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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Brace yourselfs. Imm0rtal and I will probably be lifting together tomorrow. First Fitgaf meetup?
Oh hell yeah! Love it. Where has that guy been anyway?


Change of subject... There's a 17 yo kid at my gym who looks up to me and has been picking my brain for months now. Good guy. He listens and has been basically doing exactly what I have advised in the gym and the kitchen. He's getting stronger and bigger at a great pace. For months now he's been telling me he's going to start taking steroids sometime down the road because he wants to start competing professionally. I have expressed my thoughts and he knows where I stand but if he wants to do it then he will. I told him to do his homework and be as safe as possible. He started 2 days ago and I was pretty bummed. Sorta like if my son told me he started using. Oh well, he seems to have done his research so that's good.


Oh hell yeah! Love it. Where has that guy been anyway?


Change of subject... There's a 17 yo kid at my gym who looks up to me and has been picking my brain for months now. Good guy. He listens and has been basically doing exactly what I have advised in the gym and the kitchen. He's getting stronger and bigger at a great pace. For months now he's been telling me he's going to start taking steroids sometime down the road because he wants to start competing professionally. I have expressed my thoughts and he knows where I stand but if he wants to do it then he will. I told him to do his homework and be as safe as possible. He started 2 days ago and I was pretty bummed. Sorta like if my son told me he started using. Oh well, he seems to have done his research so that's good.

Really nothing you could do, bud. Also, without your advice and guidance, he probably would have done them without research.
Brace yourselfs. Imm0rtal and I will probably be lifting together tomorrow. First Fitgaf meetup?
Tell him I said hi! I see him post occasionally in other threads.

I always find it weird when I see FitGaffers post in other threads. I don't know why. I feel like you all should only live here.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Tell him I said hi! I see him post occasionally in other threads.

I always find it weird when I see FitGaffers post in other threads. I don't know why. I feel like you all should only live here.

I pretty much have to at this point. I only post here and Halo threads the majority of the time.
I pretty much have to at this point. I only post here and Halo threads the majority of the time.
I'm the opposite I guess. I think I post more in the slow moving Smite thread than here, lol. Also I've never played Halo, how's the new one?

I just saw BumRush in that FF7 remake thread. It's the end of the world now.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm the opposite I guess. I think I post more in the slow moving Smite thread than here, lol. Also I've never played Halo, how's the new one?

I just saw BumRush in that FF7 remake thread. It's the end of the world now.

Speaking of MP it's the best in the series. SP is along with Reach and ODST in my opinion.


Getting changed today, look at foot and there is now a huge visable vein running down my leg. Even tho scale isn't telling me what I want to hear, I'm getting leaner and more vascular by the day. After dinner, just pull up my shirt and can see my abs really well. Love this stuff. Once I get into the 12% range, I have a feeling I'm going to be very content. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm at 16% right now. This is the hardest part of the process, the last of the stubborn fat.


Down 2.2lbs from last friday, woo!

Getting changed today, look at foot and there is now a huge visable vein running down my leg. Even tho scale isn't telling me what I want to hear, I'm getting leaner and more vascular by the day. After dinner, just pull up my shirt and can see my abs really well. Love this stuff. Once I get into the 12% range, I have a feeling I'm going to be very content. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm at 16% right now. This is the hardest part of the process, the last of the stubborn fat.

I was okay with this process but the calf veins are a little creepy. Luckily I only get that during and for a short while post workout.
My thighs are criss-crossed with bright blue veins. If I get dehydrated after a long ride I end up looking like a pro cyclist...


(Not me, but a pretty good example)


Knowing what kind of dude bumrush is, i find it comical seeing him in jrpg threads.

I'm the opposite I guess. I think I post more in the slow moving Smite thread than here, lol. Also I've never played Halo, how's the new one?

I just saw BumRush in that FF7 remake thread. It's the end of the world now.

Lol, buuuuuusted. But seriously, I'm more of a souls, fallout, witcher, mass effect type dude now. Even with that though, if I play through 1 game every 3 months, that's a lot these days.

I agree though, it's weird seeing you guys in gaming. It makes you feel like an ex. Like I want to say hi, but maybe you didn't want to run into me, maybe you wanted to talk about Chrono Trigger without me now??


I saw MDSFX post a "I'm too busy maintaining 8% bf and being a husband and dad so I can only play one game...choose for me" thread the other day.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I've been feeling lethargic like last year. Time for another STD test.

Not related, but my calves are super sore after my squat sets just now, which I will attribute to the new Good Mornings technique. Love that exercise's carryover to the squat.


Down 2.2lbs from last friday, woo!

I was okay with this process but the calf veins are a little creepy. Luckily I only get that during and for a short while post workout.

I'm down another .4, I'll freaking take it. Down to 218.6, lowest ever.

The vein looks really nice actually, but maybe I'm biased. Every time I see a new vein, I think of those suffering that are not vascular like FE and give thanks for my veins.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Workout ended on a pretty high note despite the initial lethargy:

Squats - 255lbs 5, 3, 2
Paused DB Bench - 85s 3x5 (PR)
Power cleans - 155lbs 4x3, 1x4 (ties a PR)

Finally after two months I will be attempting 160lbs again. I will not get zero reps again. Any mental cues and/or good video links will be much appreciated. (Taint-spreading Ed Coan squat video was helpful - thanks Bish)

I also have a video I'll post from my last set today. This is happening.


Soo, yesterday was my second day doing Crossfit, it was mostly cardio-focused but I enjoyed it. After warm-up we did 7 minutes of kettlebell swing and wall ball, alternating between them. Some squats and stretching and we started the WOD, 20 minutes of 100m sprint then jump-rope, rest for half a minute and then 200m sprint uphill and more jump-rope.
It was me and 5 other people, 2 of them were kind of "advanced" practitioners, but I managed to finish last sprints before them, that felt good. I can't jump-rope well though hehe

In short, I'm really enjoying all of this =D


Double thanks for cold-weather gear info. $100 well spent on some semi-decent gear. Packet pick up was today. My favorite day since the reality of the situation goes right to your stomach. Such a good feeling. T-minus 16 hours and I'm coming in 10lbs heavy. Holy sh*t...

Also focusing heavily on legs after this race. Back to twice a week. Can't wait.


Double thanks for cold-weather gear info. $100 well spent on some semi-decent gear. Packet pick up was today. My favorite day since the reality of the situation goes right to your stomach. Such a good feeling. T-minus 16 hours and I'm coming in 10lbs heavy. Holy sh*t...

Also focusing heavily on legs after this race. Back to twice a week. Can't wait.

Awesome man!! Good luck!


the piano man

Today I tried 80 kgs/176 lbs on Bench Press for the first time ever, I had been pussing out of it due to not feeling 100% fit during warm-up but this time it felt possible so I did 3 sets with 5,4,3 reps respectively. I weight 156.2 as of today. For the time I've been lifting , i'd should be doing better but oh well, gains are gains I suppose.

BP scares me but I really need to get over it. you know ,when you unrack your body tells you if a lift is going to happen. I unracked and it felt decidedly like a "yes", it was long overdue.

Bought an expensive shirt to ease the anxiety I have due to work and life, I wasn't very happy with it when I tried it on but I ended liking it during WO.


Also focusing heavily on legs after this race. Back to twice a week. Can't wait.

best of luck, I'd love to find the circumstances to participate in one.


the piano man
I wear a 5 buck tank top from old navy, works for me.

yeah most of my shirts are also like that but they had this one tank-top, the only one in the whole store and thought "I came all this way and looks well enough" and decided to buy it.

Amazon and online stores are unbeatable for prizes and selection.
I wear a 5 buck tank top from old navy, works for me.
I'm awful, I have an entire gym wardrobe that I cycle through. String tanks, my comic themed gym tanks, "gay" tanks (from a store catered to gay men), and then my cheap gym shirts that I wear when I feel fat.

If you ever see me in one of my old XXL shirts from my big days... then it's a really bad day.


yeah most of my shirts are also like that but they had this one tank-top, the only one in the whole store and thought "I came all this way and looks well enough" and decided to buy it.

Amazon and online stores are unbeatable for prizes and selection.

Werd. I am of the opinion that the man makes the clothes. As i get leaner, most stuff tends to look good on me now.

I'm awful, I have an entire gym wardrobe that I cycle through. String tanks, my comic themed gym tanks, "gay" tanks (from a store catered to gay men), and then my cheap gym shirts that I wear when I feel fat.

If you ever see me in one of my old XXL shirts from my big days... then it's a really bad day.

Thats awesome man, and totally you lol.


the piano man
BTW sphinx, you look incredible bud. <3

wow, thanks :O means a lot, you've been a major inspiration since I started.

As i get leaner, most stuff tends to look good on me now.

yeah the same happens in the other direction, Tank tops look good when there's mass, whereas compression shirts don't really look very good on bulky people, no matter how clean is the bulk. Big =Tank top, lean= Compression.

Bumrush and Mdsfx should use compression shirts, the abs would shine through, (do you guys use them? cause you should, you'd look badass)
I pretty much only work out in compression gear these days. Nothing to do with compression, everything to do with how high tech fabrics handle sweat. Can't stand feeling the wetness / weight of cotton etc against my skin when I get a sweat on.

I don't have to impress anyone in my gym though... ;)
I'm a fan of Under Armour's charged cotton fabric. It's feels better, more natural, than most sweat wicking fabrics, including UA's own UATech, and it handles sweat very well.


I wear what ever gym shorts I can find and some under armour shirts

I fucking sweat a ton. So the shirt helps keep me cool plus I always have a towel on hand. I forgot a towel one day (only brought one so I had to save that to shower) and holy shots as I reminded how much I sweat.
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