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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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The only thirst happening in this thread will be for me when I finish destroying this body fat. You'll see men and women alike tryna get me slurped. Just watch.

My bench is making great progress. I stalled for like a month at 120 and now I'm at 135. Yee!
I don't recall when was the last time I tried for PR. I just know what I can do 10 reps with for set 1 on any exercise - then when I can do 11 with perfect form, I add weight on set 1. I have a very utilitarian approach to my workouts and goals XD


I can't comment much on the smoking, but is there a reason you aren't deadlifting? If you need to start with the bar (I did myself), go with that. And is that a seated leg press you're doing 405 on? If you press that much I figure your squat would be higher than 120.

I was building up to the big 3 and was implementing them all this week. I was planning on incorporating Dead Lift starting tomorrow. I thought maybe I should wait to post until I do, and decided against it cause I might no be on my computer tomorrow.

Yeah seated Leg Press.

My squats are not higher because I just started doing it and have trouble keeping my upper body form good beyond that. My legs handle it just fine.

do work baybay
So then... I appreciate very few of you are going to be around over the next few hours. But if you are and see this, I'm looking for suggestions for my Christmas day weights session.

Ideally I fancy doing unusual lifts that I haven't tried before, but if you can't think of an odd lift, I'd settle for a strange method of execution (pause reps, iso holds etc).

Any and all suggestions considered. I'm going to be trying pause squats for sure, and I was thinking maybe tempo work on the bench (lower to the count of 5, up to the count of 3 or something).


So then... I appreciate very few of you are going to be around over the next few hours. But if you are and see this, I'm looking for suggestions for my Christmas day weights session.

Ideally I fancy doing unusual lifts that I haven't tried before, but if you can't think of an odd lift, I'd settle for a strange method of execution (pause reps, iso holds etc).

Any and all suggestions considered. I'm going to be trying pause squats for sure, and I was thinking maybe tempo work on the bench (lower to the count of 5, up to the count of 3 or something).

Don't worry. I'm here for you.



All seem reasonable, but I'd bump your deadlift up a bit. For most it's usually a higher than their squat.
Sure thing, I was making projections based on my progress rate so far. I think there's a bit of intimidation factor at play with lifting over 300 lbs. Will adjust accordingly. :)

I was building up to the big 3 and was implementing them all this week. I was planning on incorporating Dead Lift starting tomorrow. My squats are not higher because I just started doing it and have trouble keeping my upper body form good beyond that. My legs handle it just fine.
Ah, sounds good man. If you start incorporating deadlifts it'll help with everything else. Are you wearing flat shoes for your squats? I was using plain old running shoes for a while until I realized how terrible that was for my form. After that my form got better.
So then... I appreciate very few of you are going to be around over the next few hours. But if you are and see this, I'm looking for suggestions for my Christmas day weights session.

Ideally I fancy doing unusual lifts that I haven't tried before, but if you can't think of an odd lift, I'd settle for a strange method of execution (pause reps, iso holds etc).

Any and all suggestions considered. I'm going to be trying pause squats for sure, and I was thinking maybe tempo work on the bench (lower to the count of 5, up to the count of 3 or something).
You're doing my London Bridges now, son!

On your way down the rope, as you place one hand directly below the other, pull yourself back up, let down again, lower the next hand. Leave no more than one inch space between hands on your exchange. Pull up, drop, lower hand, repeat until your body is horizontal with the ground.

On the way back up, pull yourself up, place the bottom hand on top of your other this time touching, no space, let yourself back again. Pull up, place the bottom hand on top again, touching, pull up, lower yourself down. Work your way back up to a standing position.

So the whole time down and up the rope you are pulling back up and letting yourself down every time you move in either direction.

Do that 5 times. There's one set.

Rest 1 minute.

Do 3 more sets :D

When I pull myself towards my hands I keep inline with my stomach, similar to rows.

Loves me some London's. Bought myself a 10' rope just for these :DDDDDD


I don't really make new year's resolutions but this coming year will be heavily about getting some strength back and unfucking my body from injury and inactivity. I'm kind of weird in that I don't weight myself, really hit the weights or obsess over my diet. I have a small journal notebook to keep track of my progress once I feel I am able to really run again. I am excited FitGAF.

Hope everyone enjoys their holidays!

Have you set any goals for yourself that are more concrete than that? I find its much easier to achieve goals when you set concrete short and long term ones.

Keep posting on here, especially if you ever need motivation or advice. It's an incredible community in that regard!!

The Wall

Looking good; I'm a dude, but I wish my stomach looked like yours, gj.

Seriously? Thanks. I'm pretty hard on myself when I let my fitness and health slide.

Have you set any goals for yourself that are more concrete than that? I find its much easier to achieve goals when you set concrete short and long term ones.

Keep posting on here, especially if you ever need motivation or advice. It's an incredible community in that regard!!

I'd like to get my flat stomach and toned arms back, be running a few kms at least every other day before summer of 2016 and continue working through my long standing injuries.

I'd like to get back to martial arts for at least cardio/outlet by the end of 2016.

I'm afraid to put any concrete goals down in case my body doesn't recover as quickly as I'm hoping. I think this is the first time in my life I have legitimately felt old. I am so stiff.


Seriously? Thanks. I'm pretty hard on myself when I let my fitness and health slide.

I'd like to get my flat stomach and toned arms back, be running a few kms at least every other day before summer of 2016 and continue working through my long standing injuries.

I'd like to get back to martial arts for at least cardio/outlet by the end of 2016.

I'm afraid to put any concrete goals down in case my body doesn't recover as quickly as I'm hoping. I think this is the first time in my life I have legitimately felt old. I am so stiff.

Many of the regulars in here are early to mid 30s so we get it :)

A couple years ago I set a goal of running 500 miles in the year. Nothing crazy, but crushing it made me feel so accomplished and wanting to get the rest of my shit in order. Also, you could try a once a week diet, like "no carbs on tuesdays". Your normal diet plus one day a week of being really strict will have a surprisingly large impact. Based on your pic and the goals you listed, I don't think your strategy needs to be insane!

The Wall

Hey guys can I ask about loose skin?

I'm about 5'10, 275 at 29 and I'm really worried about it.

You got enough height that it might not be a huge issue. Different people carry weight differently, and depending on how much of you that weight is muscle mass may mean you'll be fine. I'd suggest telling your doctor before you start some really intense exercise or dietary changes geared towards weight loss. Drinking lots of water and using moisturizing oils akin to bio oil can help reduce instances of scar tissue stretch marks. The doctor can help set you up with surgery if the skin problem is a real or serious concern.


My goals for 2016
Squat: 400 lbs (295 now)
Deadlift: 500 lbs (365 now)
Overhead Press: 180 lbs (145 now)
Bench: 300 lbs (220 now)
Weight Goal: lean but I'd like to be at around 180lbs. (I'm 203 now at about 20% body fat @ 5'11") more concerns about fat percentage than weight.

I'd also like to be able to do way more Pull ups.


Ah, sounds good man. If you start incorporating deadlifts it'll help with everything else. Are you wearing flat shoes for your squats? I was using plain old running shoes for a while until I realized how terrible that was for my form. After that my form got better.


This made such a HUGE difference for me.

Sounds like I need to go shoe shopping then. Wearing running shoes.


My goals for 2016
Squat: 400 lbs (295 now)
Deadlift: 500 lbs (365 now)
Overhead Press: 180 lbs (145 now)
Bench: 300 lbs (220 now)
Weight Goal: lean but I'd like to be at around 180lbs. (I'm 203 now at about 20% body fat @ 5'11") more concerns about fat percentage than weight.

I'd also like to be able to do way more Pull ups.

Beastly goals man. Love it.


Beastly goals man. Love it.
Honestly I feel like the toughest lift for me is the bench right now.

Maybe that's because I never use a spotter but I never feel like my form is good enough.

Squat and deadlift increase has been the craziest thing to notice. I was once struggling to squat 150 now 250 is nothing for me.

Deadlift form is also something that is tough but I'm still going at it.



Honestly I feel like the toughest lift for me is the bench right now.

Maybe that's because I never use a spotter but I never feel like my form is good enough.

Squat and deadlift increase has been the craziest thing to notice. I was once struggling to squat 150 now 250 is nothing for me.

Deadlift form is also something that is tough but I'm still going at it.


Awesome man. One suggestion with bench...make sure your form / starting position / bar path / cues / etc are on point. Any one of those could complicate an already though lift. Throw a form check vid together if you want us to take a look.


Sounds like I need to go shoe shopping then. Wearing running shoes.

Yeah, definitely do that. It doesn't have to be an expensive/fancy pair, just ones with flat soles so the weigh is distributed evenly. Here's a short blurb of the specific problems with lifting in running shoes. Mehdi's writing can be patronizing at times (especially his emails), but his program is legit.

Those are some sick goals Fox. Did you really start the year at less than 150 on squats? Your progress is impressive for 10 months.


Yeah, definitely do that. It doesn't have to be an expensive/fancy pair, just ones with flat soles so the weigh is distributed evenly. Here's a short blurb of the specific problems with lifting in running shoes. Mehdi's writing can be patronizing at times (especially his emails), but his program is legit.

Those are some sick goals Fox. Did you really start the year at less than 150 on squats? Your progress is impressive for 10 months.
Yup. Prior to that I never really knew how to lift. Oddly enough I wrestled for a long time and while I did do a few weight room stuff I didn't really get much out of it.

It wasn't until I discovered powerlifting did I really start to lose weight. That combined with myfitnesspal and my fitbit have been key to me getting in better shape.

I had a medical scare where a doctor told me I had to lose weight because of fatty liver and high iron and liver enzymes in my blood.

Since then I feel better, I'm in the clear as far as my doctor says, and I'm stronger than ever.

Part of it also is me learning to like running on the treadmill. If I can get in a zone I have no problem running 7-8 mph for a good 30 minutes and I was never a good runner before.

I think part of my next step is me counting my macros with my calories.


I guess my 2016 goals are to hit near or at BW (currently weigh around 68kg) snatch and clean&jerk.

It all depends on how soon my thumbs, hands, and, I guess wrists recover.


Yeah, definitely do that. It doesn't have to be an expensive/fancy pair, just ones with flat soles so the weigh is distributed evenly. Here's a short blurb of the specific problems with lifting in running shoes. Mehdi's writing can be patronizing at times (especially his emails), but his program is legit.

Thanks for that.

I got some money for christmas so I am gonna go buy a pair when I go out later.
Merry Christmas bros and broesses.

I don't really do goals to be honest as I only train weights to offset what all the cycling training does to my body. That said, I'd really love to get my 5 rep max on deadlift to double bodyweight. It's close right now but my form has taken a step backwards lately so I need to work on it.

Depressingly, I'd also like to get my bench (5 rep again) to just be bodyweight, but the only way that's going to happen is if I don't injure myself again all year, and the chances of that are slim to none. It would also be a huge increase, so much so that short of drugs I don't know that it would be possible. Maybe if I start doing 5/3/1 I'll have a better chance, at least psychologically.


Just got home from the gym. My highest Deadlift ended up being 150. I think I could have gone higher but I had done a decent amount of reps on lower weights building up to that.


Merry Christmas fitgaf. Christmas party went great, I started off feeling fat and obese, but as the night went on and I saw myself in the pictures people were taking, and how many people didn't recognize me (5+ people), it kinda got me a lot more confident. Also really upped my game clothes wise, and that really helped. Rocking a vest and damn, looks great.

It was the first really Armenian party we've gone to where I had to dance a lot, which is one of my biggest struggles in life. I was really stiff starting out, but by the end of the night I was actually doing pretty well, got a lot of feedback about how much I improved throughout the night. I'm positive some dance classes are going to happen in 2016.

My left tricep is still bothering me, I thought with all this time off it'd be good by now, but I keep lifting stuff everyday that's heavy and I'm not at the gym. It's much better then before. Hopefully I can hit the gym Monday and knock out my 1s week.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas. Taking my girl to the beach tomorrow in a tank top and shorts.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
All seem reasonable, but I'd bump your deadlift up a bit. For most it's usually a higher than their squat.

I lifted pretty consistently all year and didn't have anywhere near that kind of progress. I think I'll be switching to 531, bought the book recently.


Wife bought me a pair of FAT GRIPZ (with a Z) for christmas. Sweet!

Enjoy! I love the forearm pump they give.

I lifted pretty consistently all year and didn't have anywhere near that kind of progress. I think I'll be switching to 531, bought the book recently.

He mentioned he's only been lifting for 2 months. Very possible for a beginner to hit those numbers if they don't have any set backs and training is dialed in.
Merry Chriatmas, peeps! I hope everyone's day is filled with good eats, strong lifts and new PRs!

Also holy shit @ Spiritreaver! Slapping the swell on like a beast!


Merry Christmas and/or non-denominational seasonal greeting FitGAF! May you all receive the gift of gains and good food today.

Now, it's bulking time! :D
Christmas day random lifting done. REPS FOR (baby) JESUS.

Tried quite a few new things. Was happy with how the pause squats went. I actually waited in the bottom a good second before heading back up and I felt pretty strong. Rack pulls were interesting. Had to use straps because of my useless grip, but I was able to pull some ridiculous weight.


Any recommendation for shoes at the gym? I currently lift with some BEAT UP Vans (holes, soles flopping) so I'm looking for someting decently priced.

I can pick up more Vans or Converse All-Stars.. or something else? Been checking out the New Balance Minimus.

This would just be for lifting mainly, with some short cardio once in a while.
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