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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 156.4 lbs
Available Equipment: At home for a month on break, where I have a workout bench and a treadmil. Back at college, I have access to a full gym.

So I haven't worked out since earlier this year, did P90X for like the third time, and failed after a few weeks. I could keep up with the workouts, but honestly I just ran out of time. I didn't have time or the motivation to do an hour and a half 6 days a week, it was just stressing me out way too much with my other commitments.

So, this time, I'm definitely cutting down the time. I did quite a bit of reading in the OP and I think I'm gonna go with the Full Body workout. I just had a couple questions

  • I see that this workout has a schedule for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for what I should do on some spare days, because I'd really like to aim to workout 5 or 6 times a week. It's just that I feel like only working out three times a week isn't enough - I want to turn this into a habit and a lifestyle change and I feel like only 3 times a week with gaps between won't help that happen.
  • I've been checking out some of the nutrition tools like myfitnesspal and the 1percentedge calculator, and they're great tools, but I'm still kinda unsure on exactly what to eat. I'm specifically looking to cut down on fat. Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of some sort of guide on what I should and shouldn't be eating in terms of actual foods.

Thanks in advance!

Three days a week is fine. Didn't you just say that you stopped P90X because it took too much time? If you want to do something between weightlifting, do some cardio.

For your nutrition questions, you can check this out: http://gradientbody.com/2015/12/19/what-to-eat/


Three days a week is fine. Didn't you just say that you stopped P90X because it took too much time? If you want to do something between weightlifting, do some cardio.

For your nutrition questions, you can check this out: http://gradientbody.com/2015/12/19/what-to-eat/
Thanks for the link, I'll read it after breakfast. Yeah to be clear, I was okay doing it 6 times a week it was more so doing the actual time on each day 6 times a week that was tough to keep up. But yeah you're right, I was thinking along the lines of just doing some cardio on the other days, if I really want.

EDIT: That link definitely helped point me in the right general direction, thanks again. Also I just remembered I'm doing a Yoga class at college on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the first couple months of this upcoming semester, so that'll fill that void =)


What! 189! 1 pound away from my goal. AND I aced my final test yesterday (I still have my board exam in February)

I'm almost scared to go back to working out today. This rest plus eating more is doing wonders for me ;)
Weigh ins are tonight. Woke up at 237 just have to be 242.5 at weigh in. Won't be an issue. Then game day is tomorrow at 10am. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Break someone else's leg today! Go go go!

What! 189! 1 pound away from my goal. AND I aced my final test yesterday (I still have my board exam in February)

I'm almost scared to go back to working out today. This rest plus eating more is doing wonders for me ;)
Grats on the target and final :D


Acquaintance at the gym invited me to come try out jujitsu. I think I'll give it a shot.
Honestly, it's the most utilitarian in my opinion. Fights almost always end up on the ground. That's where Brazilian Jujitsu wins.

I never took it. When I was taking Muay Thai classes there was a BJJ class using the same space. Their wrestling/sparring involves sweating it out in very close quarters with a complete stranger. It just looked like a ball of human limbs sweating all over each other lol. It did not appeal to me. That said, I bet they could all take me down.


Attempting to go back to IF is tough. Those 50%-off Taco Bell deals, Thanksgiving, and a few other things put me back on track for eating all hours of the day. Pants got tighter, shirts got more wrinkly, people became aware.

Time for change.


A couple of things:

1) I previously failed at 85 on OHP and deloaded. Today I failed on 82.5. How do I break past this? I felt really rested today and did 5-5-4 on chin ups which was a new PR (up from 5-5-3)

2) I am straining my left forearm and bicep (and only the left) on squats. How is this happening?
EDIT: I think I have an idea on this one - I think I have allowed my grip to get too wide. I will work on it and see.
The day I get back from Christmas leave I have a 10k race followed by max pull ups, sit-ups and push-ups in that order. I have to finish in the top 30 or so. Any tips for increasing speed or pace would be great. As well as improving my strength game.

I currently running about 8.5 everyday. I'm going to add some distance starting Monday and start interval training everyother day. I have a bench set, and free weights to help with the strength portion if you have suggestions.
A couple of things:

1) I previously failed at 85 on OHP and deloaded. Today I failed on 82.5. How do I break past this?

I've had this happen to me on bench and I'm tempted to change the number of reps I do or something, just to ease the crushing depression of continued failure. Maybe instead of 5x5 at say, 150lbs, I'd do 4x12 reps at 120lbs. Maybe the increased volume might help me / help me improve my form. I don't know though.
A couple of things:

1) I previously failed at 85 on OHP and deloaded. Today I failed on 82.5. How do I break past this? I felt really rested today and did 5-5-4 on chin ups which was a new PR (up from 5-5-3)
What are your accessory exercises for shoulders?

(Also triceps)


The day I get back from Christmas leave I have a 10k race followed by max pull ups, sit-ups and push-ups in that order. I have to finish in the top 30 or so. Any tips for increasing speed or pace would be great. As well as improving my strength game.

I currently running about 8.5 everyday. I'm going to add some distance starting Monday and start interval training everyother day. I have a bench set, and free weights to help with the strength portion if you have suggestions.
That's not a lot of time, don't expect to improve your pace by ungodly amounts. I'd also strongly suggest against going hard everyday, 1 quality (running) workout every other day is plenty. Running hard every day, your body will have a hard time recovering/adapting, and you won't reap anywhere near max benefits from the work you put in.

In terms of running exercises, what would work best for you is heavily dependent on current shape and target pace, but in broad terms, I'd go after 3 quality sessions a week: 1 short intervals (30/30s, 400m repeats), 1 long intervals (mile repeats), and 1 long run with some segments at target race pace. Stick to easy runs every other days. Wouldn't go for much more than 15-16Km on your long run if you're prepping for a 10K happening in a cple of weeks. Try to have a weekly day off from running. Save your legs the last couple of days before the race, stick to casual strolls, no more than a cple of Kms at an easy pace, with a few strides to get the blood flowing.

Good luck! What's your target time?


Determined to run outside all through the winter months to avoid cabin fever on weekends. Had my first 20°F run this morning with proper gear and it was actually kind of fun. I feel like people thought I was a psycho though.

Below zero should be interesting!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Didn't get my 1000lb total but came close. 70+ competitors today went 1/3 on bench. 365 failed 385 twice. Went 2/3 on deadlift 585 and 617, failed 639 at lockout. Videos tonight. 1st place overall push/pull and best deadlift of the meet.
Do you all ever see someone do something absolutely incredible and wish you could do the same?

A lot of my friends have incredible upper body strength (couple with being in top notch physical condition) and can do all those crazy gymnastic things. Rings, handstands tricks out of nowhere, extreme flexibility.

I wouldn't even know where to begin with that stuff. I'm big and bulky lol. Doing even one muscle up is a chore.

Didn't get my 1000lb total but came close. 70+ competitors today went 1/3 on bench. 365 failed 385 twice. Went 2/3 on deadlift 585 and 617, failed 639 at lockout. Videos tonight. 1st place overall push/pull and best deadlift of the meet.

EDIT: Missed your post Brolic. Amazing work big guy, that's mind boggling. Damn. Great job.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Wait, you won? Congratulations!!! Hot damn! Super proud of you right now. Enjoy this day big guy.


Didn't get my 1000lb total but came close. 70+ competitors today went 1/3 on bench. 365 failed 385 twice. Went 2/3 on deadlift 585 and 617, failed 639 at lockout. Videos tonight. 1st place overall push/pull and best deadlift of the meet.

Nicely done man and you'll have a goal to shoot for next time.


Didn't get my 1000lb total but came close. 70+ competitors today went 1/3 on bench. 365 failed 385 twice. Went 2/3 on deadlift 585 and 617, failed 639 at lockout. Videos tonight. 1st place overall push/pull and best deadlift of the meet.
Holy shit?! Yaaaassssss! That's badass!

Can't wait to see the videos. F5-F5-F5-F5-F5...


Didn't get my 1000lb total but came close. 70+ competitors today went 1/3 on bench. 365 failed 385 twice. Went 2/3 on deadlift 585 and 617, failed 639 at lockout. Videos tonight. 1st place overall push/pull and best deadlift of the meet.


Never a doubt in our minds dude!! Congratulations, you must be absolutely fired up.

Can't wait to see the videos.


Thanks guys. Here is the video. Gonna repost on new page too.


Bench 365, 385, 385.

Deadlift 585, 617, 639.


Fucking awesome dude. Thanks for posting. I know we all make jokes but you really are strong as hell. Truly inspiring shit. That second deadlift was the definition of determination.

I think it'd be cool (when you have time) if you could post how you prepped for it. What was your routine the day before and day of. What'd you eat, did you lift at all, etc.


The carb coma is real. Apple fritter, sushi, cheeseburger and fries, pasta, chips, bagels, biscuits, toast and more. It's hard to keep my eyes open, the carb crash is so severe.


Saw someone at the gym with a nice upper-body build but a really disproportionate lower body. Was thinking he skips leg day until I saw him squat about 60 lbs more than I can currently. Then it got me wondering: how much do you actually have to squat/press to be have legs that still don't look like noodles in contrast?

Seems I have even more work to do than I anticipated.


Switched from doing 5x5 for my squats to doing 3x5.

I just feel like it takes too long and I'm drained for the rest of my workout.
Saw someone at the gym with a nice upper-body build but a really disproportionate lower body. Was thinking he skips leg day until I saw him squat about 60 lbs more than I can currently. Then it got me wondering: how much do you actually have to squat/press to be have legs that still don't look like noodles in contrast?

Surely a lot of it comes down to what you weigh? I mean... it's all very well squatting 300lbs, but if you weigh 275lbs then it's not that impressive.

Also, most people tend to judge others on their calves (not often you get a good look at someone's thighs / hamstrings / glutes)... and 80% of impressive calves are down to genetics.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Saw someone at the gym with a nice upper-body build but a really disproportionate lower body. Was thinking he skips leg day until I saw him squat about 60 lbs more than I can currently. Then it got me wondering: how much do you actually have to squat/press to be have legs that still don't look like noodles in contrast?

Seems I have even more work to do than I anticipated.
Man if you saw me with my baggy shorts on and average calves you would probably say the same. It's all about the butt/hip strength. My quads and hammies are decent but nothing to brag about.
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