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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do you all ever see someone do something absolutely incredible and wish you could do the same?

A lot of my friends have incredible upper body strength (couple with being in top notch physical condition) and can do all those crazy gymnastic things. Rings, handstands tricks out of nowhere, extreme flexibility.

I wouldn't even know where to begin with that stuff. I'm big and bulky lol. Doing even one muscle up is a chore.

EDIT: Missed your post Brolic. Amazing work big guy, that's mind boggling. Damn. Great job.

Wait, you won? Congratulations!!! Hot damn! Super proud of you right now. Enjoy this day big guy.

Nicely done man and you'll have a goal to shoot for next time.

Holy shit?! Yaaaassssss! That's badass!

Can't wait to see the videos. F5-F5-F5-F5-F5...


Never a doubt in our minds dude!! Congratulations, you must be absolutely fired up.

Can't wait to see the videos.

congratulations brolic! excited for that video.

Congrats brolic. You're a beast.

Wooooo! Grats man!

Fucking awesome dude. Thanks for posting. I know we all make jokes but you really are strong as hell. Truly inspiring shit. That second deadlift was the definition of determination.

I think it'd be cool (when you have time) if you could post how you prepped for it. What was your routine the day before and day of. What'd you eat, did you lift at all, etc.

Incredible video Brolic, glad to see all that training paid off for ya! That 617 deadlift was the definition of epic.

Brolic putting the work in. Awesome video.

congrats friendo

Appreciate it fellas. I'll do a write up at some point Bum. Feel like I got run over today. Went back and watched video and found it hilarious you can hear a guy yell "JESUS" when 585lbs flys up on the deadlift. Lol. I have no doubt I'll be at or close to 700lbs next year. Training is on point right now. Just need to recover from the meet.

Reposting for new page.


Bench 365, 385, 385.

Deadlift 585, 617, 639.

1st place overall Push/Pull. Highest deadlift of the meet. Two state records (for the federation)



It's all about the butt/hip strength. My quads and hammies are decent but nothing to brag about.

On the subject of butt / hip strength, does anyone have an idea what's the usual amount for doing barbell glute bridges with? As of last week I'm using more than I can squat, and I think I'm a fair way from finding my limit on it (I managed 12 reps with that, and probably could have done more).

Edit - Awesome pics Brolic. You really have got that wrecking ball physique going on now.



So, after weighing 331 lbs, I got down to 185 lbs a month ago. I felt pretty weak after reaching my nadir, so I decided to start calorie/carb cycling. I've added 100 lbs to my deadlift (315 to 415), 50 lbs to my bench (200 to 250) and 80 lbs to my squat (235 to 315). My weight is still the same. I wish I had a good reference pic from a month ago...nonetheless, I'm proud of my progress


Surely a lot of it comes down to what you weigh? I mean... it's all very well squatting 300lbs, but if you weigh 275lbs then it's not that impressive.

Also, most people tend to judge others on their calves (not often you get a good look at someone's thighs / hamstrings / glutes)... and 80% of impressive calves are down to genetics.

Man if you saw me with my baggy shorts on and average calves you would probably say the same. It's all about the butt/hip strength. My quads and hammies are decent but nothing to brag about.

He was wearing tight, mid-thigh running shorts, so it wasn't an issue of not being able to make out musculature. :)

Also, it was more an observation about how much you have to lift to make visible gains. I mean, I started understanding that it takes a lot more effort to get even just an aesthetic look, but legs must be especially difficult to build.

No more leg-day judgments :)


Appreciate it fellas. I'll do a write up at some point Bum. Feel like I got run over today. Went back and watched video and found it hilarious you can hear a guy yell "JESUS" when 585lbs flys up on the deadlift. Lol. I have no doubt I'll be at or close to 700lbs next year. Training is on point right now. Just need to recover from the meet.

Reposting for new page.


Bench 365, 385, 385.

Deadlift 585, 617, 639.

1st place overall Push/Pull. Highest deadlift of the meet. Two state records (for the federation)




That action shot should be framed in your house asap dude.


Appreciate it fellas. I'll do a write up at some point Bum. Feel like I got run over today. Went back and watched video and found it hilarious you can hear a guy yell "JESUS" when 585lbs flys up on the deadlift. Lol. I have no doubt I'll be at or close to 700lbs next year. Training is on point right now. Just need to recover from the meet.

Reposting for new page.


Bench 365, 385, 385.

Deadlift 585, 617, 639.

1st place overall Push/Pull. Highest deadlift of the meet. Two state records (for the federation)




I'm proud of you dude. A hero for me to look up to.
The carb coma is real. Apple fritter, sushi, cheeseburger and fries, pasta, chips, bagels, biscuits, toast and more. It's hard to keep my eyes open, the carb crash is so severe.

Always gotta watch what I pack myself for lunch at work, or I end up dozing off around 1:30 - 2pm

He was wearing tight, mid-thigh running shorts, so it wasn't an issue of not being able to make out musculature. :)

Also, it was more an observation about how much you have to lift to make visible gains. I mean, I started understanding that it takes a lot more effort to get even just an aesthetic look, but legs must be especially difficult to build.

No more leg-day judgments :)

It's not so much that it's more difficult. It's just that you train differently to build strength, than you do to build size.


How long until Brolic is in ads like this:

"Top 10 secrets Doctors don't want you to know about"

"Learn the fat burning secret that they don't want the public to know!"


Also anyone have and protein powder recommendations?
I've been trying the Banana Creme ON Protein 5lb tub and I love it. I initially got Double Chocolate but there was something off about it, so I would add vanilla extract, cinnamon, bananas, etc to improve the flavor. Banana Creme is great on its own and...tastes like banana.



amazing work, and I also lol'd at the "JESUS" on the deadlift.

Also anyone have and protein powder recommendations?
Depends what you like, and whether you're planning on mixing the powder with milk or adding it to more complex shakes/smoothies.

Optimum Nutrition generally has stupid good flavors. But the GNC stuff is craaaaaaaaaaaazy cheap if you have a membership and get it on discount.


Get home from vacation and was told I look fatter. What a bad week to take off from the gym, could chew through these carbs, but body needs rest badly.


I also had the double chocolate ON before.

I got some Cellucor Peanut Butter Marshmallow and that was actually pretty good.

Amazon has a few stuff on sale here and there but I might just try the BSN stuff. People seem to like the taste.

Also I've had people tell me I look thinner and that I need to stop losing weight. lol
Also I've had people tell me I look thinner and that I need to stop losing weight. lol

My mother was always like that when she was alive, bless her. I was still a full on chubster and she was adamant I was getting too skinny.

Unrelated, I think I'm going to have to put together a number of routines to do with shoulder injuries. They just keep coming back (I've never managed longer than 6 months without one) and I'm going to spend half of my time not lifting if I don't find a way to work around them. Tried a few things today but it's surprising how many lifts you can feel them on.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Shoulder is beat up bad today. Gonna rehab it a lot next few weeks. Low back doesn't hurt at all which means my deads were perfect for the meet. Just sore back and hamstrings, no pain.

Next two weeks will be bodybuilding style training, then right back into my programming with powerlifting as the focus with strongman mixed in for conditioning and prep for strongman season. Next powerlifting meet will be in May/June and strongman will be around there as well. Gonna enjoy next two weeks though.

Everyone is literally sitting around 'mirin... Sick photo.

Talked to wife, it's getting blown up and put somewhere in the living room. Medal is getting framed like last one and plaque will go next to it.

No doubt. I spent a good 2 minutes blowing it up and studying it. Love it!

I did the same after he pointed it out. Even the kid sitting to the right who was stoic the entire meet has a cool look on his face.

This is absolutely incredible! Proud via proxy! What an accomplishment!

Wow brolic, unbelievable strength

Thanks man.

That's some awesome shots. Great work, man.

Appreciate it bud.

How long until Brolic is in ads like this:

"Top 10 secrets Doctors don't want you to know about"

"Learn the fat burning secret that they don't want the public to know!"

Lol, the fat burning one won't happen anytime soon. Would be cool if I get sponsor offers eventually though. Already eyeing my next meet.


amazing work, and I also lol'd at the "JESUS" on the deadlift.

Depends what you like, and whether you're planning on mixing the powder with milk or adding it to more complex shakes/smoothies.

Optimum Nutrition generally has stupid good flavors. But the GNC stuff is craaaaaaaaaaaazy cheap if you have a membership and get it on discount.

Thanks bud.

I didn't check the thread over the weekend, so I just saw your results. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing it with us. Your deadlifts always have such an incredibly precise look to them. Amazing to see.

Thank you, I got a ton of compliments on it at the meet as well. Now if I can get my other lifts on point like that.



I also love the speed limit for the ladies.

I also realize that Brolic can really pull off a great Bane costume for Halloween.

He can walk around the neighborhood, randomly OHP people and break their backs.

Within reason, of course. I mean he's not an animal, just a beast.


Am I the only person who doesn't use a jug at the gym?

I swear everyone has a gallon container.

Where did this trend start? I mean I know I get my water in but are these dudes really drinking 1 gallon just at the gym?


How many protein shake do you guys drink each day.

I drink one scoop after I get back from the gym. Eat dinner and then drink another one an hour or two later.

Is this optimal?
How many protein shake do you guys drink each day.

I drink one scoop after I get back from the gym. Eat dinner and then drink another one an hour or two later.

Is this optimal?

I drink one per day. I used to eat all of my protein until i went over 4k calories. I needed to get some more solid carbs in so I swapped some protein in favor of a shake because eating a lot sucks :(


Appreciate it fellas. I'll do a write up at some point Bum. Feel like I got run over today. Went back and watched video and found it hilarious you can hear a guy yell "JESUS" when 585lbs flys up on the deadlift. Lol. I have no doubt I'll be at or close to 700lbs next year. Training is on point right now. Just need to recover from the meet.

Reposting for new page.


Bench 365, 385, 385.

Deadlift 585, 617, 639.

1st place overall Push/Pull. Highest deadlift of the meet. Two state records (for the federation)




Beyond all the regulars, just wanted to check in for most of the lurkers and say holy shit. Massively impressive Brolic. Good enough to draw at least one person out of hiding. A real inspiration.


How many protein shake do you guys drink each day.

I drink one scoop after I get back from the gym. Eat dinner and then drink another one an hour or two later.

2 cups of milk per day plus ON vanilla whey has worked well for me.

Had a bit of a scary moment in the gym today; I was going back up on my squat when I suddenly began to lurch forward. Luckily I caught myself and finished the rest of my sets drama free, but that will teach me to avoid adjusting my feet mid-squat. .__.

Squats: 185 lbs, 5x5
Bench Press: 95 lbs, 5x5
Barbell Row: 95 lbs, 5x5
Current weight: 161.4 lbs


How many protein shake do you guys drink each day.

I drink one scoop after I get back from the gym. Eat dinner and then drink another one an hour or two later.

Is this optimal?

One at most. Optimal would be finding the time to get your protein from whole foods instead of processed products and making sure you have enough protein per day. I'm not saying the shakes hurt though.

One snack I use for a quick protein boost is plain Greek yogurt. 1 cup = 22g+ protein and around 120 calories.


Yeah, I love me some Greek yoghurt. Have recently been trying it with things like chopped almonds and the like. Delicious.
Admittedly I use a little stevia to soften the sour taste. I still think one day they'll realize it's terrible for you lol
I actually really like that tang. Makes for a great contrast with certain foods.

I've also used it with curry (chicken) to make an ULTRA PROTEIN COMBOOOOOO.


Appreciate it fellas. I'll do a write up at some point Bum. Feel like I got run over today. Went back and watched video and found it hilarious you can hear a guy yell "JESUS" when 585lbs flys up on the deadlift. Lol. I have no doubt I'll be at or close to 700lbs next year. Training is on point right now. Just need to recover from the meet.

Reposting for new page.


Bench 365, 385, 385.

Deadlift 585, 617, 639.

1st place overall Push/Pull. Highest deadlift of the meet. Two state records (for the federation)




This lurker says hi, and that is super impressive and motivating.


Much deserved love for Brolic's achievements. Made me excited for leg days this week!

Side note: down to 164 from 171 in less than 2 weeks. Still holding on to 235lb squats and 205lb bench for 5x5. Very pleased.


I just switched from high bar to low bar squats, can you guys take a look at my form?


This is 82.5 kg. It was my third set so I'm already pretty worn out. Ignore the fourth rep, I could tell it wasn't low enough when I was doing it.

It looks like you lean too far forward on some of your reps. Might be fatigued by the third set or bringing in some high bar form into your low bar. I would suggest to make sure you're keeping your upper back and core tight the whole time, and really focus on throwing your ass back. Ideally you want the bar over your midfoot the entire time and it's hard to see in the video but it looks like it's going over your toes.

If you find yourself unable to stop the forward lean, opening up your stance wider and pointing your toes out a little might help you with being able to sit back while staying more upright.
I just switched from high bar to low bar squats, can you guys take a look at my form?


This is 82.5 kg. It was my third set so I'm already pretty worn out. Ignore the fourth rep, I could tell it wasn't low enough when I was doing it.

First form critique:

Edit off the non-lifting part of your video before you upload it. Don't make people watch 30 seconds of nothing.

Then, basically what bchamba said. You have to push out of the bottom with your hips, if your back is doing all the moving at the bottom you will not train the muscles you're supposed to be training and you will also someday strain your back. Keep the bar balanced over the middle of your foot the entire time so you can push with your hips through your heels instead of pulling with your back through your toes.


It looks like you lean too far forward on some of your reps. Might be fatigued by the third set or bringing in some high bar form into your low bar. I would suggest to make sure you're keeping your upper back and core tight the whole time, and really focus on throwing your ass back. Ideally you want the bar over your midfoot the entire time and it's hard to see in the video but it looks like it's going over your toes.

If you find yourself unable to stop the forward lean, opening up your stance wider and pointing your toes out a little might help you with being able to sit back while staying more upright.

Excellent critique dude. Spot on and with actionable suggestions. I love this community.


Am I the only person who doesn't use a jug at the gym?

I swear everyone has a gallon container.

Where did this trend start? I mean I know I get my water in but are these dudes really drinking 1 gallon just at the gym?

I don't drink a drop of water while lifting.
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