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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Assistance lifts are important to a). aid in progressing your compounds and b). for improving weak areas, strength-wise and aesthetically. For instance, you want to grow your arms. In addition to the compounds, you should be doing pull-ups, biceps curls, triceps extensions, etc. Take a look at the OP again and pick a program you want to do...then come back and we'll answer any other questions you have.

Your cardio-game seems good! HIIT and sprints are the best way to burn fat quickly.

I do do biceps curls, triceps extensions, and reverse pull-ups, I just didn't know they were called assistance lifts. The quick google search indicated assistance lifts were regular lifts with some form of assistance. Box squat, starting a deadlift a little off the ground via a rack, and so on.

Will do! Thanks for the info. I just wish this side fat would go away. Chest, arms, legs, all muscle and bone. Just that blasted side is holding onto fat like I'm about to hibernate for the winter.


Will do! Thanks for the info. I just wish this side fat would go away. Chest, arms, legs, all muscle and bone. Just that blasted side is holding onto fat like I'm about to hibernate for the winter.

The first pic I ever posted in here 4-5 years ago was a transformation of me with love handles to me with no love handles. It takes work and time, but it's CERTAINLY doable. I gave myself one year and focused on form, consistency and a solid diet. I look like a completely different person afterwards.


Looking at Cooter's pic again really puts into perspective how much you need to lift to maintain a physique with that much muscle mass. Starting off several months back, my perception of how much I thought I'd need to lift versus how much I'm lifting now is so minuscule to what I'd actually need to accomplish for even just an aesthetic look.

Such inspiration.



Looking at Cooter's pic again really puts into perspective how much you need to lift to maintain a physique with that much muscle mass. Starting off several months back, my perception of how much I thought I'd need to lift versus how much I'm lifting now is so minuscule to what I'd actually need to accomplish for even just an aesthetic look.

Such inspiration.


Agreed. Not knocking fitness programs like P90X AT ALL but you don't get Cooters physique without putting a bar bell in your hands and loading it up with weights.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking at Cooter's pic again really puts into perspective how much you need to lift to maintain a physique with that much muscle mass. Starting off several months back, my perception of how much I thought I'd need to lift versus how much I'm lifting now is so minuscule to what I'd actually need to accomplish for even just an aesthetic look.

Such inspiration.


First of all, thank you and thank you again everyone else! I like yourself and most people that wander into FitGaf for the first time was clueless. I believe my first post was me proclaiming how effective my 500-600 crunches a day was for my abs. I quickly discovered that I had been wasting my last 15 years with lazy researched routines and bioscience nonsense. We've all been there. It's how you move forward that matters. Skip ahead 7 years and I haven't done a crunch in over a year and I now realize how little I know. lol


I can't eat all this ice cream. Its like 25oz of ice cream in a single sitting. Nope. I'm switching to a much higher calorie recipe just so i don't have to eat as much. Feels like work at this point, the pleasure is gone.


I can't eat all this ice cream. Its like 25oz of ice cream in a single sitting. Nope. I'm switching to a much higher calorie recipe just so i don't have to eat as much. Feels like work at this point, the pleasure is gone.
Does... Not... Compute.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Great workout:

Front squats: 200lbs 3x5 (PR)
DB Bench: 90s 3x5 (PR)
Power Cleans: 140lbs 4x3, 1x6 (PR)

Post-workout Whole Foods buffet:


Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Don't go below parallel...also, how do you drop the DBs? Post a video next time if you're worried about form.

If I don't fail I lift my knees and roll forward to a standing position. When failing I do a controlled laydown. Could be the issue I'm guessing as that goes below parallel? How do you drop them?


If I don't fail I lift my knees and roll forward to a standing position. When failing I do a controlled laydown. Could be the issue I'm guessing as that goes below parallel? How do you drop them?

I use the momentum at the top of the lift and lower them onto my knees. Dropping them and especially laying them down puts so much pressure on my shoulders. I'll try to find a YouTube clip if you need me to.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I use the momentum at the top of the lift and lower them onto my knees. Dropping them and especially laying them down puts so much pressure on my shoulders. I'll try to find a YouTube clip if you need me to.

I know how to do that part. But if I fail a rep should I still try to roll forward instead of dropping the Dumbbells?

Luckily I can do bench, press and power cleans without pain, but there's some when trying to do pull-ups or bicep curls.


Ran 12 miles today. Never done that before. 4 weeks out from my first half marathon. Hard to believe honestly.

Also going low(er) carb again. I feel better under 100g/day. Also noticed the more I have them, the more I want them.


I know how to do that part. But if I fail a rep should I still try to roll forward instead of dropping the Dumbbells?

Luckily I can do bench, press and power cleans without pain, but there's some when trying to do pull-ups or bicep curls.

Hmmm, I usually do DB Press in the 5-12 rep range so I'm not failing but if you're doing 1-3 I can see your predicament. I'd say drop them but that's still a relatively awkward position and you don't want to make a habit out of dropping 100 lbs DBs at your gym every time you do chest. In the past, when I've done 1-3 reps, I've used a spotter. Know anyone at the gym that could help you out on your heaviest sets?


I've hit an all new low of 220.2lbs this morning, lowest non-fasted yet. 219.0 is my lowest after a 3 day fast so i'm nearing there quickly. I got plenty of sleep and feel pretty good, not sure about strength yet. Hopefully today at the gym is better then yesterday. Although i'll take failing at the gym anyday if it comes with more fat loss.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Hmmm, I usually do DB Press in the 5-12 rep range so I'm not failing but if you're doing 1-3 I can see your predicament. I'd say drop them but that's still a relatively awkward position and you don't want to make a habit out of dropping 100 lbs DBs at your gym every time you do chest. In the past, when I've done 1-3 reps, I've used a spotter. Know anyone at the gym that could help you out on your heaviest sets?

I'm doing fives so I should be able to get to where I have 95% certainty of the next rep will go up, I'm just not there yet with the movement pattern. As an example, one rep can almost fail and I'll still get the next three with a better arm path.

I could get a spotter for a set here and there I'm sure. For now I think I'll reset and do paused work again.


I'm doing fives so I should be able to get to where I have 95% certainty of the next rep will go up, I'm just not there yet with the movement pattern. As an example, one rep can almost fail and I'll still get the next three with a better arm path.

I could get a spotter for a set here and there I'm sure. For now I think I'll reset and do paused work again.

Ohhh got it. Yeah, it's a tricky exercise at higher weight because both of your arms are acting independently and there are a lot of moving pieces. Dropping down to 75% and doing paused sounds good.
been getting back on the squat grind, nice and slow and really getting back to proper low bar depth

3x3 @ 325 lbs and did a rep @ 335.

Just feels good.
First of all, thank you and thank you again everyone else! I like yourself and most people that wander into FitGaf for the first time was clueless. I believe my first post was me proclaiming how effective my 500-600 crunches a day was for my abs. I quickly discovered that I had been wasting my last 15 years with lazy researched routines and bioscience nonsense. We've all been there. It's how you move forward that matters. Skip ahead 7 years and I haven't done a crunch in over a year and I now realize how little I know. lol

If 11 years on GAF gave you that body, then I have a long wait ahead of me.


If 11 years on GAF gave you that body, then I have a long wait ahead of me.

Honestly, these things take time (it's why everyone isn't running around looking like Coot). Biggest piece of advice that I've learned through the years: listen to the regulars in this thread. If you're committed and you take our advice, achieving your goals will be faster (not fast, but faster) and fun.
Ankle still like a balloon, have dug out my old compression stockings from when I had a DVT as I've got pretty bad fluid retention going on in my legs too. Couldn't put any weight on my foot yesterday, but that's a fair bit better today.

Getting a bit tetchy about eating so much and not working out too, but I know in my heart of hearts that my body definitely needs a break. I look about 10 years younger in the mirror too, which is nice. Just from the sleep and lack of brutal exertion I reckon.


Ankle still like a balloon, have dug out my old compression stockings from when I had a DVT as I've got pretty bad fluid retention going on in my legs too. Couldn't put any weight on my foot yesterday, but that's a fair bit better today.

Getting a bit tetchy about eating so much and not working out too, but I know in my heart of hearts that my body definitely needs a break. I look about 10 years younger in the mirror too, which is nice. Just from the sleep and lack of brutal exertion I reckon.

Good to hear the latter stuff...a break is probably good for you. Hope the ankle swelling goes down soon.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thank you! I switched back to conventional because my hamstrings couldn't take the sumo pulls. Its something I still want to work on. Getting close to 550 which will be well over 2x body weight.
I didn't even know you were pulling sumo. Why did you make the change? What kind of numbers were you hitting going sumo?
exclusive vid of cooter during leg day



Not bad today, I just don't feel strong right now. Looking at my macros, I'm really low on sodium. I may have to drink some broth to up that. Might be the case, not sure.

Ohp today with 5x130, 5x150 and 3x170 with 2 singles of 170 after 15 seconds of rest. After I got 10x130 clean and went up on my accessories. I dunno whats up but I'll be working on it.

That all said, my mental game is def off right now from this girl. Oh well, we'll see how this all plays out.


My daughter was playing with my phone this morning, and I got her into the Youtube app so she could watch Elmo (14 months old). Next thing you know, Elmo stops singing and I hear weights hitting the ground...she put on Brolic's most recent DL video.
I didn't even know you were pulling sumo. Why did you make the change? What kind of numbers were you hitting going sumo?

New PR for 3 rep DL today. 495x3.

I pulled 475 x 3 but my hips/hamstrings just weren't ready for that load. I plan on mixing them in still and building that strength a little slower. I tried throwing myself into the deep end and I couldn't swim too well. Nice 495 x 3. What are your next goals for DL?

That might be my favorite video of his. So great.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
There you go buddy. At your weight that's insane.

Thanks man! It's a struggle moving up every 5lb increment at this point in the game. Luckily patience is one of my biggest strengths.

My daughter was playing with my phone this morning, and I got her into the Youtube app so she could watch Elmo (14 months old). Next thing you know, Elmo stops singing and I hear weights hitting the ground...she put on Brolic's most recent DL video.

The girl has phenomenal taste! In her defense, they both look pretty red.

I pulled 475 x 3 but my hips/hamstrings just weren't ready for that load. I plan on mixing them in still and building that strength a little slower. I tried throwing myself into the deep end and I couldn't swim too well. Nice 495 x 3. What are your next goals for DL?

That might be my favorite video of his. So great.

Thanks. Yeah, I will also be rotating sumos in my routine soon. I think it will only help my traditional. The immediate goal is a 560 DL. The long-long-term goal is 600. And yeah, that broscience is hilarious!
Thanks. Yeah, I will also be rotating sumos in my routine soon. I think it will only help my traditional. The immediate goal is a 560 DL. The long-long-term goal is 600. And yeah, that broscience is hilarious!

We are on the same track then, I'm just at 263 lbs.
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