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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I know I've got a very slim margin of a chance to even place in the top 16.

But the hell with that, I'm going down swinging.

I've got to represent all the old bastards out there.

Here's to 42 (in about three weeks).



Szu, you look awesome...especially for a 42 year old.

Your son out-lifting you yet?

Dude, you look like Brad Pitt from Troy and Fight Club combined to form some kind of Mecha version.

Oh and yes, my son has perfect ATG squats. That son of a bitch. :p


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Everyone looking good. Sucks the competition is rigged but at least we can say we tried!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If MK declares himself the true winner there's going to be an uprising in here
That's what I'm saying!! He already hinted at it.
We already have to deal with mdsfx not posting a true selfie and FE throwing his model face in the mix. It's an uphill battle my friend.


Update: just told my wife the whole story. After laughing her as off she looked through the pics. Then I heard an "Ooooo" when I got to Bum's pic. So... Bum won in my household. Needless to say, I'm hitting the gym extra hard tomorrow lol


Everyone looking terrific. Bum especially, my goodness dude, aesthetically just on such a high tier.

Damn you guys have insane definition

I just want to point out here that everyone looking good has diet on lock. If you want to look amazing, you need to eat right and have diet dialed in. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it.


Update: just told my wife the whole story. After laughing her as off she looked through the pics. Then I heard an "Ooooo" when I got to Bum's pic. So... Bum won in my household. Needless to say, I'm hitting the gym extra hard tomorrow lol

If I knew how to hide a link until quoted, I would show you a pic of who was complimenting you ;)

Everyone looking terrific. Bum especially, my goodness dude, aesthetically just on such a high tier

Thank you both (and Mike's wife) very much...I really appreciate it!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm beginning to think my pic which sacrificed aesthetics for humor might not have been the best decision.



Okay, posts consolidated for easier judging.

We have here the former
GAF champion, mdsfx aka "Jelly"

Next up, we have the hair model/pro wrestler, Falling Edge

This one might deserve an NSFW tag due to exposed beaver, Cooter

also Cooter, have you never heard of imgur? you're hosting pics like it's 2002 with this shit

Now, we have BumRush, with no bum visible.

This sour kraut is so hot, you could call him Kimchi. Sphinx

This next guy is everything you wish you could be at 25 despite being a father at 42 years, Szu

Oblivion needs no photoshop with mdsfx filter to look this good

Finally, we have the majestic mkenyon in his natural state

Decision (and commentary) to follow.


After going through the pics a few times, we noticed mdsfx's story above. She says, "which one was his again?" (in reference to BumRush)

She blushed a bit, looked at me, and said, "ya, he is the winner" with a big grin.

mdsfx has been dethroned.


After going through the pics a few times, we noticed mdsfx's story above. She says, "which one was his again?" (in reference to BumRush)

She blushed a bit, looked at me, and said, "ya, he is the winner" with a big grin.

mdsfx has been dethroned.
Yaaasssss! Knew it! Good work bum!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Congrats Bum. Don't expect this nonchalant attitude from me in the 2nd annual FitGaf Sweet 16. I'm bringing it next year with a proper 1 week cut and a flattering pose!


After going through the pics a few times, we noticed mdsfx's story above. She says, "which one was his again?" (in reference to BumRush)

She blushed a bit, looked at me, and said, "ya, he is the winner" with a big grin.

mdsfx has been dethroned.

Thank you Mrs. MKenyon (and congrats on having great taste)! I feel like I caught a break with Cooter going comical and not picking his best pose, lighting, etc. but I'm sure he'll be out for blood in next year's comp.

Honestly, I know this was fun and games but I wouldn't have made a fraction of the progress I've made in the last few years without this community. This place taught me that you can be a great husband and dad and work a full time job...while still staying in good shape.

Congrats Bum. Don't expect this nonchalant attitude from me in the 2nd annual FitGaf Sweet 16. I'm bringing it next year with a proper 1 week cut and a flattering pose!

Lol, without even reading this I wrote the same thing.


Okay, back to our regularly scheduled Fitness discussion buds.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Shame I didn't win, but on the plus side, BumRush's victory proves my hypothesis that despite what women claim, they do prefer guys who are beefcakes over those that are not!


Looking good cooter! What's your height/weight? You've got some serious muscle mass going on...

And on that day in October 2015 the "Mrs.MKenyon FitGAF Annual" was born.


How many years did it take each of you guys to reach where you are today? I've been at it for about 3 months now and I am seeing genuine progress, but I want really badly to look like any of you. I'm 22, 6'1.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking good cooter! What's your height/weight? You've got some serious muscle mass going on...

And on that day in October 2015 the "Mrs.MKenyon FitGAF Annual" was born.

LMAO! I was 5'10 180 in those pics. Right now I'm closer to 185. Maybe a hair under.

With how excited she was, I doubt you'll be the only one losing sleep.

I'm not one for moral victories but I'll take it!


And on that day in October 2015 the "Mrs.MKenyon FitGAF Annual" was born.
"I can't wait for next year" -Mrs mkenyon

Kid you not, she even asked how to make a GAF account and if women are allowed in the fitness thread.

Seriously, best community on GAF.


How many years did it take each of you guys to reach where you are today? I've been at it for about 3 months now and I am seeing genuine progress, but I want really badly to look like any of you. I'm 22, 6'1.

You're at a good age. I wish I had this community when I was 22. Pay attention here, work out smart, eat right and you'll achieve a ton.

As for your question...years. The first year I made a ton of progress and I've been tweaking and sculpting for years since.


You're at a good age. I wish I had this community when I was 22. Pay attention here, work out smart, eat right and you'll achieve a ton.

As for your question...years. The first year I made a ton of progress and I've been tweaking and sculpting for years since.

I feel like I have a good sense of what I'm doing. Squats, bench, OHP, DL are starting to feel pretty natural. Focusing in on pull-ups and variations and a little extra bis and tris. Diet and macros, bulking and cutting, all that stuff makes plenty of sense and is easy to follow through on. The only mystery to me right now is abs and how to work them properly.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah it takes years. Learn about proper nutrition and you'll get there at an accelerated pace. Things didn't start happening for me until I finally started taking compounds and nutrition seriously.


Yeah it takes years. Learn about proper nutrition and you'll get there at an accelerated pace. Things didn't start happening for me until I finally started taking compounds and nutrition seriously.
This is 100% true for me as well. Diet and squats changed everything lol


Slept 15.5 hours, ate my usual meal of 1400 calories and also some left over kebob. Going to pull a 24 hour day (im 16 hours in already) and feel pretty strong still. Hopefully a good day at the gym after all that rest but i'll have been awake for nearly 22 hours by the time i hit the gym. We'll see how it goes.
You're at a good age. I wish I had this community when I was 22. Pay attention here, work out smart, eat right and you'll achieve a ton.

As for your question...years. The first year I made a ton of progress and I've been tweaking and sculpting for years since.

I'm 25 going on 40 and I would like to get my body to where you guys have yours.

I might harass you specifically for FitGAF advice Bum. It helps that you're a Mets fan(presumably living in NY?) too, so we can whine about Free Agency and bullshit about baseball.


uh this might be a stupid ass question but I'm in bed and my leg is completely locked up with a cramp on my quad

what do I do

edit: I can move my leg again. Getting a huge glass of water now.


uh this might be a stupid ass question but I'm in bed and my leg is completely locked up with a cramp on my quad

what do I do

edit: I can move my leg again. Getting a huge glass of water now.

Bananas or foods high in potassium work wonders

I'm 25 going on 40 and I would like to get my body to where you guys have yours.

I might harass you specifically for FitGAF advice Bum. It helps that you're a Mets fan(presumably living in NY?) too, so we can whine about Free Agency and bullshit about baseball.

Absolutely, dude. PM me if you ever have any questions or ask them in here if they're general...I'd love to help


I've only told a few people here but I'm starting a blog/website about nutrition/lifting/IF etc. It's been a dream of mine for years though I know it's kinda trendy nowadays I guess. Anyway I don't care. I like to write about this stuff so I'll do it. I'll get it up and running as soon as I can decide on the name :D
I'm still open to suggestions

Anyway I just finished a rough draft of my first post and it came to around 1500 words. It's about how much protein a lifter needs and it's titled "Why you should eat less protein" (or something similar). Don't know if it's any good but it's only the first one so I guess I need to give myself time. And I wrote it pretty fast. All the stuff just poured out of my head. Still need to get someone to read it before putting it online..


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've only told a few people here but I'm starting a blog/website about nutrition/lifting/IF etc. It's been a dream of mine for years though I know it's kinda trendy nowadays I guess. Anyway I don't care. I like to write about this stuff so I'll do it. I'll get it up and running as soon as I can decide on the name :D
I'm still open to suggestions

Anyway I just finished a rough draft of my first post and it came to around 1500 words. It's about how much protein a lifter needs and it's titled "Why you should eat less protein" (or something similar). Don't know if it's any good but it's only the first one so I guess I need to give myself time. And I wrote it pretty fast. All the stuff just poured out of my head. Still need to get someone to read it before putting it online..
Great topic for an article! Looking forward to it.
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