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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I tried and fell over lol

Usually I do recover from the "first workout back" pains pretty quickly... I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. Even if I'm in pain tomorrow, it should be better than right now, because I can barely move my legs haha. :D
Yeah I'm feeling the same right now :) honestly, as much as it hurts getting up, walking up stairs, etc, I miss it! It's been a while since I felt this


Yeah I'm feeling the same right now :) honestly, as much as it hurts getting up, waking up stairs, etc, I miss it! It's been a while since I felt this

Same! It's a good hurt, even though it hurts too much to do a workout tonight. Haha

Got a heating pack on my legs to try to loosen them up a bit. I'll try and do some stretching tonight too.


So I asked this before but only received a general answer regarding BCAAs.

I'm using the flavored BPI Sports Best BCAA mixed with water. Is this going to spike insulin levels/ break a fast?

J. Bravo

So I asked this before but only received a general answer regarding BCAAs.

I'm using the flavored BPI Sports Best BCAA mixed with water. Is this going to spike insulin levels/ break a fast?
Aren't you taking it right before you work out/during your workout which is right before you'd normally break your fast?


Aren't you taking it right before you work out/during your workout which is right before you'd normally break your fast?
I might break my fast a few hours afterwards, since I workout so early. But either way, I'm just curious if the extra stuff for flavor raises blood sugar and breaks a fast


Worked up to a 445lb reverse band squat for my max effort lower body today, 25 lb PR. My squats were stalling for a while but now that I've narrowed my stance and widened my grip I'm starting to progress again.

Hahaha that music :) That's some serious weight. Amazing that you pushed through it. Nice!

Seriously, I just watched that a few more times. Damn. Whenever I think I'm having a hard time on a squat I will remember this video and push my ass through it.


Hahaha that music :) That's some serious weight. Amazing that you pushed through it. Nice!

Seriously, I just watched that a few more times. Damn. Whenever I think I'm having a hard time on a squat I will remember this video and push my ass through it.

Thanks man! I've gotten pretty good at grinding out lifts probably due to having to max out every week on this conjugate system I'm running.


Worked up to a 445lb reverse band squat for my max effort lower body today, 25 lb PR. My squats were stalling for a while but now that I've narrowed my stance and widened my grip I'm starting to progress again.


I don't know if you've read leangains.com, but the site has good tips for fasting + training. One article that might be of interest to you is http://www.leangains.com/2010/05/early-morning-fasted-training.html

In particular

leangains said:
Will we still derive the benefits from regular fasting if we consume small amounts of protein throughout the fast post-workout? Yes. If carbs are omitted, the increased insulin sensitivity will quickly bring back basal insulin to fasted state levels despite consuming 120 calories worth of fairly insulinogenic amino acids. The fasted state is almost fully maintained post-workout.
Guys, when counting calories, is it better to err on the low or the high side? For dinner, we're having some traditional food called Pokora (not sure if it's spelled like that). It's basically a liquidy dough made from chickpea flour mixed with a ton of veggies, then deep fried. The flour is 338 calories/100g, but that's all I know. Food scale hasn't come in yet, but that wouldn't help much since I don't know how much flour was used and how much oil I should factor in.

That stuff is goddamn delicious. Sadly it's REALLY unhealthy. lol

So I asked this before but only received a general answer regarding BCAAs.

I'm using the flavored BPI Sports Best BCAA mixed with water. Is this going to spike insulin levels/ break a fast?

That entirely depends on the flavouring, but I REALLY doubt it. Given you're only going to be having 10g of it (at a guess), it would still only be 40kcal max, which wouldn't be enough to bring you out of a fasted state anyway.


IIRC, if you're looking to just get bigger muscles high rep ranges are fine.

The OP has a better explanation of this.

Actually there's been some interesting new info regarding that picture lately. Pretty interesting. Important parts in bold. In short, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (caused by higher rep ranges) is not supported by science. All rep ranges cause the same amount of hypertrophy as long as the effort is the same (ie. rep or two short of failure). So you can do only triplets, sets of five or sets of 10 as long as the effort is the same. It doesn't matter in terms of hypertrophy.

For as long as I’ve been lifting, I’ve heard the recommendation that 1-5 reps is for building strength, 8-12 reps is for increasing muscle size, and 15-20 reps is for increasing muscular endurance. Several variations on this theme exist.

The concepts of myofibrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, usually used to explain strength and size differences between strength athletes and bodybuilders, say that the heavier weights build actual contractile proteins in muscles (myofibrillar hypertrophy), and higher rep ranges (8-12) create more of a focus on increasing sarcoplasm, or the fluid, in muscles. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, however, is completely unsupported by any sort of scientific literature (unless Supertraining counts as scientific literature or you count transient increases in fluid as hypertrophy), and strength differences are much more easily explained through other ideas the evidence actually supports.


Main Takeaways

-From the size principle, we know that sets must be high effort to recruit and fatigue all fibers. We don’t know the exact threshold for the effort needed to stimulate hypertrophy, and there are plenty of people who experience considerable muscle growth never lifting to failure, but generally it’s probably necessary to push sets within a few reps of failure.

-Rep range does not matter for hypertrophy (at least up to 30 reps/set for trained lifters and 100 reps/set for untrained old people), so long as the effort per set is equal. Muscles seem to grow the same whether you lift 3 reps to failure or 100 reps to failure. It remains to be seen whether muscles grow the same with something like 70% effort matched between groups rather than lifting to failure, but I believe they would.

-Strength increases are highly specific to the rep ranges used. If you want to get better at one-rep max attempts, you need to lift loads that are close to that. If you want to get better at high reps, you need to lift lighter loads. You can likely get better at both by doing both rep ranges. Think of the strength increases as studying specific material for an exam.

-Doing more sets or volume (it’s still a little unclear which better predicts gains, although I lean toward more sets) gives you more results.

More: http://www.strengtheory.com/the-new-approach-to-training-volume/



Basically, the development of high levels of tension within the muscle is the key factor in initiating the growth process. I’d note that there are also some elements of fatigue that may be contributing to what ‘turns on’ the growth response. Finally, I’d note that in order to keep stimulating growth beyond an acute training bout, there has to be an increase in tension. Basically, over time you have to add weight to the bar.

Here is a recent study.


These findings indicate that both HL(High Load) and LL(Low Load) training to failure can elicit significant increases in muscle hypertrophy among well-trained young men; however, HL training is superior for maximizing strength adaptations.


the piano man
I wanted to share with the thread that yesterday I hit a new PR on Bench Press.

after the injury that put me out of the strength game for a year, yesterday I did 72.5 kgs for 8 reps, that's my bodyweight x 8.

All this time (12 fucking months) I have been doing OHP and BP but there was always a small sensation on my wrist remainding me that something wasn't right.

The last couple of weeks I've been doing those lifts with no weird sensation whatsoever, I have finally forgotten I once had a problem there.

I remember very very well I was about to put 75 kgs on the bar when the injury ocurred, I have never done it but with 8 reps on 72.5 and no bad wrist sensation, I am finally moving up.

this makes me very very happy. I have missed the thrill of strength goals all this time.


F*cking leg day. Messed up all of my running this week due to tightness. Only got to 4.5 miles today (half of my goal). Grrr...

Going to have to figure out how to balance this.

Also, I didn't miss occasional hemmeroids...
Can I get some tips to improve my squat form please?


Could have done a few more but I fucked up the safety bars so one was nearly touching the bar when I was in the hole.

I'm no expert, but that looks pretty solid. I would suggest to limit dancing around once you've unracked the weights - it's a waste of energy stepping back and forth as much as you are. I think an ideal setup requires only 2 or 3 steps max - 1 foot back, 2nd foot back, and maybe a single adjustment. Not a big deal, but it's about the only thing I can identify.


Can I get some tips to improve my squat form please?


Could have done a few more but I fucked up the safety bars so one was nearly touching the bar when I was in the hole.

Make sure to take your breath in before you start descending. If you're still breathing in on your way down you're not taking the biggest breath you can and your core isn't as tight as it can be.


Bulking right now, and as a beginner I'm still learning when it comes to nutrition.

Going to Sarku Japan tonight for dinner. Their meals are pretty huge in calories, carbs and protein. My question is, since they only offer fried rice, white rice and udon noodles, which is the better option?

Pretty sure fried is out of the question, so it's between the noodles and the white rice.


Bulking right now, and as a beginner I'm still learning when it comes to nutrition.

Going to Sarku Japan tonight for dinner. Their meals are pretty huge in calories, carbs and protein. My question is, since they only offer fried rice, white rice and udon noodles, which is the better option?

Pretty sure fried is out of the question, so it's between the noodles and the white rice.

Calorie-wise, they're about the same. White rice has slightly higher carbohydrates and less protein than udon


Bulking right now, and as a beginner I'm still learning when it comes to nutrition.

Going to Sarku Japan tonight for dinner. Their meals are pretty huge in calories, carbs and protein. My question is, since they only offer fried rice, white rice and udon noodles, which is the better option?

Pretty sure fried is out of the question, so it's between the noodles and the white rice.

I would go with the noodles. I'm kinda indifferent to rice.


Calorie-wise, they're about the same. White rice has slightly higher carbohydrates and less protein than udon

I would go with the noodles. I kinda indifferent with rice.
Thanks for the quick responses, fellas.

I can do white rice while eating sushi, but other than that I really do prefer brown. The noodles are a favorite of mine, so I'll continue to stick with those since they aren't a bad choice.


Tiny amount of fat involved in Chinese cooking. Ignoring that, you're bulking anyway, so who cares about a few extra calories for the fried. ;)
Hah, true. I'm 6'5 and 164, so I can use a few extra pounds.

Main goal is to hit 200. In this for the long haul.


Getting close to a derail as this is probably a discussion for the nutrition thread, but since we're talking rice, how big of a difference between brown and white nutritionally? Calories and carbs look pretty close (according to google), seems brown has some more magnesium... I dont know what I expected.


WHAT? Get the fried rice, the udon and the white rice...and an extra order of fried.
Plus double meat. I'd be in heaven.

No worries. I've changed my eating habits accordingly. Eating lots of good fatty, high protein foods all day.


Getting close to a derail as this is probably a discussion for the nutrition thread, but since we're talking rice, how big of a difference between brown and white nutritionally? Calories and carbs look pretty close (according to google), seems brown has some more magnesium... I dont know what I expected.

Has about 20% less calories and carbs, a little more fiber,and a lot more magnesium,.


Am at hour 14 of a 16-hour fast and could use some help to pull through. I know, I'm a pu**y, but I'm not yet used to this. Do I just chug water to get through it?
Am at hour 14 of a 16-hour fast and could use some help to pull through. I know, I'm a pu**y, but I'm not yet used to this. Do I just chug water to get through it?

Diet soda is a good tool to create the illusion of "fullness" (root beer especially). Also peppermint tea I think reduces appetite so that could help too. Otherwise yes, just chugging water is one of your options.
Am at hour 14 of a 16-hour fast and could use some help to pull through. I know, I'm a pu**y, but I'm not yet used to this. Do I just chug water to get through it?

Yes! If you were at hour 12 I would recommend coffee, but you're almost done so no point. It's better not too


Am at hour 14 of a 16-hour fast and could use some help to pull through. I know, I'm a pu**y, but I'm not yet used to this. Do I just chug water to get through it?

You run ten miles at a time and put your body through a ton of shit. You got this.


It's hard as hell to do.

Unrelated, this shit just blows my mind (25 extreme pullup versions):


man sheesh fuck those pull ups.

Getting close to a derail as this is probably a discussion for the nutrition thread, but since we're talking rice, how big of a difference between brown and white nutritionally? Calories and carbs look pretty close (according to google), seems brown has some more magnesium... I dont know what I expected.

From my understanding it's not that big of difference but I'm partial to brown rice because it's slightly better and I just like it.

Am at hour 14 of a 16-hour fast and could use some help to pull through. I know, I'm a pu**y, but I'm not yet used to this. Do I just chug water to get through it?

You better drink that water and suffer. lol I'm with you though, currently on 14hr myself. Water really helps me though and also keeping myself busy. Sometimes I don't even think about it and I easily hit like 19-20hr.

Edit: Tea can also help too. I'm a big tea drinker.


Diet soda is a good tool to create the illusion of "fullness" (root beer especially). Also peppermint tea I think reduces appetite so that could help too. Otherwise yes, just chugging water is one of your options.

Yes! If you were at hour 12 I would recommend coffee, but you're almost done so no point. It's better not too

You run ten miles at a time and put your body through a ton of shit. You got this.

You better drink that water and suffer. lol I'm with you though, currently on 14hr myself. Water really helps me though and also keeping myself busy. Sometimes I don't even think about it and I easily hit like 19-20hr.

Edit: Tea can also help too. I'm a big tea drinker.

Thanks guys! Almost there. I've already had almost 3/4 of a gallon of water since 5am lol


Why does he wear the mask!?
Am at hour 14 of a 16-hour fast and could use some help to pull through. I know, I'm a pu**y, but I'm not yet used to this. Do I just chug water to get through it?
Chug that water like you're lost in the middle of a desert
On the bright side, fasting is only really hard for the first week. I've been doing it nearly two years now and it doesn't even come into my mind any more.

Oh, and I disagree with the diet soda suggestion. It fills you up, but can actually makes you REALLY hungry, as I've found out to my horror on a few occasions. Tea and coffee are fine.


I'm sorry, but fasting is completely out of the question as a husband and dad. I eat when I can...not knowing if my next one will be interrupted / postponed!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
On the bright side, fasting is only really hard for the first week. I've been doing it nearly two years now and it doesn't even come into my mind any more.

Oh, and I disagree with the diet soda suggestion. It fills you up, but can actually makes you REALLY hungry, as I've found out to my horror on a few occasions. Tea and coffee are fine.

Ramadan is about to start up so I'm gonna start cutting while fasting for the first time and I'm not looking forward to it lol. Dehydration is probably my biggest worry during workouts.


As a newbie, can someone explain to me what the point of fasting is? My only real guess is something to do with the cutting.
As a newbie, can someone explain to me what the point of fasting is? My only real guess is something to do with the cutting.

Not just about cutting. Done properly it can be a way to bulk without gaining too much fat. Hence "leangains". For some people it's just an easier way to make sure they don't over-eat (much harder to graze your way to too many calories when you only have a few hours to eat).

More than that though, there are all sorts of established medical reasons why it might be advantageous. From balancing out hormones, to possibly even living longer.


As a newbie, can someone explain to me what the point of fasting is? My only real guess is something to do with the cutting.

No, it two separate things.

Fasting = No food intake.

Cutting = Controlled reduced food intake.

On a side note, there is also Intermitten Fasting, but that's a different discussion all together.


Not just about cutting. Done properly it can be a way to bulk without gaining too much fat. Hence "leangains". For some people it's just an easier way to make sure they don't over-eat (much harder to graze your way to too many calories when you only have a few hours to eat).

More than that though, there are all sorts of established medical reasons why it might be advantageous. From balancing out hormones, to possibly even living longer.
Ah okay. I'll do some more research on the topic, since I don't want to find myself gaining too much fat over muscle.


I thought that's what we were discussing. Oops. :D

Though surely all fasting is intermittent, unless you want to starve to death!

Oh, you're right.

The mention of Ramadan made me consider the religious factor for fasting instead of the fitness factor.
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