NoooooooooooooI've given up completely on Barbell rows and moved to machines.
I feel like no matter what I do my form is shit.
Barbell rows are the best! Just give it time. Record yourself or use a mirror, then make adjustments.
I've given up completely on Barbell rows and moved to machines.
I feel like no matter what I do my form is shit.
Maybe you are lifting to heavy? Why not try less weight and see how it goes, then incrementally add each week?every person and everything I have read have game me different angles of the back and arm placment.
I get that I'm trying to squeeze a tennis ball with my back but I feel like I get to a point where I'm just not able to maintain balance or back stiffness.
The girl has phenomenal taste! In her defense, they both look pretty red.
My back as well.Not entirely sure why you'd want your arms and shoulders to be sore after barbell rows.
I go back and forth on barbell rows. It seemed like my deadlift was increasing faster when I was doing them, but I'd rather do power cleans more often.
Duuuude holy shit. You've made some crazy progress. Looking ripped. Awesome!this is how we abuse lighting, friends
this is how we abuse lighting, friends
Can I select you and Cooter as tag-team partners in [insert popular fighting franchise]?this is how we abuse lighting, friends
You doing pendlay rows?Start on the floor and end on the floor. It was a game changer for me regarding BB rows.
Yes sir. I used to rotate them but now I only do Pendlays.You doing pendlay rows?
Looking great FE.
Wow, you look way bigger than I remember.this is how we abuse lighting, friends
Why not both?
I still have a long way to go on my shoulders compared to you beasts, but the last few pages of this thread inspired me to hit them hard today between barbell rows. Started with OHP ranging from 105x12 to 155x3, then dumbbell power partials.
Yes sir. I used to rotate them but now I only do Pendlays.
For sure. Mine are pretty damn strict but I use them as an accessory like Bum mentioned earlier and stay in the 8-12 range. I know Brolic loads the bar up and uses some body english to get them up. I can see the benefits there too.Same. I don't cheat on them like I would doing them conventionally.
10/14/15- the day Bish finally made the decision to pull away from the human race and stop eating.Hmm, I've been at 1350 calories past 2 days. Still not hungry. Up 1.2lbs but got bad sleep. I dunno anymore lol, tired of eating.
Hmm, I've been at 1350 calories past 2 days. Still not hungry. Up 1.2lbs but got bad sleep. I dunno anymore lol, tired of eating.
The sight of a slice of bread sends Bish into the dry heaves. I already know his response to this.You ever think about coming back from keto to a more "normal diet"? I'm talking about keeping the calories in check but eating a lot more carbs. I'm just going on a limb here but it seems you might benefit from actually eating carbs again since you never refeed. You can't be on a keto forever anyway imo. Noticing you have more and more problems with lack of sleep, hunger and lately strentgh. Dunno, just my two cents..
For example lack of carbs raises cortisol which makes it harder to sleep and decreases your T. Don't know what happens if you keep at it for years.
Sounds great and a smart move. How's the cut going? You have to be close to the 180s by now.Starting this week I'm going to start rebuilding my shoulder slowly. Not jumping into anything heavy, just going to strengthen the area around it and see how it feels. I'd rather have a slow build up and recover then keep trying to go heavy and fucking it up again.
Sounds great and a smart move. How's the cut going? You have to be close to the 180s by now.
10/14/15- the day Bish finally made the decision to pull away from the human race and stop eating.
You ever think about coming back from keto to a more "normal diet"? I'm talking about keeping the calories in check but eating a lot more carbs. I'm just going on a limb here but it seems you might benefit from actually eating carbs again since you never refeed. You can't be on a keto forever anyway imo. Noticing you have more and more problems with lack of sleep, hunger and lately strentgh. Dunno, just my two cents..
For example lack of carbs raises cortisol which makes it harder to sleep and decreases your T. Don't know what happens if you keep at it for years.
The site of a slice of bread sends Bish into the dry heaves. I already know his response to this.
Im stuck bouncing between 191 and 193 for two weeks now...which usually means I'll wake up at 189-190 at some point next week
Hopefully its one more month of loss then Im riding out maintenance for a couple months and Im not sure where to go from there. I've been slowly losing for 8 months now (with two small maintenance phases thrown in there for good measure). It's been a crazy ride but Im definitely hitting that last grind, you know?
Compliments/comments still coming in on a consistent basis. I feel like at least one person in the gym/in my social circle says something now each week. My 36s are loose on me. My pants belts, which didn't fit before, are all now on the last holes, and my face is noticeably thinner. I also feel like I can dress up a bit more. I look better in button downs, in formalwear, etc.
All that and I still feel soft and Un swole hah. I see myself as small and weak now.
Strength dropped a bit in both squats and deads, but nothing major. 30-40 lbs in each, but Im also down almost 40 lbs. Squats Im also doing high bar now which feels amazing on my back but obviously I can't push as much weight.
It happens. Glad to hear you're doing well. You're not small or weak either. Don't let those mind games get to you.
Face gainz are severely underrated!Perception is a bitch. Reality is my body used to look like it was built on pudding. I may have been bigger but to your average person I just looked fat. Much happier now especially with my face
"He's definitely the hottest guy on fitness GAF" -mkenyon's wife.I still have a long way to go on my shoulders compared to you beasts, but the last few pages of this thread inspired me to hit them hard today between barbell rows. Started with OHP ranging from 105x12 to 155x3, then dumbbell power partials.
Soreness isn't a measure of how hard you worked something, especially when you're doing something new.Well next time I need to do barbell rows would be on Thursday.
All I know is I used a machine as a replacement because somebody was using the barbell area to do upside down pull ups other crap and my arms and shoulders felt way more sore the next day than any other barbell row day I have done.
"He's definitely the hottest guy on fitness GAF" -mkenyon's wife.
You're too humble dude. You look great!! That 3D effect shows you've been putting in some QT with your shoulders lately. Nice work.
"He's definitely the hottest guy on fitness GAF" -mkenyon's wife.