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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Purchased this bad boy


My wife said the leather looks better than the other popular choices, so I went with it. Will report back once it's in.

I'm getting some odd stiffness in my lumbar still after squats. I'm almost positive it's because I was pushing weight that my legs could handle but my core was having difficulty with. In any case, I'm getting to a point where I feel like I could do something terribly wrong, and want a bit of protection.


the piano man

thanks! will look into them.

Well, I saw my doctor yesterday. I guess my age might be catching up with me.

It seems I've got issues with high blood pressure. The doctor recommended that I take the 24 hr urine test. The results of that test showed high levels of protein in my urine.

Elevated levels of protein in urine could be a result of strenuous exercise. It could also be a sign of potential kidney damage. When I was younger, I probably would have just written this off. But I'm not taking any chances now, especially as a dad now.

I'll be taking some medication to reduce the high blood pressure. In terms of diet, I try to reduce my salt intake. Exercise should remain the same, but I'll probably increase the amount of low impact cardio.

While all of this is nothing of major concern, I'm going to try my best to keep it that way.

DUDE, I literally had BOTH of the things you mentioned. The protein in the urine thing is what it is. As for the HBP, there are so many things I did to reduce it and never ended up needing medicine (mine was 150+ / 90+ for a little bit and is down in the 120-130/70 range now). PM me if you want to chat.

wow, it's like there's a higher force up there sending signals.

next week I have to do a check-up to be able to apply for an insurance here in Germany and I am very concerned and planning how to go about it, will change my diet and reduce sugars, coffee and protein, will see if it helps... I supposed I'll have protein in the urine, not sure if high blood pressure will appear as that's something I never had a problem with but who knows how my body changes.

I am scared :( I hate check-ups.


Well, that went better than expected. Fasting for 41+ hours when I got to the gym. Deload week so did my warm up squat sets of 5×145, 5×180 and 5×215. Followed that up with 10x240.

Felt very good, so did my accessories and hit every rep and set a all new record on my dumbbell concentration curls as well. So I actually felt stronger then normal. Not sure what to make of it truthfully.

All you people are making one huge assumption that has flawed your thinking: Bish isn't 100% homosapian. His no eating race is the future!

Bish doesn't need food to sustain himself. He lives off the energy of all the non-believers.

He's like one of those sexy space vampires from the movie Lifeforce.

This man has come to terms with our new ruling family. I suggest everyone else do the same. Once this marriage is finalized and the Bish clan begins to rule you will have little choice.

So I'm assuming you're wanting a position in the royal circle. So shall it be.

After failing last cycle's 1s week on both OHP and Squat, I dropped my training max back for all four lifts to what they were at three cycles ago. I'm feeling good about the difference it makes in my AMRAP set. I even feel like it gives me a better sense of progress. Five months ago, I struggled to squat 315 twice. Today, I did 300 for 9 and felt very solid. Next week, my 3s set is 315 and I ought to be able to get 7. I'm excited for that. I sure didn't do numbers like that three cycles ago.

Point being, I was feeling kinda reluctant to recycle on 5/3/1 but now that I've done it I'm very happy. I already feel like I've busted the plateau, and I'm just waiting for three cycles from now to see how much I busted it.

I've recycled 531 sessions like 3+ times. Always feels good. Never let your ego get in the way.
I found the same set on Gumtree just in a different colour, the black thing on the barbell is what I'm missing, and whatever goes on the end:

Seems like a fairly standard 1" spinlock. You could use this sort of thing on the dumbells: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/MAXSTRENGT/

No idea about the middle bit on the barbell. I'd have thought that was bolted on.

Unrelated - I hate heavy cardio days when I'm bulking. It's nearly midnight and I've still got over 1,000kcal to eat. =/

I could do it with shitty food, sure, but I'm trying to avoid that as much as is possible.
I've started doing front squats recently and I'm having an issue where I rise up on my toes when coming out of the bottom. I'm thinking I'm just not keeping my back upright so I'm going on my toes to compensate for that.

Does that make sense to you guys? And anyone have some suggestions to fix it?


I've started doing front squats recently and I'm having an issue where I rise up on my toes when coming out of the bottom. I'm thinking I'm just not keeping my back upright so I'm going on my toes to compensate for that.

Does that make sense to you guys? And anyone have some suggestions to fix it?

Heels coming off the ground is usually a sign of poor ankle mobility.
Heels coming off the ground is usually a sign of poor ankle mobility.

That's what I was thinking initially, but I can get into a third world squat without issue. I thought that was a pretty good test of ankle mobility. Also, I'm getting down atg with my weight planted on my heels. I only rise onto my toes when coming up.

So with that information does it still sound like an ankle mobility issue to youi?
I do it from time to time, when I check the recordings it's always because I've started to lean forward / bar moves forward. I've been improving it over time tend to fix it by tightening up my back, keeping my elbows forward / close and keeping my chest up.


No, more likely it's what brolic said, the bar is probably over or past your toes when you're coming up because of a weak upper back or a misgroove. Strengthen your back and concentrate on keeping the bar over your midfoot. This might mean you have to widen your stance or sit back a little more.


On front squats try widening your grip width a bit. It helps me engage my lats a bit more which keeps my back upright.

Keep your head up throughout the movement.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I've sucked at eating since learning red meat is probably a carcinogen. I slimmed appreciably and can tell from reactions how much better I look already to the opposite sex. Big problem of course is that my squat and power clean strength were zapped.

Back to red meat and fat face for me.


Well, I saw my doctor yesterday. I guess my age might be catching up with me.

It seems I've got issues with high blood pressure. The doctor recommended that I take the 24 hr urine test. The results of that test showed high levels of protein in my urine.

Elevated levels of protein in urine could be a result of strenuous exercise. It could also be a sign of potential kidney damage. When I was younger, I probably would have just written this off. But I'm not taking any chances now, especially as a dad now.

I'll be taking some medication to reduce the high blood pressure. In terms of diet, I try to reduce my salt intake. Exercise should remain the same, but I'll probably increase the amount of low impact cardio.

While all of this is nothing of major concern, I'm going to try my best to keep it that way.

I had a bloodbtest last spring which showed creatinine levels in the upper limit. The scale was something like 50-100 and my levels were 99. This could be a sign of kidney damage BUT because I exercise, eat a lot of meat and take creatine the doctor said it was to be expected.

I think it's good that you are gonna make sure it's nothing serious, but I wouldn't worry about it just yet. You eat a lot of protein and you pee out the excess if I'm not wrong. If you were a normal couch potato it would give more cause for concern but we are not normal couch potatoes. Our intake is higher, justifiably so.

But maybe this shows that you are getting more than enough protein and coud eat less if you wantef.
Got a new article out:

Starting bodybuilding (basically picking the program as a beginner, might update this if needed)

Also the previous one in case you missed it:
Why you need to make your diet more enjoyable
Optimal Protein Intake

Great articles!

I was having a harder time than usual with my bench today. I think it was cause I was trying to do tricep curls in between my warmup sets....

Right now I'm at
BP - 165
Squat - 165
DL - 145

I'm not sure what the proportions of my weights should be


Great articles!

I was having a harder time than usual with my bench today. I think it was cause I was trying to do tricep curls in between my warmup sets....

Right now I'm at
BP - 165
Squat - 165
DL - 145

I'm not sure what the proportions of my weights should be

Thanks for the compliment :)

Also don't do tricep stuff before your heavy benching if you don't want to fatigue yourself beforehand.
So I'm still in a steady (slower but still steady) weight loss. Getting closer to my current mini goal.

I'm really happy I haven't really hit any plateaus yet. I was checking my progress in myfitnesspal and I have lost basically lost 20kg (44lbs) since I started using it (which is close to 5 months). I've lost about 1kg (2.2lbs) per week.

I'm finding that since I've upped my caloric intake a bit (between 1700-1850 . I was doing about 1400-1600 for a while) my energy levels are not only higher, but the progress has continued. Even though my weight loss speed has decreased slightly, my body has continued to change (losing inches and noticed more muscle mass). IF has made it so easy for me to keep a balance, and I'm just loving it.

Nelo Ice

Feeling so swole right now lol. Went to the gym and another guy deadlifting gave me props on my deadlift. Said my form looked good and he was surprised how much I was pulling despite my small frame.


To the people on this page that have hit mini weight loss goals, gotten compliments on your lifts, etc...congrats!! I love when people come into this community and start knocking down goals. Keep it up!!
So I'm still in a steady (slower but still steady) weight loss. Getting closer to my current mini goal.

I'm really happy I haven't really hit any plateaus yet. I was checking my progress in myfitnesspal and I have lost basically lost 20kg (44lbs) since I started using it (which is close to 5 months). I've lost about 1kg (2.2lbs) per week.
20kg is a massive amount of weight. Nicely done indeed.

Unrelated, I'm absolutely exhausted today. The last few days of weights + cycling have really taken it out of me. Going to skip my greasing the groove stuff today and just try to survive the weights. Still haven't dialled in my bulking calories yet either.


Sick as a dog right now with some wicked head cold. Took the last two days off lifting and work. In today grinding through it with a pounding headache. 5 days away from a half marathon.

On the bright side, I'm up to 168 this morning, 10+ pounds up overall. A little too much fat though. Might drop calories just a bit. All lifts are up.


Thought i was doing rows with good form but my lower back is aching this morning, hard to tell with back whether it's aching good, because i've worked out the muscles, or whether it's because i've hurt myself.

how do you know the difference with back?


So im doing a couple of weeks of one bodypart a day training just to let my joints and tendons rest a bit. No heavy lifting just pumping and fun. Each day i try different techniques and philosophies. Today was legs and i decided to do FST-7. Ive done it before and i know its brutal.

Well after my workout i posted a pic on instagram (if you dont post a pic you havent worked out right?) and to my suprise Hany Rambod (the creator of FST-7) commented on it! I just had to share that because i thought it was friggin cool!

20kg is a massive amount of weight. Nicely done indeed.

Unrelated, I'm absolutely exhausted today. The last few days of weights + cycling have really taken it out of me. Going to skip my greasing the groove stuff today and just try to survive the weights. Still haven't dialled in my bulking calories yet either.

Oh, I'm extremely satisfied with the progress. Recently my BMI went from obese to just overweight. I'm feeling that I want to change my goals a little bit though. It used to be that I just wanted to lose weight, but now I want to build a bit of tone besides losing fat.

Btw, I'm exhausted today too. My legs and arms hurt. I hadn't been working out for a some days and then upped my intensity a bit.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sick as a dog right now with some wicked head cold. Took the last two days off lifting and work. In today grinding through it with a pounding headache. 5 days away from a half marathon.

On the bright side, I'm up to 168 this morning, 10+ pounds up overall. A little too much fat though. Might drop calories just a bit. All lifts are up.
Mikey... stop worrying about it. Don't start focusing on fat. Keep it up and focus on your lifts. Your fat gain will drastically slow soon. It happens to everyone.

And feel better!
Thought i was doing rows with good form but my lower back is aching this morning, hard to tell with back whether it's aching good, because i've worked out the muscles, or whether it's because i've hurt myself.

how do you know the difference with back?

If it jiggles, it's fat. If your concerned about chronic back pain, then you should probably see a doctor.

It's not uncommon to feel sore the morning after doing a new exercise, or an older exercise but with significantly more weight or volume than usual.

When I had issues with back pain I used to do back rolls, which provided temporary relief.


If you wince when you move / bend, it's the bad sort. If you just notice it feeling uncomfortable and it's tight, it's not.

If it jiggles, it's fat. If your concerned about chronic back pain, then you should probably see a doctor.

It's not uncommon to feel sore the morning after doing a new exercise, or an older exercise but with significantly more weight or volume than usual.

When I had issues with back pain I used to do back rolls, which provided temporary relief.

cheers, it's not a pain as such, just an ache, so I'm guessing it's just general exercise aching.
Having to miss the gym tomorrow because of a meeting, genuinely gutted!


Hit the gym today after 65+ hours being fasted. Deload week, ohp with 5×80, 5×100, 5×120 and ended with 10×130. Hit every rep, then set a new pull up record of 9!!!!, 6,6,6,5. And also set a new record on my rope pulldown, hit the entire stack for 4. First time ever. Seriously insane.

I'll be eating in about 6 hours and will not be going overboard for the first time. Just going to eat about 1800 or so. So excited, experiment successful.


If it jiggles, it's fat. If your concerned about chronic back pain, then you should probably see a doctor.

It's not uncommon to feel sore the morning after doing a new exercise, or an older exercise but with significantly more weight or volume than usual.

When I had issues with back pain I used to do back rolls, which provided temporary relief.

I've done that after recommendation from a chiropractor and a physical therapist after I hurt my back. Before every workout I also use a foam roller to stretch out my back and honestly its helped with any pain or soreness that I used to get with squats or rows.


You're probably not, but don't use a foam roller on your lower back. You'll do it more harm than good.
I used to use one on my legs. Might be OK for muscles, but all it did was make my IT band flare up even worse. Haven't touched mine since.


You're probably not, but don't use a foam roller on your lower back. You'll do it more harm than good.

Honestly using a foam roller helped my back pain more than anything I ever did before that. Though my issues weren't really lower back. I had some issues when I first started squatting but that was poor form.
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