of the SS lifts I'd been avoiding, especially the Deadlift.

Lol watch his OHP vids. They get me so fired up to improve my own press, it's not even funny.

My favorite lift / form vids on the internet.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're in the zone Brolic. Yet again you top your already high standards.

How often do you DL BTW? It seems like you just deadlifted heavy recently.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You're in the zone Brolic. Yet again you top your already high standards.

How often do you DL BTW? It seems like you just deadlifted heavy recently.

Weekly and Thanks brother, I have to credit a lot to playing around with routines and my time win Donnie Thompson down on South Carolina.

Simply amazing!

Seriously inspirational.

No joke, your vids pushed me to work harder at some of the SS lifts I'd been avoiding, especially the Deadlift.

Oh my god, dude.

5,100 pounds in ONE SET. If I compare what I could do @ 10 reps it'd be half of that...HALF. Thanks for sharing dude...you're doing some crazy shit.

No, Brolic, no. We are waaaay past f*cking bananas...

Well done man

Thanks guys, really appreciate it.
Whenever I try to squat I get a sharp pain in my right knee. The pain only lasts for a second then goes away but will happen again if I try another rep.

I can walk, run, etc. normally but it seems if I try to any type of leg press motion with my knees bent at a 45 degree angle to start causes the sharp pain. Any ideas?

And I've never had a knee injury of any kind before.

You probably did injure your knee. It's not necessarily because of squatting. It just hasn't healed to a point that you can squat comfortably yet.

Have you tried bodyweight squats? If you can handle that comfortably. Then you can sub squats for split squats. You could use a challenging weight for your left leg, but bodyweight, barweight or some other light weight for your right leg. (Think of it like a deload or an active recovery for your right leg.)

After a few weeks, you can test out your right leg with something a bit more challenging to see if it's recovered properly.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ha. True. I'm talking 85-95% range.

Well, in that case apparently I'm not going heavy on deads or OHP if I'm hitting the end working set for 10. However, for that cycle and training max this week and last week were "heavy" by your metric for the cycle.

Next week is off and cycles 3.4 and 5 leading into the competition will get signficantly heavier and harder.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well, in that case apparently I'm not going heavy on deads or OHP if I'm hitting the end working set for 10. However, for that cycle and training max this week and last week were "heavy" by your metric for the cycle.

Next week is off and cycles 3.4 and 5 leading into the competition will get signficantly heavier and harder.
Gotcha. Good stuff. Thanks Brolic.
Updates since squatting with the belt:

I feel an immediate difference with how I approach the squats now. I was a bit afraid of going beyond parallel since failing at 245 last week, but now I can manage it. Its still quite the workout a 5X5 but its a good workout. I also am noticing its using my ass more so than my quads because I find myself feeling sore there more often than the usual tightness I feel in my quads once the workouts done. A tightness is more akin to it being worked out rather than injured. Things are good there.

OHP is still a slog at 3X3 and considering what I just read, I might have to switch out the assistance lifts I'm doing for forearms and biceps with them instead. Or maybe I'll add a 4th day of workouts to target stuff just for OHP? Seems like it'll be the latter as my sessions already approach 2+ hours (warmup sets, workout sets, 2 assistance lifts, ab work, and stretches do that).
Don't go crazy on weighted dips or skull crushers.

Proper form on EVERY exercise, every rep. Don't slowly lower weight on heavy deadlifts, don't overdue exercises that focus on elbows as entrement said.

Or the overhead french press / seated triceps press with a dumbbell.

I did those crazy heavy for two months and I'm still paying for those sins a year later.

thanks guys but its mostly due to me putting my weight on my arm while i slouch in my desk. lol.


I finally finished the last of my last meal plan. I had to wash the food down in pickles just to do it, but it is done. Chicken Shawarma meal, here we come!


I really ilike this Bodyweight routine when I cant get to the gym. https://fitloop.co/routines/bwf-recommended-beginner-routine

Also remember than you can fill water bottles etc to make weights. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Homemade-Weight-Set

Appreciate the site. I'll have to find a wifi spot to look at some of the videos since I am unfamiliar with a lot of these workouts (I have very limited data usage so watching videos on my phone is a big no). Thanks, Mate!


the piano man
Well afaik it shouldn't happen unless you are a nonresponder. It should pull water into your muscles.

hhhmmm.. maybe it's the food then..

I am a bit ashamed to admit but I hadn't really done my research regarding creatine other than "it helps" and some comments from friends. so I googled and came across this article.


if I understand this correctly, creatine isn't meant to be the sort of a "cafe boost" to get that extra kick during workout, right? I mean, its main duty is to help with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) creation but that's more related to resistance rather than energy, so for example, I can be tired or sleepy but my muscles won't give out as quickly, is that right?

so there's the question about when to take it....

and holy shit at the discrepancies, that bodybuilding.com article promises the moon and stars and the the Wikipedia article says you'll get all sorts of cancers and side effects.



I'd recommend trusting examine.com regarding supplements. It's what they do and they are not selling you shit so you can trust it. Read what they say.

Seriously guys, if you need to find out anything about supplements and such, see examine.com for reliable info.


I have access to a track but no weights. Any advice on some good workouts? Should I just do intervals for the next 6 months?
I'd still do some longer/slow runs (progressively working up to 10ish K, typically once a week) to get some time on your legs, but yeah your core workout should probably be speed work on the track (30/30s, 100, 200, 400m repeats). Hill sprints would also help with building power (and speed). Plyometrics as well. You don't necessarily need weight to build power, explosiveness and speed; lots of runners just stick to hills, plyometrics and speed workouts. Some weight training would definitely help though. Good luck and feel free to drop by the running thread.
how do you guys keep your elbows healthy? im starting to get some tendinitis
Stretch your forearms. Too much gripping creates an overabundance of scar tissue on your forearms. Without stretching, they lose elasticity. Loss of elasticity puts too much stress on the tendons in your elbow: voila.

I stretch mine daily. Had tennis elbow so bad I had to stop lifting for a few months. Started stretching and nary a problem since.

Same for golfer's elbow.

Two simple stretches:
Pretend you are curling, at the squeeze of the curl, pull your fist towards you, stretching your outer forearm.

Next, extend your arm outward, palm up, pretend you are spidey shooting a web and rotate your open hand away from you, downward. Important: try digging your fingers into the air as you stretch here. This helps stretch the inner forearm.

Then there's some rotational stretches, etc. You get the idea. Keep them forearms loose, never have elbow issues again.

A tennis ball worked into your muscles, helps, too. Have a partner massage tour forearms deep with their thumbs.

Do this shit every day. Stretch while you poop, while driving, making dinner. Get into a habit to just stretch them a bit evey day.
Shit just got bananas.

Deadlift 510x10. Not much else to say.



seriously man, wtf

just ridiculous, real fucking impressive brotherman

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Back is definitely feeling taxed today, but not in a bad way.


seriously man, wtf

just ridiculous, real fucking impressive brotherman

Thanks bud, the crazy thing is there's not a lot of people that can do that. Even the amount of videos on YouTube of 500+ for 10 reps isn't huge (at least that I've seen) and even less when you consider lifetime natural. Didn't dawn on me until my conversation with Donnie Thompson.


So since May I've been trying to lose weight.

A few weeks ago I hit my peak loss of 69lbs. Since then I gained 8lbs, lost 7, gained 4.

I've hit this plataeu that I'm having trouble getting passed. I haven't changed anything that's been working for me.

A few weeks ago I was getting about 1000 or less calories a day and working out. I think that was too low and have since tried to get closer to 1500-2000 calories.

If anyone can give me advice on how to continue progressing, I'd be grateful.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Back is definitely feeling taxed today, but not in a bad way.

Thanks bud, the crazy thing is there's not a lot of people that can do that. Even the amount of videos on YouTube of 500+ for 10 reps isn't huge (at least that I've seen) and even less when you consider lifetime natural. Didn't dawn on me until my conversation with Donnie Thompson.
Considering I might be able to get 3 if I'm lucky, watching you get 10 is difficult to comprehend. Simply amazing. I swear Brolic, your videos make me want to abandon all aesthetic goals I have and go full powerlifter mode. Can't wait until your next max day.
Back is definitely feeling taxed today, but not in a bad way.

Thanks bud, the crazy thing is there's not a lot of people that can do that. Even the amount of videos on YouTube of 500+ for 10 reps isn't huge (at least that I've seen) and even less when you consider lifetime natural. Didn't dawn on me until my conversation with Donnie Thompson.

10 reps @ 510 is insane. As Cooter said, I want to be like fuck it and go back hard on the strength train. That being said, I will leave that to the pros like yourself. Let me look pretty.

Keep on keepin on. Seriously, extremely motivating.
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