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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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man ya'll old as hell

just turned 25 b



I see alot of talk about age in here and i wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

Today is my 37th birthday! Ive been working out one way or another my whole life. At the age of 7 my parents started coaching me in Track & Field and at age 14 i joined a gym to pack on some size. I ended up falling in love with the iron and after the army i quit track and kept lifting.

I did one show in 2006, the Norwegian Nationals and the class was Classic Bodybuilding. I came in dead last as expected but i learned alot from it.

My stats per today are:
Weight: 86,5kg
Height: 189cm
Bf: WHo knows, low!

I like to work out a lot, im not "active" outside my workouts so i make sure i do enough. Right now i have 10 workouts a week. 7 of them are weight training sessions and then ive added 3 HIIT sessions just recently. In addition i try to get 10 000 steps each day.

As an early birthday present i got myself a Fitbit Charge HR because i was interested in seeing what kind of data it could give me. Now none of these trackers are specifically targeted towards weight training, so you will only get a general idea of what is going on. It told me what i had figured out myself that i burn around 3000 calories on a normal day.

I connected Fitbit with MyFItnessPal and started logging a bit there (even though i know what im eating) to see how it measures up. And im basically eating 4 days at maintenance, 2 days below and 1 day above.

You can see my stats etc here:


To me being 37 hasnt changed anything, i still feel like im 18! My energy is high, my strength is good, no injuries or pains. Basically i look and feel great. I really hope none of you are dreading your age, instead own it and make the best out of it.

Ill end this rant with a couple of recent pictures. Hope you all have a GREAT friday.



the piano man
Pyschotext said:
...and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what lifting forever can do for you. :)

I love that sort of thing :)

"Do it your whole life and see what happens", it's what keeps me motivated, it never stops,

Last september I celebrated 25 years of playing, learning and practicing the piano for anything from 2 to 8 hours per day. I am still learning and improving. it's endless, but the path towards progress is one of the things that has made my life worth living.

trying to keep the same mindset in regards to sport and lifting.
There are at least 6 of us here that started off in far worse shape than you're likely in right now.

You can make that 7.

What's up guys, felt like introducing myself. I've been following along for a month or so now. I'm about 4 months into cooterfying my body. Started at 6'4" and 305 with probably >50% bf and spent 3 months lifting before realizing that I really just need to lose weight. I've been at a 1000-1500 cal deficit starting this month and I'm down about 15 pounds so far. It's pretty cool seeing it work and realizing how easy it is. Can't wait till I can start comparing myself to some of you guys.
Related, I very nearly threw up when I did my FTP test the other day. Stupid thing is, the better the value I get on that, the harder my training is for the next month... so I'd be far better off not absolutely going for it!


Related, I very nearly threw up when I did my FTP test the other day. Stupid thing is, the better the value I get on that, the harder my training is for the next month... so I'd be far better off not absolutely going for it!
Yikes. What is that for? Is that a v02-max test or something?

Edit: nvm, just looked it up


Somebody gave me gloves as a gift a long while back. Tried em out once now they just rust in my bag. I feel like I can't trust my grip unless its skin on the bar. I understand people wanting to wrap their wrists but gloves just don't do anything for me.

One of these days I need to film my deadlift, squat, and barbell row.

I'm way more confident in my squat form than I was before. I think part of it was I started thinking of it as pushing the ground away from the bar instead of getting the bar up.
Tests your theoretical max power output for an hour. Usually done with a 20 minute output or two 8 minute outputs and calculated from the numbers you output.

Very, very hard.
Somebody gave me gloves as a gift a long while back. Tried em out once now they just rust in my bag. I feel like I can't trust my grip unless its skin on the bar. I understand people wanting to wrap their wrists but gloves just don't do anything for me.

One of these days I need to film my deadlift, squat, and barbell row.

I'm way more confident in my squat form than I was before. I think part of it was I started thinking of it as pushing the ground away from the bar instead of getting the bar up.

I'm the opposite. I have sweaty palms and the very last thing I would want to happen is the bar slipping out of my hands.

I use gloves/chalk depending on the mood, although I feel like a huge tool using gloves/chalk on relatively light work, like 135 Bench or 225 Squat.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Somebody gave me gloves as a gift a long while back. Tried em out once now they just rust in my bag. I feel like I can't trust my grip unless its skin on the bar. I understand people wanting to wrap their wrists but gloves just don't do anything for me.

One of these days I need to film my deadlift, squat, and barbell row.

I'm way more confident in my squat form than I was before. I think part of it was I started thinking of it as pushing the ground away from the bar instead of getting the bar up.

I like to "Move the World" on squats.

On gloves, I have some weighted gloves to incrementally load Dumbbells. It effects grip even with that. Embrace the callous.


I'm not a proponent of gloves. They don't feel secure enough to me. I just deal with the rough hands... Wife's complaints be dammed.


Finished the workout with:
Dl 1x5 176lbs
Bench 5x5 143lbs
And 3x6 bw pull-ups + some ab work.

I would like a suggestion. I'm squatting 3x a week, 5x5 with 11lbs increments per workout. Next week I will start increasing the weight by 5,5 lbs, which is the minimum available. In case I fail the 5x5,what should I do, go 3x5 or deload and keep 5x5?

And the post workout meal today was a doozy, will post a pic later.
Finished the workout with:
Dl 1x5 176lbs
Bench 5x5 143lbs
And 3x6 bw pull-ups + some ab work.

I would like a suggestion. I'm squatting 3x a week, 5x5 with 11lbs increments per workout. Next week I will start increasing the weight by 5,5 lbs, which is the minimum available. In case I fail the 5x5,what should I do, go 3x5 or deload and keep 5x5?

And the post workout meal today was a doozy, will post a pic later.

just add 50lbs and do 5x3 (y)

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
This has been bothering me for months.

I post my workouts as (weight)x(sets)x(reps).

My reasoning is that if you said it out loud you would say, "I squat 270lbs, and do 3 sets of five reps". You wouldn't say "five reps, 3 sets", would you!?

I especially think you metric guys would appreciate this logic bomb. Let's standardize.


This has been bothering me for months.

I post my workouts as (weight)x(sets)x(reps).

My reasoning is that if you said it out loud you would say, "I squat 270lbs, and do 3 sets of five reps". You wouldn't say "five reps, 3 sets", would you!?

I especially think you metric guys would appreciate this logic bomb. Let's standardize.
I always put sets, then reps.



Not uploading these because I look good lol. I am going to track my cut on here. Starting Monday for the next 3 months or so. I'll post occasional updates.

I dreamer bulked and I'm happy with the progress. The fat and bloat should fall off. I was 290 yesterday afternoon but only 285 this morning with no food so that's where I'll start.

Dat belly tho. It did help me to get to 415 bench


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
But...those delts...What? How??


You can make that 7.

What's up guys, felt like introducing myself. I've been following along for a month or so now. I'm about 4 months into cooterfying my body. Started at 6'4" and 305 with probably >50% bf and spent 3 months lifting before realizing that I really just need to lose weight. I've been at a 1000-1500 cal deficit starting this month and I'm down about 15 pounds so far. It's pretty cool seeing it work and realizing how easy it is. Can't wait till I can start comparing myself to some of you guys.
Well I had to respond to this! Welcome. We've had so many amazing transformations why not add your name to the list. Looking forward to having you around. Don't be shy.
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