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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Do you mean actual hook grip or do you mean mixed grip?
Actual hook grip.
Have been lurking for a few months. The camaraderie here is damn awesome where there is pretty much nothing but encouragement. Love it, mind if I join you fellas? Currently on a (slow) bulk myself (have been for the past 2 months) and I actually find it harder to bulk (while eating clean) than cut.

Goals are more muscle and strength at this point. I'm essentially doing Mike Matthews bigger leaner stronger program in regards to exercise program. Just wanted to stick my head in and introduce myself. You guys rock!

Definitely the best community on GAF. Must be the genetics.
So I mentioned in the Halloween thread that my wife and I are both going as Britney Spears for Halloween.

My wife is going as this Britney

And I'm going as this Britney

Well. My shorts came in today. 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Amazing. How does she feel about being in the less sexy outfit? Hahahahaha


Thank you so much bud.

No problem. If you are just starting out and aren't too fat, I'd maybe recommend starting at maintenance level calories or just a slight deficit. This is mainly to allow for newbie muscle gains and fat loss at the same time. If you start with a big deficit, your muscle gains will be smaller. You can always start a bigger deficit a bit later when those "easy gains" run out.

My point being, don't start a bulk if you are overweight. As a beginner, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with lower calories that what most here would need to bulk with. Get to a bodyfat percentage you are comfortable with first. No point in getting fatter in your situation.

Actually I'm supposed to write a blog post about this topic anyway. Maybe I'll post it if/when I get my site up and running next week. Not sure if I'm allowed to link it though..


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Have been lurking for a few months. The camaraderie here is damn awesome where there is pretty much nothing but encouragement. Love it, mind if I join you fellas? Currently on a (slow) bulk myself (have been for the past 2 months) and I actually find it harder to bulk (while eating clean) than cut.

Goals are more muscle and strength at this point. I'm essentially doing Mike Matthews bigger leaner stronger program in regards to exercise program. Just wanted to stick my head in and introduce myself. You guys rock!
Oh hell yeah! Always nice to get more motivated regulars around here. Welcome!


Yeah, I was thinking of leaving lurking mode again and to start posting some stuff.

I, of course, became fat again, and again I´m dieting in an attempt to get back to my old numbers. Lost 17 lbs in the last 30 days. And today I have to 5x5 187 lbs on squats.

I´ll post the other numbers later.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
are rack pulls where you do a chin up but keep going to get above the bar?
Deadlifts from a rack, rather than from the floor. They reduce the length of the lift and focus more on the lockout, similar to block pulls.


Deadlifts from a rack, rather than from the floor. They reduce the length of the lift and focus more on the lockout, similar to block pulls.

Hmm not sure how this would be more beneficial than from the floor, i really enjoyed my first go at deadlifts last week and again on friday, i guess it's because it's the heaviest weight you can lift that makes it seem satisfying


Hmm not sure how this would be more beneficial than from the floor, i really enjoyed my first go at deadlifts last week and again on friday, i guess it's because it's the heaviest weight you can lift that makes it seem satisfying

It's not necessarily better, it just puts the emphasis on a different part of the lift. In this case, it allows you to load up with extra weight since you're doing a shorter ROM and helps bust lockout (top part of a DL) plateaus.

Cooter has been doing this a long time so he uses lifts like this to assist his main compounds.
Bleh, I really hate getting my calories dialled back in for bulking. Made such a mess of it last time because I was afraid of gaining too much weight per week.


Bleh, I really hate getting my calories dialled back in for bulking. Made such a mess of it last time because I was afraid of gaining too much weight per week.
Yeah this is day 3 for me and I'm still working on it. I know 3k didn't seem like enough, but yesterday I was already 160 and just now I weighed in at 162. I know this is mostly water... Or something, but I haven't weighed that in quite some time.

Still fear I'll gain more fat than muscle, even eating as clean as I am. I think if I hit 170, which would be +15lbs since starting, I might cut at that point.

Side note / PSA: scorpion peppers will wreck you.


and this was the post workout meal:


Holy sashimi. That'll get you some omegas for the week lol

Edit: is that from a restaurant? Where do you live? (If you don't mind me asking)

Nope, food truck on a farmer´s market kind of thing. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to answer your other question.


Guys. Turns out I'm lactose intolerant.
Also turns out that my whey protein was source of my acne.

Think I'll be ok with soy protein with water?


Guys. Turns out I'm lactose intolerant.
Also turns out that my whey protein was source of my acne.

Think I'll be ok with soy protein with water?

wow those are 2 big revelations, how did you discover this?

sorry i cant answer your questions though


Well, doctor found out lactose problems two weeks back. So I stopped taking the whey since its lactose. I never drunk milk or ate yogurts. The whey was the only dairy in my diet.
After not taking it for two weeks. All my acne was gone. Even on my back. Since that was the only change to my diet it had to be the cause.


Guys. Turns out I'm lactose intolerant.
Also turns out that my whey protein was source of my acne.

Think I'll be ok with soy protein with water?

I'd rather just eat more protein (=real food) than take soy powder. I don't even think it's really optimal for muscle building. It has either incomplete amino profile or low biological value or something. Dont' remember.

You can easily get enough protein from real food.
Could do pea protein, or hemp, or rice. Don't expect them to be flavour sensations though.

But why use protein drinks at all? Getting your required protein is easy through normal food as long as you're not aiming for broscience levels of intake.
My arms and shoulders feel good.

Superset'd some Hammer Curls, Tricep Curls, and Standing DB Flys after my OHP work, Standing and Seated.

Bum, I want to do seated cable work, but the cables are almost always occupied. I had to improvise.


That feeling when you're completely done with your pull / squat workout before breakfast...

Edit: doktor, in my opinion they're absolutely worth the wait. Cables - while never coming close to replacing free weights - are a major part of my workout because of the tension that other pieces of equipment can't replicate
Crap, messed up my new schedule for cycling training / weight training. Did weights yesterday but should have done them Monday. Might have to work out something to do tonight that isn't going to hit the same muscles as I did yesterday, though that might be hard as my normal routine is 80% compound.
That feeling when you're completely done with your pull / squat workout before breakfast...

Edit: doktor, in my opinion they're absolutely worth the wait. Cables - while never coming close to replacing free weights - are a major part of my workout because of the tension that other pieces of equipment can't replicate



Heh. I'll wait next time, but even with 5 lb DBs, flys were giving me a new kind of burn I never felt before. Hope the cables do the same.


No problem. If you are just starting out and aren't too fat, I'd maybe recommend starting at maintenance level calories or just a slight deficit. This is mainly to allow for newbie muscle gains and fat loss at the same time. If you start with a big deficit, your muscle gains will be smaller. You can always start a bigger deficit a bit later when those "easy gains" run out.

My point being, don't start a bulk if you are overweight. As a beginner, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with lower calories that what most here would need to bulk with. Get to a bodyfat percentage you are comfortable with first. No point in getting fatter in your situation.

Actually I'm supposed to write a blog post about this topic anyway. Maybe I'll post it if/when I get my site up and running next week. Not sure if I'm allowed to link it though..

lmao I got a bit carried way and wrote 4600 word / 9,5 page article on this. Damn..

I may need to divide this baby up in to a few different articles..


My new format seems to be 14 compound sets (2 compounds x 7 sets), 20 accessory sets (4 exercises x 5 sets), and 20 minutes cardio.

Hopefully it's not too much. I'm really enjoying it.


I do 2 warm up sets on each compound before 5 working sets. So 2 compounds is 4 warm up, 10 working total

Okay that's better, but its definitely on the 'too much' side of things. Still a ton of sets across the board. Why not 3 each for your acessories?

5/3/1 has me doing 1 Compound with 1 warmup set and 8 working sets per day.

Too much?

Not necessarily. For DL, yes that's too much. For Bench, maybe not. Also would need to know what accessories you're doing.


Okay that's better, but its definitely on the 'too much' side of things. Still a ton of sets across the board. Why not 3 each for your acessories?
Just at the gym early enough with plenty of time and I enjoy them hahaha

Leg days are different though. I just do 2 warm up and 5 working sets of squats, 2 warm up and 2-3 working sets of deadlifts, then 5 sets calves which may or may not be pointless from what I've read.


I disagree with it being too much. If he can handle the workload, do it up.

I'm trying to save the dude's marriage lol! 14 compound sets alone is minimum 45 minutes. 20 accessory sets is minimum 45 minutes. 20 minutes of cardio is, well, 20 minutes. 2 hours minimum is a lot of time to spend I'm the gym when you go as much as Mike does. He could definitely get away with doing less.

Just at the gym early enough with plenty of time and I enjoy them hahaha

Leg days are different though. I just do 2 warm up and 5 working sets of squats, 2 warm up and 2-3 working sets of deadlifts, then 5 sets calves which may or may not be pointless from what I've read.

Hey, if it's not interfering with the rest of your day, and your body recovers AND you love it, keep doing it. My opinion is that you don't need that much but you know your body better than anyone.


I'm trying to save the dude's marriage lol! 14 compound sets alone is minimum 45 minutes. 20 accessory sets is minimum 45 minutes. 20 minutes of cardio is, well, 20 minutes. 2 hours minimum is a lot of time to spend I'm the gym when you go as much as Mike does. He could definitely get away with doing less.

Lol point taken. I alternate my accessories push/pull so they go fairly quickly. Took me 90 minutes total this morning.


I'm trying to save the dude's marriage lol! 14 compound sets alone is minimum 45 minutes. 20 accessory sets is minimum 45 minutes. 20 minutes of cardio is, well, 20 minutes. 2 hours minimum is a lot of time to spend I'm the gym when you go as much as Mike does. He could definitely get away with doing less.

Hey, if it's not interfering with the rest of your day, and your body recovers AND you love it, keep doing it. My opinion is that you don't need that much but you know your body better than anyone.

Haha yeah, it's definitely a delicate balance when you have a SO. If everything is going great, then go for it. You can probably get away with less cardio on some days if need be, especially since you're in bulking phase, right?

Lol point taken. I alternate my accessories push/pull so they go fairly quickly. Took me 90 minutes total this morning.

Yeah depending on rest times, resistance training can feel more effective than cardio for me haha. You're a beast.
Help me out bros, I need a one time only workout to fill a gap left by my messed up schedule.

I'm thinking OHP to start, then Pendelay rows, and then...

Nothing leg or chest related, but that aside, anyone have any suggestions? I'm tempted to throw in some good old fashioned curls (for the girls) as it's been months since I did anything like that.


Help me out bros, I need a one time only workout to fill a gap left by my messed up schedule.

I'm thinking OHP to start, then Pendelay rows, and then...

Nothing leg or chest related, but that aside, anyone have any suggestions? I'm tempted to throw in some good old fashioned curls (for the girls) as it's been months since I did anything like that.

Just do a full on shoulder day! You've been trying to get your OHP up for a while now. OHP, upright rows, lateral raises, Arnold press, call it a day!!
Not necessarily. For DL, yes that's too much. For Bench, maybe not. Also would need to know what accessories you're doing.

5/3/1 has 3 actual work sets, but Wendler suggests doing the same compound 5 sets, 10 reps, 50% ORM for strength accessory.

Sometimes I throw in DB workouts as accessory work and that is normally 3-5 sets of 10 reps.

Thus far, it's much less demanding than 5x5. 3 Compounds a day, 3 days a week was taxing on my body.
Just do a full on shoulder day! You've been trying to get your OHP up for a while now. OHP, upright rows, lateral raises, Arnold press, call it a day!!

Can't really do lateral raises or upright rows, they wreck my shoulders (long term injuries). Haven't done Arnold presses for a while though, will definitely throw them in.


That's awesome. Why do you sound discouraged with the "I guess"?

I don't really have a goal weight right now except for getting under 200.

BMI charts say I should weight about 160 but even at 5'10" I just can't ever see my body being that thin.

But still I need to lose fat. Both visceral and subcutaneous.
isn't that kinda the point though?

To be constantly in pain? No thanks.

5/3/1 is allowing me to slowly increase my numbers to break plateaus. I plateau'd on 5x5.

Since I'm not squatting every other day, I enjoy the break in variety and flexibility in programming that 5/3/1 offers.


I don't really have a goal weight right now except for getting under 200.

BMI charts say I should weight about 160 but even at 5'10" I just can't ever see my body being that thin.

But still I need to lose fat. Both visceral and subcutaneous.
I don't think those charts really make sense. For instance I work with a guy who is my height and age, but he's got some broad-ass shoulders (wish i had those lol) and a larger frame overall. He would probably look anorexic at my weight. The last health screening labeled him as borderline obese, which if you saw him, makes no f*cking sense at all. He doesn't even look fat.

TLDR: scew the charts. Make your own goal, whether it's tied to abilities, aesthetics, or both.
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