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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Just discovered this thread, will be really useful as I'm about to change up my routine.

So went to the gym today for the first time in a while as I've been travelling - and got to the third set of reps on the benchpress before my arms kind of gave out. This guy who was a bit away from me came running over and caught it before it fell onto my chest. It would have done a bit of damage if it fell on me.

I thought it was incredibly nice of him for even noticing I was having issues. I'm often amongst the few women in the weights room, many of my friends generally won't go in there for various reasons...but will be sharing this story with them :)

Oooo, be careful. This is a good read regarding this issue. Im still stuck on DB press, mostly due to lack of spotting.


I look forward to getting my own rack, once i get my own house, once I rope another person into that financial venture.

Longest road to power rack ever lol.


Thanks everyone :) The bar was about 35% of my bodyweight in total, so whilst it wasn't huge I would have been pretty sore...

I have heard that most people would be happy to be a spotter for a random in the gym, so its nice to hear that again. I should probably make use of it until my strength recovers a bit !


Most are fine with spotting. Just remember to give them clear instructions and what you're going for: how many reps you are going to attempt and for them to not touch the bar until the bar goes down or you're stuck at your sticking point and can't grind through it. As long as they listen and do as you say, you won't have a bad experience with random spotters.


Junior Member
....Um hi there.

I kid. Amazing job man. Definitely be proud, you've got a killer physique. What are your next goals?

Double bodyweight back squat would be nice and a 500# deadlift. I haven't really lost much strength in my cut but I also don't really seem to gain much strength when I bulk either, lol.


It's that end of year time where my body needs a rest. Going to in laws for a week in 2 weeks for Christmas. Much food will be consumed, hopefully. I told my wife I will not complain how fat and out of shape I feel....but I am sure I will.
Hit 30 lbs down today since October 1. Took me like a week to cancel out thanksgiving. Unfortunately I haven't been to the gym in a couple weeks, work has been beating me up. Looking forward to the first of the year when I can get back in.
Hit 30 lbs down today since October 1. Took me like a week to cancel out thanksgiving. Unfortunately I haven't been to the gym in a couple weeks, work has been beating me up. Looking forward to the first of the year when I can get back in.
Holy shit that's a crazy drop in just 2 months. Nicely done!
"Rest". Probably won't get much info unless it's a scan. Still, best course of action is to avoid doing further damage until pain subsides. You'd rather take a week or two off than tear something important and be out for months. Been there more than once. It sucks and you'll feel a bit flat when you get back to it but its better than the latter.

Yeah. I can't afford specialists or scans right now, so rest will have to do. I know it isn't severe because I don't have bruising, and the pain while there, as long as I don't move in a very specific way, it doesn't bother much. The little dent IS there though, I think I still have a lot of fat for it to be very noticeable by others, but it's really bumming me out. It's killed my motivation at the moment. I know it's a bit vain...


Hit squats today at the gym. Was so tired. Still hit every rep. 5x235, 5x270 and 5x305. Ended 10x235.

Walking to my car after the gym, eyes were closing while walking, that's how tired I was.
Yeah. I can't afford specialists or scans right now, so rest will have to do. I know it isn't severe because I don't have bruising, and the pain while there, as long as I don't move in a very specific way, it doesn't bother much. The little dent IS there though, I think I still have a lot of fat for it to be very noticeable by others, but it's really bumming me out. It's killed my motivation at the moment. I know it's a bit vain...
Play safe, my friend! You know your limitations with pain so take it one step at a time. Also don't confuse hard work and dedication with vanity, its perfectly acceptable to be judgemental about your body and be proud of accomplishments. As long as you don't have a FB page solely dedicated to your abs, you're fine :D

Thanks, its nothing crazy though really. I started at 300 so its just 1% a week.
30 since the beginning of October is no small feat! Its a hell of an accomplishment!

Greek Yogurt (strained, like Fage) + Banana + Peanut Butter + Protein Powder + Coconut Cream

Add in your choice of frozen fruit to change it up.
Greek yogurt is my jam and this sounds delicious.


About to other another 5 lb tub of protein but I was wondering, how does banana cream taste?

I had double chocolate the last time and it wasn't really that great. Wasn't offensive but also didn't blend well with other ingredients. I was considering banana cream, french vanilla, or vanilla ice cream. Anyone have any favorites?


About to other another 5 lb tub of protein but I was wondering, how does banana cream taste?

I had double chocolate the last time and it wasn't really that great. Wasn't offensive but also didn't blend well with other ingredients. I was considering banana cream, french vanilla, or vanilla ice cream. Anyone have any favorites?

I have vanilla ice cream. It's okay in milk, and not so good with anything else.


Yeah, it's ON. I think I'll get Banana Creme then. I'll avoid the Vanilla as I've never had any decent vanilla flavors that don't become gross after a few days of constantly downing it. Granted, those were not ON but I'm assuming if no other manufacturer can get vanilla right (other than pre-made protein shakes), then it's likely ON hasn't either.



Ow, I'm feel like I'm falling apart on the inside.

Heel spur started acting up, so I had to limit my cardio.

Then, lower back starting acting up, so I had to cut the workout short.

At this point, I'm going to just try my best to look like I'm still in one piece on the outside.

When will my son be old enough to take over for me?


Dat 45lbs plate dangling from my waist while doing weighted chins.

Full ROM. Bodyweight plus 45lbs additional weight. 4 reps and then 3 reps. Also did BW+38,5lbs x 6 first.

Pretty pleased with this. Also I'm getting lean enough that I just fly up to the bar while doing BW chins.

My only problem atm is that I'm not sure if I'm lean enough yet. I'd like to get down to 10% but I might be anything from 10 to 13% atm. I guess I'm closer to 11-12% but dunno. I can see all my abs (depends on the lighting how well) but they ain't that defined yet. Starting to get that adonis belt more and more..


Finally got nair'd again and feel so much happier. Body hair sucks so bad. Even bloated and not at my best at all, I still look 100x better then I did with body hair.

I finally got a new suit. Size 44 slim fit. Taking it in tomorrow to get it fitted. Tomorrow I'll be eating with my girl and her family, then watching an Elvis movie together. Life is good.


Wtf. Scale weight is stuck between 192-191, but both my weight belt and pants belt are down a notch. I know the scale can be deceiving but I just want to SEE the high 180s

I must be holding some crazy water weight.


Ow, I'm feel like I'm falling apart on the inside.

Heel spur started acting up, so I had to limit my cardio.

Then, lower back starting acting up, so I had to cut the workout short.

At this point, I'm going to just try my best to look like I'm still in one piece on the outside.

When will my son be old enough to take over for me?

Damn man I'm sorry to hear that :/. I hope things come together soon
Dat 45lbs plate dangling from my waist while doing weighted chins.

Full ROM. Bodyweight plus 45lbs additional weight. 4 reps and then 3 reps. Also did BW+38,5lbs x 6 first.

Pretty pleased with this. Also I'm getting lean enough that I just fly up to the bar while doing BW chins.

My only problem atm is that I'm not sure if I'm lean enough yet. I'd like to get down to 10% but I might be anything from 10 to 13% atm. I guess I'm closer to 11-12% but dunno. I can see all my abs (depends on the lighting how well) but they ain't that defined yet. Starting to get that adonis belt more and more..
11-12 is my sweet spot, peesonally. I feel that is a good balance maintaining strength and physique. Of course I'm nowhere near there on a bulk now ha!

Wtf. Scale weight is stuck between 192-191, but both my weight belt and pants belt are down a notch. I know the scale can be deceiving but I just want to SEE the high 180s

I must be holding some crazy water weight.
Stalling? I move in spurts both up and down. How long have you been sitting at that weight?


11-12 is my sweet spot, peesonally. I feel that is a good balance maintaining strength and physique. Of course I'm nowhere near there on a bulk now ha!

Stalling? I move in spurts both up and down. How long have you been sitting at that weight?

Two months now. I've never had a stall like this. I even upped my activity.


Two months now. I've never had a stall like this. I even upped my activity.

How much are you eating? Maybe do a reverse diet and go as high as you can without gaining fat again, and then cut the calories down again.

I still need to lose a few pounds but my weight isn't budging. It's been pretty much the same for 2-3 weeks and I can't go any lower in calories (currently at 1600). Trying to talk myself to reverse dieting and upping the exercise while I'm doing that. Now I'm just going 3x with little to no cardio. Hopefully that'll get the fat loss going again. If not, then I can quickly drop those few pounds after my metabolism is up and running properly again.
Yeah I was going for 4-6 reps on these. Last set fell a bit short but I didn't want to drop the weight either.
I was referring to bodyfat % :p

Two months now. I've never had a stall like this. I even upped my activity.
Hmmm. I would try what despire said. Upping calories on weight loss occasionally can help trigger your metabolism. I do all sorts of tricks to move up and down as needed but my case is different as my meds drastically effect my progress in both directions.


Ugh, why didn't I try IF on this bulk before. Feck. This is great. Feeling semi full all the time was wearing on me. I just have to get used to eating more at each sitting.


Ugh, why didn't I try IF on this bulk before. Feck. This is great. Feeling semi full all the time was wearing on me. I just have to get used to eating more at each sitting.

Just curious...you switched to 11-7...what hours were you eating before? Also, don't you feel even more full if you're bulking and cramming extra calories into that 8 hour window? Always down to try new things, just trying to understand the logic.
Have you read through the OP? How many days are you looking to go per week?

Yeah, I forgot about the OP, just read through it seriously.

3X is what I do now, I'm just starting to see some gains after mixing up my routines and trying to keep things moving forward. Don't want to stagnate.

Maybe doing a every other week alternation, where I do one week/3X of my current Arms, Chest/Back, and Shoulder/Legs and then the next week of full body.
Shoulders done today. Worst part about my house is that I can't stand and do OHP due to low ceilings so I have to kneel.

Get the bar setup on my 3rd set, go down to the ground right on a single piece of cat litter. GAD DAMN it felt like someone stabbed my knee XD

Finished the set, stood up and that fucker was embedded in my knee like the head of a tick. Yeesh. Damn cats. Always find a loose piece of litter somewhere even though I'm a clean freak and vacuum like its going out of style.


Just curious...you switched to 11-7...what hours were you eating before? Also, don't you feel even more full if you're bulking and cramming extra calories into that 8 hour window? Always down to try new things, just trying to understand the logic.

before i was eating 5-7 meals from 8 am to 10 pm. I do feel more full when i eat during the 11-7 window, but I also now feel much better at the end of the night and morning since it gives me a "break" from stuffing my face.

Edit: I've really missed feeling hungry. Sounds crazy, but I feel great in the mornings.


before i was eating 5-7 meals from 8 am to 10 pm. I do feel more full when i eat during the 11-7 window, but I also now feel much better at the end of the night and morning since it gives me a "break" from stuffing my face.

Edit: I've really missed feeling hungry. Sounds crazy, but I feel great in the mornings.

Not crazy at all...and exactly what I figured you'd say!

Yeah, I forgot about the OP, just read through it seriously.

3X is what I do now, I'm just starting to see some gains after mixing up my routines and trying to keep things moving forward. Don't want to stagnate.

Maybe doing a every other week alternation, where I do one week/3X of my current Arms, Chest/Back, and Shoulder/Legs and then the next week of full body.

If you're thinking about doing a program from the OP (maybe 5/3/1 is for you?), I'd advise doing it 100% instead of 50%. The program is design with progression in mind and benefits you the most if you adhere to it


What's your carb intake look like Sean?

Not counting fiber (which is usually pretty high) 100-150 on rest days and 150-200 on workout days.

Despire I like that idea. I'm going to give increased activity another week and then give that a try.

In the big picture I'm obviously losing because of how my belt fits, but it be nice to see the numbers move.
11-12 is my sweet spot, peesonally. I feel that is a good balance maintaining strength and physique. Of course I'm nowhere near there on a bulk now ha!
It really is, but all these guys I know hover around 7-8% indefinitely. I wish I could do it, lol.

Wtf. Scale weight is stuck between 192-191, but both my weight belt and pants belt are down a notch. I know the scale can be deceiving but I just want to SEE the high 180s

I must be holding some crazy water weight.
What's your cardio like? I had a plateau at the exact same weight when I first started. That's when I started doing HIIT 2-3 times a week. Helped a lot.

Though it's most likely diet, but anything to shake things up can help.


Finally got nair'd again and feel so much happier. Body hair sucks so bad. Even bloated and not at my best at all, I still look 100x better then I did with body hair.

I finally got a new suit. Size 44 slim fit. Taking it in tomorrow to get it fitted. Tomorrow I'll be eating with my girl and her family, then watching an Elvis movie together. Life is good.

Ahh yes, I remember a younger single me that used nair a few times. I learned one valuable lesson - DON'T GET NEAR THE BALL SACK! Chemical burns are not fun.


It really is, but all these guys I know hover around 7-8% indefinitely. I wish I could do it, lol.

What's your cardio like? I had a plateau at the exact same weight when I first started. That's when I started doing HIIT 2-3 times a week. Helped a lot.

Though it's most likely diet, but anything to shake things up can help.

It was non exsistant. I realize I wasn't active enough with 3x a week lifting so I added an extra day, and now I'm trying to get a couple days of Cardio in too. It's only been a week but I'll give it another and see how it goes.
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