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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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My girls mom made Shepard pie, then we had AYCE sushi after. Ate a ton of carbs. Gained 5lbs overnight, which is to be expected. From 222.0 to 227.0, it's all water weight so no biggie. I've got events on Tuesday, Thursday and the entire weekend coming up. Looking forward to it all still. Woke up feeling super strong today. Gym will be fun.

Doing 5/3/1 (for BB);

Hit 3 full sets of OHP at 195. Slowly inching to that 225 1rm. Already mix in a bunch of accessory work, but I feel like the OHP climb is always so slow. What have people helped to get their weight up?

That is beastly. I just do a lot of ohp myself. FSL also helps a lot I've found. I love Arnold press for accessories.


So I just got some resistance bands in. I had a question.

Let's say the pair and the band itself are both rated at 30lbs. If I add one 30lb band to one side of the barbell, and a 30lb band to the other side of the barbell, is it still at 30lbs since they both have the same resistance? Or are they additive, to where it would be 60lbs total?


So I just got some resistance bands in. I had a question.

Let's say the pair and the band itself are both rated at 30lbs. If I add one 30lb band to one side of the barbell, and a 30lb band to the other side of the barbell, is it still at 30lbs since they both have the same resistance? Or are they additive, to where it would be 60lbs total?

It can be tough to say since they won't be fully stretched on either side.

I try and go by "feel" the best I can.


Edge, looking great man. Keep it up.


So I just got some resistance bands in. I had a question.

Let's say the pair and the band itself are both rated at 30lbs. If I add one 30lb band to one side of the barbell, and a 30lb band to the other side of the barbell, is it still at 30lbs since they both have the same resistance? Or are they additive, to where it would be 60lbs total?

I would assume each is 30.

Side note: Doesn't the resistance increase the more they are stretched? How can the resistance be a constant?


I would assume each is 30.

Side note: Doesn't the resistance increase the more they are stretched? How can the resistance be a constant?
Sorry, I meant max.

Definitely the point of them is similar to chains, adding less weight up front and more towards the end to build explosiveness.


I would assume each is 30.

Side note: Doesn't the resistance increase the more they are stretched? How can the resistance be a constant?

Well, fully stretched they are a certain weight (was my assumption)

So if you hook up one on each side to the squat rack, and they both stretch 3/4 of the way, you'd add 45lbs (22.5 per side).


Hi FitGAF, looking for some advice on diversifying my workout, please.

I've been doing a recumbent bike (I can hear the groans, yes, but it's easier on my back and I work up a vigorous sweat doing it) for 45 min - 1 hr daily, 2x on weekends. I usually go 8+ miles and burn 400ish cal, give or take. I like the bike and I'm not looking to change it to a different piece of equipment.

Just a bit of background, I'm 5'8.5'' or so, and 170 lbs. I used to be maybe...240? Very heavy, I stopped stepping on a scale. I lost the weight changing my diet and now I generally eat healthier though I could be more strict with myself.

In the meantime, I'd really like to incorporate some additional exercises mainly to decrease remaining fat around my midsection and face/neck. It's not extreme or anything and I often am told I'm thin, but I don't look thin to myself, so...I want to. Plus I live in the south so I think that skews perspectives of what thin is.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Well, fully stretched they are a certain weight (was my assumption)

So if you hook up one on each side to the squat rack, and they both stretch 3/4 of the way, you'd add 45lbs (22.5 per side).
Perfect, thanks. I wasn't sure if they operated differently than weights. As in, each band is 5lb max resistance, if I put in 5lbs of force, then each band would be strained to max resistance.

Lib Arts (Political Economy) Major reporting in. :p


Hi FitGAF, looking for some advice on diversifying my workout, please.

I've been doing a recumbent bike (I can hear the groans, yes, but it's easier on my back and I work up a vigorous sweat doing it) for 45 min - 1 hr daily, 2x on weekends. I usually go 8+ miles and burn 400ish cal, give or take. I like the bike and I'm not looking to change it to a different piece of equipment.

Just a bit of background, I'm 5'8.5'' or so, and 170 lbs. I used to be maybe...240? Very heavy, I stopped stepping on a scale. I lost the weight changing my diet and now I generally eat healthier though I could be more strict with myself.

In the meantime, I'd really like to incorporate some additional exercises mainly to decrease remaining fat around my midsection and face/neck. It's not extreme or anything and I often am told I'm thin, but I don't look thin to myself, so...I want to. Plus I live in the south so I think that skews perspectives of what thin is.

Thanks in advance for any help!

First of all, I use a recumbent twice a week. No groans here. It's great to relieve the joints and lower back from squats, running, etc, while still getting the heartrate up and burning calories.

Second of all, diet is everything. Figure out what you need to be eating to lose weight and count your calories!

Circuits are a fun way to change things up and are known to burn more fat/calories than a constant effort. I used to do cardio with sets of weight lifting in between. I always sweat like a pig doing that.

You could also just change up how you use the recumbent if you wanted. Try intervals of intense cycling with breaks in between, ie. 30-60 seconds HARD followed by 1-2 minutes of recovery (slow cycling). As you progress you could make the intervals more intense and start to decrease resting times.


Gym went great. Squats with 3x250, 3x290 and 3x325. Finished with 10x235. Hit every rep easily, then did my accessories and hit every rep except for my 4x60lb dumbbell curls. By the end I couldn't even do a single one. I'll chalk that up to the bloat.

Feeling great tho.
Ha... I thought I'd set a deadlift PR earlier but I watched back the form and it was awful. I really need to find a way to stop from sticking my head up, pretty much immediately go to shit when I do that.
I mean i'm just not comfy even at 220. This pic was taken this weekend and i even tried an abusive light side shot to help with the fat gain during my bulk:

I guess I'm a decent size but when I look in the mirror i still see skinny me. I don't know when I will feel like not-skinny-me:

well if it helps, you've definitely put on some mass from the bottom pic to the top. What have your friends/family told you about your new physique. I sometimes find compliments from people that knew you from before you started lifting can always be a good confidence booster.
well if it helps, you've definitely put on some mass from the bottom pic to the top. What have your friends/family told you about your new physique. I sometimes find compliments from people that knew you from before you started lifting can always be a good confidence booster.
Thanks, man. Some noticed and some didn't. I was that weight until May of this year. I used to be about 225 years back until I took a few auto-immune diseases to the knee. Now I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired so I'm clawing my way back up. I know I am bigger but I just always think of myself as skinny.
Yesterday was the yearly Christmas dinner with my wife's family. Can definitely see the differences from last year in both of us. Best part about losing weight is looking better dressed up.
You've changed so much man. I can't get over it. We've seen you go through it all. Bravo bud.


Things just keep getting better. My weight stays the same, and the lifts get heavier. Overhead press is still the worst exercise by far. It progresses so slowly...

Squat: 170 lbs, 5x5
Overhead press: 75 lbs, 5x5
Deadlift: 165 lbs, 5x5

Oh, and the semester wrapped up today. So that's that. :)


Yesterday was the yearly Christmas dinner with my wife's family. Can definitely see the differences from last year in both of us. Best part about losing weight is looking better dressed up.


Since you track your weight so meticulously, what's the pound differential for you in those two pics?
I told you guys about the chest injury I had a little over a week ago. Well, the pain is still there and has actually increased a bit. I went to the doctor and I'm getting a scan tomorrow. Doctor said it might be a fracture, but we'll see.
I told you guys about the chest injury I had a little over a week ago. Well, the pain is still there and has actually increased a bit. I went to the doctor and I'm getting a scan tomorrow. Doctor said it might be a fracture, but we'll see.

I'm assuming a rib fracture? Those suck. I took a kick to the ribs sparring when I was young and fractured a rib. I dont want to scare you but it took a long time to heal due to being unable to immobilize it. Here's hoping its nothing serious.


Getting back into hitting the gym three times a week since I'm starting a new job. What's the general opinion on pause squats? My squat has suffered in the 4 months since I was able to train regularly, and I'm being told these can be good to do at lower weights in order to work on form/power out of the hole?


I'm trying to go to the gym 5x week from now on. Never gone more that 3x week so let's see how my body responds. Shouldn't be that bad since it's mostly the same volume but divided between 5 days instead of 3 days. Same program even, just started using the 5x split instead.

Interested to see this goes..


Went great. Got a PR on weighted chins!

But this is only the second day. Let's see how ot goes on thursday or friday :p


Getting back into hitting the gym three times a week since I'm starting a new job. What's the general opinion on pause squats? My squat has suffered in the 4 months since I was able to train regularly, and I'm being told these can be good to do at lower weights in order to work on form/power out of the hole?

I don't think many guys here do pause squats so they won't have an opinion.
I did them for a few months as rehab though. Overall, it's a good variation of the squat, would recommend. Yes to your question(s) at the end.
I know stress plays a fairly big part (and I'm under a monumental amount at the moment), but it seems that no matter how much I eat, or how much I sleep, I can't seem to recover at the moment. My numbers aren't going down (not going up either), but I wake up completely exhausted and really haven't felt like doing my workouts in ages. Today I'm desperately trying to persuade myself to start the greasing the groove stuff... but I really can't be arsed.

Bleh. I had hoped at least bulking would have given me the energy to get on with this stuff.
Having to find a new gym for the holidays because my one has completely closed down :(

Looking for some advice on what kind of workouts to do though, I can probably train 6 days a week, and used to do: chest/tris, back/bis, legs, shoulders, arms, core.

But I used to do a lot of accessories wheres now I'm looking to make my main lifts stronger; OHP, bench, squat, deadlift etc - particularly squats and bench.

I recently changed to Squats/Deadlifts/core on a single day and then having another seperate day for legs later in the week. But yeah I've never been good at structuring workouts with the big lifts in them so any help would be awesome.
I couldn't imagine doing squats and deadlift on the same day. I'd be so broken.

When I first started working out I really neglected legs so I'm really trying to push them hard now as I feel my upper body is far stronger!

And I don't know if I just suck at squats or what, but I can do 5x240 on squats yet 5x375 deadlift.


Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picasso, Monet......Bumrush?


Apologies...I just got a new phone and the filter apps are fun as hell


getting slightly more comfortable with my bench, still at 60kg's (132lb's) 5x5 but the first 3 sets are a lot easier than they were, then i start to struggle and need a spotter for the last set.

My goal is to bench my bodyweight, so i'm getting close, about 15lb's away, hopefully i can hit that before February, which will be my 1 year anniversary of going to the gym.


Down 2lbs, 225.0 this morning. Feel really bloated. Also got sleep, but split between 2 sessions, so not solid sleep. Feel strongish, but extremely cold this morning. We'll see how gym goes. After work, going to my girls place for home made Chinese food, putting up Christmas decorations, and watching a movie.
I like to see progress pics. It really helps motivate me to stick to my routine. I even have 2 pictures of my ideal build that I printed out, one on my fridge (dont snack!) and one on my bathroom mirror. Seeing where people started and where they end up is so helpful. Its helped me lose 20 lbs in 3-4 months and Im just about ready to go full tone (bulk may not be the term).

Anywho, I saw this guy on imgurs front page.


Step 1 - get swole
Step 2 - grow a beard
Step 3 - get some chicks and/or guys


What a great day at the gym. Ohp with 3x140, 3x160 and 3x175. Finished with a 10x130. Hit every rep, and set a new pull up record for myself, sets of 10,10,8,7,7. Hit the stack for 4 on rope tricep pulldown also. Really kicking ass and taking names at this point. 2015 best evar.
Thanks a lot, now I can't unsee that.
Damn, now it won't go away
No problem, guys!

Lol... Thanks for derailing my work of art
Sir, I am an artiste. I don't derail, I observe XD

I like to see progress pics. It really helps motivate me to stick to my routine. I even have 2 pictures of my ideal build that I printed out, one on my fridge (dont snack!) and one on my bathroom mirror. Seeing where people started and where they end up is so helpful. Its helped me lose 20 lbs in 3-4 months and Im just about ready to go full tone (bulk may not be the term).

Anywho, I saw this guy on imgurs front page.


Epic transformation, man! That's some great work right there!
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