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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Christmas day random lifting done. REPS FOR (baby) JESUS.

Tried quite a few new things. Was happy with how the pause squats went. I actually waited in the bottom a good second before heading back up and I felt pretty strong. Rack pulls were interesting. Had to use straps because of my useless grip, but I was able to pull some ridiculous weight.
Straps are great to help isolate with pull-style lifts from Pendlay to pull-ups to prevent too much arm interference.

They are also great at alleviating pain from tennis elbow when gripping heavy weight. I use them from time to time when my right elbow flares up like last week. When it calms down I go back to normal but hot damn I can pull so much more with them XD

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
He mentioned he's only been lifting for 2 months. Very possible for a beginner to hit those numbers if they don't have any set backs and training is dialed in.

Oh yeah, I realize it's very possible. I just need to dial my training in even more with my progress next year. I've been very happy aesthetically, but I want to make it to the 1/2/3/4 plate range.

Pretty much there with upper body, so I don't think it'll be a problem if I monitor my protein intake.


This MIGHT be my first drunk post here. I feel f*cking fantastic. You guys are awesome. Love you all for your support and motivating posts. I'm having a great Christmas day in every way possible.

Gonna go back to Barbell Central tomorrow to pick some sh*t up and put it back down several times. Got some cold running gear including ski mask to run through the midwest winter. (Fuck you, cold weather)

In sumary - FitGAF is the best GAF. Anejo tequila is delicious. Gainz-a-plenty dinner coming up next.

PS - Brolic wins 2015.
My sister got me joggers that are way too small and tight. It is okay cause my ass is on point.



I'm going to post my end of year progress, but I have 2 more shots at finally hitting 3x5 pull-ups and I'm not calling it a year before giving it my best shot (last 2 attempts were 5-5-4 and 5-5-3)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Since we're posting fitness goals for next year:

185 bench for 5 reps (155 right now)
255 squat for 5 reps (around 215~220 right now)
315 deadlift for 5 reps (255 right now)

More or less hoping to increase my main lifts about 20%.

Also hoping to work my way up to doing muscle ups for reps. I can barely struggle my way through one right now.

I didn't make a ton of progress this year since I dramatically decreased the amount of times I was in the gym and focused a lot on calisthenics. I did manage to drop a good amount of body fat, though! Learning some calisthenics stuff was a lot of fun, too.


Brian Burke punched my mom
New Years goal is to start lifting again. I was doing well for progress on squats after injuries and then my father almost died and had half his leg amputated due to gangrene. Lifting took a back seat but I hit 365x8, 385x5, 395x7 paused beltless highbar. I wanted 405x8 and felt I could have done it so that's my lifting goal.


New Years goal is to start lifting again. I was doing well for progress on squats after injuries and then my father almost died and had half his leg amputated due to gangrene. Lifting took a back seat but I hit 365x8, 385x5, 395x7 paused beltless highbar. I wanted 405x8 and felt I could have done it so that's my lifting goal.

Dude, really sorry to hear that.


That sucks. All that money on cloths... I'm so lucky I've been a waste size 31 since 14. #genetics #donteventry #hatersgonhate

NBD. That's why gift receipts and Christmas return policies were invented.

And I've been a 28" since 12. ;-) [I can't fit the pants I bought 6 months ago, though, because my lower half has gotten so much bigger. :'(]


Persecution Complex
I've been trained by weightlifting trainers back in the day, and they have, along with some friends, told me don't worry about forearms they'll work themselves out.

Going to have to disagree when you're tall with lanky arms. Work out those forearms at the end of your workout.

It helps with every single upper body workout whether it be regular curls, bench press or dead lifts.

I can feel that extra lift with stronger forearms. Not to mention the veins and overall aesthetic it adds to your 6'3-6'6 body frame.



Making progress. Strength is the primary objective, however. Max bench is 250, deadlift 420, squat is weak at 275. My weight is 160lbs. Cutting down to 150lbs, continue to build lean, dense muscle and increase my p4p power are my goals.


Damn, I really need to figure out this arm pain during squats. Adjusting my grip hasn't helped and it's become a pretty serious issue.


Joined the YMCA near my house today, I was happy to see they had a decent weight room and sauna. They're even okay with deadlifts despite being located over an apartment complex. No chalk allowed though.

Squats: 195 lbs, 5x5
Bench: 100 lbs, 5x5
Barbell Row: 100, 5x5
Current weight: 161.8 lbs

I love that I keep increasing my lifts every week while my weight has stayed the same. Gotta keep it up next year!

The Wall

Got myself back into drinking green tea almost all the time. I almost immediately notice the difference in my energy level, and how much my body can deal with easily because I'm more hydrated. I'm starting to notice fat loss in areas already.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Walk into the gym at 3:38 and see the flyer on the door saying they close at 4. Fantastic.

Still managed

Weighted pull-ups

Superseted with sets of 20 shrugs

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Time to see a doctor for my left wrist. What kind of doctor do I need? It's just to sore to do pressing movements with a barbell without pain.

Deloaded and officially moving to 5/3/1 next week.

Front squats:
165 lbs, 2x5, 1x8

Too tired to do my good mornings. Going to eat a pound of beef and drink milk like the good old days.


I need to add more pullups, curls, and pulldowns to my routine.

Hell I might even need to add more reps. I mostly do 5x5 with everything else getting 10-15 reps.
I look forward to the progress updates on insta :)
Likewise big guy. :) Really makes my day when I see a FitGAF member likes a photo I post.

Walk into the gym at 3:38 and see the flyer on the door saying they close at 4. Fantastic.

Still managed

Weighted pull-ups

Superseted with sets of 20 shrugs
When are you going to go all NinjaCooter on us? I could totally see you going nutso with weighted rope climbs or some other shenanigan.
Any of you good folks use an insulin pump and if so, what's it like when training? Curious because I may get in on some cyborg action since yet another box of needles I got today is pure shit. My midsection looks like its been pelted with paintballs. I know its not fitness related but I'm interested in some opinions of training while wearing them.

Again, bonus is I would be a legit cyborg so there's always that to look forward to if nothing else :D


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
When are you going to go all NinjaCooter on us? I could totally see you going nutso with weighted rope climbs or some other shenanigan.
I would be all over it if I didn't have a torn ACL.

Oh, truly impressive progress pic. You are so massive that if I didn't know you I would be convinced you're on gear. You're huge!

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I'm gonna have to adjust my warm-ups and be extra careful of technique, I think. Knees were bugging me during squats and deadlifts today, and getting a bit of a poppy, clicky thing going on in my right rotator cuff. I wonder if it's just a sign that I'm getting old. =S (Almost 39 now)


I'm gonna have to adjust my warm-ups and be extra careful of technique, I think. Knees were bugging me during squats and deadlifts today, and getting a bit of a poppy, clicky thing going on in my right rotator cuff. I wonder if it's just a sign that I'm getting old. =S (Almost 39 now)

Shut up, you baby.


Damn, I really need to figure out this arm pain during squats. Adjusting my grip hasn't helped and it's become a pretty serious issue.

If you're doing low-bar, I had an issue with arm pain which was well described in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eRZavaVwek

Not sure if you're experiencing the same thing. Unfortunately I ended up having to go high-bar anyways to avoid the pain, although I didn't commit as much as I could have to stretching/mobility.


If you're doing low-bar, I had an issue with arm pain which was well described in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eRZavaVwek

Not sure if you're experiencing the same thing. Unfortunately I ended up having to go high-bar anyways to avoid the pain, although I didn't commit as much as I could have to stretching/mobility.

It is low bar, but specifically left elbow and forearm. I've been reading a lot about hand position and mobility exercises that I'll hopefully be able to work it out.


Dat holiday bloat. Around 3-4 kilos heavier than what I was two weeks ago. I look so puffy compared to before. Abs are invisible except in perfect lighting you can see a faint outlining.

Gonna do a full day fast today to get rid off some of the water I'm carrying. Also I wanna give my body a break from all the eating. Then utilize the Cooter Method for the next week. Just hoping that most of this is water.


We're nearly there bros. I have a wedding to attend today, then new years, then back to strict everything. My left tricep felt a lot better today, but I stretched it out a lot just to see how it feels, and it felt crappy after a lot of abuse, so it's nearly there I think. Should be fine for 1s week starting Monday.

Today my family met my girls family for dinner and everything went splendid. Next month I'm going to put a ring on her. Seriously can't believe this day is going to happen. We're all going to make it indeed.
I've managed to put on nearly 3kg (6.5lbs) in the last two days. I think my body was pretty much primed to go a bit mental as soon as it was re-introduced to dirty eating.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Jesus wept, I've put on half a stone since the 23rd :X

Christmas is a bad, bad time to be on a cut.
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