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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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So it begins.




It was pretty amazing to see Vasiliy Polovnikov lift in person, I didn't expect him to drop by Lost Battalion Hall. He snatched up to 180kg and 10s pause back squatted 200kg out of nowhere. The bar bend with that squat was beautiful.

Apparently he was giving a weightlifting seminar several days ago in Brooklyn.


That's cute mkenyon. I'd follow ya if I did the whole Instagram thing.

Squats (blue): 175 lbs, 5x5
Bench (grey): 85 lbs, 5x5
Barbell Row (orange): 90 lbs, 5x5
Current weight (red): 161.4 lbs


Purple is overhead press and deadlift is green. The bench press deload looks a lot more drastic on paper than it does in the gym, lol. I really needed it though. Squats and deadlift are moving right along like champs. :)


It's definitely become a more controlled motion for me; I did 10 reps instead of 5 for my last set since I still had some juice left. Lateral pull downs helped a lot. You can see I hit 115/120 lbs and then started to struggle with it. I probably would have been fine dropping down to 90/100 lbs instead. There's no rush though, and a 115 lb bench isn't on the schedule until week 10 of SL to begin with.


Great to hear!!

Also, surprising that you singled out lat pull down for improving your bench. You don't hear that too often (but I understand the physiology and importance).

Keep pushing.


4th day in a row in the gym. Things going great even though I don't like getting up at 5am five days a week. I enjoy the workouts more though since they are shorter.

Legs tomorrow..


Good on ya despire, getting up early is the easy part. I would be begging for mercy by now if I was in the gym 5 days straight. Are you getting enough sleep to combat the shorter timeframe between sessions?


I am pretty sure I'm going to add the 5th day back to my gym schedule, but only doing the stair machine. I don't do any cardio, but this might be good to add on Fridays after all my other lifts are done. I just want to do more, but I know my body needs proper rest too.


Good on ya despire, getting up early is the easy part. I would be begging for mercy by now if I was in the gym 5 days straight. Are you getting enough sleep to combat the shorter timeframe between sessions?

I'm getting the same amount which is not ideal. Maybe around 7hrs per night at most. Need to try to get to bed earlier I guess.
I'm not sure if it's the exercise in general, or the niggling shoulder issues trying to repair, but I seem to be completely melting in bed recently. Even though it's winter I'm going to have to stick on a lightweight duvet because I'm sweating like a motherfucker. I suspect that's partially why I'm feeling so drained when I get up, even though I've slept for a long time.
That's cute mkenyon. I'd follow ya if I did the whole Instagram thing.

Squats (blue): 175 lbs, 5x5
Bench (grey): 85 lbs, 5x5
Barbell Row (orange): 90 lbs, 5x5
Current weight (red): 161.4 lbs


Purple is overhead press and deadlift is green. The bench press deload looks a lot more drastic on paper than it does in the gym, lol. I really needed it though. Squats and deadlift are moving right along like champs. :)

What app is that?

Edit: By the way, could someone check my form on deadlift? I have the feeling i extend my legs too quickly and use too much of my lower back to lift the weight.



Plateaus. Sometimes, a deload is the only way to make progress.

I def plateau but what I do is just force myself to go up in weight. So for my 5 rep max, I'll end up doing 4. And I just stay at that weight til I can get 5.

That's worked so far.
That's fine if you're still progressing in reps, but sometimes a plateau can have you stuck at the same reps / weight for weeks, at which point there would be no point in continuing trying to grind out that extra rep.


That's fine if you're still progressing in reps, but sometimes a plateau can have you stuck at the same reps / weight for weeks, at which point there would be no point in continuing trying to grind out that extra rep.
Makes total sense.

I just hate "losing" that week yanno? Not rational but a feel thing.
Arguably you can lose far more than a week. Depending on your program, a deload could put you three or four weeks back (some have you take off a significant percentage of the weight before adding it on with the original progression rate). See Wulfric's chart above; it'll be a few sessions before he's back to where his bench plateaued.

That said, you could just as easily find yourself stuck on those 4 reps for the same amount of time. Progression is not guaranteed.


Not even being stealthy about it: The fat is melting off so quickly and I have no idea why.

Could it be the transition from bulking to cutting? Does this relate to the "cheat-days-help-fat-loss" argument?
Could it be the transition from bulking to cutting? Does this relate to the "cheat-days-help-fat-loss" argument?
Unquestionably. Your body is far "happier" losing fat when you've been well fuelled than it is after you've spent months on a continuous cut. Makes sense from an evolutionary perspective too (you store fat to survive hard times).


Makes total sense.

I just hate "losing" that week yanno? Not rational but a feel thing.

eventually it becomes inevitable that you'll need to either deload or get stuck (for most people). If you focus on being in it for the long run, those few weeks won't feel like a big deal.

Also, sometimes a deload is just good for sanity / confidence.


Unquestionably. Your body is far "happier" losing fat when you've been well fuelled than it is after you've spent months on a continuous cut. Makes sense from an evolutionary perspective too (you store fat to survive hard times).
Wow. My mind is kind of blown. Cheat days are almost a necessity?! Guilt-free Saturdays, here I come. #Cooterize
I used the Cooter protocol every week after I'd been struggling with cutting for a considerable amount of time (my intake kept getting lower, but I was losing more muscle than fat). I wouldn't recommend it for people above the low teens in body fat, but next time I cut, I'm doing it without a second thought. Took a massive change in psychology though.... MORE FOOD = BAD. FATTY!


Wow. My mind is kind of blown. Cheat days are almost a necessity?! Guilt-free Saturdays, here I come. #Cooterize

Lol you should have just embraced the dark side a year or two ago. It's amazing how well the body responds to cheat days. And your mind as well.
I used the Cooter protocol every week after I'd been struggling with cutting for a considerable amount of time (my intake kept getting lower, but I was losing more muscle than fat). I wouldn't recommend it for people above the low teens in body fat, but next time I cut, I'm doing it without a second thought. Took a massive change in psychology though.... MORE FOOD = BAD. FATTY!

Could someone explain that cooter protocol to me? Sounds interesting.

Also I still need a form check on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guEMZpe2ZLs
Tis just a play on the way Cooter (legendary fitness gaf poster) eats when cutting. One day a week is an absolute blowout cheat day where he eats ridiculous amounts, then is back to being extremely strict for the rest of the week. You gain a huge amount the day after that day, and it's all gone again three days later, and even more before you hit the weekend.

This was from my weight loss chart after I started doing it (it was basically flat before this):


As for the deadlift, first thing I noticed is that you're not going up evenly. On a few reps you have your legs virtually locked out before you proceed to lift with your lower back. On a few reps you seem to fail to hit lockout at your hips (humping the bar). If I was being especially strict I'd argue that you're bouncing the bar a bit off the mats too.


Could someone explain that cooter protocol to me? Sounds interesting.

Also I still need a form check on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guEMZpe2ZLs

Your back is jerking up which is causing your ass to flare out and your arms to do too much of the lifting. Solidify that and you should be able to lift a lot more.

Also, Cooter is one of our most valued treasures and an absolute behemoth. He advocates the benefits of using cheat days (and I mean Rock-like cheat days) to continuously confuse the body. A lot of us do the same but it's more fun to call it Cooterizing, the Cooter Protocol, etc.


Speaking of diet, I think my dog might have a pretty similar diet to ILoveBish.

I often get a bit jealous with their ability to eat so clean and be happy about it. But then I think about doughnuts and stop being jealous.


That looks more like what a normal american eats.

I got good sleep, feel rested, but my body is aching. I think I'm going to take next week off completely to recover, then go in for 1s week on new years week, then take another week off.

I'm stronger then ever, but I feel like my body wants a break. Damn you old age. I just hate how I get mentally without the gym. It's such a big deal to me to go. We'll see. Today is bench and I know I'm going to knock it out easy.
Whatever the hell it was I just snapped out of my funk this morning. Arms day underway right now. Feel soooooo much better after uninterrupted sleep I'm crushing my bis like they murdered my loved ones. Upped weights on all my lifts today so far and nailing every rep. It feels good to not feel like poop. Hope it sticks around for the weekend.


204 lbs @ 20% bodyfat

getting closer but its depressing when it feels like the belly never gets any smaller.

I need to do measurements again.


Junior Member
It was pretty amazing to see Vasiliy Polovnikov lift in person, I didn't expect him to drop by Lost Battalion Hall. He snatched up to 180kg and 10s pause back squatted 200kg out of nowhere. The bar bend with that squat was beautiful.

Apparently he was giving a weightlifting seminar several days ago in Brooklyn.

That guy is ridiculously strong. He lifts don't look as clean or pretty as Klokov or Apti but fuck is he strong. Really cool that you got to see him.


Gym went well. But that's it for a while. My left tricep is not in pain, but it feels weird on my warm up reps, but not on the working reps. Either way, this is 6 months nonstop, going to take a week off at least.

Bench today with 3x170, 3x195 and 3x220. Ended with 10x160. Hit every rep easy.

Kibble is grain free, top 5 ingredients are meat. No starch fillers.

That's ILB as fuck.

I said it looks like the SAD. Aka Absolutelydisgusting.png.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Squats be going down again, back continues doing work.

Squats - 230lbs 1x5, 1x2, 205lbs 1x5
DB Press - 65s 4, 2.5, 2
Good Mornings - 140lbs 5x8 (PR)
Pendlay rows - 225lbs 1x5, 2x3 (PR)
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