what a day... we had the hottest day in the year in Germany so far, so where I live, everybody goes to the river to use it like a beach, lay around and do stuff shirtless or in bikini and the likes.
I was warming up to do some cardio and enjoy myself like everybody else and some drunken douche bags where making fun of me cause I was stretching and doing random warm-up moves (nothing like an attention whore, no handstand and shit like that).
I was listening to my mp3 so I didn't notice until one guy was about to go to my side to imitiate my warm-up moves but I was already done and moved somewhere else, his friends where like "ooh too bad"..
I was a bit scared, germans don't like turks and I look like one so I didn't want to show a middle finger or anything. I just minded my own business.
I was still wearing my shirt.
then on my way back I took my shirt off because everyone and their mother was almost naked I thought "why the fuck can't I?" and I
knew something was going to happen. so I went jogging and when I ran past the most crowded part a bunch of guys started screaming in a military tone "ONE TWO ONE TWO ONE TWO...." I could have turned and smiled but said "no fucking way, I am out of here" and pretended I didn't hear anything casue I was too concentrated listening to Bonnie Taylor and receiving her infinite power.
finished my day and now I need a drink.... and take a shower.
Very nice sphinx. Welcome back to PR land!
I did a baby pull-up pyramid today, maxing at 3 reps. Thanks for the suggestion.
congratulations Cooper, just keep at it. stay there a couple of weeks until you feel your third rep is very solid,
then, when you think it could make sense to add the extra set with 4 reps, be prepared in case it doesn't go as intended.
so for example, you have done 1-2-3 and then the extra set you do only 2, barely. Well, now go on to complete the intended amount of reps doing singles. then try the next set with 3, if you fail complete the amount of reps in singles or doubles and so on.
it's damn hard to overcome plateaus in this particular exercise so you have to be creative with how you approach it.
about me and the PR, I know I have mentioned similar things in the past that I am very well after the injury but I feel like this time is for real, next time I will put 75 kgs on the bar and see how it goes. there's nothing standing on my way to improve Bench numbers.
Squat on the other hand, that went to the closet again, my left knee gave me a real scare some weeks back so I'd rather take care of that
Spiritreaver said:

I just saw a pic you posted 3 hours ago on FB
I wan't to say BRAVO, your cut is going fantastic.
it takes so much discipline and effort to pull that off that I thought I'd let you know that people notice, even if they don't say a word or give a "like" and you are an inspiration.