Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Do you all ever see someone do something absolutely incredible and wish you could do the same?
A lot of my friends have incredible upper body strength (couple with being in top notch physical condition) and can do all those crazy gymnastic things. Rings, handstands tricks out of nowhere, extreme flexibility.
I wouldn't even know where to begin with that stuff. I'm big and bulky lol. Doing even one muscle up is a chore.
EDIT: Missed your post Brolic. Amazing work big guy, that's mind boggling. Damn. Great job.
Wait, you won? Congratulations!!! Hot damn! Super proud of you right now. Enjoy this day big guy.
Nicely done man and you'll have a goal to shoot for next time.
Holy shit?! Yaaaassssss! That's badass!
Can't wait to see the videos. F5-F5-F5-F5-F5...
Never a doubt in our minds dude!! Congratulations, you must be absolutely fired up.
Can't wait to see the videos.
congratulations brolic! excited for that video.
Congrats brolic. You're a beast.
Wooooo! Grats man!
Fucking awesome dude. Thanks for posting. I know we all make jokes but you really are strong as hell. Truly inspiring shit. That second deadlift was the definition of determination.
I think it'd be cool (when you have time) if you could post how you prepped for it. What was your routine the day before and day of. What'd you eat, did you lift at all, etc.
Incredible video Brolic, glad to see all that training paid off for ya! That 617 deadlift was the definition of epic.
Brolic putting the work in. Awesome video.
congrats friendo
Appreciate it fellas. I'll do a write up at some point Bum. Feel like I got run over today. Went back and watched video and found it hilarious you can hear a guy yell "JESUS" when 585lbs flys up on the deadlift. Lol. I have no doubt I'll be at or close to 700lbs next year. Training is on point right now. Just need to recover from the meet.
Reposting for new page.
Bench 365, 385, 385.
Deadlift 585, 617, 639.
1st place overall Push/Pull. Highest deadlift of the meet. Two state records (for the federation)