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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Mr. X

FitGaf, to what capacity are you able to stick to your workout plan??

here the 4 variables I consider important:

.- Frequency (hit the gym the amount of times your program says you should)
.- Routine content (do every exercise, every set)
.- Strength approach (actually lift the weight you should be lifting according to where you left last time)
.- Food (eat the cals, eat at exactly the right point in the day, avoid cheat days)

here's my own rating

.- Frequency 9/10
I stick to the plan mostly and if I miss one day I continue the next day.

.- Routine content 8/10
I often run out of time.. have to leave arm accesory or core work for another day

.- Strength approach 8/10
If I stop writing down my numbers, my rating plummets to 5/10 but right now I am doing well in this regard. I pay attention to numbers and don't allow myself to get comfortable with weight

.- Food 5/10
I suck at this. No breakfast, not enough calories per day, I give in to sweets, I eat bread at night, I don't plan my meal hours. little differentiation between cheat and "correct" days. not enough water intake, plain bad.

I think form should be somewhere. Going through a motion too quickly, are you resting between sets properly, are you using momentum or a weird jerk motion to get a rep, are you squatting deep enough, etc.


FitGaf, to what capacity are you able to stick to your workout plan??

- Frequency 10/10, I think this year i only missed a back day on Easter Sunday
- Routine 9/10, i skip calf stuff sometimes, because there is a difference between DOMS and being able to walk
- Strength 8/10, i just have bad days and I deload to preserve form
- Food 8/10, Im still focused on losing weight but i eat too little and end up overshooting my 1lb/week goal. In the last year that I have been on a caloric deficit i have had 3 cheat meals due to peer pressure, but was still under my caloric limit on those days.
I saw it but figured it was about swimming so I stayed out. Just caught up and wow. I'm glad I missed it because I might have walked the ban line.
It really surprises me how much misinformation/stupidity shows up in fitness/health threads outside of here.

It really goes to show how little the average person knows about these things.


I always need to be extra careful with the beach. My default color setting of pasty white can change instantly to my lobster setting.
You would think that my mother being Mexican would help me tan, but noooo. Thanks a lot, Dad. You pasty son of a...


It really surprises me how much misinformation/stupidity shows up in fitness/health threads outside of here.

It really goes to show how little the average person knows about these things.

It's also amazing how much knowledge there is in the OT and the rest of this thread. It's a pleasure reading and watching everything in here. I improved the form on all of my compounds drastically a few years back just by spending time in here and applying it.
It's also amazing how much knowledge there is in the OT and the rest of this thread. It's a pleasure reading and watching everything in here. I improved the form on all of my compounds drastically a few years back just by spending time in here and applying it.
This place is great, I've learned a lot just from lurking the thread.

I mean the only reason I do face pulls now is cause Brolic mentioned them once! Same with the motivation to do weighted bodyweight exercises. I'm actually about to start doing Pendlays again!

On another note. I hit 198.0 today, another pound down. Looks like I'm averaging out at just under a pound a week on this cut. Though I imagine it will slow down greatly over the next few weeks. I think I'll end up at about 190-192. I need to get my body fat measured though.


This place is great, I've learned a lot just from lurking the thread.

I mean the only reason I do face pulls now is cause Brolic mentioned them once! Same with the motivation to do weighted bodyweight exercises. I'm actually about to start doing Pendlays again!

On another note. I hit 198.0 today, another pound down. Looks like I'm averaging out at just under a pound a week on this cut. Though I imagine it will slow down greatly over the next few weeks. I think I'll end up at about 190-192. I need to get my body fat measured though.

I do a lot of lifting-related things because Brolic mentioned them, lol. If it ain't broke...

Also, shit, 190? You're going to be shredded.
- Frequency (hit the gym the amount of times your program says you should)

8/10. If I'm mountain biking, I'm not going to be stupid enough to try and lift the same day. Same for heavy outdoor work.

- Routine content (do every exercise, every set)

10/10. No point having a plan if you don't stick to it.

- Strength approach (actually lift the weight you should be lifting according to where you left last time)

7/10. I certainly try to, but we all have weak days.

- Food (eat the cals, eat at exactly the right point in the day, avoid cheat days)

7/10. My plan doesn't call for nutrient timing beyond fasted / unfasted. If I'm having a cheat day, it's scheduled, but I haven't in months. Probably due for one actually. I could do with more water though.

Unrelated, what muscles would you say you worked if you had someone on the floor with a rope pulling continuously against you (you're stood up) and crazily jerking around / bouncing up and down? I just did three and a half hours of cultivating heavy ground with a machine and you (well, some of us) have to use all your might to stop it moving forward too quickly. As soon as it hits particularly hard ground the stupid thing starts jumping around trying to get away.

Traps, and grip feel totally screwed. I'm assuming it probably did something for my lats and forearms too.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Okay Fit-GAF. It's time. I've put myself out there on Instagram to commit to this as well, but I may as well hold myself accountable here too.

Age: 35
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 219
Goal: 185-190? But the real goal is strength, power, conditioning and health.
Current Training Schedule: So far, I walk/jog every morning for around a mile.
Current Training Equipment Available: Anytime Fitness

Comments: Two+ years ago, I received a liver transplant. This is after 2 years of slowing dying due to liver failure caused by a genetic disorder (I did not make the protein that a liver uses to regenerate). For two years, I was in and out of hospitals, getting sicker. My body retained fluid and I ballooned up to 250-260. I didn't miss a day of work unless I was in the hospital. I threw up every day. I would become delirious due to the amount of ammonia in my blood. I thought I would die at any point. I hung on because I wasn't satisfied and I wanted more out of life.

I held on until I got the call for my transplant. I flew out of my small city to Dallas for my transplant on 1/2/13. It was hard. I lost so much weight I was down to a very weak 160. I had to relearn how to walk and rehabbed for three months until my job made me come back. I wasn't quite ready and I caught an infection that forced me bad into the hospital. I was down to 140 pounds and couldn't walk. I got right over time, but I was fired. I was okay with that. Thinking back, I should have got another job after I recovered, but oh well. I was rehired after a time.

One of the dangers of this transplant is diabetes and weight gain. Which did occur. Combined with work, I managed to feel pretty decent while being able to put away some money but packed on some pounds.

Now? I'm ready to break loose. I have a body now that isn't sick. I feel good and I'm still unsatisfied. I look at the fitness world and I see beauty. I see determination and I see fire in people's eyes. I want that back into my life. I work retail which will sap your soul away if you let it but fuck that. Fuck. That. I want to be lean, I want to be strong, I don't want to worry my family with high glucose results. I want to be a fucking beast. I will give up whatever I need to so I can feel better than I ever have, ever.

I am literally at the basement level of this journey. This is going to suck. I'll have to learn a lot. But I want to change my lifestyle and my life. T-T


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
- Frequency (hit the gym the amount of times your program says you should)


- Routine content (do every exercise, every set)


- Strength approach (actually lift the weight you should be lifting according to where you left last time)


- Food (eat the cals, eat at exactly the right point in the day, avoid cheat days)

I think this one is everyone's lowest ranked catagory.

It really surprises me how much misinformation/stupidity shows up in fitness/health threads outside of here.

It really goes to show how little the average person knows about these things.

The stupidity doesn't surprise me as much as the superiority of tone and selfishness.


Pulled 2x my body weight on deadlifts (420). I pulled 440 before but I was just about 20lbs heavier than I am now.

With ease too! Your progress is amazing Sean and you are no way near your potential. Good shit.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Squatted too soon, 3 times in a week doing x20. Did 345x20 beltless but it was hard as fuck, legs were already weak on the first rep... :(


Okay Fit-GAF. It's time. I've put myself out there on Instagram to commit to this as well, but I may as well hold myself accountable here too.

Age: 35
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 219
Goal: 185-190? But the real goal is strength, power, conditioning and health.
Current Training Schedule: So far, I walk/jog every morning for around a mile.
Current Training Equipment Available: Anytime Fitness

Comments: Two+ years ago, I received a liver transplant. This is after 2 years of slowing dying due to liver failure caused by a genetic disorder (I did not make the protein that a liver uses to regenerate). For two years, I was in and out of hospitals, getting sicker. My body retained fluid and I ballooned up to 250-260. I didn't miss a day of work unless I was in the hospital. I threw up every day. I would become delirious due to the amount of ammonia in my blood. I thought I would die at any point. I hung on because I wasn't satisfied and I wanted more out of life.

I held on until I got the call for my transplant. I flew out of my small city to Dallas for my transplant on 1/2/13. It was hard. I lost so much weight I was down to a very weak 160. I had to relearn how to walk and rehabbed for three months until my job made me come back. I wasn't quite ready and I caught an infection that forced me bad into the hospital. I was down to 140 pounds and couldn't walk. I got right over time, but I was fired. I was okay with that. Thinking back, I should have got another job after I recovered, but oh well. I was rehired after a time.

One of the dangers of this transplant is diabetes and weight gain. Which did occur. Combined with work, I managed to feel pretty decent while being able to put away some money but packed on some pounds.

Now? I'm ready to break loose. I have a body now that isn't sick. I feel good and I'm still unsatisfied. I look at the fitness world and I see beauty. I see determination and I see fire in people's eyes. I want that back into my life. I work retail which will sap your soul away if you let it but fuck that. Fuck. That. I want to be lean, I want to be strong, I don't want to worry my family with high glucose results. I want to be a fucking beast. I will give up whatever I need to so I can feel better than I ever have, ever.

I am literally at the basement level of this journey. This is going to suck. I'll have to learn a lot. But I want to change my lifestyle and my life. T-T

Hey man, first an foremost, congrats. Health is always priority #1.

As for exercise / diet...Start with the programs in the OP. Read the shit out of the first page of this thread. Watch the videos. It's not hard, it just takes commitment. Look at the progress made by the posters for motivation. Once you've picked a program, pop back in for advice and motivation, it's what were best at.

Also, sean, insane. Looking at your progress is one of the most motivating things in this thread.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Hey man, first an foremost, congrats. Health is always priority #1.

As for exercise / diet...Start with the programs in the OP. Read the shit out of the first page of this thread. Watch the videos. It's not hard, it just takes commitment. Look at the progress made by the posters for motivation. Once you've picked a program, pop back in for advice and motivation, it's what were best at.

Also, sean, insane. Looking at your progress is one of the most motivating things in this thread.

Thank you. Yeah, I will be looking over the OP and studying everything on the first page. Some hard work was poured into this thread and I want to soak it up.
Good lift Sean. Would really like to pull 2 x bw too but that is just impossible at my current gym and I've been thinking about changing the gym after my current membership ends at the end of July. The bars at my gym are just too damn thick which makes deadlifts and any kind of cleans too taxing on my grip. For example, last month I visited another gym in my old home town and managed to do 7-8 reps with 310 lb and didn't have any problems with my grip. Last weekend I tried the same weight at my gym and could only get two reps since I was too afraid of my grip giving out on the third rep. It just feels so useless to deadlift when your grip is the weakest link.

Anyway, had a solid bench day today. I will test my max in three weeks so went a bit a heavier this time instead of doing my normal three sets of five. Managed to do 3/3/4x245 lb (115 kg) and almost got five reps with that last set. It was kind of weird that the last set felt the easiest and was really pleased with my lifts. My PR with 245 lb is probably six reps but I weighed at least 20 lb more back then so this is probably the strongest I've ever been when my weight has been around 220-225 lb.


Sean, you made that look easy, good job.

Back down to 235.2 this morning. .3 away from all new lows. Mmmm. Korean BBQ today doe.
Question for you guys, my resting heart rate is between 45-50 which a doctor told me was to low, but looking online it seems like it is pretty normal for people with very active fitness lives. I am going to see a cardiologist anyways, but does anyone else seem to have a low resting hear rate here?


Question for you guys, my resting heart rate is between 45-50 which a doctor told me was to low, but looking online it seems like it is pretty normal for people with very active fitness lives. I am going to see a cardiologist anyways, but does anyone else seem to have a low resting hear rate here?

Can't speak for others, but yeah, that's pretty low. Seeing a cardiologist is the right thing, just to be safe.
Bit of an ego boost tonight. Went to a housewarming BBQ and thought "fuck it, I'm making progress on my cut so I'll wear a tight top".

When I arrived my friend said I looked beefy and sort of flexed. Saw my sister later who was shocked at how "slim" I looked, given she'd only seen me a couple of weeks before. Girlfriend of a friend said she should have invited some of her gay friends, as they'd have enjoyed the view.

Thanks Ralph Lauren, I think I'll wear your stuff more often! lol

Question for you guys, my resting heart rate is between 45-50 which a doctor told me was to low, but looking online it seems like it is pretty normal for people with very active fitness lives. I am going to see a cardiologist anyways, but does anyone else seem to have a low resting hear rate here?

Fully resting, mine is about 48. I have noticed that I get dizzy if I get up quickly, which I can't help thinking is related. Not concerned about it though.
Question for you guys, my resting heart rate is between 45-50 which a doctor told me was to low, but looking online it seems like it is pretty normal for people with very active fitness lives. I am going to see a cardiologist anyways, but does anyone else seem to have a low resting hear rate here?

Well, I would always follow the advice of a medical professional when it comes to health related issues. While it is true that your resting heart rate will decrease as a form of adaptation to continued exercise, there's always some limit to what is considered a healthy range for anything. Seeing the cardiologist is the right thing to do.


Fully resting, mine is about 48. I have noticed that I get dizzy if I get up quickly, which I can't help thinking is related. Not concerned about it though.

I think i remember you saying you have hypermobility in multiple joints right?

Might be worth getting checked for POTS.

Why the joint stuff goes together with it I dont understand but my Endo checked my resting heart rate back in Feb and it was like 90 standing, 75 sitting, 65 laying down.

The dizzyness standing up thing is common with that too.

Just a few things lining up.

I would suspect my HR is much better now because i have to put out way more effort to get it past 100 than I used to.

But yeah certain vertical movement stuff kills me like decline situps. I need to take a breather after doing them.
I think i remember you saying you have hypermobility in multiple joints right?

Might be worth getting checked for POTS.

Why the joint stuff goes together with it I dont understand but my Endo checked my resting heart rate back in Feb and it was like 90 standing, 75 sitting, 65 laying down.

The dizzyness standing up thing is common with that too.

Just a few things lining up.

Cheers for the info, interesting stuff. But standing my heart rate is in the 50s, so I would be surprised.
There seems to be little agreement on what a dadbod actually is. For instance, some here have described Cooter as having a dadbod, which massively conflicts with with I understand a dadbod to be (he's far too sculpted).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
There seems to be little agreement on what a dadbod actually is. For instance, some here have described Cooter as having a dadbod, which massively conflicts with with I understand a dadbod to be (he's far too sculpted).
That's kinda the joke. I have 3 kids so...

J. Bravo

There seems to be little agreement on what a dadbod actually is. For instance, some here have described Cooter as having a dadbod, which massively conflicts with with I understand a dadbod to be (he's far too sculpted).
My stomach is not defined, but the rest of my upper body is well sculpted. And with a shirt on, you can't tell the difference between cooter and I (other than he's way bigger than me haha). So like I'm in shape and strong and look good, but still soft enough to cuddle with.

Edit: just ohp'd 175 but you can't tell I lift. That's a dad bod. True story.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I did just find a bulking pic of you where you're nearly right though!
Ha. Well there is the fattened version of me that does fit. Good point. I prefer to think of that as an unnecessary evil of natural muscle gain.


6'0", 186 lbs, 420 PR in deads and squat. If only my upper body was as developed.The fight continues.

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