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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'll have you know I came 2nd in best calves for my high school.

Haha this got me.

I have been the gym 3 times this week,
monday, Bench + Deadlifts
Tuesday OHP, Bent over row, wide grip chin ups
Wednesday, Squats, pull ups, curls,
today: i dont know
Friday, bench press, deadlifts

Should i have the day off today? kinda stuck for what to do other than i suppose i could do cardio and abs?


Dear Abby,

I worked so hard and ate so little to bring us together, yet it's time for us to part. We had a wonderful summer together and I'm sure we can grow to become even closer next year. Please don't forget me.

Yours truly,




Haha this got me.

I have been the gym 3 times this week,
monday, Bench + Deadlifts
Tuesday OHP, Bent over row, wide grip chin ups
Wednesday, Squats, pull ups, curls,
today: i dont know
Friday, bench press, deadlifts

Should i have the day off today? kinda stuck for what to do other than i suppose i could do cardio and abs?

I resort to abs and cardio on days I don't know what to do (like today). If anything, it at least helps you keep that daily gym habit during the week.
Dear Abby,

Ha, I'm genuinely going to miss having abs. This is the first year I've had them for longer than about 5 minutes when dehydrated right at the end of a cut.

Oh well, for now getting stronger is far more important to me.

Talking of which, what accessories are good for helping to improve OHP? Decided that I want to try and nearly double my OHP by this time next year (given how little I'm lifting, that would still barely put me into the "trained" category for my weight).


Talking of which, what accessories are good for helping to improve OHP? Decided that I want to try and nearly double my OHP by this time next year (given how little I'm lifting, that would still barely put me into the "trained" category for my weight).

Where do you fail (bottom, lockout, etc)?

Two of my favorite exercises are heavy front raises with static hold and 1 arm clean and press for explosiveness and core stability
All of it? lol

I mean generally I can it to my nose but then fight like crazy to get it the rest of the way up. My main problem is that my shoulders are extremely prone to injuries, so I've got to be very careful with any exercises that are more likely to cause problems going forward.


Haha this got me.

I have been the gym 3 times this week,
monday, Bench + Deadlifts
Tuesday OHP, Bent over row, wide grip chin ups
Wednesday, Squats, pull ups, curls,
today: i dont know
Friday, bench press, deadlifts

Should i have the day off today? kinda stuck for what to do other than i suppose i could do cardio and abs?
It's true.


I resort to abs and cardio on days I don't know what to do (like today). If anything, it at least helps you keep that daily gym habit during the week.

Thanks Mike yeah i think i will do, can't do me any harm and i don't want to do anything heavy today because i'm aching a bit from the rest of the week


All of it? lol

I mean generally I can it to my nose but then fight like crazy to get it the rest of the way up. My main problem is that my shoulders are extremely prone to injuries, so I've got to be very careful with any exercises that are more likely to cause problems going forward.

Okay, what can't you do specifically? You mentioned upright row and lateral raise. Are those off the table completely?

Give the 1 arm DB clean and press a shot. Awesome exercise
Okay, what can't you do specifically? You mentioned upright row and lateral raise. Are those off the table completely?

Give the 1 arm DB clean and press a shot. Awesome exercise

Yeah, upright row causes me pain and lateral raises crunch horribly, which I can't imagine is doing me any good. There's an upright row replacement which I got from Althean X which seems to do something (it feels like it works anyway).


I'll try that 1 arm DB clean & press. I can also do Arnold presses and front raises with no problems.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Last day of my "mini-bulk" and I'm just about sick of over-eating. Mission accomplished. After some pizza tonight it's back to 180-2000 for a couple weeks. I haven't weighed but I've gotta be in the low 190s. Haha


Question about bulking:

I've read that although you need a surplus of calories to build muscle, the difference in muscle gain between eating +10% and +30% calories is negligible, and that over eating just nets you more fat.

True? False?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Question about bulking:

I've read that although you need a surplus of calories to build muscle, the difference in muscle gain between eating +10% and +30% calories is negligible, and that over eating just nets you more fat.

True? False?
Of course over eating nets you more fat. My advice to you is to stop trying to be so precise with everything. Eat plenty and concentrate on getting your lifts up. You will gain fat. Accept it and forget about it. From my experience the people who are always worried about minimal fat gain rarely come out of bulks as strong and big as people who don't. I'm not advocating fast food everyday or anything crazy like like but make sure you hit 125-150 grams of protein and let the rest take care of itself. Your number one priority is getting stronger. Size will come directly from that. Trust me on this, when you decide to end your bulk you will be so completely done with eating and the fat you have gained that cutting will be a piece of cake. Especially for you.
it's true.

think of muscle building like a chemical reaction. If you mix 5g of sodium and 5g of chloride, you can make 10g of salt. (yes I realize my math is off in this example.)

However if you mix 5g of sodium with 20g of chloride, you still only get 10g of salt.

Muscle building works the same way. Calories contribute to muscle building but since they're not the only ingredient your body uses to create muscle, there is a limit to how much muscle you can create just through a caloric surplus.

To give another example you can take a 25yr old man and a 25yr old woman and put them both on a 500 calorie surplus and the man would gain more muscle. Even if you put the woman on a 1000 calorie surplus the man would still gain more muscle.


Mike, I agree with Cooter. You're thinking too hard. The fat you're going to gain in 4 weeks...you can cut that in no time. Just eat and lift hard and smart and enjoy a mini vacation from cutting.


Of course over eating nets you more fat. My advice to you is to stop trying to be so precise with everything. Eat plenty and concentrate on getting your lifts up. You will gain fat. Accept it and forget about it. From my experience the people who are always worried about minimal fat gain rarely come out of bulks as strong and big as people who don't. I'm not advocating fast food everyday or anything crazy like like but make sure you hit 125-150 grams of protein and let the rest take care of itself. Your number one priority is getting stronger. Size will come directly from that. Trust me on this, when you decide to end your bulk you will be so completely done with eating and the fat you have gained that cutting will be a piece of cake. Especially for you.

Thanks Cooter. Point taken. Definitely don't want to short change myself.

My giant bowl of bbq chicken says hi.


Haha this got me.

I have been the gym 3 times this week,
monday, Bench + Deadlifts
Tuesday OHP, Bent over row, wide grip chin ups
Wednesday, Squats, pull ups, curls,
today: i dont know
Friday, bench press, deadlifts

Should i have the day off today? kinda stuck for what to do other than i suppose i could do cardio and abs?
But I only see curls listed once.
Question about bulking:

I've read that although you need a surplus of calories to build muscle, the difference in muscle gain between eating +10% and +30% calories is negligible, and that over eating just nets you more fat.

True? False?
I get the idea behind precision when counting calories on a cut, or even during maintenance clean eating, but you really seem like you're overthinking it. Maybe it's because of hesitation and you're trying to self sabotage your bulk so you don't have to say goodbye to Abby?

Eat food. Get big. Sort out the rest later.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks Cooter. Point taken. Definitely don't want to short change myself.

My giant bowl of bbq chicken says hi.
Anytime man. I know it must be extra hard for someone as shredded as you to let loose but if you are serious about gaining more mass you are really going to have to commit to this and throw all aesthetic goals out the window for a while. You've got this!


Dreamer bulks.... No.

I'll take precise calculations over months before I do that. I'm not going back to fattyville.
Yeah, but you're also not where Mike is.

And I agree, I wouldn't do it that way either. But I wouldn't even really bulk right now in any case.


I Dreamerbulked. I'm 290 now. LOL Dat belly tho.

Still vascular though but damn I have a belly. The cut will start Monday. I've already started preparing mentally.

Edit: Before Bish chimes in. #notnatty


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Mike was never at a point in his life where you were Bish. Hell, he walks around at 6-8% and still thinks he's not lean enough. I understand your hesitation.
I Dreamerbulked. I'm 290 now. LOL Dat belly tho.

Still vascular though but damn I have a belly. The cut will start Monday. I've already started preparing mentally.

Edit: Before Bish chimes in. #notnatty

holy shit @ 290

like the most i was ever at was 270.

fuck man, we need a fully carb loaded post gym swolfie


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I don't think he'll be able to fit his delts in the photo. Maybe take two? One for each?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Understood fellas. Just me personally, I'd take the long route. Mike could definitely benefit from more cooterization, this I agree.
You're cracking me up with all your new words you're creating with my name! Haha Very flattering. Thanks Bish


Last day of my "mini-bulk" and I'm just about sick of over-eating. Mission accomplished. After some pizza tonight it's back to 180-2000 for a couple weeks. I haven't weighed but I've gotta be in the low 190s. Haha

Nice man. My birthday is Tuesday and I might channel my inner Cooter/MTP (rip). Thinking a giant meal at shake shack. What do you get there? Isn't it like two double smoke shacks or something??

Mike, I think a diet break will do you good. And it's very short term so you'll be fine. Just push the lifting hard.

Blackflag I gotta see those 3D delts.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Nice man. My birthday is Tuesday and I might channel my inner Cooter/MTP (rip). Thinking a giant meal at shake shack. What do you get there? Isn't it like two double smoke shacks or something??

Mike, I think a diet break will do you good. And it's very short term so you'll be fine. Just push the lifting hard.

Blackflag I gotta see those 3D delts.
Happy early birthday! 30? Never been to Shake Shack so I can't help you there.


Good day at the gym today, did my extra chest day because I have no clue what my macros were yesterday. Tonight back on track eating wise and deadlift tomorrow.

Nice man! Sounds awesome. There are certainly times when you just need to relax and enjoy. For instance, family meals on holidays and my mother's cooking both equal zero calories in my book.

I feel like I'm the end, one meal here and there will not impede your progress. It's the longer-term commitment that gets you the results you want.

Maybe it's different for keto, but on occasion you need to make life sweet by saying "fuck it."

It is a tad different for keto, but I'm so far adapted that it would take me weeks of eating bad to undo it at this point. So I can be more lenient, I just honestly haven't had a reason to be. Results are delicious to me. But dating is fun, and damn I really like calamari. These high end places at the beach all have amazing calamari. Need to come up with a low carb version.

You're cracking me up with all your new words you're creating with my name! Haha Very flattering. Thanks Bish

You've helped so many people here, the cooterification only does good.


the piano man
regarding what I want to do or the kind of body I want to have, I made my choice 2 or 3 fitgaf OTs ago.

The nearest I got to abs this year was the foto for the sweet16, I was some 5 or 6 pounds away from that sort of core definition (yeah I am a short, small framed guy) and while it would have been cool, my lesson learned is that my priority is muscle, and that includes the size of it, I want bigger everything and that's not going to happen ever pursuing abs. I tried and I learned (or reconfirmed) that detail about me.

the idea was to eat big and attain mass from Autum all to way to spring and then shed fat to a ~10% BF, (and I had some level of success with that plan, beginning Septmber I was like 10 pounds lighter), but I soon realised that for that to give desirable results (or the ones I want), I had to have had mass in the first place, think Blackflag, Spritireaver, Fallingedge, there it makes perfect sense, shed fat, collect the gains. I wasn't and still am not anywhere near that.

so what I do is eat well, high in protein at a slight caloric surplus and train, period, This makes aesthetic progress slow and yes I admit, it's kind of easy to fall int the "spinning my wheels" thing but I feel better that way. I see visible progress in certain areas, like back and arm and I am progressing in strength too so I'll ride the wide. .

Nice man. My birthday is Tuesday and I might channel my inner Cooter/MTP (rip).

didn't know he had been perm'd! :O what happened?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You've helped so many people here, the cooterification only does good.

Aww thanks Bish. Stuff like that feels good. Although it seems like I spend most of my time BSing with everyone nowadays. I try to help but I don't do it as much as I used to. I will start answering more questions.

I could have sworn I so posts from you. Maybe it was in and out?

And 29. Almost 30 :(

Sphinx, I assume he was. He hasn't been on since :/
Yeah, it was In n Out. Thirty is great. No need for the sad face.
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