Thanks bud, really looking forward to next month.
Us too. Your wife going to tape it again?
Thanks bud, really looking forward to next month.
Woah, woah, woah. What kind of videos is Brolic sharing with you Bum?!Us too. Your wife going to tape it again?
Woah, woah, woah. What kind of videos is Brolic sharing with you Bum?!
Us too. Your wife going to tape it again?
Woah, woah, woah. What kind of videos is Brolic sharing with you Bum?! yourselfs. Imm0rtal and I will probably be lifting together tomorrow. First Fitgaf meetup?
Oh hell yeah! Love it. Where has that guy been anyway?Brace yourselfs. Imm0rtal and I will probably be lifting together tomorrow. First Fitgaf meetup?
Oh hell yeah! Love it. Where has that guy been anyway?
Change of subject... There's a 17 yo kid at my gym who looks up to me and has been picking my brain for months now. Good guy. He listens and has been basically doing exactly what I have advised in the gym and the kitchen. He's getting stronger and bigger at a great pace. For months now he's been telling me he's going to start taking steroids sometime down the road because he wants to start competing professionally. I have expressed my thoughts and he knows where I stand but if he wants to do it then he will. I told him to do his homework and be as safe as possible. He started 2 days ago and I was pretty bummed. Sorta like if my son told me he started using. Oh well, he seems to have done his research so that's good.
Tell him I said hi! I see him post occasionally in other threads.Brace yourselfs. Imm0rtal and I will probably be lifting together tomorrow. First Fitgaf meetup?
Tell him I said hi! I see him post occasionally in other threads.
I always find it weird when I see FitGaffers post in other threads. I don't know why. I feel like you all should only live here.
Brace yourselfs. Imm0rtal and I will probably be lifting together tomorrow. First Fitgaf meetup?
I'm the opposite I guess. I think I post more in the slow moving Smite thread than here, lol. Also I've never played Halo, how's the new one?I pretty much have to at this point. I only post here and Halo threads the majority of the time.
Passed intermediate on bench, squat and deadlift by quite a bit, and passed advanced on ohp. Feelsgoodman.
I'm the opposite I guess. I think I post more in the slow moving Smite thread than here, lol. Also I've never played Halo, how's the new one?
I just saw BumRush in that FF7 remake thread. It's the end of the world now.
Is it wrong that I'm excited I'm a novice.
I still try to have a nice salad from time to time even whilst I'm bulking. I just tend to add a bunch of bacon and boiled eggs to it.Oh and I haven't had a salad in so long!
Getting changed today, look at foot and there is now a huge visable vein running down my leg. Even tho scale isn't telling me what I want to hear, I'm getting leaner and more vascular by the day. After dinner, just pull up my shirt and can see my abs really well. Love this stuff. Once I get into the 12% range, I have a feeling I'm going to be very content. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm at 16% right now. This is the hardest part of the process, the last of the stubborn fat.
Knowing what kind of dude bumrush is, i find it comical seeing him in jrpg threads.
I'm the opposite I guess. I think I post more in the slow moving Smite thread than here, lol. Also I've never played Halo, how's the new one?
I just saw BumRush in that FF7 remake thread. It's the end of the world now.
Lol. That thread exploded.I saw MDSFX post a "I'm too busy maintaining 8% bf and being a husband and dad so I can only play one game...choose for me" thread the other day.
Lol. That thread exploded.
I just went back to playing Street Fighter 4, SF5 Beta, and Mushihimesama for now.
Also, more like 10-11%![]()
Did you see my "what to wear for the race" link last night? Website is great
Nice! I had missed this post. I modified it from race to long run. Made a huge difference lol. Going out to grab the gear today. Thanks!
Nice! I had missed this post. I modified it from race to long run. Made a huge difference lol. Going out to grab the gear today. Thanks!
Down 2.2lbs from last friday, woo!
I was okay with this process but the calf veins are a little creepy. Luckily I only get that during and for a short while post workout.
Double thanks for cold-weather gear info. $100 well spent on some semi-decent gear. Packet pick up was today. My favorite day since the reality of the situation goes right to your stomach. Such a good feeling. T-minus 16 hours and I'm coming in 10lbs heavy. Holy sh*t...
Also focusing heavily on legs after this race. Back to twice a week. Can't wait.
Also focusing heavily on legs after this race. Back to twice a week. Can't wait.
I wear a 5 buck tank top from old navy, works for me.
I'm awful, I have an entire gym wardrobe that I cycle through. String tanks, my comic themed gym tanks, "gay" tanks (from a store catered to gay men), and then my cheap gym shirts that I wear when I feel fat.I wear a 5 buck tank top from old navy, works for me.
yeah most of my shirts are also like that but they had this one tank-top, the only one in the whole store and thought "I came all this way and looks well enough" and decided to buy it.
Amazon and online stores are unbeatable for prizes and selection.
I'm awful, I have an entire gym wardrobe that I cycle through. String tanks, my comic themed gym tanks, "gay" tanks (from a store catered to gay men), and then my cheap gym shirts that I wear when I feel fat.
If you ever see me in one of my old XXL shirts from my big days... then it's a really bad day.
BTW sphinx, you look incredible bud. <3
As i get leaner, most stuff tends to look good on me now.
Fit gaf meetup!
ThisThat picture should be in the OP. Too much awesomeness!