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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Literally didn't think it could be summed up so succinctly in one little paragraph but you proved me wrong. Very well done.

As for the stipulations:

Flexed, mirror, head cropped...straight on or side is your call. Due by EOD Sunday

Legs or no legs?

Bulge swelifies or nah?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Pendlay rows and good mornings mesh!

Squats- 270lbs 3x5 (PR)
DB Press - 61s 2x5, 1x4 (disappointing but PR)
Good mornings- 115lbs 4x10 (always a PR or I will die at the bottom)
Pendlay rows- 185lbs 2x5, 1x6 (yep, PR after 2.5 months off)

The four compounds dream is real.


I have lost 10lbs since my last doctors appointment in the middle of August. I weighed in at 248lbs and I am currently hovering at 237-238lbs.

I won't meet my target of getting down to 220lbs by Thanksgiving, but I'll be pretty close. I'm sure I can get to 230lbs by then. I haven't even been to the gym since September when I ran out of money to pay it (It's activated again.). I've just been controlling my eating and getting out a-lot more.

Even though I won't reach my goal, yay to progress!


Hit around 1400 calories today. Also made butter pecan ice cream. I've been slacking water intake wise also, hit about a gallon today but I like to get a bit more usually.


Anybody else here get bad acne while on creatine? It happened very slowly for me, so I didn't really make the connection at first and just assumed it was due to changes in my diet. Maybe I was in denial, but once I started getting acne on my forearms I knew it was time to bail. 1 month off creatine and that shit is gone. I miss the creatine though...
Guys and gals, I need to lose weight. But I have zero knowledge of weight training, have only done cardio when I used to go to the gym a few months back.


Guys and gals, I need to lose weight. But I have zero knowledge of weight training, have only done cardio when I used to go to the gym a few months back.

Are you logging what you eat and counting calories? If not, I would say that's step number 1. Without doing that it doesn't matter how hard you work out, you could just be spinning your wheels.


Two leg days a week might be too much for me now. I don't know how I used to do it with SL5x5. At the very least I can't go as heavy on the second day, my legs still feel tired. I may switch it up and leave Monday as my only squat day. I'll try to come up with something else for Friday.

Maybe I'll just go with front squats today and keep it light with more reps.
Just for your amusement... I did another 12+ hours on the bike yesterday. Regretting it today, was supposed to be an easy spin, REALLY WASN'T.

Wasn't even properly recovered from the weekend's madness.


Just for your amusement... I did another 12+ hours on the bike yesterday. Regretting it today, was supposed to be an easy spin, REALLY WASN'T.

Wasn't even properly recovered from the weekend's madness.
Dude... Wasn't this supposed to be a rest week for you?! You just figured you'd go for an """ EASY""" 12-hour spin??

Question: how are you still alive?


Just for your amusement... I did another 12+ hours on the bike yesterday. Regretting it today, was supposed to be an easy spin, REALLY WASN'T.

Wasn't even properly recovered from the weekend's madness.

Lol dude you're ridiculous. Rest up man the bike is right there when you're recovered.

Holy sh*t, I just put up 240 on bench...!!


Edit: then proceeded to do muscle ups with my excitement.

Very nice! Solid lift man.


Today is Boss Appreciation Day or some such thing. Break room loaded with bagels and donuts and pastries and more donuts and all the delightful carbs of breakfast desserts.

I just clocked in this morning at my lowest weight since 2012.

I can already feel the justifications coming on. I deserve these donuts. If I got down that lower than I have been in years, the cut is working. I looked swole at the gym yesterday. I could use a refeed. That back workout was good, muscles need food.

May die in a carb coma by 10am.


Today is Boss Appreciation Day or some such thing. Break room loaded with bagels and donuts and pastries and more donuts and all the delightful carbs of breakfast desserts.

I just clocked in this morning at my lowest weight since 2012.

I can already feel the justifications coming on. I deserve these donuts. If I got down that lower than I have been in years, the cut is working. I looked swole at the gym yesterday. I could use a refeed. That back workout was good, muscles need food.

May die in a carb coma by 10am.

later this day



Today is Boss Appreciation Day or some such thing. Break room loaded with bagels and donuts and pastries and more donuts and all the delightful carbs of breakfast desserts.

I just clocked in this morning at my lowest weight since 2012.

I can already feel the justifications coming on. I deserve these donuts. If I got down that lower than I have been in years, the cut is working. I looked swole at the gym yesterday. I could use a refeed. That back workout was good, muscles need food.

May die in a carb coma by 10am.

Chug a bunch of water first to fill yourself up and minimize the damage lol


Dude... Wasn't this supposed to be a rest week for you?! You just figured you'd go for an """ EASY""" 12-hour spin??

Question: how are you still alive?

Answer: He probably died years ago, his body is going off muscle memory. Everything he does now is purely based on reflexes that don't required higher level brain functions such as riding a bike and posting on GAF.
My diet has been out of control the past 3-4 weeks. Just eating without remorse. I start the week off decent but then the closer the weekend comes, the worse it all gets until I regret everything Sunday and swear that it won't happen again... only for it to happen again lol. The weight is definitely creeping up and that bloated feeling is starting to feel more and more like my "normal" everyday feel and that is not good. This time I will keep it in check. Go hard today and tomorrow then a solid diet for the next 3-4 weeks. See what magic I can do.

Today is Boss Appreciation Day or some such thing. Break room loaded with bagels and donuts and pastries and more donuts and all the delightful carbs of breakfast desserts.

I just clocked in this morning at my lowest weight since 2012.

I can already feel the justifications coming on. I deserve these donuts. If I got down that lower than I have been in years, the cut is working. I looked swole at the gym yesterday. I could use a refeed. That back workout was good, muscles need food.

May die in a carb coma by 10am.

heh, I gone throught hat mentality many a time, the way you feel and look after a few days of just going hard on carbs and you never want to go back
Answer: He probably died years ago, his body is going off muscle memory. Everything he does now is purely based on reflexes that don't required higher level brain functions such as riding a bike and posting on GAF.

I make the keyboard go tap tap tap.



Chug a bunch of water first to fill yourself up and minimize the damage lol

Good advice man, helped limit the damage! As I wipe powdered sugar off my pants and lick my fingers, I can say that I regret nothing. The march to 185 and a BF% only double yours continues.
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