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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Wrong attitude, they're not hogging anything they're using it. Walk up to whoever is using whatever you need and ask how many reps they have left.
He's been dead set on machines regardless of anyone's advice. I'd say if there were "gym bros", as he states, I'm quite sure they won't be "hogging" the dumbbells a newcomer would be comfortable using and a standalone bench.

Form and accessory stabilizers are crucial at the beginning stages that machines are no good for. Even goblet squats have their place in a newcomer's toolbox specifically for learning thoracic posture during a squat.
I'm no scientist but I'd have to imagine an elliptical burns more calories since you move all four limbs.

Standing up enables you to utilise higher heart rates too, but as always, it depends how much effort you can put in over the time. If you can push yourself to higher average heart rates on the bike, I'd go that way. If it's the elliptical, I'd go that way.

This purely in terms of calorie burn. If you can stick the elliptical on some ludicrous resistance setting that would give you muscle gains, I guess that would be the better bet. ;)

Personally I'd go for the bike and do intervals (much easier to go crazy hard and then back off on a bike), but I'm not exactly without form on such things...

What is the rarest exercise you see performed at your gym? For me it's without question BB OHP. It is such a rare movement that I feel as the entire gym is watching me OHP when I do it. The puzzled looks I frequently get are quite entertaining.

How much you OHP bro? It doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

Nelo Ice

What is the rarest exercise you see performed at your gym? For me it's without question BB OHP. It is such a rare movement that I feel as the entire gym is watching me OHP when I do it. The puzzled looks I frequently get are quite entertaining.

Off to the top of my head I'm gonna go with OHP too. Granted I have seen others do it besides me but it's really uncommon. And it's the one lift that draws ?? anytime I mention it to people who never go to the gym lol.
Rarest? Probably weighted pullups, oddly enough. I see plenty of people doing weighted dips, but never pullups. I'd say muscle-ups, but there's no where to do them at my gym.

The most common is easily medicine ball slams. Every trainer at my gym includes it in their routine for ANYONE. Considering the only people that hire trainers here are over the age of 60... those are the only people I see doing them, lol.

It's amusing how much more noise that makes than deadlifting or dropping weights.
Wow... I was just looking back at some old cycling records of mine and I noticed that on one of the trails I'd kept a note of my weight at the time. It wasn't a particular good time / average speed, but I'm not surprised, because vs now I was carrying the equivalent of a fully kitted out downhill bike with me (on top of me and the bike I had).

21kg or 46lbs heavier (wasn't my heaviest either). It's sort of crazy looking back, especially because I was still very active at the time... just really, really fat. :D
Ehh, I reckon if you barely hit 240 you can hit up some caffeine, bit of loud music, few slaps to the face and you'd barely hit 245 too.
What is the rarest exercise you see performed at your gym? For me it's without question BB OHP. It is such a rare movement that I feel as the entire gym is watching me OHP when I do it. The puzzled looks I frequently get are quite entertaining.

I have seen a couple guys do power cleans. No one else does those, not me either


Power cleans, clean & jerk, snatch, whatever... all of that crap scares the hell out of me because I feel like there isn't a safe easy to practice or any safety of you fail.

Would love to try then if I didn't think I would kill myself.


5x5 @ 240 squats completed today... BARELY. 245 seems miles away.

Good stuff. Are you using the app to track progress? You're going to continue to progress because you'll eventually have to drop sets and reps to keep the weight going up. Don't sweat it.


I'm gonna take a week off from 5x5 and rest. Might just do cardio.

My shoulder hurts from benching and my stomach area has a burning sensation when I squat heavy but it isn't consistent.



What is the rarest exercise you see performed at your gym? For me it's without question BB OHP. It is such a rare movement that I feel as the entire gym is watching me OHP when I do it. The puzzled looks I frequently get are quite entertaining.

Same. I've only ever seen one person excluding myself and my gym buddy do it.


Same here, OHP is a rarity to see. Bringing the bar above your head makes people nervous.

Squats: 220 lbs, 5x5
Overhead Press: 80 lbs, 5x5 (deload from 90)
Deadlift: 215 lbs, total failure. Not even once.
Current weight: 163.8 lbs

I'm feeling a bit chunky lately. My lifts have been getting progressively heavier, but I've got this layer of fat hiding the work I'm doing. I know I've said numerous times that I don't mind the fat, but I think I've reached the point where I can start cutting. It looks like I hit the cookie jar about as often as the weight room. :(


Power cleans, clean & jerk, snatch, whatever... all of that crap scares the hell out of me because I feel like there isn't a safe easy to practice or any safety of you fail.

Would love to try then if I didn't think I would kill myself.
I think, given your fitness goals, you'd do pretty damn well at Olympic Lifting and possibly Crossfit.

Crossfit gets a lot of shit, deservedly, but if Olympic Lifting gyms are in short supply near you, do some Googling to find a good Crossfit Gym that has a good rep/trainer for those lifts. I'm positive you'd enjoy them.

It's scary because you think about lifting heavy weights doing them. You just start with the bar, practicing form, and getting that right. You slowly build up weights.

The safety is that you can just toss it in front and away from you. Need bumper plates and a big open area in order to do it right.


I don't do them either, but my wife is really into the Olympic Lifts. We watched the Crossfit games a few months ago, and she started following a few of the women competitiors on Instagram.



What is the rarest exercise you see performed at your gym? For me it's without question BB OHP. It is such a rare movement that I feel as the entire gym is watching me OHP when I do it. The puzzled looks I frequently get are quite entertaining.

Regarding regular lifts, the rarest would be the front squat. I see more people at my gym doing OHP than FS.

On the personal side, the workout that weirds everyone out when I do it is my walking dragon planks.


I guess the rarest lift at my current gym is either the conventional & sumo deadlift or the bench press. We do snatch pulls, clean pulls, and other variations since they transfers directly into the snatch and CNJ. So far I haven't seen any of the regulars bench press either.


I guess the rarest lift at my current gym is either the conventional & sumo deadlift or the bench press. We do snatch pulls, clean pulls, and other variations since they transfers directly into the snatch and CNJ. So far I haven't seen any of the regulars bench press either.

No bench or deadlift? Thats weeeeeeeeeeeird.


I guess the rarest lift at my current gym is either the conventional & sumo deadlift or the bench press. We do snatch pulls, clean pulls, and other variations since they transfers directly into the snatch and CNJ. So far I haven't seen any of the regulars bench press either.
Olympic Gym? Crossfit?


I can't say I've noticed if people aren't doing bb ohp, but I do see a fair amount of people doing them with the smaller bars that only go up to around 100 lbs. I think there are people who believe they are bad for your shoulders but I've seen that explained away to my satisfaction.

I've seen Rippetoe explain that the ohp is a better overall judge of strength than the bench (which the NFL uses, for example) because the entire body has to maintain the lift. It used to be used in the Olympics as well.

My ohp is terrible, of course :)

Mr. X

I hate retail especially during the holidays. Trying to get back into the gym routine, RIP to the progress I lost during those 6-7 weeks.
I hardly ever see people doing OHP how SS does it but people do sitting military presses, or they use the pre-weighted bars and do them out in front of their face. But there are a handful, mostly beginners.
Regarding regular lifts, the rarest would be the front squat. I see more people at my gym doing OHP than FS.

On the personal side, the workout that weirds everyone out when I do it is my walking dragon planks.
Well if you'd stop flipping your tongue around like a lizard while you do them people wouldn't be so nervous around you.


Hi FitGaf, it's been awhile but I have injured my right shoulder doing heavy OHP a few weeks ago. I have laid low on shoulders for some time now and it's helped but believe I have slightly injured the rotator cuff.

I can lift my arms just fine, but some angles have a very slight pain. If I pinch the front or back of the shoulder then there is more pain.

What are some good exercises (light) that I can do to strengthen it? thanks!


Since I go to 24 hour fitness, I see everything being done. Rarest is ohp, then deadlift. I've never seen a clean and jerk or anything like that performed.
Hi FitGaf, it's been awhile but I have injured my right shoulder doing heavy OHP a few weeks ago. I have laid low on shoulders for some time now and it's helped but believe I have slightly injured the rotator cuff.

I can lift my arms just fine, but some angles have a very slight pain. If I pinch the front or back of the shoulder then there is more pain.

What are some good exercises (light) that I can do to strengthen it? thanks!
I would say any rotator cuff exercises with really silly light weights - like 3 lbs. The hardest part of doing them is not engaging the delt so you have to learn to keep the lever portion of the weight at your elbow by resting it against your hip.

You can lay on your side with your arm at a 90 degree, elbow tucked into your hip and perform forearm only raises like you are swinging your arm up, keeping your elbow tucked at your side to carry the weight.

Similarly, for greater ROM, use a cable at elbow height, pull from across your body outward, again with your arm at a 90 degree angle perpendicular to your body and using your hip as the lever for your elbow.

If you pulled a non-beach muscle in your shoulder these will help. If you created an impingement and pinched a nerve or tendon, your only hope is time.

To alleviate some pain during regular exercise, maintain proper thoracic extension when working shoulders - this will increase the amount of rotation allowed inside the cuff to prevent impingement. Having slightly lurched shoulders will lower your ability to rotate out and up during exercises and can cause further injury.

Check out some rotator cuff exercises and explanations on YouTube from some physical therapists. They can explain the cuff's natural range better than I can and show you how slight posture adjustments help allow for a wider range of motion without creating impingement.


I hardly ever see people doing OHP how SS does it but people do sitting military presses, or they use the pre-weighted bars and do them out in front of their face. But there are a handful, mostly beginners.

Oh yeah, the seated bb ohp is actually quite popular in my gym. There's one guy that does push presses too.


Speaking of you Bish, just wanted to pop in and share that I've been low carb this week and on a deficit and totally feel like I'm buzzing hard without having had coffee. I LOVE this feeling and miss the hell out if it.

It's really awesome to have your body not constantly having insulin spikes. You find out how much better your body runs when it's efficient. It's hard to give that up.
Friends and lurkers and newcomers, I say this out of love but please rerack your fucking weights. It is just rude to leave with the weights and walk out of the gym. You put them up, you can take them off.

Don't be a dick.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun


Do you guys eat to make up for your exercise on cuts? So if your target is 1600 calories for the day, do you eat more than that based on your workout to make 1600 your net?

What are some good exercises (light) that I can do to strengthen it? thanks!

I've spent a lot of time looking into this recently. These vids might be useful for you:


Bit of repetition in there, but worth watching to see different takes on things / noting what ones are recommended by multiple people.

So you guys eat to make up for your exercise on cuts? So if your target is 1600 calories for the day, do you eat more than that based on your workout?

I have a base number that I adjust based on my workout, but this is because my workouts can vary from 400kcal to 2000kcal+ (HRM calculated). Eating a set amount would probably be pretty stupid for me when I have a day that burns that much.


I have a base number that I adjust based on my workout, but this is because my workouts can vary from 400kcal to 2000kcal+ (HRM calculated). Eating a set amount would probably be pretty stupid for me when I have a day that burns that much.
Got it. I try to underestimate, so any lifting is 100 cal total and running is 100 cal per mile (which is close I think).


Gym went great today. Lots of new dudes curling and shrugging away. Sickness is getting better. I hope by next week for my next 531 cycle I'll be fully healed up and ready.


I've watched this video a few times in the past and I don't see how that movement isn't introducing momentum into the lift. I mean he says you should feel it pop off your shoulders.
The pop is more or less a result of trying to hold the bar at your shoulders when your hips go forward. It isn't so much momentum as just an automatic change in arm/hand position. It's like a notification that you need to start lifting, not so much an initial boost.

Does that make sense? I always struggle with these explanations because I'm not proficient in the jargon.


The pop is more or less a result of trying to hold the bar at your shoulders when your hips go forward. It isn't so much momentum as just an automatic change in arm/hand position. It's like a notification that you need to start lifting, not so much an initial boost.

Does that make sense? I always struggle with these explanations because I'm not proficient in the jargon.

Maybe? I don't know, I tried it once or twice but didn't feel like putting the effort in at the time and it did feel to me like I was trying to rocket the bar up, so maybe I was doing it wrong. I figured I had plenty of room for improvement doing it the standard way so I stuck with that.

On another topic, I've decided it's time to invest in a belt. Which is the way to go? I don't mind paying for quality but I don't need to overdo it. Also, is there a benefit/disadvantage to a lever belt vs. one and two hole belts?


My buddy goes to Xsport in the city and always has crazy stories of freaks in the locker room and assholes on the gym floor. I should start posting these, they're usually hilarious.

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